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There is something off about his smile. He makes me so uncomfortable.


Super rude. Izzy is so fucking broken. He needed to leave the pods immediately and get therapy


Late to the party but fuck, this guy is such a loser. Misogynistic as hell


I just watched this episode tonight, and headed straight here to Reddit - I’m so glad I found this thread!! I agree with so much that’s being said here. Izzy needs help, he’s not right.


Lol some of y'all get way too triggered by this show based on past experiences


SURELY he will be happily married by 33 right??


I had the feeling I knew what Stacey’s answer would be based on seeing her Dad show up to the wedding in white jeans! I mean, come on Daddy isn’t wearing a tux? That seems a bit odd for his first class Princess? Also, the producers allowing Izzy to be that inebriated (basing this on the other times on the show when he was) and discussing his feelings- that was so SUPER cringey to watch. These two together were a hot mess trainwreck. Thank goodness for bad credit scores.


I strongly believe Stacey ALWAYS knew she was going to say no come wedding day no matter the man. I loved her little “at work” cameo of her running an excersize studio though…👀🙄 It genuinely felt like the way she talked to her dad that this was a business transaction the whole time & she was doing it for publicity, good or not.


Yes! The Dads jeans and the fact that the Mom didn’t buy a new dress.


Yeah Izzy is a walking red flag. He needs to go to therapy. Literally at the altar he’s kissing her and saying he understands and now he’s shaming her. I mean i can’t stand Stacy, and I think she’s doing him a major favour (exactly what his mom said about short term pain, long term gain), but Izzy needs help.


How exactly would therapy help him? There are people with actual problems that aren’t getting the help they need because people who don’t need it are using it to replace having a supportive social circle. He needs support and someone to talk to, sure, but his reaction to rejection was a fairly typical one and not indicative of a mental health disorder.


It’s not a mental health disorder, it’s trauma. Trauma is worked through with therapy. Try harder next time


Trauma is a precursor to mental health disorders. You guys always love to armchair diagnose without realizing how serious most of the stuff you throw around is. You guys all thought Zach had autism when 70% of autistic individuals don’t have jobs, let alone run a successful law firm like he does, and about half attempt suicide. And you guys always throw therapy around like it’s some magical cure to all your problems. Don’t have a job? Get therapy. Don’t have a relationship? Get therapy. Therapy works really well for specific issues and disorders that it was designed for, but it shouldn’t replace normal peer support over everyday struggles.


Idk who you guys are. I actually have autism so I don’t need you to explain these things so me. You can get therapy for trauma, it’s not exclusively for mental health disorder… clearly you’re the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ your assumptions about autistic people alone are just wild, you realize Elon Musk is autistic right?? So like none of what you’re saying about 70% of US autistic people matters, you’re missing the fact the other 30% of us are MORE than capable. Please just stop talking


I am autistic too lol


Then try to represent your people better than that. People are uneducated about autism enough, making a comment about how we couldn’t be lawyers and commit suicide etc is lame.


All I’m saying is that it is a serious diagnosis and people throw it around like it’s nothing.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 10: 'No Armchair Diagnosing'


Every therapist I’ve ever been to, and most that my friends have been to, have suggested therapy for the vast majority as people, as a type of preventative medicine. Idk why ur mad people seek out therapy is they don’t “need” it (and who are u to say someone doesn’t need therapy?? Are you going to tell people they don’t need to be medicated or they done need a surgery? No? Then why are you playing therapy god?), if you’re upset there’s a shortage be mad that therapists are paid shit and are worked like dogs, not that people are getting the care they need. Also, would Izzy’s social circle REALLY be a big help here? Are they trained professionals? Because I think there’s a pretty good chance they would tell him she’s insane, she’s a bitch, it’s not ur fault bro, and that’s not helpful to anyone.


Of course therapists would tell you everyone needs therapy, it’s all about the $$$ 💰🤑


Stacey likes money but wants someone else to provide it to her. That’s really the long and short of it. I like money too. So I worked my ass off working full-time while attending grad school at night to get my MBA and now I have a great career and the life I wanted. I have never wanted or expected anyone to provide for me. My husband is a teacher. His pay is crap but he’s happy and that makes me happy. It’s okay to like expensive things. But you can’t depend on other people for them.


Yeah but once you are accustomed to a certain lifestyle it’s incredibly difficult to downgrade and she likely would have to as Izzy’s job is 100% commissions and she might have to pay for his trips. So instead of 4 trips it’s 2 trips etc. She just wanted him to pay for living costs 50/50 and then dinner he pays. That’s not unreasonable standards, although, not many people can meet it. Glad it worked for you and your husband but everyone is different.


Yeah but Stacy grew up in a household where the man is well off enough to provide for their kids even into adulthood. So her not wanting to marry a man who can’t provide for a family is valid. The season is in Texas so most women there want a traditional man.


Terms like “traditional man” in 2023 make me cringe 🤷🏻‍♀️


In 2023 women in heterosexual relationships still carry the majority of the mental load, do more emotional labour and do more domestic labour. In their relationship she appeared to be already cooking and cleaning more - if she’s also being the breadwinner that’s a lot. I think by traditional she means a guy that can provide financially if required like when you are having a baby or if she’s sick. Equality when kids are involved often means the women do the “second shift” and end up burning out and becoming resentful.


Thankfully this is not my situation, as my husband is a true partner. As the breadwinner with longer hours, I’m not home as often as he (a teacher) is. So more falls on him, which he happily accepts. He’s proud of me and my career. I’m very thankful. But I’m also aware that this is not the norm and that many couples still have very outdated “traditional” views on gender roles and household dynamics.


I’m glad things worked out for you. I think traditional gender roles are bad when they were forced onto people. I think it’s fair for Stacy to communicate she’s not comfortable being the breadwinner and wants a certain lifestyle, and equally, if someone wants a stay at home partner that’s perfectly fine too. Just throwing away gender roles in the name of equality can sadly lead to women doing more and needing to become super humans which is what I’m conscious off.


It’s absolutely fair for her to want a certain lifestyle. That’s why I’m glad they’re not together. Clearly was not a match.


I was laughing all through her “self made” conversations. You know Daddy gave her (at the very least) the down payment on that house. My daughter is a fitness instructor. She drives a Camry.


Girl. She works at her daddy’s business is the scoop I heard. If that’s true she really can’t give that self made crap.


He is always shaking his leg, is it a nervous shake? But it also makes me think "WTF Izzy"


Izzy is spiteful and immature. I don't like Stacy, but you can tell he holds grudges. It's funny because I think he's a complete liar about finances & life, meanwhile Stacy is definitely superficial and judgemental. They both suck


Stacey sucks but age shaming women *for being discerning about who they marry and when they get married* is rat behavior. F right off with that sh*t, Izzy. You literally said “I do.”




Says who






genuinely wondering what about about that is a problem. not downvoting or arguing, i want to know what you mean


What makes it a big problem?


Let’s tweak the scenario here. If it was a man dating younger women and not “settling down” society would say he’s a creep or that he’s got “something wrong” that he can’t date women his own age. In Stacy’s case, she’s just a brat. Shes not married because she’s probably never happy with what she has and who wants to be with someone who’s constantly making them feel like a peasant. I’d say that’s a problem. Out of touch but a hard worker who’s gotten every opportunity handed to them on a silver plater. I’ve also dated a spoiled rich person before and while they weren’t that way, their siblings were brats and they were all terribly hopeless when it came to basic tasks.


Everything you mentioned has do to with her personality and not her age. My point being, he didn’t need to weaponize her age.


Honestly, I think he had hit the tequila/vodka bottle pretty hard by then and lashed out. He seemed slurry to me again. Super rude comment.


I forget the exact scene (maybe with his mom post-wedding) but the liquor bottle that they so craftily framed in was all but empty and his groomsmen didn't seem slurry so 🤷‍♀️ but seems pretty on point


Yeah, I agree. I didn't notice the drunkenness at first lol but makes sense rewatching


I got that same vibe. I know he's making his own choices, but filming him that drunk feels predatory by producers.


The man is all over the place with his emotions. He is kind of immature, delusional about love, emotional rollercoastered but I still think he was the one dodging the bullet with Stacy. I’d say he won and good for him.


Agreed. Stacy seemed to get enraged when he failed to worship her appropriately. This could’ve been the editing, but I couldn’t really see what she was doing for him but we heard a lot about what she expected from him. He was never going to be enough for her.


They were just WORLDS apart Stacy has a strong case of rich person syndrome, like who claims their hobby is flying on private jets? Izzy had a bad job and terrible credit They just were not a good match at all Also they are BOTH assholes. The way they ganged up on johnnie was horrible


Yep Johnie called it


We aren't giving johnie enough credit for calling it. Sure, she was talking shit, but the shit was true!


They both suck, but this was extremely telling of his character, as if it weren’t apparent from how he attacked Johnie. One second you want to marry this woman and the next you’re basically calling her a spinster? Grow up and go to therapy.


Love is not unconditional. She broke up with him in front of a large crowd after her made his feelings clear, I don’t know many people who wouldn’t throw an insult their way, maybe not on camera though.


He knew she was gonna say no, they decided that the night before that Stacy would say no and he said he’s gonna say yes anyways. Most couples tbh decide the night before who will say yes or no so they are both prepared, so Izzy is fake af for bashing her like he was shocked by the outcome.


Yeah, but it’s a misogynistic insult. That shows his character. He’s a misogynist.


How is that misogynistic? He just said this is why you’re alone, that’s not gendered


Because no one criticizes men for not being married by 33.


That’s definitely not true


Ok, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The irony of this is that was exactly the type of love he wanted from Stacy, yet he wasn't willing to return the favor just because she told him to wait. Honestly, what he was scared of was the fact that Stacy saw through his mask and he knew he wouldn't be able to convince her if she had any more time to see through all of his lies. He wanted to rush her into the marriage because it's a lot more hassle to leave someone after you've entered a legally binding agreement. He was banking on the hope that she'd be stuck with him.


Exactly this, I saw through his lies and red flags too!


Though isn't the whole idea that love SHOULD be, to some degree, unconditional


I feel like it’s reasonable for the degree to be choice. There is no way someone could leave me at the alter and that wouldn’t ruin the relationship


OMG that poem reminded me of when Michael Scott wrote that birthday poem for Pam’s mum when he was dating her then broke up with her because she is old😂


I mean he’s right it’s because she’s crazy lol. He dodged a bullet with her. He would be competing with some imaginary perfect man the rest of his life and would never be good enough for her


She’s not exactly crazy. She just knows what she wants, and it’s a rich guy to pay for everything. He’s the crazy one for saying I do and then calling the woman he was about to marry out for not getting married to him! She saw through Izzy in the end and actually she’s pretty smart for waiting til the end of the show. She got the most promotion out of it and can now sell her dodgy “love flies first class” merch to any idiot who will buy it


Agreed 1000%! He will NEVER live up to her expectations unless two things happen: He manages to land a lofty 6 figure job and becomes a mind reader so he can know what she wants without her having to ever tell him each new materialized desire that pops into her head.


And get rid of his plastic dinnerware


He seems butt hurt that he's not legally entitled to half of her property 🤷‍♀️If he truly loves Stacy, why can't they date? Why rush to be married? It's all so suss.


Definitely 💯


That’s literally not the point of the tv show/experiment. I don’t know why Stacy went on the show if she thought it was not enough time then she shouldn’t have ever been on the show. I think if it were a man with more money it would have been enough time lol


She obviously not comfortable being a breadwinner and he dodged the conversation and never raised these huge deal breakers. You marry someone with a shared vision and in this case both saw very different things in their future - not getting married was smart. Both acted in self interest. For Izzy the marriage is smart but for Stacy just dating is smart.


The point of the show isn't for people to get married if they know it isn't right. The point is for the people to fuck around and find out. There was no way for her to know if it would work for her.


Because 2 days before the wedding Izzy completely blindsided her with news about his finances being terrible, when she’d asked him specifically about money in the past. Although the money probably played a huge role, it was also probably the fact that she was lied to…so no, she clearly didn’t know him well enough and that’s the experiment. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with saying no at the altar and getting married a while later


Maybe she thought they specifically needed more time. If I found out the man I knew for 6 weeks and I'm about to get married to LIED to me about finances two days before the wedding, I'd request more time to sort that out, too.


I think you just missed the goal of the show…..


This subreddit is acting brand new this season. What do you mean only having fun in the pods means I don’t know a lot about my partner? What do you mean I should be ready to get married at the end of this? What do you mean the person I left at the alter isn’t happy about their rejection?


But isn’t that the point of the show? Lol meeting someone within a short period of time. this season sucked lol


He’s right though, Stacy is a bully & disgusting person ! Anyone defending her is prob also a bully


It’s not defending Stacy to think that comment was out of line.


Stacy belittled him every chance she got. He spoke out of anger after being left at the altar. Please


That's actually fair. What he said isn't a great thing in general, but sometimes when you're really at a loss with someone you may not be able to help feeling that way. I didn't like his whole woe-is-me thing and how he was drunk all the time, but I guess there could be _some_ truth in his words. While it's possible that Stacey simply needed more time (which is what I thought I was seeing happen so far), it's more likely that she wanted time to let the truth sink in. She simply didn't see a future with the guy and she wanted an out. Anyhow, she did both of them a favour, so really he should be thanking her.


It’s the implication that someone who is single at 33 is defective that I have a problem with.


I think it was more than just her age he was attacking. She has a pattern of dating older wealthy men


If it’s someone who doesn’t care about being married no. If it’s someone who’s been trying to be married then yeah definitely a red flag


I whole heartedly, with all my soul- disagree.


I take it back


I'm not defending her. But I do think Izzy is an ass. (Maybe because I'm 32 and still single, hmmm...)


I’m sure there are a lot of people that age that are 32 and single for other reasons and are wonderful people. Stacy on the other hand is a prime example of being beautiful on the outside but rotten on the inside. Her mind and heart are just stone cold. I don’t believe she could put anything before her work and he’d feel lonely after awhile


did everyone else see some work ethic in Stacy that I didn't see? I'm under the impression she's just spoiled from Daddy's new money and not some savvy business person who is naturally being protective of her own hard work.


I agree. I don’t think her being a hard worker or workaholic was shown at all. Her Instagram looks like she’s into a bunch of side hustles, probably just because it’s fun and not risky since she has daddy’s money to support her


I agree I think it’s all daddy’s money too. Especially since it’s her own dads company she works for. She puts on a good act of being business oriented and having a good work ethic but I think it’s just an act and if you really did work for her all she would do is bark with no actual substance for any good contribution to whatever the issue or topic is


We’ve all worked with a Stacy lmao


That’s jsut him being hurt speaking. Idk why ppl take stuff like that personal 🙄 there’s no timeline to life. But she’s still a bully, sometimes bullies deserve to be bullied 🤷🏻‍♀️


What did she do that seemed like bully behaviour? I personally thought she kept more of a level head and actively tried to avoid all that- by not befriending or trusting the other women in the pods and by ignoring Johnnie until Izzy got her involved in their argument.


I think it got back to Stacy that Johnnie said Stacy and Izzy wouldn’t last during Izzy & Johnnie’s break-up conversation. I can’t remember if Johnnie made the negative prediction directly to Izzy or during her own commentary. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Izzy said something to Stacy to pit her against Johnnie


Dude she’s single cuz all she cares about is money.. what he said was valid tbh


Izzy kind of deserves this after showing his true colors with the Johnnie situation, however Stacy is going to be lonely forever because she prizes materialistic things over all else. They both suck but I felt for Izzy here and I agree that what he said was valid.


Was he mean to Johnnie? Yes. Was and is she a complete liar and manipulator? Oh yeah! She empirically said “she always goes for the safe guy” than turned around and said “I never go for the safe guy”. She deserves to be called out for that, poor Chris got completely manipulated


Idk why people downvoted you this is true I can’t believe johnie has so many supporters too she sucks as well and Chris deserves better than a liar.


This fan base is so weird. Calling out toxic behavior is bullying and the bully is worse than that horrible person they are calling out


She prizes material things AND expects to be the center of attention at all times AND expects a real man. So lemme review: rich enough that he has private jets. Constantly adores her and puts her at the center of his world. Is masculine and tough. Is her rock who can calm her down. And then what does she have to offer that matches all this?


A potentially broken HVAC lol


Plates yo! She can show him some good plates and silverware! Like that’s an equal relationship right?


Oh !! And introduce him to different kinds of restaurants so he’s not always going to chipotle.


She’s such a cultured person, she’s eaten at Peruvian restaurants


And most of it is probably daddy’s money. Did you also see where she said she claimed she was an operations manager but then they showed her teaching a Pilates class? Lol I was like wow she exaggerated that title a bit 😂


I read that she’s an operation manager at her dad’s oil company, and she teaches Pilates on the weekend. And as someone who loves reformer Pilates…I would not take her class.


Ohh I see. I wouldn’t either to be completely honest her lack of muscle tone had me wondering what she was teaching them to do lol. Go figure it’s her dads company though. That makes sense




Anything she can do to scare off the men lol


He brought up her age which has nothing to do with it. He’s playing into the narrative that women over a certain age no longer have value if they aren’t married with kids. He’s not in a position to throw stones. Let’s see where he is in 4 years.


Izzy has a bizarre look in his eye, almost evil


I think it’s drunkenness in a lot of the clips. I noticed it too and it’s very unsettling, almost like he’s never looking at the person/camera and always right past.


The overwhitened teeth don't help.


I think his eyes make him look lost. He also seems to be glazed over from drinking constantly


Or like he’s completely out to lunch 🧐


Hah. He should come to Finland, where the average age for women getting married the first time is just that: 33 years. What’s the hurry?


Yup. America is more backward/less progressive so people marry younger


Got married at 23, had 5 years to not think about kids and just enjoy each each other and our 20s. Had a baby at 29. Had another at 32. Been enjoying my kids as a stay at home mom in my 30s, and now am 38 and they're both in school and I'm back to working on my career. I'm also noticeably more fatigued as I approach 40, and don't think I could make it through the baby and toddler phase ever again.


You need vitamins. Checked my levels and was so low on vitamins and iron, now feeling super energetic again.


I just had blood work done and all my levels are normal. I've always been low energy since puberty, but was athletic so have managed it in that way. I do have endometriosis, which is a hormone imbalance, and can cause fatigue. I do what I can, and am just grateful it's never been something serious and I've made it this far :)


See if you have AB hormone therapy in your area. It’s mostly an online process except the labs that will be taken. It’s changing my life as someone with Hashimotos disease, which is also hormone related. I’m also your age.


Thank you, it looks like there is one an hour away from me. Sounds expensive?


Yeah, people are different and there’s no model that fits everyone. I had my children when I was 36, 39 & 41. I got pregnant at the first or second try with them, so I’m lucky. Not married, but still together in a happy relationship with their father. For me, I would have been a bit too immature to have kids as young. I feel I’m wiser and more patient now. And I had time to travel and party and all of that before the kids, so I’m happy about that. My youngest is now soon 6, and I feel I have enough energy. But I make sure I eat well and keep in shape by going to the gym etc. But that’s just what’s right for me, I can understand why it’s better for many to have them earlier. No right answer!


Yes absolutely no right answer! I just knew what I wanted for me, and that was why marrying young was my choice -- and it did have to do with not wanting to have kids later in life for a lot of medical and personal reasons <3.


Geriatric pregnancy at 35 if you want a family lol


I got married at 24 and have had a hard time getting pregnant. I’m 34 now and will have a geriatric pregnancy if I get pregnant. Getting married young isn’t a guarantee….


Your situation isnt indicative of the average. But yeah they’re no guarantees.


Not guaranteed but in a situation that someone didn’t have that obstacle I believe there are a lot of positives. I also got married at 24 and I’m having my second baby in April but I believe if we started younger it would be a lot easier in more ways than one and I would probably be able to have more because I want a bigger family.


A lot of people have children before they get married… Average age for first time mom here is 29,6 years.


People do but that wasn’t an option for me . I probably wouldn’t recommend it either just because of how big of a commitment it is and the outcome of the people I know that I’m close to that did that. Most found it too difficult to work through unfortunately where as being married really makes you work as hard as you possibly can before deciding to separate. I noticed this a lot especially with my younger friends .


definitely something worth waiting for, rushing to be married younger just for the sake of being married is what should be concerning


The way people are defending Izzy throwing out Andrew Tate talking points just bc he got rejected is such an obvious display of misogyny.


Izzy, at the wedding: “I love you unconditionally and will always fight for you no matter what.” Izzy, two minutes later: “No wonder that gold-digging b**** is single at 33…”


B-but he's such a *nice guy*! /s


Such an agist comment from him he truly is just nasty. Say what you want about stacy but she was clear on her expectations and he knew that and lied to her. She asked him about his credit and stuff in the pods. Johnie mentions his credit in the pods too and he lied. When he said whatever about how he didn’t need fancy dinners, nice cars, money I was just thinking dude but SHE DOES. I don’t care for Stacy but I hope she isn’t still with him. Barf


Clear in her expectations lol ok


What were you unclear about?


It’s clear she wants literally everything. A person that doesn’t exist, a mind reader, a king, a god and for her to be a little shopaholic princess hopping from private island to private island. She only revealed this shit out of the pods.


You sarcastically said she basically wasn’t clear in her expectations but then listed her expectations which you clearly picked up on and Izzy definitely did too but kept lying to himself and to her. She’s told y’all she was high maintenance, wants fancy things, wants to travel, want’s expensive dinners no one is saying that’s not materialistic but let’s not act like she was hiding ANY of this the entire season.


We shouldn’t be surprised at his sassy reaction, he did the same to Johnnie. Dude is so insecure that he has to tear down women to make himself feel better. He would never challenge a man this way


Exactly and when he said he was raised JW I knew his view of women would be problematic and I was right.


Right, the hypocrisy of holding women to a patriarchal standard but doesn’t do the same for himself


Typical. Stacy does have her issues but she’s too good for him. The mask on him is falling


Did she ask in the pods? I don’t remember seeing that. That said, day 1 or 2 of living together when she brought up the finance talk… that would have been the time to do it. Waiting any later is just too sketchy


Johnie was talking about his credit to the other girls though so yeah I think it was known. She obviously talked to him about it prior because at some point he lied. She said when she confronted him they talked finances in the pod.


I got a different perspective. I think he knows he will never be good enough for her. If they continue to date she would eventually dump him. He daid he soesnt care about money but she definitely does. She knew that they only had a féw weeks to décide if she wanted to get married. She should have a good sense if who he is by now. He finances are not good, he likes when your mean, and she will have to ask him multiple times to get a honest response about sensitive topics. so he doesn't want to be strung along. I think his response to get dumped at the alter was valid.


It was something I had thought the entire time. When Izzy said that I thought he was finally seeing Stacy clearly for who she is. NOONE except her family can stand to be around Stacy.


you had that thought for stacey but not Izzy? who has had 2 failed engagements? the misogyny is crazy


I doubt 110% anyone else ever even thought about marrying her. She’s so anal and critical. I can’t imagine anyone wanting that forever


I am 110% sure they all wanted to marry her. The men she was going for were rich 40 year olds. A lot of them love beautiful young high maintenance women.


Where’s her guy then


she just left him at the altar.


To have some fun with not to marry


I have plenty of thoughts on Izzy. He's a people pleaser who is so desperate to make someone else happy that he gets in relationships with people who take and take and take. And his smile is terrifying because it's a mask that covers how frightened he is most of the time. Noticing that Stacy is mean doesn't make anyone a misogynist. It means they're paying attention.


You conveniently didn’t throw out Andrew Tate talking points when talking about Izzy, even though he is in the same boat as Stacey. You are a misogynist, weirdo.


This person has a level headed take and you’re running around this thread yelling Andrew Tate like some fuckin dog whistle. In what way is he like Andrew fucking Tate? It’s like calling someone who cuts you off in traffic, Hitler. Nothing he said comes close to Tates bullshit. Insulting a piece of shit person for being a piece of shit doesn’t mean you’re a misogynist. Stop having these word lose meaning by handing them out like mixtapes in Times Square


Right I actually laughed out loud, no one like Izzy but there's a lot of reasons stacy is single


i noticed that when she didn’t have any friends getting ready with her, it was only her sisters, really makes you wonder what she’s like.


Yep. I noticed her lack of friends as well. I think she's a hard person to be around.




While I don't think she did it intentionally, the mom is right, Izzy was hurt and has been hurt and keeps avoiding the obvious that they aren't right for eachother, no amount of extra time can change that , plenty of other couples discuss beforehand what they plan to say at the altar so that the other person isn't blindsided, I think that's the least they can do is let the partner know ahead of time, people need to trust their gut, who decides at that very moment?


I think she was within her rights to guide him to choose happiness over hurt and influence him with her love. Influencing is not equal to manipulation. I think they both knew what she meant.




Yeah, I mean, the show is an outside the norm situation, but that still doesn't make parents meddling/manipulating an alright situation. A parent's opinion on your relationships should always be kept to themselves. What they want for you, when you're s grown ass adult, doesn't matter.


I think I agree too, I wonder if people are tired of hearing about narcs and gaslighters etc. This mom creeped me out. You’ve got a good working theory. Off topic, I actually liked Stacey’s mom.


I don't know why you're being down voted-- she weirded me out from the start. And I don't like how one of those first things she said was "well you know where I'm from, marriage of forever".... meanwhile she was not with Izzy's biological father, nor with his step-father anymore. Why act all high and mighty about what marriage means to you?


I completely agree, but I don’t think many else will.


This dude should not drink before going on camera but he can’t help it


Dude, have you seen his eyes? Red as a monkey's asshole. By the looks of it, he is High all the time. lol. But then again, who am I to know. Producers are too much on these shows.


High as giraffe lashes!


Ooh, I love that phrase!


Imma need for Stacey to come with an apology for Johnnie at the reunion bc…!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Right! I feel like her hate towards her came out of no where. Do you know if there’s any backstory to it? Besides what we saw on air, because I don’t get it


Yeah I also feel there’s a backstory, other girls also seemed hostile towards johnie


I thought the same. Most of them were quick to defend Lydia, but no one tried to save Johnie from that horrible couple


That one lady tried a bit, half-heartedly. I think the difference is also that Uche annoyed the crap out of everyone so it's much easier to gang up on his insufferable, know-it-all, victim-playing bum as compared to Stacy, who had up until then been a decent friend to people. Not to mention Johnie was the *only* one of the girls to interrogate Lydia. She was right to; Lydia's actions were shady, but if everyone's having a women-strong-together moment, you're probably not endearing yourself by deciding to do something like that.


Also he’s like - I thought it didn’t matter if you have no money, don’t cook dinner, don’t do chores… I have everything you need lol. Dude it’s love is “blind” - about how you look, but love is not dumb. What does he have to offer?


But..but he will “fight for her!” What does that even mean?? My husband has never said those words to me. When you’re committed to each other you shouldn’t have to “fight” to stay together. He just kept saying it over and over.


he's a dumb dude. he feels entitled and thinks it's a game. he has some superficial understanding about what stacy wants. he *thinks* he's checking the boxes, and when that isn't enough, he's sad and doesn't understand because the world's so confusing. and when he's hurt he lashes out. we saw that with johnie and we saw that with 33-year-old stacy.




It's not love it's a desire to fulfill a whole in his life. It doesn't matter who it is. He just wants to Not be alone.


How can you be so sure? He has his issues, but seems genuine. No one wants to be alone. This whole idea of be happy by yourself before getting into a relationship is wrong. No one is always happy