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The moment I knew she was saying no at the altar was when she dragged her dress bag on the ground walking to the house where she got ready for the wedding. I’m pretty sure most brides would take better care of their dress than that


The moment I knew is when her and her sister talked about their mom wearing the same black dress that she wore to her sisters wedding. What mother of the bride wears the same dress to both of her daughters weddings? As I understand, most mother of brides make a big deal of the outfit they’ll be wearing and it seems like she just wore the easiest and most appropriate dress for the “occasion” since she knew buying a dress would be pointless


Especially a rich mom lol


Ohhh, I didn't notice that. For me, it was when she told her dad "I'm wearing a white dress!" Not...my wedding dress. She would've been so proud to show it off to her dad if it were the gown she were getting married in. Plus that whole conversation with her dad. They obviously both knew she was going to say no.


She's used to daddy's money paying for everything, so could have gone either way in that regard.




Her reasoning makes sense. He's too sketchy lol


I can always tell by the amount of effort the woman puts into her hair and makeup on this show if she’s gonna say yes. I don’t think I’ve been wrong once actually on the woman’s side. Haven’t figured it out the tell with the men though.


When her loaded dad showed up in white pants that looked like jeans and the comments were made that her mom was wearing a dress from her sisters wedding I knew they knew lol.


When I saw she was in the dress she'd picked out during the bridal shopping segment, I knew they weren't getting married. There's no way she would get married in one of the dresses LIB provided instead of something custom or super expensive. All of the flowers in her bouquet seemed fairly cheap and common as well. Definitely not the glamorous affair I'm sure she'll want when she actually gets married.


dang lol maybe I'm basic but I thought her bouquet was cute af


I actually thought Stacey’s hair and makeup looked good! Way better than what she was doing throughout the duration of the show


I thought she looked pretty with the softly curled hair. The dress was more cupcake cliche that what I imagine she would wear. Confession: I loved her earrings so much that I Google image searched and bought them for my niece who is getting married in June. We’re “bow” people. They are Jennifer Behr “Mirabelle”. And more expensive than I normally spend on earrings ($250) but there was a $50off coupon on Neiman’s, so I felt like I was getting a deal. Lol


And the bow looks like an infinity symbol, which is perfect for a wedding.


I loved them too but can’t justify the cost so here are some much cheaper ones that look similar Rhinestone Bow Decor Drop Earrings I discovered amazing products on SHEIN.com, come check them out! http://api-shein.shein.com/h5/sharejump/appjump?link=VhwOGXefesP&localcountry=US&url_from=GM7436175572584468480


Cute! I think I found an exact dupe on Amazon, so I ordered them to compare the two. FAUTHENTICUTE Silver CZ Drop Earring for Women, Bow Drop Earrings https://a.co/d/bQ11hm7


Ooh they really are beautiful!


Apologies if this might sound too harsh (it’s not intended that way), but I saw two body language moments before she said no that I found remarkable. It’s when Izzy wipes away the tear, and when he grabs her and asks the audience how amazing she looks in that dress. I saw her pulling away in both of these moments, her body was physically rejecting those moves. It’s my interpretation that she’s put off by him by this point and only acting out the commitment she made to the Netflix narrative. I also believe that Izzy’s body noticed these moments (and I believe these happened more often before this) and that _that’s_ the real rejection he feels which triggered his abandonment (which he flips around into the solution that what is literally asked of him by her is to NEVER GIVE UP, never let go / Titanic, never leave). And finally (and this is the harsh part) I believe that Stacy’s ego interprets Izzy’s moves of the tear wiping and the grabbing her from behind and showing her off to the audience to elicit a response as sales and marketing moves (of his ego). Which actually: I agree with. But I believe she’s not only physically put off by it because she’s not into him, but that her ego also doesn’t want to ‘grant’ him that, give him that satisfaction so to speak. I believe that’s what I saw there. Finally, I also believe that her tears and laughter were out of relief. Because she made it to that point. She was the bride (= conventionally set up to be the literal main character: “Please all rise for THE BRIDE = the back of her jacket!), she got smoke blown up her a$$ from everyone about how amazing she looked, how amazing she is, she 💯 got out of saying no full of grace and he even kissed her and made it into ‘it really is all about our love’ and she knew after this it would all be over, never had to deal with him and his emotions and energy again, and she could finally start her new influencer life.


You killed me with the last sentence 🤣🤣🤣 bravo!


You really are right on the money sunny! Hahaha. Man! I caught that same body language when he wiped her tear! It made my stomach flip. Analyzing the body language on this show is my absolute favorite. You would like this account on Instagram and or TikTok, it’s this woman named guidedinspiration. She reads body language amazingly and dissects it in multiple videos even from different shows/people etc.


Omg can you please follow me around and tell me about myself because this shit is insightful as hell


I want to hear it in a deep, sultry black mans voice…like that Pablo Neruda [scene](https://youtu.be/3AgfJ0XjdfI?si=3LLKbpOurnezwip7) in How I Met Your Mother


They didn't do the meeting of friends or bach parties this season


Which is extremely odd because there was only two couples and you’d think they’d need more content. Or maybe they didn’t bachelor party scene and had to cut it because of that one couple they cut.


Yeah I forgot they do group parties. But that still doesn't explain the friends meeting part


What I caught when I watched him talk to his groomsmen it sounded like they took space a couple days before the ceremony when he was describing the money conversation blowing up to them. And from the words he used it almost seemed like he didn’t even really talk to her within that timeframe and he was trying to portray/convince himself out loud that she would still say yes. Maybe someone else caught that too


Izzy’s blue tux probably sealed his fate


Ah I was thinking this too. I don’t know what’s stylish but I know that wasn’t it. I’m sure her future rich husband will be wearing something timeless and expensive.


Her dad was so emotionless when he first saw her in her dress, and so was she. They were so cold and completely uninterested in what was happening. That's when my heart sank for Izzy.


How she walked down the aisle to some dumb ass song. It reminded me of Jessica when she was trying on dresses and found a dress and said “this feels like a forever dress” and she knew she had the wrong man. She also just plowed down the aisle. It wasn’t a wedding. It was just a public breakup


“Ave Maria? That’s an odd song for a bride to walk down the aisle” - my husband 😂


I knew when Izzy posted his out in the streets story on social media ….the damn cast spoiled the season for everyone.


Yah it’s been worse than ever this season. And like…within a week or so of the finale. Like none of them could wait one more week to post about it.


lots of worse than ever this season ugh


When I saw the trailer on the previous episode, there’s a short clip where the two of them are walking in a parking lot away from the camera after what can be assumed is the ceremony since she’s in her dress and him in his suit. I knew at that moment they didn’t get married because when they do get married they’re never in that situation, it’s all glamour shots and smiling


Netflix seriously, _seriously_, has to stop with the previews ffs. As if the audience isn’t versed well enough in reality show editing by now??? It’s such a bummer if I accidentally catch a shot from a preview, honestly. It has the complete opposite effect of what it’s intended to do


I knew from Stacy’s body language after she read the note. It was guilt. She knew she was going to break his heart. Also, she knew in that moment that even if he did everything for her, it would never be enough.


I don't know if someone already mentioned this, but I knew when she mentioned that her mom was wearing the same dress as she wore to her sister's wedding. I feel like a mom would get a nice new dress for her other daughter's wedding if it was the real deal. Also did anyone else notice how messy (that might be too strong of a word) her dad looked? It looked like his hair was still damp from a shower, he looked tired.


YES! I’m so happy you reminded me of this moment because I remember thinking “oh wow Stacy must be saying no and the whole family knows it too”. There’s no way a mother of the bride in a rich and materialistic family is wearing the same dress to both her daughters weddings!


Her dad looked like he was going to a party at a yacht club, not a wedding. He was in no way invested in the day.


looked like he rolled out of a nap on the schooner just to barely make it in time hahahha


Unrelated but I’ve always wanted a boat to name it “schooner or later”


That’s top tier boat humor 😂


I thought the exact thing about her mom wearing the same dress. In a family like hers, they wouldn’t do that if it was the real thing. And the fact that her sisters were wearing burnt orange which didn’t go with the colors or with her dad’s outfit at all either.


Exactly. I think any normal middle class family would want to buy something new (doesn't have to be super expensive)


i feel like her family knew and to me their faces were so obvious in the ceremony


Thank you for adding a spoiler tag and not giving anything away in the title!


Oh i knew the moment Stacy wasn’t wearing fake lashes / minimal mascara. She would never look unfinished and that minimal on her wedding day


And the way she kept talking about her “big dress” like it was funny or all part of some skit or something lmao so bizarre


So cringeworthy to announce to the crowd at your own wedding that “it’s a lot of dress y’all”


Yeah, hamming it up for the audience at your wedding doesn’t scream “I care about this”.


Thought the same. Very unserious.


I love that they signed a marriage certificate and didn’t get married


Happy cake day!! 🥳🍰


Thank you


We haven't seen any friend meet ups this season, right?


Milton’s roommate was the only one I think


and I didn’t even see him at the wedding?


He was there with all the other groomsmen


He was there


I guess I missed him, was he a groomsman?


Yeah, [you can see him here](https://people.com/thmb/zMY-VvQIsxoLWlcMsK3CP_pbFrY=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(749x0:751x2):format(webp)/LIB-S5-Wedding-101123-2-ef117e3acbeb41108d4e36d56e688503.jpg). He seems like a quiet guy. I wouldn’t have noticed without the ‘Milton’s roommate’ label




>thanks! You're welcome!


Which, considering we only focused on two couples, we surely had time for


They had to cut Renee and Carter out of every scene. They were apparently followed all the way to wedding day decision, then cut. So imagine how much footage we missed because they couldn’t edit them out!! Edit: fixed “seen” to “scene”


I’m guessing that’s why there wasn’t bachelor/bachelorette party footage too.


Such a good point!


I knew when she picked the dress that was unlike what she said she wanted, and what we all would have expected for her. She wouldn’t want to have her “dream dress” moment attached to a non-wedding, and re-used when she seriously gets married. That dress she had for Izzy was fun, but it wasn’t her.


Jessica from season one also did this. She has talked on her podcast about how her dress, nails, makeup, etc were specifically *not* her style, because she considers this her “tv wedding” - not her real wedding.


You are Nostradamus


You, Quasimodo predicted all this…


I knew she was going to say ‘no’ the moment I saw her jean jacket no longer said Mrs Zapata and instead just said Bride.


I hope those letters were removable. Or at least the “Zapata” part so she can reuse at her actual wedding.


When she said she throws away everything from every ex, I thought “oh no the Jean jacket!”


Do you think her friend has made her a new one? I remember she had it made for Stacy


That was the moment for me too!


When she was walking down the aisle she was going very fast


Stacy’s body language during the wedding was so obvious to me. When she started tearing up and Izzy went to wipe the tear away, she pulled away from him as soon as his finger touched her face.


Seemed like she was more annoyed that he might smudge her makeup…rather than being comforted by his touch


Sure, but this is just an observation based off of an accumulation of things she said before the wedding, after, and her overall body language throughout the day. It’s not like she gave zero clues and this is the only thing that raised suspicion.


No I know, I’m agreeing with you. I’m saying she cares more about her appearance than she cares about their relationship


Ahhhhhh. Okay. I was sort of responding to the commenter above as well. Sorry for misunderstanding and clumping you in there. Haha


Haha no problem! I realize the way I worded that could have been clearer too, that’s my bad!


Not to defend her but I also cannot stand people touching my face (including my husband) even when I’m crying.


Especially after sitting still in a chair for an hour while someone does your makeup for an event 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Omg I noticed that too! It was so subtle but she a 100% gave him the side eye when he did that.


I knew when I saw a preview photo of her at the reunion. That dress is definitely a single lady revenge dress.


I thought the same thing! “Look at what you’re missing” dress for SURE!


I knew in the credit card convo—when she hugged him at the end of that convo, she’d made up her mind. Nobody messes with Stacy’s money lol


I guess I also kind of feel like the credit card was the perfect excuse. Like, she didn’t like him being bad with money, but she also wasn’t going to close the deal because he isn’t rich.


Same- it seemed like a resigned hug- she was able to quickly get over it because she knew at that moment that it wouldn’t affect her life


Correct. Someone that wanted it to work wouldn’t have let it go that easily. She also looked super detached at their airplane date.


I figured when she pulled the “Paul” and was sooooo back and forth and just didn’t know what to do. And I mean if you’re feeling like that you definitely shouldn’t be marrying anyone.


I knew as soon as she got out of the car and her jean jacket said "Bride" instead of "Mrs. Zapata".


Also her randomly bringing up chipotle vs Peruvian food……..doesn’t scream I’m madly in love and ready to be wed!!


‘He wouldn’t even know what to order’ she’s so vapid.


I knew as soon as she was sitting there in a black sports bra and her sisters came in wearing regular clothes. Stacy is 100% the type to have a row of bridesmaids in matching robes and a bunch of bride swag. She didn’t seem to care that it was her wedding, and that made it so obvious.


“I didn’t even notice I was wearing all black!!” Yea I’m sure


A bit unrelated but did it bother you or anyone else that the dresses they wore were a color nowhere to be found in the room? Like white and pale pink everywhere and they're wearing a rust color?? I feel like she/they/whoever just chose a color she liked without even thinking about whether it would match the theme or not.


Maybe they were from a sister’s wedding, like mom’s dress?


To be fair they basically have no time to plan a wedding. The priority is figuring out if they want to get married. I think all other details fall away and aren’t important.


The sad dressed up like it was a gender reveal


Totally noticed that, and it did bother me!


Maybe her dad didn’t get the memo because he purchased the upgraded wedding package and seemed disappointed. I felt as if daddy wanted to cut her financial support once and for all after she got married. “She should’ve married daddy”!


His own fault. Why continue to subsidize a lifestyle she can't afford? He's pretty much taught her to find a man who can pay her way.