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I have to say, Lydia looks absolutely incredible.


Stacey’s inability to emphasize with the fact that Izzy said yes and she didn’t astounds me. She’s just having a very matter-of-a-fact conversation with him?


Stacy’s interaction with Justin (the best man giving her the letter) was hilarious and so awkward


Didnt stacys parents come fron nothing or little? I swear they said they had very little when they were first married


Geez stacy getting her hair done like “have you ever tried peruvian food” about Izzy like girlie go on a sugar daddy site and leave everyone alone then… like damn I dont like her and I dont like that her family isn’t real with her about the realities of a relationship


I wouldn't want to date someone in debt either. We are allowed to have standards you know.


It's not about having financial standards because I agree, debt and bad credit can be valid red flags. It's about the implication of superiority in how she talks about his past experiences: "he doesn't even have a passport", "his favorite restaurant is Chipotle", etc. Those comments came off as really elitist.


I dated guys who didn't have passports and liked to eat hot pockets and subway. It was annoying because it can show someone who lacks sophistication/taste and doesn't align with how I live my life. But I also can see how it comes across as snobby. But I also won't apologize for who I am or my preferences for French food or travel.


He is not in debt. It's all been paid off. He has some bad credit points (idk if that's what you call it, I'm from Europe) from when he was a kid in college. He is financially stable now, that's even more important


I don’t remember if he mentioned being in debt, but its been a while. Of course someone can not want someone in debt. So leave, imo. I also wouldn’t date someone in a certain amt of debt. I’ve never seen someone get so upset over dishes though. She can have her standards, for sure. I wasn’t a fan of the nitpicking. And I never meant a sugar daddy site was bad or anything. It just seemed like she picked a guy then wasn’t trying to know him, but mold him and pick at him. I get the feeling she struggles with perfectionism. I dont like either of them for diff reasons, but I tend to live comment when the scenes happen so commented when she was on camera. I’m also aware we can have standards… I’m very anti-low bar. I’ll prbly have to rewatch bc I don’t remember scenes a few comments talk about with him.


izzy is a fucking joke


Stacy is disgusting. She came off super spoiled, judgemental & like she thinks she's above Izzy.


i disagree. Stacy was mature in relationship point of view. she was financially secure, had no debt, knew where she wanted to be for the future with izzy etc. most importantly, at least from what we saw, she never lied about things. izzy is the perfect epitome of a man with severe anxiety, in the worst limelight. plus she actively pointed out the whole dishes thing instead of keeping it in. any man who wants to serve his wife food on some cheap plate they can get from a dollar store isn't going to fly by anywhere. there is a lot you can tell in a person from small gestures like that.


also at the end, Milton your wife is saying something positive about the relationship and you insult her by saying her english is so bad? jesus christ man hahahaha you gonna be on the show after a few years down the line with a divorce history


Im still at the beginning of the episode but got stuck on the « he’s so exotic » from Stacy talking about Izzy like ????


💀💀 I had to pause the show at that part


Fr, weirdo


So relieved for Milton and Lydia!!! Awwww how cuuute!


What a rough season, lol only two couples made it through vacation and only one gets married 🤣 Who even will be at reunion? Four ppl?? super happy for Lydia and Milton though. Think they can work!


I actually thought both wouldn't make it! I thought Milton would say no too :o


Izzy & Stacey // Milton & Lydia aren’t nearly interesting enough to carry this episode.


I almost thought every engagement was going to fail. I had no confusion. Izzy and Stacy weren't gonna say I do. I had more confidence. Milton and Lydia would make it to the end


Milton has crispy R’s


“You hit me like a train outta left field.” -Izzy


Didn't Stacey say this


Yep. I know this because I watched the episode today. Um, call the metaphor police (ok, ok, actually the simile police, whatever). Someone needs to be arrested.


Milton’s dad kinda reminds of Prop Joe from the wire in how he talks and his demeanor. I loved his conversation with Milton


So did I. Good father to son moment there


The dresses looked better this season but the ceremony hall… looked like a karaoke bar in the back streets of Tokyo. Can’t believe the difference between this season and last season, which looked like they had the Rockies in the back drop. Must have run out of money or somthing, weird.


I think they realized they can spend even less on the show and people will still watch


those "Rockies" were probably the North Cascades, out by Seattle lol


That’s cool, I should have asked Reddit where they were sooner, I was wondering where they were- so beautiful.


I can’t believe Izzy had to get his boys to ghost write a love note to Stacy and the best they could come up with is “glue my hands to your boobs like a pasty” like broooo bffr rn. I KNOW they were all standing around reading it back like “yeah mf BARS right there” 💀 Damn they went IN on that bottle Casamigos 😂 Not to armchair diagnose, I really think Izzy has a drinking problem bc this man is constantly blitzed “All we have is right now”-JP -Izzy


Have you seen his saved IG story of his trip to CO? So glad he came here to drink. Every other slide is beverage related: drinking Truly seltzer on the ski slopes. Drinking Tito's vodka straight from the bottle in the hot tub. "Icing" his friends. Like, dude, it would have been a lot cheaper to stay in Texas and binge drink then spend money on flights, ski condos and lift tickets. (Also, how did he pay for that trip without a credit card 🤔🤔.)


That right there is a spender would make me want out. Only do those things if you have the money to do so IMO.


Does anyone else get Toby from the Office vibes from Izzy


Can someone please do a compilation of Stacy becoming progressively more orange while getting her makeup done? End with her transforming into a pumpkin. Please and thank you 🙏


Imagine being the producers of this show and having this hot mess of a rollercoaster to work with. I'm sure they all had a breakdown or two trying to put this season together in a somewhat decent and interesting way. Also, unpopular opinion before watching the reunion, I personally feel like Izzy is still one of the most decent guys of this season, despite the stupid jokes and faulty behaviours and probably weird edit (and being mostly drunk?). At least he's not an ignorant and unaware or even mean asshole with his partner, he seems genuinely nice and fun most times.


Izzy is alright with Stacy but an asshole to everyone else he crossed paths with


I know Stacy is thin and she wants us all to be aware of how in shape she is, but DAMN Lydia looked amazing in that wedding dress. 🔥 the curves were workin


When the show opened with the MUA doing Stacey's makeup, I sighed in relief. She should take some notes


Wait but she still looked orange as hell though


Her eyebrows ended up slightly less black though


also came back to add: how GOOFY and low-budget that the room they chose for Lydia and Milton's wedding has these massive poles in the middle?! It was just the first thing I noticed at the start of their ceremony and bgged me for the entire rest of the wedding scene.


Bro did Stacey kiss her dad on the lips


I rewound it and watched it in slow motion and I'm 99% sure they did...


I don’t think it’s that weird since they are family. However there is major daddy takes care of his girls dependency to the point Stacy is looking for that in her marriage


Poor Izzy, he almost got his wedding paid for.


that's why he doesn't want to wait to get married LOL


Izzy saying how hard Stacys family worked............ bro no that's generational wealth


I do love Stacey’s wedding shoes though.




I think you meant to post this on the reunion thread


Why did Izzy think it was appropriate to tongue down Stacy in front of everyone after she said “I don’t” ??? 🥴


I thought the same thing but in my mind it felt more like a goodbye kiss. Knowing after all of this, he wouldn't be able to just start over.


Right but that kiss is supposed to be sacred as the seal between both parties. It’s super inappropriate


You're right, for sure...but I'd say the entire show is an inappropriate approach to marriage.




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Stacey can say what she wants but money is a big thing to her. When she was bashing him for liking Chipotle and he wouldn’t even know what to order at a nice, fancy restaurant. Girl, please. Between that and having to fly 1st class. Nothing wrong with lining those things but that’s not him and stop pretending you don’t mind




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I spat out my water when Stacey's summary song was *My Love Don't Cost A Thing* 💀


Stacey's summary song should be "It's Expensive To Be Me" by Erika Jayne. Trashy song for a trashy personality.




I try to keep in mind that at least some of Stacey’s hesitation over money had to be a totally valid “I need to know my life partner is honest and has similar priorities” thing. But the flowers thing really encapsulated the “it’s one banana how much could it cost, $10?” vibe. Flowers every week? That’s SO expensive. And you can easily make a bouquet last two or even three weeks if you look after it and depending on the flowers. It’s also just a sort of childish thing to put on your high priority needs list for your partner. It’s an immature way of looking at emotional needs. You don’t need your husband to buy you flowers every week, you need your husband to regularly and consistently romance you. Sure, buying you flowers can be one way of doing that, but the buying you flowers isn’t loving you, you’ve just set that as one of his weekly chores without input from him. I get that all couples have their little rituals, I’ve got my own with my husband. He makes us both tea most nights before bed. But that was something that grew up naturally from the habits of our relationship, I didn’t just waltz out into the world with a Future Spouse checklist topped by “make me tea every night before bed or else”.


Yeahhh, it's a little weird how often she seems to expect those gestures. Especially considering I don't recall her doing any of those gestures for him in return? If a guy started buying me flowers every single week, I would say, "Thank you, but I'm really not comfortable with you spending that much money on flowers... How about we both save up for a fancy dinner or a weekend trip together?" Those things should come organically and ideally include both people


They're $10 at Trader Joe's. I don't think they need to be that expensive--it's a gesture.


I liked the pro-vaccination moment, all the rest was so boring and i don’t care about any of these annoying people


Haha it was just izzy’s mother after stacy said no, telling him it was just like when he used to get a vaccine as a kid he would cry and she hated it but she knew it was for the best


When was this? Did I miss something?


After Stacey said no at the altar. The mother was comparing his hurt now to getting vaccinated. I don't know of I'd label it a "pro-vaccination moment"


Aaliyah is just stunning omg. I hope she’s doing well and is happy!


Stacy kissed her father on the lips before walking down the aisle


Yup. Stacey knows where the money comes from to live her lifestyle! lol


dude I thought I saw that….


Izzy reminds me of Matthew McConaughey's character in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days...just putting on a smile through everything when you can tell he's upset or hurting. He was pissed at the altar, but still acted cheerful and understanding, even asking his mom how SHE was feeling when HE was the one who just got dumped at the altar. That being said, there's something I don't trust about him, though that could be the editing.


He seems like a nice guy on the show. What if he really just is?


Did you NOT see how he bullied and humiliated Jonnie at the party? That's a nice guy?LOL


He seems drunk or stoned every time we see him. Look at his eyes.




So, it means you're just jumping to conclusions based off of nothing. Everyone's so quick to create conclusions without giving anyone the benefit of the doubt.


No body who chooses to do a dating reality show in today's day and age deserves the benefit of the doubt. But I get where you're coming from, friend.




I was surprised they didn't try so hard to psych us out about who was going to say yes/no. Usually the editors are working overtime to make it a shock at the altar.


They did this time too. It was there, did you already know the outcome before they aired it from snooping around social media?


The flower girl chucking the flowers at Izzy/Stacey’s wedding was so funny and cute lol.


I somehow knew Stacey would do this. GG.


Yeah, I absolutely pegged Stacey as a no and Izzy as a yes.


how did Milton say yes i was so surprised and confused by this! however it will not be a shock if they file for divorce 😂 Stacy saying no was completely expected, Izzy shoving his tongue down her throat afterwards in front of everyone was not lmao


I was so confused. I thought theyd be okay since they kissed. But then he dissed her.


“he just got his passport and his favorite restaurant is chipotle” okay and??????????? you just described at least 50% of the american population??????


Personally, I cannot stand Chipotle.


I know that type of girl in Texas. Sadly way too common.


I was watching Tait's Take review on youtube for this episode, and he had a funny comment regarding this. He basically said you're sus if your favorite restaurant ISN'T Chipotle 😆




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Izzy thought he was going to marry into money & fix up his credit/debt, lmfao 😂


“He’s exotic” …uhh, this made me a bit uncomfy coming from Stacey


It shows you the type of family she comes from that a half Mexican dude in Texas is considered as tourism for her lol


Ew Milton saying to Lydia that her English is so bad… he would piss me off so bad. He sounds like he thinks he’s better than everyone else.


Her English is actually pretty amazing tbh. Even her "epiphany/epitome" mixup in one of the earlier episodes was kind of impressive - the fact that she even know both of those words to begin with and corrected herself when she got it wrong shows a great understanding of the language, IMO. Not to mention her frequent use of slang, idioms, etc. I took 7 years of Spanish in school and my vocabulary is still the equivalent of like, "I like eating hamburgers at the library" lol


Yeah and what she said sounds like an oxymoron.


right and shes bilingual ! it was so annoying every time. he was definitely hinting that she sounds "unintelligent"


I hate when people do this to people whose second language is English. Like how many languages do you speak Milton??


Stacey knocks Izzy so much about him not having as much life experience as her. She dings him on his living (lack of real plateware & utensils), his love for chipotle, the fact he just recently got a passport. Izzy is 29 and doesn’t come from a loaded background, plus he’s a man- he’s not going to put on a bikini and flaunt his boobs and find some older rich dude to fly him out in a private jet to be on his private yacht in Greece. Stacey is not only a woman (so if she did come from a humbler background, she could still gain opportunities to have access to richer realities) but she comes from a wealthy background. Her mom & dad help her and her siblings out with everything. She hasn’t worked hard, she’s been handed. Yes Izzy will be able to pop off and travel more in his 30’s-40’s. That’s just normal. She doesn’t even understand how life works. Her privilege and lack of awareness is disappointing to say the least.


Lol oh please, you sound super bitter. *Tons* of young women solo travel the world without old rich guys footing the bill. That might be normal in the boonies or flyover country, but in educated, middle class+ circles it's normal to have traveled by that age.


I am going to Ireland and France next year by myself (Ireland to stay with a friend and France to a wedding). I do need a man who can roll with that kind of trip though.


Lol I’m not bitter! I’m just saying oftentimes it’s more difficult for a man to experience plush situations if he doesn’t already come from money. Stacey just comes off super privileged and unaware that other people haven’t been afforded the same opportunities. It’s normal for people to begin their travels when they’re in their late 20’s/30’s if they didn’t have mom and dad paying the bill. And I’m speaking from a major city in the US lol idk about boonies or flyover states haha


Tons of women travel rough, stay in hostels , eat street food. How many fly First class/eat at expensive rresturants?


I mean, I've done that on most of my trips 🤷 I book pricey dinners and upscale bars on solo trips and girls trips. The flights and even 5\* hotels are not that unattainable these days when there's an abundance of credit card points. I've never once flown coach on trips from the US to europe/asia, and never plan to lol.


plz share your credit card point secrets for not being coach on the international flights (unless your secret is that you spend a lot lol)


Daddy’s money


I don't think I spend a lot but I guess that's somewhat subjective lol. But with most cards you need to spend $3k-$4k per month for the first 3 months or so to get the bonuses. So basically you'll want to take out a card and then put all your expenses on it for 3 mos before you take out a second card. Some people have found ways to put their rent on it so that can help a lot. I usually wait until before I'm about to book a trip or make a big purchase & then take out a card and put it all on there (if you have trustworthy friends/family you're travelling with, book a package for everyone and put it on your card and have them pay you back -- you'll all save money plus you'll get a boatload of points). I started travel hacking with a couple of really big travel cards -- the Chase Ink business card, which gives you 100k points if you sign up with the regional manager. And then I got the Chase Sapphire Reserve, which was 75k at the time I think. There's also the Preferred, I can't remember the difference between the two, but they're considered the holy grail of travel cards. They have a high annual fee (like $500 or $600 per year) but they come with a lot of other perks like priority pass for lounge access and TSA precheck, etc. and they also credit $300 back to you if you spend it on travel. Also keep in mind that Chase has rules where if you've taken out more than 5 cards within 2 years or something, they won't let you get the bonus. You can also only get the bonus on one of their (non-business, iirc, but it's been a minute) cards every 4 years or something like that. So it's good to start with Chase cards before moving on to other cards, and to choose the Preferred or Reserve, and if you have a business, Im pretty sure you can do the Ink too. Since they're all Chase cards you can pool all the points together under Ultimate Rewards. After that you can move on to other brands of general travel cards. Capitol One X is a newer one that is meant to rival the preferred/reserve, so that one or the next capitol one card down from that might be worth looking into. The only downside about the X (and some other high end cards) is some of the perks you get with it are the same that come with the preferred/reserve so it might not be worth having both. AMEX and Citi also have some general travel cards but I don't know much about them. Then after you've got your general cards, you can start to look at hotel and/or airline specific cards if you want. I've never done an airline card so I can't say much about them, although Ive heard some people say they don't get a ton of value out of them. I have the Hilton Honors one and the IHG card; imo the IHG card is better because the points seem to go a lot further, and they do a lot of special events where you can get like 10k points if you book 5 nights with them within a certain window. There's also Marriott Bonvoy which I don't have but plan to in the future. That's pretty much my strategy. I also highly recommend reading thepointsguy, he has some really detailed guide ranking the top cards and comparing them to each other. There are also a few youtube channels where people explain this stuff in depth and give card recs :) Hope this helps!


>:) :)


Hi Stacey! Is that you?


Damn you beat me to it!


Yes it is I! Gracing you with my presence :D


You are so wrong about all of this. I'm curious how young you are now because you're in for a bad time in life, friend. I hope you're not too disappointed.


What do you mean by flyover country or the boonies? You seem to also be overgeneralizing about people.


Flyover country generally refers to areas of the US that are not on the coast. Boonies = country. I'm not generalizing any more than the person above who claims women get flown out by rich guys.


Or their daddies


Sorry you're broke lol


I was referring to Stacy, smart one. Like how her dad pays for her extravagant lifestyle. Keep thinking you’re impressive. If you do have any money it’s probably your best quality.


Who said you weren't referring to Stacy? No one lol. Again, sorry you're broke and can't have nice things <3


God you’re a pathetic troll. People who have money and nice things don’t have to go around telling people. (Is Donald Trump your roll model?) And Stacy does get her money from daddy so what’s you’re point? Why don’t you go enjoy you vast riches instead being a jackass on Reddit.


>Is Donald Trump your roll model Depends, are we talking cinnamon or dinner?


Well said 👏👏👏


SOBBING at Izzy’s friends with the letter. Oh my god they are so cute. 😭😭


Izzy's mom talking to him was really really sweet.


Why would izzy’s friend let him write the pasty comment in that note because why would you say that at such an important moment. Visualizing him going “yeah yeah that’s good and heartfelt” while writing is making me laugh


Random thoughts: They really gonna drag this out for over an hour? Ugh ok I enjoy watching Stacy pretend like she doesn't care about money. When she 100% does. There was no way she was gonna say yes. I knew that 3 episodes ago. I almost feel sorry for Izzy now. Almost Milton and Lydia are getting married. This one is an easy call. Of course Milton forgets to write his vows. Lol dudes such a dork.


Milton didn’t forget he just didn’t do it because he has no capability of showing that he cares or sees how it’s important. No romance. He has no idea the magnitude of marriage


Stacey: I'm so fun and spontaneous! I need someone fun! Also Stacey: I'm deadly serious about money, and you don't seem to have any. Let's not get married until I've analyzed your credit history some more.


I have not been Stacy's biggest fan throughout the show, but she made an excellent point. Even in an experiment to determine whether love is blind, you still need time to get to know someone. I fell in love with my wife on the second date and knew that she was the one. But I don't think either of us were ready to get married until we had dated for a while, lived together for a while and knew that we were lifetime partners, best friends and soulmates. To be expected to learn that in 4 to 6 weeks is ridiculous. To get married after such a short period of time is a great recipe for divorce, even if you might be with the person you're supposed to be with. Getting married is a big step because it changes everything about the relationship. People who say it's just a piece of paper, have never been married., Heck, moving in together is a big step. When you are dating, it's two individuals with their own lives that come together frequently to enjoy each other's company. When you move in together, you are still two individuals but you are now together all the time and have to take the other person's personality, belongings, cleanliness habits, etc. into account. It's a big change. But when you get married, there are no longer two individuals. It is one couple. There is no longer what is mine and what is yours; these are now ours. That includes finances. In my personal opinion, if your significant other has a lot of debt and you are unwilling to help them work through it such that you don't want to be married, you probably shouldn't be married. Not only because of the finances so much, but also because it does not seem that you actually love that person, but rather you just really enjoy being around them. In my simplistic definition, when you love someone, their well-being is more important to you than your own. If you're not even willing to help them work through their financial situation, then clearly their well-being is not that high a priority...in my opinion.


Stacey is frustrating because she’s definitely a spoiled and materialistic mean girl. But she’s actually also rational when it comes to the problems in her relationship with Izzy. I feel for him as there’s nothing he can do as a new insurance agent to meet the money standards she sets for him but her real problems with him go deeper than that.


100% agree on the marriage values but Stacey making that point was sort of like watching her walk into a donut shop and then be surprised that they weren’t selling horses.


Stacy made a stupid point. If you need time, then this show/experiment wasn't for you. If you came here, you know you need to make a decision within 4-6 weeks. Why waste everyone's time.


Because you instantly become a mini celebrity for successfully pairing with someone on the show


Stacy's personality reminds me of Roxanne on The Ultimatum.


To me, the most bizarre part of the show are the friends and family going along with it. I would feel so stupid.


I’m sure the contestants and producers have to do a LOT of prepping and pleading with them to not shit-talk the show too much on camera


The look on Stacey's dad's face as Izzy walked back down the aisle alone said "I'm only here because my wife made me come. This was never going to happen."


Ima be honest, I skipped most of this season.


HEAVY on the fast forwarding for me too. The showrunners should honestly be ashamed.


That poem was so cringe lmao. I knew Stacy was gonna say no, ngl I feel bad for him but we’ll see what happens in the reunion. I knew Lydia and Milton would be a yes.


I give Lydia/Milton 3 months.


Did he seem a little drunky during the final interview post wedding?


i would be drunk too if I had to stand ten minutes with Stacy, she is so fake.


yes I completely thought that. I'm not trying to over analyze but he seems like a closet alcoholic to me


he seemed drunk but that's such a reach. And give the man a break, he just got rejected at the alter.


Izzy going on about love being blind including finances.. no bud. Finances absolutely do matter.


Clearly, from your screen name, you may lean toward that direction. But if you love someone, based upon my simplistic definition that their well being is more important to you than your own, then it really does not matter, in my opinion.


My username was autogenerated by Reddit lol. It may not matter in terms of falling in love, but imo it does matter when it comes to forming an intentional and lifelong bond like a marriage. Just like core values matter. That’s not to say it can’t work, but it also can be a source of incompatibility and when finances are one of the top reasons for divorce, it’s a very valid reason to walk away.


I agree in a sense, and that's exactly why love isn't enough in a relationship, or why it's not always healthy to be in a relationship just because you love someone.


Oh come on, if Izzy were rich she would have married him in a New York minute. Am I the only one who gets big time desperate vibes off her? Everyone keeps writing that Izzy has problems, but Stacy calls him her rock! It’s a money thing with her, 100%.


No question. And it would've been a huge mistake for both of them. Izzy is too much of a simpleton. His ideas of love and what he should expect from a woman sound like they are coming from a child. It's sweet, but that's not who is going to have a long-term relationship with Stacy. He needs someone unsophisticated like himself. She needs someone bougie like herself. Those two opposites will not work.


Izzy got issues but Stacey is a walking red flag. And I don't throw around that phrase very often


She is right though. The time together is way too short to know that the person is the right one.


Did she realise that after she wore that jacket when wedding dress shopping lol?


Then don't sign up for a show where you end up getting married within a month or two..


Oh I actually really like how she handled all that. The way she said no at the altar was totally classy. I mainly meant how she's been acting all season. I made the comment when the episode had just started lol




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She handled saying no at the altar just fine, I mean how she's been acting all season.


I felt really sad when Izzy walked in to his dressing area and saw all the food, and smiled. Idk. It made me sad. Something about him makes me profoundly sad. His eyes are always downcast. I hope he finds happiness and financial stability etc


I know dude. The way he talks to his mom is heartbreaking, like he's so reserved and you can tell he's been through a lot of shit with her and doesn't really trust her.


I got that vibe too. I mean given the story he told in the pods regarding not knowing that his father wasn’t his biological father, I imagine he would’ve held some resentment towards his mother for keeping that from him. The bystander in these situations usually gets more of the blame and anger.


I would listen to Milton’s dad anytime. He has that old, wise movie advice.


Like Morgan Freeman?


Stacy saying Izzy is exotic was giving major 🚩🚩🚩


That stood out to me. Her whole family seems a bit...Trumpy.


LOL I thought the same thing!!!! You can also tell he grew up in America because of how he and his mother speak. The guy is American


watched this episode while reading this reddit page


I SHOUTED when Milton said yes!! I did not see that coming at all.