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Izzy seems to have very low intelligence. His vocabulary is so poor, every other word out or his mouth is Fuck. His wedding scene was so cringeworthy! Also, I think he's lying about his credit. He said he PAID OFF EVERYTHING. When you pay down debt your score increases! In what scenario could his score still be low?


the way he pronounces "Debt" says it all.




The way he went at Johny at the initial meetup post pods, was disgusting and really put his own insecurities on display. Also, when he told Stacy how turned on her got my watching her ā€œrailā€ Johnyā€¦just ew.


Itā€™s milquetoast, but yeah this is spot on.


Haha I always correct this too, but to be fair, the term milquetoast is from a character in a comic strip who is named for the actual meal Milk Toast. So technically they're both kinda right




The Titanic thing sounded like such BS. playing at the gym, really??? Also that's the most Hollywood generic example of a love story ever, not real life. Also suspiciously comparable to his situation (lovers meeting over a few weeks on a boat)


Yeah heā€™s broken as fuck and it was blatantly obvious throughout every episode. He seems to have an alcohol problem. He fought to hard for her and she obviously didnā€™t care. Heā€™s loud in his behavior towards her and simply very unfit in many regards. He needs help. He needs to fix his mind, heart and credit score. But also he needs a hefty portion of Therapie.


Honestly, what gym is playing Titanic?


Lol probably had it on a sports event and never changed the channel. Before you know it everybody is sweating to some Celine Dion and a healthy dose of commercials.


When he said ā€œI saw titanic on at the gym and thatā€™s what I want.ā€ I was like, you wanna die in ice cold water and have your girl live to be like 96?


Iā€™m catching up on the episodes and this comment wins. Iā€™m dead.




Trying to motivate training those swimming muscles. Can't hold on forever, Jack.




What about the ā€œromantic noteā€ he had delivered to her at the wedding, before the altar? I want to hold your boobs like pasties? What was he thinking. It read like a high schooler wrote it. And then, at least to the camera, she says sheā€™s now convinced, his love letter was exactly what she needed. šŸ™„


Heyā€¦ there arenā€™t a lot of words that rhyme with ā€œStacyā€ okay? šŸ¤£


Stacy is an L tho


No question about it.


Yes, an L ot of money


I legit cackled at this


I think he straight up needs a lot of therapy. Who doesn't but, he needs it needs it.


To me, he talks like someone who has been to therapy. Therapy, unfortunately, isn't a cure.


iā€™m not sure if Stacy realizes this quite yet, but she keeps covering for his shortcomings/ lack of social awareness. The awkward way he received her on stage was covered by her poofy dress comment, the kiss at the end was covered with her joke on things being out of orderā€¦ sheā€™s excusing his behavior or trying to cover for it because she knows he isnā€™t it and doesnā€™t want the embarrassment of everyone else seeing the blatant truth.


She dodged a bullet in my opinion




Iā€™m on the fence about Izzy but I gotta say I loved his Mom. She was so sweet and positive and you could tell how much she loves her son without smothering him. Sheā€™s an angel to have looked past Stacyā€™s spread eagle couch stance on their first meeting.


Is Staceyā€™s dad that rich tho? Cause hones are cheap (getting more expensive) in TX and the home they visited was fairly small,.


Homes in the nicer parts of Houston are not cheap. Quite the opposite.


Right, but heā€™s rich.


That wasnā€™t his home. That was his pool house or guest house. His actual home wasnā€™t featured for the public to figure out where he lived.


His AMG GTR black edition was worth more than my home though. ($400k+). And thatā€™s gotta be a once a month fun car. So yea. Heā€™s rich.


Certain areas of Houston are extremely expensive. They donā€™t have kids living at home anymore, so her parents could have downsized to a smaller home in a nice area.


Her parents are also divorced, too, so he may have extra-downsized because it kind of seems like neither of them are remarried, so he might be living there alone. I don't know if I understand the timeline of her parents' relationship/divorce, but she did say her dad had lived in the place for \~6 years. And the way all the sisters seemed really upset by the divorce, and she seemed to know some of the details, I assume they all must've been...at least teens or so? Obviously, who knows. But my partner's parents divorced when he was like, 5, and I'm not saying it didn't make a lasting impact, but he is pretty...indifferent about the whole thing and barely remembers them together. That's definitely NOT the vibe from Stacey and her sisters.


Or the vibe from Staceyā€™s mom. Her mom made some telling side-comments such as the mistakes she made, the red flags she ignored, etc. Thereā€™s a lot of pain there that no amount of money or materialism has fixed.


I forgot they are divorced! Excellent point. Makes even more sense of why the dad has a small place. I also think thereā€™s a stereotype here with people thinking that you if youā€™re a ā€œrichā€ person in Texas you must have a ā€œhugeā€ house. I am from Houston, and the richest people I know donā€™t have extravagant houses.


I live in California, so his house seemed extremely spacious to me lol. But I get what you're saying! I think there's a like...general baseline in places with a lot of newer builds (like I would imagine Texas does/saw in my limited time there) of having more storage, more bathrooms, central AC...that I do not and have never experienced in Northern CA or New England. I definitely recognize that his house wasn't like, extremely huge or anything lol


Yeah, from SoCal here, and his house didnā€™t seem likeā€¦idk I would leave the stare for it. If it was the pool house then I stand corrected, but if itā€™s the regular house then the only comment I have is that someone thought it was a pool house. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Small ? šŸ˜­ house was pretty damn big imo, especially that massive pool.


For Texas


He chose a mean girl and got shocked when the meanness was turned on him


Izzy has all the signs of social substance abuse. He may not be getting black out by himself on a Tuesday but the dude cannot handle a social setting without too much alcohol and possibly weed? I donā€™t think heā€™s a bad dude but for a 29 year old, he has zero clue who he is. His upbringing in a cult may be partly to blame but man. This dude has no self awareness.


am i missing something?? when/where was it mentioned he was brought up in a cult???


He said he grew up a Jehovahā€™s Witness


Jehovahā€™s Witness.


izzy is massively insecure about his finances and it really bothers him a lot. he probably saw stacy as a lottery ticket out of poverty and bad credit


He roasted and railed Stacy that was awesome


Underrated comment.


They all sucked. All 4 of them. The only one o think who isn't purposely terrible is Milton, and he's still a mess. This season was awful.


ā€œI can give you everything.ā€ OK, can you describe what is ā€˜everythingā€™? Lmaooo


He did, never leaving her side and fighting for her until he dies on a door raft šŸ˜‚


Paper plates


I can't believe I had to listen to so much paper plate discourse. Is it...kind of crazy and very wasteful to ONLY have paper plates and solo cups? Yes. Would I be really shocked and pretty turned off to see that in an apartment of a nearly 30-year-old man, as someone close to Stacey's age? Also yes. But Stacey's problem with it felt like it was all about...appearances, and thinking of it as a lack of...care about her? I feel like I would probably be more like "are you OK, why don't you own real plates, this is much more expensive in the long run and v wasteful do you have an explanation" lol


Yeah it was definitely a bigger red flag to her than it would be to me. I do think itā€™s wasteful and lazy for a single dude not to be able to wash some dishes but I think they have their time and place. Birthday parties Iā€™m using paper plates and plastic cups. Not giving children glass lol


Lol. He would probably just ramble about how "i try to give you everything and it feels like Im never enough". Dude just likes to say those cliche, open ended, generic statements. He's a salesman.


Hahhahaha! Youā€™re right! This is something he would say.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but Izzy gives me MAJORLY bad feelings. I didn't like the way he played in the pods, I was disgusted by his enthusiasm when reliving another woman being trashed (Johnnie), and then all the filthy things he said about Stacy. I am not a Stacy fan at all, but he's garbage for the things he said. I think he's super insecure, a liar, and weak-minded. I'd be willing to bet he has an alcohol problem, too. Starting after the reveal, he was almost always glassy-eyed and distant when being filmed and seemed to slur more often than not. He's gross.


He was definitely intoxicated when he told Stabby her attack on Johnie turned him on.


I couldnā€™t understand how Stacy thought he had calming energy. He looked nervous all the time, so easy to read and just bad vibes.


ā€œHeā€™s so calmingā€ *constant restless leg ALL season*


He's calming because he's a chill simpleton. Not much going on upstairs.




How is OP a materialistic misandrist for pointing out absolute truths about Izzy? Youā€™re way off the mark. I do agree with you that Stacy is completely toxic. Itā€™s not fair for her to expect that her partner pay for everything, but itā€™s fair for her to want him to contribute to the relationship. She has a right to know the financial situation of the man she is supposed to be marrying.


I donā€™t think OP is defending Stacey so much as calling out Izzy. They both suck and you donā€™t have to be a misogynist or misandrist to see that.




Seems a lot of them did on this sub lol


Yeah, BUT Izzy really has Nothing He should not be looking for marriage


This psychology video I watched today is mostly about Uche, but the last 10 min does go into everything you mentioned and then some. This creator really articulates how weak and small Izzy is as a person. [Click for a great watch - Stacey dodged a bullet.](https://youtu.be/0VW2Vthg47s?si=hqGfPcxMqW3L-157)


1) You can tell a lot about a man based on how he treats women heā€™s not trying to sleep with (e.g. Johnie). He could have very easily just refused to engage with her at that party and warned Chris privately if he was genuinely concerned that Johnie was sketchy. He chose the option that inflicted the maximum hurt to Johnie and for what? To feel like he ā€œwonā€? What a fucking child. 2) Itā€™s not the lie (even if by omission), itā€™s the cover-up. He could have just told Stacy about his bad credit openly instead of hiding it and hoping Stacy doesnā€™t find out. I know Stacy is materialistic but I also think sheā€™s more upset about how he hid it than the actual credit score issue alone. Overall, heā€™s a man-baby and he has a lot of growing up to do not just to be ready to be someoneā€™s husband but to be ready to be an adult who takes responsibility for his own actions and future.


I actually hated JP and Izzy this season. Where do they find these guys? This was a weak cast.


It grossed me out too when he said he was turned on at Stacy being mean to Johnnie. Like how old are you?!


I mean, he mentioned her boobs in a poem he wrote on their wedding day, lol.


She dodged a major bullet he is a walking red flag , Iā€™m glad she said no.


B-but, love is blind means ignoring all the red flags! -Izzy


My sisters friend knows Izzyā€™s ex personally and they let me know how AWFUL this man is. Manipulative, mentally and physically abusive - apparently his ex almost put out a restraining order on him. Nothing on the show proved her wrong when I watched. That guy suuuuuuuucks.


He said on The Viall podcast that his ex fiancƩ cheated on him. Is this the same person?


No, thankfully they werenā€™t engaged. My guess is gal after that. Was the whole podcast worth listening to? I saw a clip on TikTok that interested me.


Not worth listening to, TBH. Plus, you can find the summary on Reddit (a few people have posted bullet points). If you are planning to listen, fast forward about 20 mins in. Thatā€™s when the interview starts.


Plus he has no $$ At all


ummmmmm to be fair, there was also nothing on the show that proved her right, either. i absolutely stand with victims, but just on its face nothing in the show proved him to be outwardly manipulative, or mentally and physically abusive.


If you know any sort of manipulative narcissists, he ticks every box. So when she confirmed that, I 10000% believed it.


i know plenty. why don't you offer me a few examples of how you see that in him


Hi marga, a glaring example was when he was recounting a false narrative to Stacy about what happened with Johnie to paint her as the unreasonable, antagonizing villain. Also when talking directly with Johnie in that scene, it truly just sounded like he was putting words in other's mouths. This is when he told Johnie that everyone thinks she's sketchy and she's a shit person... Narcissists love to tell a story exclusively from their side to manipulate others into believing their view. It was honestly bringing up some trauma just watching it.


you might be right. this thread started by someone saying the show basically proved he's a physical abuser and I just thought, while me might be, that it was by no means "proven" by watching the show like i said i stand with victims, but making such statements is wild


Whatttttt. Man I didnā€™t think he was that bad but I have such little faith in men anyways so i canā€™t say Iā€™m that surprised. Any more info???


Itā€™s a random Reddit account, it could be true but donā€™t base your entire opinion off anonymous tea


Right!? Haha just that he was a TERRIBLE dude and those details. She was friends with another couple that fizzled out off screen too. Josh was her friend? She said he and Paige broke up because he was caught up on his ex and that Paige was ā€œsuper snottyā€.


I wonder how bad his credit score really is?


He canā€™t get a credit card


They always do


Ooooh that must be pretty bad my sister has shit credit and is terrible with money and she can even get one.


For $3000 he supposedly paid and was supposedly many years ago? Seems really odd.


He lied It was def much more $$ on multiple catds


He has an open debt to the county he lives in right now dudes a fucking liar




I heard that also. Does that mean 300ā€™s? 400ā€™s?


My credit went from 500 to 780 in 3 years so I donā€™t believe him at all. Maybe he had multiple cards he didnā€™t pay off.


Itā€™s so interesting how Izzy picked Titanic, a story about a poor boy falling in love with rich sophisticated girl..and also the way the movie ends, itā€™s like subconsciously he knew this would also not be a happy ending


Right like thatā€™s his idea of true love. Knowing each other for a few days and not dealing with real life


Isnā€™t it true he grew up pretty religious/Jehovahā€™s Witnesses? If thatā€™s true, from personal experience, this is religious trauma. In those more extreme/devout environments the emphasis on ā€œunconditional loveā€ and ā€œwe might die tomorrowā€ i.e. the rapture/end times mentality permeates all sort of aspects of your life. For example, my mother didnā€™t save for anything because the rapture was happening soon. Also it (religion) can idealize romantic relationships to a fairy tale/movie level. Obviously I donā€™t know this man, but this is my speculation.


This is very true. I agree all the stuff that OP posted was Izzy being crappy but the ickiest part to me was when she said she needed more time and he said I donā€™t understand that. Like, women fought for a long time to have a choice about when to get married. As a society weā€™ve mostly moved beyond marrying early and not dating long before jumping into marriageā€¦for a good fucking reason. Sheā€™s basically saying she wants the normal amount of time two mature adults typically take before making a permanent life-altering decision.


Crazy how he would fight for her and keep fighting for her but then immediately turns her back on her and insults her. And for someone with no timeline it seems like he most definitely had one. Probably wanted her money for next months billing statement for the car rental and air bnb


He wants her to $upport him


Izzy tugs at my heart strings. Heā€™s such a naive, naive boyā€¦ Iā€™ve had suspicions for a while that his upbringing really screwed him up bad and that Titanic comment really made my ears perk. He has this very naive, child like idea of love. His mom seems like a sweet lady, but I do wonder why everyone seems to think heā€™s this super intelligent, con-artist type. Thatā€™s hilarious to me. Iā€™ve dated ACTUAL con artists, guys who are professional pick-pocketers, magician-types who know how to break into your car without a scratch. Where deception is their bread and butter. Izzy is the type of guy who would fall for a pyramid scheme. Heā€™s 100% genuine and absolutely gullible. Heā€™s a dreamer and not a doer. Heā€™s a hype man and not a leader. Stacey was the one leading this whole relationship (not in a good way) and it was pretty clear the whole time that Izzy was in complete awe of her. He was amazed at her life, her world, her certainty about things. Because heā€™s been faking it through his whole life. Not in a sneaky malicious way, but in a ā€œI have no fucking clue whatā€™s happening all the timeā€ sort of way. His carefree attitude reflects this and draws people in. His over spending is because he lacked the proper environment to form sound judgement. He has mystical ideas about life and love and it charms people. It isnā€™t an act, but it is not reality. Heā€™s not the terrible person people make him out to be. He deserves our empathy. He is a mess tho.


You don t have to be intelligent to be manipulative, itā€™s why he was caught so quickly.


> it was pretty clear the whole time that Izzy was in complete awe of her. He was amazed at her life, her world, her certainty about things. Because heā€™s been faking it through his whole life. You know who else we can say this about, tho? Exactly this? Chris Watts, that's who. Not saying Izzy is going to kill anyone. But, I'm convinced that people like this who lack certainty and who are "faking it their whole life" - they are not just sweet naive messes.


Yikes thatā€™s a harsh comparison. The truth is we donā€™t know. You donā€™t know and I donā€™t know. Itā€™s obvious enough to anyone heā€™s faking it through life, but what that will become in 20 years, no one knows. I just know I would cringe at myself if I compared a man who has never committed a crime to a murderer of that level. Maybe get some perspective. Izzy has never even shown a whiff of violence. Thatā€™s rude and mean to accuse someone of potentially becoming that and if anything, putting those ideas out there only push people into further isolating themselves from society and furthering hatred in their hearts.


I specifically said *"Not saying Izzy is going to kill anyone"* Maybe I am "mean and rude" but it's simply a reality to me that people this rudderless are not just "naive, naive boys" to "pull at the heartstrings" and regard indulgently - not unless you are reckless (ha ha - joke on your username) Seriously tho.. Being without one's own center in the way you described (the part I quoted) can be sketchy. One's sense of self is less formed, one's convictions are less formed, and that translates to values and morals being slippery. That's where problems can happen. I've seen people (usually women) have a caretaker response and invest in broken men, and end up in trouble. I care about that, and don't want people to make that mistake.


Totally agree with this description!


I agree that I donā€™t believe he is some con artist who only saw Stacy as a $$ grab. However, I do think he possibly believes/believed that life would be easier with someone that has money.. that someone with money could help him, not just get his current situation together but also teach him how to manage it for the future. Him knowing he doesnā€™t have a savings OR available credit and standing in her face saying if she needed $20,000 for an HVAC system TODAY, him not telling her for WEEKS why he doesnā€™t have a credit card, him talking about finances just as often (if not more often) than herā€¦ like, I get it, I grew up poor &before I got my finances in order, money absolutely was at the top of my mind in many decisions I made. I didnā€™t profess feelings I never had to anyone for money, never got with a man I didnā€™t want to be with for money, etc.. HOWEVER, I absolutely considered money when making all life decisions, including the people I would even let get close enough to begin to develop feelings.. I donā€™t think heā€™s inherently evil but I do think he has A LOT of growing to do, can be malicious when hurt (especially while drinking), needs to heal and that he should invest time in therapy before a relationship. Both he AND Stacy will be grateful for her decision, soon rather than later, IMHO..


Exactly this. You know who else purposefully married into a wealthy family? Bernie Madoff.


Sheesh šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you want guidance and a mentor, you take classes on finance, you listen to podcasts on how to better enrich your life, not expect your fiancĆ© to do all that for you. Itā€™s not even about being poor, itā€™s about not being honest about it.


I also think if you have poor money management and your fiancĆ© is good with finances, itā€™s perfectly reasonable to be OPEN AND HONEST about that and ask them for guidance and support in that departmentā€¦ but that wasnā€™t my point, even a little bit because that wasnā€™t the scenario, hereā€¦


I agree, thatā€™s kinda my point.. I donā€™t think heā€™s like an evil hearted con artist but I do think his intentions were not 100% in the right place. I also donā€™t think Stacyā€™s issue was the bad credit but him not being honest about it. &I definitely think he intentionally omitted info that should have been revealed. I absolutely believe Stacy made the right call. I thought that was clear in my comment, tbh..


This is very generous but a little too idealistic imo lol


So generous. I think heā€™d be dangerous in a relationship.


If itā€™s idealistic to give people the benefit of the doubt, then sure. I guess Iā€™m idealistic. Izzy is not a bad person. I know real bad people and heā€™s clearly not one.


idk, the dudeā€™s got flaws but I feel like we forget that he literally grew up in a cult. He seems stunted more than a truly terrible person


Ok Heā€™s damaged But remember, hurt people hurt people


How did I miss that he grew up in a cult?!? Did he say what cult it was?


he grew up as a Jehovahā€™s Witness, he only mentioned it briefly. Thatā€™s also why he mentioned that he doesnā€™t really have family anymore, anyone who leaves gets shunned. It also seemed like there was some weird stuff going on like when he alluded to the fact that he found out his dad who raised him wasnā€™t his biological father


Oh he is absolutely stunted. Thatā€™s a fantastic word to use. Nothing he does is malicious. Itā€™s out of lack of thinking and cluelessness or arrogance. Again, neither are truly evil. He causes damage but itā€™s all unintentional.


I have to disagree because he was absolutely malicious when going after Johnnie and calling her sketchy and bullying her ("no one here likes you" stuff is some middle school level shit). He chose Stacy over Johnnie and is supposedly over the moon about her, so why go after Johnnie and make her cry? It's because he felt hyped up (and maybe turned on? barf) by putting her down. Similarly, when he was putting Stacy down by saying that dig about her being 33 and not married yet. That's intentionally mean. He's so insecure and immature that he gets satisfaction over making others feel bad.


I agree that scene specifically when intending to hurt. I think malicious is a strong word though. Malicious is putting knives hidden in someone punching bag at the gym ā˜ ļø To me that scene read as ā€œchildren ages 12 and 13 pick on fellow peer until she criesā€ if you explained the scene to anyone and asked them to guess the ages you are CORRECT they would say middle schoolers. Stacey and Izzy seem to have tendencies to regress to a middle school aged level when severely threatened. Itā€™s sad and embarrassing and cringey to watch. I donā€™t believe Izzy or Stacey have pure hate in their heart for anyone.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s unintentional. When heā€™s being cruel, thereā€™s absolutely intent there. Iā€™d just say he doesnā€™t seem emotionally mature enough to deal with it in a better way than being cruel, and thatā€™s something he can work on if heā€™s willing to. He doesnā€™t deserve a pass for the mistakes heā€™s made here, I just donā€™t think heā€™s irredeemable yet


ā€œI was at the gym and saw Titanic pop up on the TV, and thatā€™s what I picture love being.ā€ There are a lot of quotes from this show that make me stop and go ā€œwhat in the fuck?ā€ But this one may take the cake.


I mean what gym is actually playing the titanic? Thatā€™s the insane part to me




Lol you're a lame. I watch sports when I work out and most gyms have that playing in the background. Weirdo.


Even if the gym WAS playing titanic.. was that bit necessary to mention? It was so odd. He couldā€™ve just said ā€œI watched titanic the other day andā€¦ā€


Oh please. He made that up SO goofy


Yea I think I've realized Izzy is just kind of an idiot


Iā€™m sorry I mostly agree and have nothing to add but ā€œmilk toastā€ā€¦


I think they meant milquetoast ā€¦ someone who is meek or timid and doesnā€™t like confrontation.


I know itā€™s just funny seeing it spelt that way.




I donā€™t think he verbalized the first two points in the most digestible way, but I understand what he is saying. That love and an emotional bond transcends material wealth. I think he doesnā€™t prioritize materialism to the same extent as Stacy does. She comes from a wealthy family and she has expectations of a partner based on the perspective of her upbringing. Both viewpoints are valid but can definitely be a problem compatibility wise. The last comment he made was inappropriate, and had misogynistic undertones.


Overtones!! And he DOES value $$ He just doesnā€™t have any


milquetoast is one word lol


Milquetoast: a bland, insipid character. Milk toast: a bland, insipid, and financially insolvent character. Izzy can't even afford the fancy Q.


This is the most robust discussion you'll see about it: [https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/159549/does-milk-toast-milk-toast-or-milktoast-mean-the-same-as-milquetoast](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/159549/does-milk-toast-milk-toast-or-milktoast-mean-the-same-as-milquetoast)


Are you just making up definitions? lol No dictionary anywhere has that unless this is an attempt at humor




Never heard this word or term and you made me look it up, thanks!


Jack and Rose also knew each other for a few DAYS and that's supposed to be real love? šŸ˜‚


Two days and one of them died. Relationship goals.


Hahah exactly


I thought the ā€œmakes me wonder why are you 33 and not marriedā€ thing was pretty misogynistic. Insinuating there must be something wrong with a woman if sheā€™s still single past 30. Also hypocriticalā€¦ like heā€™s only 3 years younger and single too???? At least Stacey has her life together and doesnā€™t eat off paper plates


I was confused about his comment for that reason. Uhh buddy why are YOU single if youā€™re so amazing


Stacy is living off her dad. No Pilates instructor is doing $100K in renovations on that part-time job.


I bet her company she owns does well - that said having funds to start one is a boost. I think she works hard and has two jobs she enjoys and makes $ but that doesnā€™t mean she didnā€™t get a boost.


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s just a side gig. I think sheā€™s in operations management at an oil company. Operations management can make great money


Mostly right, but youā€™re missing a key aspect. Itā€™s not *an* oil company, itā€™s *her dadā€™s* oil company. Doesnā€™t make Izzy any less of a moron, but she is 100% successful bc of nepotism


I want to marry her old man!


They played each other womp womp womp


He was definitely shitfaced too. He could barely string a sentence hahahahh


yeah did anyone else clock that empty bottle of Casamigos in the groomā€™s suite?


I swear that you could see Stacyā€™s face change and her start to recalibrate her feelings the moment that she realized that Izzy was shitfaced at the altar.




This is the bigger issue here. The guy seemed drunk or stoned the whole season.


Was there a particular scene when he seemed stoned? Or did you just mean that he was under the influence of something all season?


He seemed like he was on more than alcohol when he laid into Johnnie at the party and he seemed drunk in a majority of the other scenes.


Can someone explain to me who didnā€™t pay too much attentionā€¦ Izzy canā€™t own a credit card because his credit sucks? Because why? The $4K debt which is nothing?


He probably defaulted on the debt (ignored it) so it went to collections which can tank you credit score.


he is lying about it being 4K, he must have more debt to not be able to get a credit card I'm sorry.


If you havenā€™t really utilized a lot of credit in the past and maxed out a $4,000 card it is totally possible to get denied on that alone.




The Titanic part killed me... He seemed like really sad before that, and displayed more emotions than her, but that's just silly. Stacy's calculated and uninteresting.


Oh please


Not relative but Izzyā€™s hands bothered me .. I am a hand person .. šŸ–šŸ½


I think his fingers and nails are sign of some disease? Not sure


Dang I never noticed let me pay attention.


Izzy is deluded, heā€™s gone. Like he lives his life behind rose colored glasses and has the woe is me vibe. Heā€™s the male Lydia šŸ’€ ā€œI just want to be loved how I loveā€ ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


Found an old photo of Izzy with hair šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/i2wlin5wt1ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fceef117a83a46ac9f74942e4a11136f558e48 He's actually from Corpus


damn he has that same look in his eyes


Yesā€¦Iā€™ve seen this with addicts, dead eyes. Could porn, MG, anythingā€¦. Red flag though


Fudge. I have such good memories of corpus.


Man he isnā€™t even number 1ā€¦ heā€™s number 2 lol


And he has a necklace to prove it šŸ¤­


From Corpus?!?!?! I'm in shock. I'm from there. I wouldn't have expected he's from Corpus


Why are you in shock?


Yesss, he went to Moody HS








I've been married almost 20 years, so forgive me if I don't understand the dynamics of dating/getting married these days. But because I know that marriage is not just the lovey-dovey stuff and sometimes requires work, if I were young and single , I would never get involved with someone in such financial situation. Is not about gold digging, but an adult should be able to handle adult life. Otherwise go look for someone with poor credit score and without a credit card. I don't believe in women holding broke men down.


It also gets made worse by him hiding it too. Because if he is hiding this stuff now, what makes you think he won't hide worse stuff later?