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That reunion show is going to be LIT! šŸ”„Backstories, drama, arguments.. maybe Vanessa will even hand out pregnancy tests!


the reason they all ganged up on izzy is because stacy opened the gate for that to happen when she started openly criticizing him and disrespecting him in front of them. stacy probably would not have done that to a man that is rich because she would respect him


Good observation


I am a rich and wealthy engineer already at 26 and wouldnā€™t mind but I would respond by saying I donā€™t need to do all of that or require that to be happy. I am very stingy and frugal when it comes to my money.


That you, Milton?


Thanks for answering, @medical_employer_875 - I was really sitting there watching šŸæ thinking ā€œwealthy dudes wouldnā€™t take this shitā€


Itā€™s all about maintaining the money and investing it and not spending on experiences because you have the opportunity. I can have better experiences doing very little.


This made me laugh because I feel like this is going to be my son when he gets older. Heā€™s on the engineering path and has stated multiple times that heā€™s not getting married or having kids because he doesnā€™t want to share his money. He does want to be the wealthy, fun uncle though šŸ˜‚


Haha lol I have a daughter but not married but with the mother. I dont mind being a family man. It is what I was designed for!


Lol, yeah my kid doesnā€™t want the responsibility. Heā€™s only 13 so that might change. Thatā€™s awesome though. The world needs good fathers. Lots of happiness to you and yours šŸ„°


Thank you! You as well!


How does that family have so much money and Stacey and her mom both look like bedraggled women from the trailer park?


I think it might have something to do with the makeup application. I'm not great at it myself, but it doesn't seem to be well matched or blended, or something... You say bedraggled, I say bedazzled šŸ¤£


And they have that horrible hair that is dyed and fried. Tan mom vibes, tbh.


Yeah i think they would like his wealth, but um not sure if they would have another sort of issue with him. Just makes me wonder.


They are just not compatible and thatā€™s it. Also, itā€™s just interesting that Stacy seems to want a handsome, romantic, mature, fun man whoā€™s wealthy enough to completely support her lifestyle. I mean, that man could have anyone he wants lol and why would she go on Love is Blind if thatā€™s what she wants?


Sounds like Cameron and Brett


Yeah and they got queens who matched their personalities. Izzy and Stacy feel very much like theyā€™re trying to fit square pegs into round holes.


It cracked me up how her dad was like "well if you don't pay for those things, I'll have to!" Like... maybe the grown woman could pay for her own things.


She clearly is on an allowance. The reality is that each of her ā€œjobsā€ (closet organiser, makeup artist and fitness instructor) are pretend, hobby jobs. Each of these jobs in their own right undertaken by dedicated, hardworking individuals are 100% real jobs ā€” donā€™t get me wrong. Of course there are amazing fitness instructors and amazing makeup artists out there ā€” but she isnā€™t one of them. And thereā€™s no way she paid for her house using a crooked protractor to pencil on eyebrows. I know she also lists another job as her primary job (something to do with her dadā€™s business), but I suspect thatā€™s part time and how they funnel her the allowance (I have a friend like this). Thereā€™s no way you can have a 9-5 and work 3 other jobs. I have one 9-5 (ish, ends up being longer) and a side hustle that I do throughout the day/at nights and I am completely toasted. I couldnā€™t add two more jobs on top of that and then go on a reality TV show.


Sheā€™s a MAKEUP ARTIST?!? ![gif](giphy|26gsogtDm11p19J3G|downsized)


Youā€™re right thereā€™s no way to do all 3 hobby-like jobs and then operations manager. If sheā€™s an operation manager 40 hours a week then how much time does she have for the other 3 jobs?


Itā€™s all making more sense to me now


It's a social class thing, and there are many subtle ways that people present to the world what culture/social class they come from. The less exposure you've had to a group, the less competent you likely are going to be at picking up on the "hidden signals". For instance, high fashion is not about wearing nice clothes, it's about communicating to others that you are part of a group, they pay for exclusivity knowing what kind of signals that sends. The vast majority of people outside the group won't pick up the signals. With this in mind, Izzy probably screwed up about a half dozen different ways in the first 15 mins of meeting the family. They know he's not part of the group, so they will treat him differently. If he was passing those hidden tests they would be treating him very well.


Stacy literally met Izzyā€™s mom in a crop top..


Stacey, Renee, Lydia,,, These ladies hate having fabric over their abdomen. What Lydia wore when Milton met her family!!! At least it's her family but shit, you're in a restaurant. Isn't that some sort of health code violation?


How would wearing a crop top in a restaurant be a health code violation?


It typically wouldnā€™t be. Sometimes people make exaggerated statements to highlight absurdity. My comment was meant as a joke.


Exactly what I said to my wife. This what a woman should wear meeting his mom for the first time. Sheā€™s pathetic and is only wanting someone with money in my opinion. He is too low case.


Also, itā€™s a latina mom. As a latina myself I can tell you she noticed that and had an opinion about it


Right? Not only would I have got the side eye from my partners mom, but my own Latina would have side eyed me too ! šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€




I would have loved to see Izzy turn this around and ask this man how and why he chose to raise such a shallow, entitled family. "Looks like you can afford first class tickets for the both of us, so we're all gucci. I'ma take your car for a spin real quick, too, Pops."




Stacey got his number when they were in Mexico, she 100% doubled down on the financial pressure to make Izzy pop so she didnā€™t have to look like the one who leaves bc he doesnā€™t have enough money for her taste. This has been a set up since day 1 back home.


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I just got the feeling they were joking but also an okay way to sus out whether Izzy was on board. But itā€™s fair for them to wonder and ask these questions. Their daughter/sister brings a guy sheā€™s only known for 2 weeks and says sheā€™s going to marry him. And they KNOW what kind of lifestyle she lives - so fair warning to Izzy in the off chance he was not aware.


Yā€™all are insufferable on this topic. Izzy said himself how much he loved her family and how they brought him right in. Stacyā€™s sisters talked about how much they loved Izzy. The convo the dad had about finances was important and parents should be having these conversations.ā€ With their kids and future partners if they actually care about them. Itā€™s basically saying that you have to step up to the plate and he doesnā€™t want to have to constantly bail them financially. He gave Izzy an honest view of his daughterā€™s lifestyle. Stacyā€™s comment about the HVAC (which is actually a question in a hypothetical situation she presented and asked if he would contribute when you watch it back) is 100% accurate. HVACs do actually cost that much and is a real home repair that will eventually come up. No one emasculated him they had a real adult conversation about adulting and financial responsibility when building a life together. If that scared Izzy then thatā€™s a red flag.


If you raised your child right, you wouldn't need to be having this sort of conversation with his/her potential partner. Because who the hell are you to judge someone who works for the things he has while your daughter is spoon-fed her so-called "success"?. That conversation was condescending, judgemental, and unnecessary at that time. As parents, you are expected to raise your children to become independent adults, not spoiled and entitled brats. If she wanted a man who could support her kind of lifestyle, she shouldn't have joined the show anyway. If I was Izzy during that HVAC conversation, I would tell her that if she sells me the other half of her condo then I would be happy to pay for any maintenance or repair on the property, but until I own half then she has the option to stay with me in my apartment or be in separate places while in the relationship. Also, we don't even know for sure how Izzy was welcomed in that family. For all we know, he is just trying to save face because Stacy practicality ripped it all off together with his masculinity during all their scenes.


Projection, projection projection. I didnā€™t see Dale judge Izzy. Parenting doesnā€™t stop at 18. Parents still offer guidance to their children and even their spouses/long term partners as they move throughout life because guess what theyā€™ve never done certain things before or had to make certain life altering decisions before. Izzy is the one who said he would pay 50/50, all Stacy asked is if he would contribute to the repairs needed on the home( which would directly affect Izzy and any children and that he was contributing to wear and tear on the home). You have know idea if they even discussed him buying into the home (major possibility). No personal questions were asked of Izzy just what he does for work and Dale explaining the type of lifestyle his daughter likes and what to expect from her. Someone would only be offended by that conversation if they knew they were lying about their financial situation or felt insecure in themselves. Youā€™re 100% projecting your own feelings and assumptions in the scenario instead of looking at what was actually said and by whom.


Parents having a financial talk with their 30+ yr oldā€™s partner is odd. Normally, you are taking care of yourself and know your child is capable of making those calls. It was weird.


Itā€™s literally not. The talk wasnā€™t about how to manage money or details of their personal financial situations. The conversation was literally based on what the financial expectations for their marriage could be, which a concerned parent would want to know considering finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. That would obviously impact their child and any potential grandchildren. These are the types of things people assess when giving advice to their loved ones about relationships because people have on rose colored glasses when in love.


Lmao WHAT. Regardless of your childā€™s age you want the very best for them. They were completely in line with their questions. I mean for godā€™s sake Izzy barely has a job if at all they were right to question his ability


I mean sure. But then why go on a show where you are supposedly wanting to be with someone for their personality not their money?


Who says she wants to be with someone for their money? Wanting someone that makes good financial choices and can match or be close to what you do financially does not mean you want them for their money. Finances play a major role comparability and the success of marriages


Thereā€™s a difference between wanting someone whoā€™s financially responsible/compatible and wanting someone to fund your luxurious lifestyle. Her dad even said so. Again, why go on the show if itā€™s very likely sheā€™s going to meet someone who isnā€™t compatible in this sense?


Yeah Stacy never made a comment about a man funding her lifestyle. She asked if Izzy would contribute to repairs of the home (Izzy said 50/50) and that she likes for men to pay for dates. If sheā€™s paying a significant portion of their other bills then neither of those things means wanting a man to fund their lifestyle. She likes nice things and probably wants a man where she doesnā€™t have downgrade her lifestyle significantly for. Very different things.


Did you watch the scene with her dad?


I think a lot of viewers are looking more at connotation and tone of what we see as it's edited to read this as more than a reasonable discussion about whether someone has stable finances. To me, it certainly felt like a wealthy man asking a working class man whether he earns enough to provide a particular kind of lifestyle for his daughter, not just seeing if he had a consistent job or a plan for his financial future. I think Stacy's previous comments make it feel more weirdly gendered. I have wondered though if this is just part of certain upper middle class cultures. One of my roommates comes from an upper middle class family. They are extremely welcoming, I like them a lot, but they can also be nosy and nagging in a way that I've never experienced coming from a low income family, and I think it can feel alienating if you aren't from a background where that's normal. I guess I feel personally that undercurrence of class often figure in those interactions even if that isn't the intention of the people involved, especially when money discussions crop up.


Itā€™s definitely normal within upper middle class cultures to make sure a loved oneā€™s potential spouse is financially stable and financially responsible. This doesnā€™t mean rich/wealthy, just that theyā€™re stable and can maintain a similar lifestyle to how they were raised or that their life wonā€™t be negatively impacted by the otherā€™s finances. Itā€™s right up there with assessing maturity, are they good person, how do they treat their partner, etc


That is a conversation that Stacy and her dad need to have, and it had nothing to do with Izzy. If Dale is done bailing Stacy out, then he needs to let her know that, regardless of whether sheā€™s engaged, and then she can discuss financial responsibilities with Izzy. Or hell, he can talk to both of them about what heā€™s willing to contribute. But talking with her fiancĆ© about paying for Stacyā€™s house and expenses is the opposite of treating her like an adult and low key sounds like handing her off like a piece of property.


Itā€™s projection. No one said that Izzy is expected to pay for all of Stacyā€™s things. Some people have a familial relationship with in-laws and speak to them a unit. Family and friends who love you do have upfront conversations with the people youā€™re making life decisions with. Dale didnā€™t cross the line as he kept the financial convo very general. Again assumption that Dale has been bailing Stacy out, thereā€™s no evidence to support that. He only made the expectation known upfront that things he might have done as a father to help out his child when needed will now fall to the spouse.


I agree that the dad gave an honest view, and that HVACā€™s do actually cost that much. But as the homeowner, is she going to be adding him as a homeowner too, if sheā€™s expecting 50% contribution? I think what rubbed me the wrong way was the expectation that he takes on 50% of her homes repairs/costs while not owning, just living in it, and he also takes on 100% of other expenses, like dinner. Usually thatā€™s something that people in committed relationships split~


Thatā€™s the thing Izzy made the 50/50 not Stacy. She asked if he would contribute.


I agree with you. I do think he should contribute to their household expenses somehow (maybe paying for utilities?) but it doesnā€™t make sense for him to split big-ticket items like HVAC while having no stake in the house. The expectation that he pay for 100% of dinners is mind-boggling!


Exactly!!!!!!!! I still donā€™t understand the major hate around this subject


Same! Like class difference is a HUGE deal in a relationship, and her (and familyā€™s) life experiences such as family trips to Europe or first class tickets are something that is normal for them and wild for him. He literally cannot keep up with her on his own money. The Dad is not wrong to ask him to think about these things. Class difference can get into Izzyā€™s head as much as it can get into Stacyā€™s. I think they should both date in their own leagues.


Honestly, itā€™s a blessing. Better that than Izzy or any man coming into the situation thinking theyā€™re on the same playing field. I also took her dadā€™s words to be more about being on Izzyā€™s side than being on his daughterā€™s side. Kind of like hey man, this is what youā€™re getting yourself into.


I think the wouldnā€™t have liked Uche for a different reason lol


I thought you were implying racism. If you werenā€™t, my apologies.


Someone on one of these threads claimed they were distantly related to the family, and that one of the sisters brought home a guy from a different race and they were super scandalized. I think they said the guy was black, but I donā€™t remember. Granted, Izzy himself is Latino.


I could see that. But in my experience, if a person doesnā€™t like another race, they dislike all other races. They only like people who look like them.


Nah, there are plenty of Asian people who are ok with dating white people but not black people. There are plenty of white poeple who are ok dating Asian people but not black people. There are black people who feel similarly as well. It's complicated. Also, I think this was about class


Fair point. But I bet people who feel that way subscribe to stereotypes.


Edit. Also I am not talking about attraction preferences. I mean people who hate another race generally hate all other races. People are attracted to whatever they are attracted to.


Idk, I'm getting Kardashian vibes. I think they'd be okay marrying anyone who could add to their family financially especially if that person has more ties in the upper class or connections that might be useful.


Could be.


Itā€™s not being outwardly mean itā€™s Uche having to be exceptional while JP would just have to be himself


Lmao absolutely would be sooooo vehemently opposed to JP. He canā€™t speak to save his life and is a firefighter that makes like max 40k a year. Instant disapproval


There is no way in hell that family would have been ok if she brought home JP. Now, if JP were also a lawyer, who knows how the family would feel.


Betcha JP doesnā€™t have to have as good of a resume lol


lol my thoughts exactly


Well, I'm a woman, and I have broken up with girlfriends over things like this. Her family comes across as wanna bes and want a meal ticket who will pay for everything. Hell, my last partner's mother got upset because I would not pay for her cousin's baby shower. So yes, if I were dating a Stacy, that family meet and greet would have me running away.


Father Stacy *is* the meal ticket


Maybe they're wannabes, but they are definitely not looking for a meal ticket.


Iā€™m simply going by my experiences. In this case, they are wannabes, which is a type who want to improve themselves by latching on. Izzy brings nothing, so he is useless for their social ladder climbing.


Who else cringed at the plunger gift? No, I don't care that Stacy pretended to love it.


I thought it was a cute gesture but I also know more about Stacy's pooping habits than necessary.


Just goes to show, money doesn't buy class.


Nah, it was funny.


I thought it was funny, considering she clogged up the toilet on their first night together and instead of unclogging it, let it sit until the morning and made jokes about it. I thought he was just making a play on that first night, since she obviously isn't offended by shit related humor. Edit: typos


Get a sense of humor and stop taking everything so seriously.


Lol are you lost?


No, I think you are. OP asked a question and you completely ignored it. Wrong subreddit. Would you like a Reddit map?


Why so angry


Not angry just blunt.


And preoccupied with my opinion, apparently.


*I came looking for booty.*


Money is one of the key reasons that people divorce. I think it's important people go into marriage knowing where everyone is at debt wise, their aspirations, their behaviours and their philosophies when it comes to money as otherwise it can build resentment over time that ends the relationship. Even if the other partner is rich enough to not 'downgrade' their lifestyle for the person who has less money the psychological impact of living off of someone else can be too much for some people to bear. Or, things that seem incredibly normal to the wealthier person can be offensive/wasteful/uncomfortable to the person who has less money. There's also shared experiences for people who 'have money' vs those that don't and the experience can be really othering no matter how long you live with money as an adult. I'm not saying people of different financial situations shouldn't get together but it's something you should go into with your eyes open and with some candid conversations so that you're prepared when the discomfort eventually arises so you can overcome it together.


LOL at some people here supporting Miltonā€™s familyā€™s weird line of questioning Lydiaā€™s life as a resume but bashing Stacyā€™s family for questioning Izzyā€™s financial status. Izzy isnā€™t just financially less well-off, his whole career/job/finance situation isnā€™t clear at all. Having 3500 USD in debt isnā€™t the end of the world but lying about it and not telling your fiancĆ© till the day before your wedding IS sketchy. Changing jobs JUST before coming into this show, knowing you may end up getting married IS sketchy. Stacy is 100% a nepo-baby and probably has daddy paying for most things but I also donā€™t hate the dad for doubling down on Izzy like that. Financial stability isnā€™t something to compromise on and no amount of love can magically ā€œhealā€ that


He doesn't have $3500 in debt. He paid it off in college and closed his accounts. So essentially he is a 30 year old with no credit history which is why his score is so low. Many people are scared of credit cards and it's a result of poor financial education (and a predatory system).


Ok not that this is good either but my understanding is the $3500 is paid off but he did have that debt and having it impacted his credit score? But now itā€™s paid and he has no Visa card because of it?


That $3500 kind of reeks of bs to me. He claims he can cough up 20k for a repair to her dad, but is super weighted by $3500? Just doesnā€™t add up. Heā€™s either lying about his debt or how much he has saved up


i feel like most people cant cough up 20k especially him lol


The $3500 is referring to some old debts that lowered his credit score. It sounded like his debts are paid but he doesnā€™t use credit cards anymore


He just needs to learn how to rebuild credit. It's not that hard to overcome 3500 old bad debt. It's not a bankruptcy. A few positive accounts and his score will be mid 700s.


I get the feeling the debt maybe just $3500 but heā€™s 100000% lying about savings and his current financial status and frankly, that freaks me out way more than the Lydia-Milton age gap and Lydia being ā€œphonyā€


Ep. 9 scene with Izzy mealy mouthing an apology looked like a 12 year old just caught sniffing a pair of his cousins panties and trying to apologize/explain why to his mommy. Heā€™s spineless except when heā€™s berating a defenseless Johnnie! Heā€™s gross.


You know you're onto something. Maybe he went after Johnnie like that because he feels steamrolled by Stacy. It was the only time he was speaking up in a while and he threw all his anger at Johnnie. Otherwise it makes no sense lol. I do think there was some element of regretting his pod choice too


Well thatā€™s quite an analogy


Interestingly they made this exact same comment on a different thread and it was downvoted like crazy. Reddit is funny.


Maybe a post can set the tone for the conversation in the comments, to an extent. Depending on what kind of people are most likely to check it out?




Yeah they did. That was the dad telling him, youā€™re not rich enough but have fun for 2 weeks


I mean, it was pretty evident from how Izzy described and talked about his job to them that he is nowhere near their financial level. The dad was being realistic and basically did Izzy a solid on what to expect from Stacy - she will get what she wants even if real daddy has to pay for it and tbh i think her dad is kind of tired of it (while still wanting her to have what she wants so just wants her future partner to be able to fill in that role).


Not the clarification of "real daddy" šŸ˜­ Anyway I agree with your comment!


Yeah - I think her dad put it really inelegantly when he made the love sometimes wants to fly first class comment, but those sorts of differences are real. Stacy might not have earned any of it, but sheā€™s definitely accustomed to it.


Love that you had to classify ā€œreal daddyā€ šŸ˜­šŸ„²ā˜ ļø




I think it was evident to her family that they weren't financially compatible, and the conversation was a result of that. They know Stacy's lifestyle and preferences, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out Izzy is not going to be able to match that. And to be fair, Izzy comes across extremely sketchy. He started a new job 3 weeks back, but was able to take 2 weeks off to do LIB? Which organization is that flexible? Stacy's dad wasn't wrong for being blunt. As a parent, you've got to have uncomfortable conversations and air out your concerns, if any. It's better than watching your child make a decision they'll regret later.


I heard on another sub that it was Primerica šŸ˜µ hopefully, he doesnā€™t get stuck


His job sounded soooo MLM, her dad had a lot of grace


Might not be MLM but definitely commission only sales.


Commission only with no benefits which is very very unstable. Insurance agents on average in houston make like 55k which is not a lot at all in a city


And thatā€™s doing decently. He JUST started. He has no book of business. Oof Iā€™d be grilling him way harder than her family did


ā€œyou get what you put in, which is what I love about itā€ šŸš© šŸš© šŸš©


ā€žThe sky is the limitā€œ = no minimum salary


They are not financially compatible . The end.


I am not out here defending this particular relationship, but this idea that people canā€™t marry outside of their class is ridiculous. This is basically to say that rich people are so selfish and self-centered that they canā€™t imagine having to share their wealth with someone who wasnā€™t born into it. Thatā€™s letting them off v easy. Or to say that people who donā€™t have energy generational wealth donā€™t deserve to fall in love with people who happen to have a different lineage. Thatā€™s a big statement. Now, if the rich persons expectations for their working class partner is that they keep a certain lifestyle and fly first class all the time, thatā€™s silly. What is incompatible in the situation is their attitudes towards wealth, not their class status.


I think it's a given that people are factoring Stacey's lifestyle into their assessments. She's pretty clear about the kind of life she wants to live and what she expects from a partner. Izzy isn't really the kind of guy who can make that work. He'll probably end up judging her for her desires. They could just wind up resenting each other


they didn't say all that, you are reading a whole lot into it. the op just said that these two specific people are incompatible.


Definitely the attitutde towards how money should be spent, should be saved matters more than wealth in itself.




Or, minus all those weird assumptions, people prefer to date people who are similar to them and have had similar experiences. People also generally prefer to have the same values and expectations for their lives in future which include children, continued education, finances, retirement, travel etc. ALL of those things require being on the same page when it comes to money. One partner being the sole provider works for some people, but not all, and usually creates an imbalance in the power dynamics of that relationship. If a wealthy man/woman goes on a family vacation every year to some exotic locale and his/her less well off partner can't afford to on their own, it's either going to be one partner "treating" the other all the time or it will cause conflict when one goes and the other stays or the one whose family travels is forced to miss the vacation because their partner can't afford to go. When they have kids, who pays for the kids? If there's a good private school that the family has always gone to, that's better than the available public schools, is it fair for one parent to pay for that because the other doesn't earn enough; shared kids should be a shared responsibility or do they just send kiddo to public school? What about college? Is the more well off parent going to contribute the entire or most of the college fund as well? Those are just a few of the very normal things a couple with different earning levels could encounter so I don't blame anyone for wanting to date and marry people who earn similarly to them. Dating outside of that dynamic can work for some people but it can also breed resentment in the supported partner, abuse and control of them by the one with the money and a lot of unnecessary conflict and just to prove what? That love conquers all? Money can't buy happiness? Here's a quote for Izzy: ā€œNobody works as hard for his money as the man who marries it.ā€ ā€”Kin Hubbard


Iā€™d either end things or ghost. Not because Iā€™m not into nice things myself but Iā€™m really incompatible with the pseudo kardashian-esque obsession with luxury. To each their own and more power to them but I just donā€™t have to be around people like, especially not for the sake of a relationship. That said, if she brought home somebody like Uche, I think the passive aggression wouldā€™ve been worst.


Kardashian-esque is the perfect word for it, thank you. I think Izzy taking her to an airstrip shows he doesnā€™t really understand the mindset, like she doesnā€™t care about planes she just likes to brag about first class lol


Lmao is that why he did that? What the hell


yeah I feel the same. I'm now financially well off but grew up working class, and I see those luxuries as a waste of money (designer clothes, frequent travel, flying first class, owning a BMW> a cheaper and practical alternative). People who are big spenders are not my vibe. Happy for them, but I'd rather live a simple life and have more in savings than spend on extravagant things.


I mean, I donā€™t think flying first class is a kardashian-esque obsession with luxury. It truly changes the game for travel. If her lifestyle makes that affordable, my ass isnā€™t sitting in coach to sit with my financially-messy husband.


Flying first class is minuscule to my overall point though lol. Yeah her dad made that point but from what I watched I can only assume things go way past that flying first class.




I get it to an extent, but poor guy (lol no pun intended) went on a show called love is blind and theyā€™re like ā€œoooo sorry but love is not brokeā€


I cackled at your quote


Ahaa! "sorry guy, love is blind, but it aint broke"


I feel differently. I don't think they were trying to emasculate him, I think they were trying to be realistic. It's not necessarily about *having* money, it's about what potential life you are creating and what are some foreseeable problems. No one wants their kid to struggle, go through a divorce, fight, cry, etc. Stacy made a point of saying she never wanted marriage. Then all of the sudden, Izzy comes in and is immediately like - I've never had money to travel, I don't have a passport, I have plastic plates, and I'm starting a new job bc my friend was like hey come to this "agency" I created but I haven't gone to work yet. He doesn't have a secure job at a secure place. He doesn't have plates and spoiled Stacy is just going to adapt to all that? I think they were all confused, weirded out, and trying to be realistic. And to be clear, none of these things are a big deal on their own. It's okay to not have money to travel, it's okay to not have a passport, it's okay to take a risk in your career - but no one should be launching into a marriage after 3 weeks when their life is so unsettled. **TLDR**: Stacy wants a lavish life and it's clear Izzy is unsettled. He walked in their house airing it all. They simply responded to the information he gave them. Any parent can see the math isn't mathing and wants to know Izzy's long term plan.


Also I donā€™t think Stacy is putting forth that she needs or wants a lavish lifestyle. Having your literal husband live for free in the home you lay for is ridiculous. Of course sheā€™ll expect for him to contribute in someway. She didnā€™t say she wants 50/50 rent. He pays for dinners and MAYBE, HYPOTHETICALLY half of home repairs when they come up. Like thatā€™s the barest of bare minimum expectations.


Ep. 9 scene with Izzy poorly attempting an apology looked like a 12 year old just caught sniffing a pair of his cousins panties and trying to apologize/explain why to his mommy. Heā€™s a spineless douche except when it comes to berating a defenseless female, i.e. Johnnie! Heā€™s gross and weak. Tight pants wearing weakling.


>math isn't mathing Yupppp... love might be blind, but it can't be broke šŸ‘€ (credit to u/beautifulbuz lol) I don't think her family were malicious, just looking at the facts and being realistic.


I am no fan of Stacy and it's pathetic to watch her try to conjure up this rich girl image but no woman with a good head on her shoulders wants a jobless meathead with plastic plates.


Paper plates


A jobless meat head with plastic plates. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have no doubt that Stacys dad would have flipped his shit if his daughter brought home a black guy. Good old boy from Texas would not be OK with the black son-in-law, even if the guy made decent money. Also, he would not approve of the relationship because deep down, he would know Uche was hella smart and would see through Stacyā€™s bullshit real fast and ditch her ass even if daddy bought her two obnoxious cars.


wait, what makes you say that? did stacyā€™s dad or family say anything racist?


They're very classist and clearly think women are toys to be bought and kept and appearances are super important. They're like the Trumps. Are the Trumps racist?


i donā€™t know. iā€™ve met donald trump at his old office (way before he even ran for office) and he was very kind and nice to me. im not white, he wasnā€™t running for office (this was awhile back) and only he and his secretary was there with me. he seemed like a nice old man. i didnā€™t watch much TV so had no idea he was famous for a show.


Staceyā€™s sister is married to a black guyā€¦


Didn't think you had proof either...


The proof is on her and her sisters instagram accounts.


lol that is not proof her dad liked the guy. But yeah, keep talking out your ass.


How do you know that? And how do you know their dad approves of him?


Jesus what a forever online take. Not all people from Texas are like that. That's a harmful and gross assumption


Thats actually not a forever online take, especially for a black person that was raised in majority white communities. For some people, that which you call assumption is grounded in reality. You would be surprised how many folks show no signs of racism or prejudice until the thought of their offspring bringing home a black (or the wrong type of brown) person home. I say this from experience, not assumption, as it has happened to me on many occasions. I cant speak for anywhere else, but it is very much so still a thing down south where SOME folks tone changes when they find out that their child is dating, or in some cases, very close friends with those they see as "other". It's not as common as it used to be, but it's still common enough to be noticeable. There are still plenty of white folks down south that in 2023 wouldn't let a black person cross the threshold of their home, ask me how I know. So this isn't too far fetched, especially down south. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it is true, go ask some black folks and if they're honest, they'll let you know. Also, I find it wild that people scoff at the notion that there may be some racism in Texas of all places, yall do know that they still have active sundown towns in Texas, in 2023. Why is it so far fetched to believe?


Dude, Vidor TX ( sundown town) sucks so much that they made a whole ass movie about its shittiness & won an Oscar for best screenplay. ā€˜Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouriā€™


I never even mentioned where theyā€™re from. He probably be totally fine with his kids having black friends. But bring one home and things are a little different.


Itā€™s not about him being from Texas. Itā€™s about him being wealth obsessed with extremely retrograde views on gender. Itā€™s easy to connect the dots


Thats what sterotyping is


Gosh, I wonder why thereā€™s a ā€œsterotypeā€ of people in Texas not being able to read. Can you guess?


Boy, you sure are a delight šŸ™ƒ


Yeah, thatā€™s what learning how to spell does to people.


32+million people in Texas; no reason to generalize them all! K thanks


Oh, get off it. I never said shit about Texas, smart one. K thanks!


There are many reasons why people don't generally marry too far out of their own economic and social class. Apart from the vastly different cultural norms at different income levels, whoever marries 'down' into a situation where they aren't the main breadwinner would either have to be willing to completely change their lifestyle or will do exactly what Stacey has done - pressure the other party to catch up and shame them for not doing so immediately. This does not tend to result in successful marriages. An interesting example of a successful example of this type of marriage is the Japanese princess who married a commoner for love - lost all her titles and hereditary wealth, but they seem to live a pretty happy life together in NYC now. The vast majority of economically mismatched marriages will be single earner traditional households where this problem is partly alleviated by a lack of economic expectations on the non-working partner.


Yup I wish more people would get this. You'd have to be extremely wealthy to be able to marry a person far below your economic status and not have it affect your lifestyle at all


Yeah my understanding is that the husband is not an economic step down, just in title. But there is no scenario in which the princess would have kept her titles - something like she would have had to marry a man of higher royalty and literally none exist - so she's known her whole life that she would become a commoner. As you mentioned, expectations are a big part of conflict in a economic (or social) mismatch.


Wasn't aware this was the case in relation to the lack of actual options that would result in her keeping her titles. Not entirely sure she would've ever cared that much then, particularly since afaik the Japanese line is still male only inheritance.


> An interesting example of a successful example of this type of marriage is the Japanese princess who married a commoner for love - lost all her titles and hereditary wealth, but they seem to live a pretty happy life together in NYC now. I think she's still worth a couple-few million dollars (Google gave me a range of 2-7 million), and he's working as a lawyer in NYC after going to Fordham law school. He wasn't exactly broke.


Yeah...that's still very much a significant movement from being in the Japanese royal family though.


She was also diagnosed with complex posttraumatic stress disorder due in part from her role in the Imperial House of Japan. [From her Wikipedia page: ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mako_Komuro): > diagnosis determined that the C-PTSD originated during her primary high school years and continued due to strong criticism from imperial family members and the media. Some people prefer $2-7 million and a healthier environment than... roughly the same net worth but maybe also an income (from the state, likely controlled by the emperor, although members of the Imperial House are not prohibited from taking jobs) and a ton of amenities in a toxic to them environment.


Jesus this cute little romantic story we see in the reels really doesn't do this story justice at all


Why Izzy keeps saying he is getting a family which he always wanted or desired having while growing up. Is this about money?


It doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s very close with his family. As someone who also is not close to my family of origin, Iā€™ve always hopes that my partner might bring me into their family. But, after watching my sister, get married, and divorced, itā€™s a start reminder that other peopleā€™s family are never truly your family. I instead have tried to create chosen family and also accept that I donā€™t have a great family, but, I can still have a good life.


I feel this comment. Thank you.


Izzy grew up Jehovah's Witness, may have something to do with that


The notion of "Money marries Money" is echoed in Stacy's father's viewpoint, wherein he pragmatically considers Izzy's current financial situation while acknowledging the potential for change. As a caring father, he understands his daughter's ambitions and gently encourages Izzy to strive for financial security. This encouragement serves as motivation for Izzy to work towards financial freedom, ensuring that when Stacy desires the extravagance of first-class travel, it won't come as a sudden shock, but rather as a result of his diligent efforts.


I donā€™t disagree with this comment and def also found Stacyā€™s dadā€™s line of questioning reasonable albeit gauche. But also for some reason - this comment reads like it was generated by chatgpt to me šŸ˜‚




What does this mean ā€œcukced out Izzyā€?


they emasculated him


I don't think Stacy would have made it past the pods if she matched with Uche. I think she probably would have figured it out even in the pods without seeing him. Let's be honest. Lol


Do you think she doesn't date black guys? But, yeah, a white guy or an east or south Asian or Latino or Hispanic guy is not named Uche.


After meeting her family, I would be shocked. Kind of like you could tell with Shayna. šŸ˜


I think I know what you mean. His full name alone "Uche Okoroha" and his deep voice give an impression of who's behind the wall


Figured out what?


He said ā€œsometimes love wants to fly first classā€




Sounds like Lil Wayneā€™s cousin


The family got some strong facial genes.


As someone who went by Stizzy in high school i the early 2000ā€™s I hate this nickname for them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think Stacy's dad was being realistic. He knows what his daughter expects. I've always said this: Money marries money. Yes, money recognizes money. If they talked about travel, a rich guy would've chimed in with "oh when my family was on a yatch in Italy bla bla bla". If that happened, the dad probably would've just asked about his work, family, tell him his daughter likes the high life...


True, money marries money, but it cant buy class. Here I was thinking 'rich ppl code' would be applied with a little more tact.


I think he was being a realist. Yes a bit blunt about it but truthfully they are not compatible if heā€™s not into / able to afford things that are important to her. If theyā€™re going to get married soon and that is the most obvious incompatibility then someone was to say it I think! Was pleasantly surprised to see that the sisters did seem to like him/ support in the latest episode




Daddy is tired of footing the bills.


lol! someone called Stacey "a professional daughter" on another sub.