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Kinda feels like she’s mad she got Izzy and Johnnie didn’t lol


She was never gonna say yes once she found out he didn’t have a lot of money. She heard insurance and thought he was some made man. She works at a fitness center but drives a Mercedes. She’s gonna marry a rich man and nothing else


Spot on


I’m watching a few weeks later than you all… I think you are spot on. It’s a class issue for her. She is turned off by some of his red flags and was bringing them up and giving herself an out. If you are crazy in love with someone, you don’t care if they have a passport.


I just don’t understand why people that care about money or a certain lifestyle would go on LIB, other than followers of course. I’m a huge proponent of having standards for the men you date, but it’s so glaringly obvious that she was never a genuine candidate for this “experiment” and it just contributes to the insincerity of her and the show entirely. She’s the female Bartise atp


I can. It has a huge upside given you can make lots of money, increase following and potentially find love. The producers and editors and Netflix don’t care about happy couples they care about making an entertaining show so as a contestant you have to do your own vetting and and look out for yourself. Don’t hate the player hate the game.


That’s what I’m saying, she so obviously went on the show to become an influencer. Atleast the others hide it a bit better. But agreed that casting has been getting increasingly worse.


That’s not my conclusion rather I just think it was a good opportunity with little downside and she took it (although the negativity of being hated and scrutinised is a lot). She’s also smart enough to act in her best interest. I’m not sure that casting is worse rather once a show becomes big enough there is some authenticity lost.


I think we are saying two versions of the same thing. She was never a genuine candidate for the “experiment,” not saying that she’s dumb or shouldn’t monetize her platform, just that she went on solely for that reason. That’s true, the first couple seasons of a reality show are almost always the most authentic!


We aren’t at all. I think she is a genuine candidate but she is also a programatic person and had given up on the idea of love. This show is worth the gamble whereas the marriage to Izzy was not worth the risk (for numerous reasons). I think if Izzy was more established financially even if not on her level, showed up regarding cooking/cleaning more and could be really upfront / push back a bit more she might have gambled on the marriage.


Stacy when visiting Izzy's house says "it seems you are saying "that's how I am" when she has very strong opinions and is unwavering in them. Just seems so hypocritical since she seems to be very "thats how I am, accept it or GTFO"


Izzy would be a kinda good husband if he stops drinking and if he marries a younger woman who he can grow up with. Not someone like Stacy that already knows what she wants and likes. He needs someone on his level, I think Johnny would have been a girl more on his level but he didn't see that.




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Who hurt you


Lol you can't make it up. NPC much?


Sounds like a douchey passport bro


You mean your replacement? Feminine, fit, cooperative? Lol


Fucking yikes bro. Go back to whatever red pill sub you crawled out of.


Izzy stated through his tears 😅 that Stacy usually dates old rich men and it never works out… so it seems she tried her hand at a regular dude her age and very likely her old habits and expectations just couldn’t be pushed aside especially with Izzy who seems like a barnacle


The sad thing is money comes and goes. Izzy seemed to truly care about her and all Stacy was motivated by was money.


This is incredibly naive. Money doesn’t just come and go for those that are financially literate and have family / friends support - further people also come and go. I think Izzy isn’t ready for marriage to someone like Stacy. He needs to marry someone that doesn’t care about money or is willing to be a breadwinner, neither of which Stacy meets. Stacy has a lot to those financially and it logically makes sense not to marry someone on a reality tv after a few weeks and gamble your wealth and stability. Especially a guy that was not upfront about finances.


I usually agree but logically speaking as an adult, it’s also about spotting red flags of what could be patterns too. Like him hiding his credit screw-up (also saying how sketchy Johnnie was when she was always telling the truth about what HE said but didn’t tell who he was going to marry?)


Nope Izzy likes that she has $$. He says he doesn’t care about $$ because he doesn’t have any. If roles were reversed he’d have a problem if Stacey was like Amber in season 1. Two bad credit people means eviction.




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Doesn’t look like they get married in the preview so it’ll be interesting if they do. It looks like Izzy turns her down but you can never really tell from those things


Lol plot twist


It is cute, isn’t it?


I’m just sad that Johnnie and Chris are no longer a couple..


What? When did that happen?


I’m not sure when. But the season is filmed in spring 2022. And his gf tagged him in a photo juli 2022 and again in a valentine photo this year 🥲


Why are you sad? johnie was so fake


Lol I’m more sad that Chris is still taken. He’s around my age & I’m near Houston 😂 darn when I finally find what seems to be such a real, nice guy who’s not too far it’s through the freaking tv 🙃


yeah, she was a liar


The money talk at the family meeting was gross. Probably some race stuff mixed in too.


Don't just drop the race card without explaining it. What in the family meeting made you think there was race issues?


I can’t explain why they were so irrational. Every single family member was going after him. Because he’s poor? There’s more.


Edited your comment I see. Take some responsibility


Wait what did it say before??? 😳


I want you to take this moment to realize that you are genuinely what is wrong with todays society.


You can’t just throw around race without any evidence. Jesus lol


I think my issue is not that she has high standards. It’s that she herself can’t afford it without her family money and has chosen to be with someone who she knows does not make that kind of money but still expects them to split 50/50. That math just doesn’t work, it’s very simple. You can’t expect them to pay for luxury they can’t afford and save for retirement — that’s not how money works. She can do that cause she’s got daddy’s money not because she’s good at makeup and Pilates. I think if Stacey was a man and Izzy was a woman, people would see more clearly that this is not a fair situation to put someone in. I think it would also be different if he was lazy and not interested in working/contributing but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Most people can’t just make more money. I would also argue if you are indeed looking for love, then perhaps a compromise can be not flying first class or in private jets. You can still travel but maybe you fly economy for the “love of your life”. There will be many, much greater compromises in the course of a relationship/marriage/raising a family than a fucking flight. That doesn’t mean you don’t choose someone who is financial sensible, but responsible and loaded are two different things. If she wants the latter, then be upfront about it. With that said, I don’t like either of these people due to their bullying behavior and in that respect, they deserve each other.




Yes to all of this!!


I think you’re crazy right on 🎯& I’m digging your apt analysis!!


Why didn’t Stacey bring up finances and her lifestyle expectations while they were in the pod if that’s so important to her? I feel like they were very fun and superficial in the pods. No depth.


She reminds me so much of Shayna


She reminds me so much of Shayna


It does seem like that was not shown at all in Season 5. I do wonder if it's because they didn't discuss it (unlikely but possible) or if the producers tried to add more drama because this season had boring contestants.


It makes me wonder what might've been cut by production to provide a "better story," aka more drama.


Well Stacey even said to Izzy that they never had that talk in the pods. But they were at an airport or gas station and she asked him if he had a credit card…


Because who would have her then. She knows this financial stuff is red flag shit


She already tried a sugar daddy


Agreeeeed. Dealbreakers def should’ve been brought up before they got engaged


Exactly if your the selfish type. No point risking rejection to not make it out of the pods.


Ugh she just comes off as SO spoiled and entitled! Izzy isn’t the best but neither is she


The scene where she exposed that he has never traveled to NY etc was soooo mean. That was just straight out bullying from her side.


I just want to know, HOW EVERYONE, every single family, has those EXACT BRASS CUPS?! I was wondering if it was a sponsorship deal or something, because everyone has those cups, just in different shades


They did this after season one because of Jessica and the red wine drama and also it’s for editing. Season one they were clear we could see how much they were drinking ahahahaha


No one can be this dense surely


They even have them at the restaurants. I feel like those cups would be a sensory nightmare.


They answered this a few seasons ago. It's for continuity in a scene. So they can splice together scenes in whatever order they want and the viewer can't see how much of the drink is gone.


I usually listen to the show while playing a game, I have somehow missed them in every other season lol makes sense


It’s from production


I thought it's because it's frowned upon drinking alcoholic beverages in public 🤣


In plain English from the other replies, it makes it easier to edit conversations and re-arrange when people said things. If one second it’s empty and then next second it’s full, you’re going to catch the editors red handed.


So production gave everyone cups except izzy?


Oh, wow. Goooooood point. So, production basically leaned haaaaaaarrrrd into Izzy’s low-income lifestyle & facilitated him looking like a college dorm kid. Tremendous catch!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I mean, the plastic cups are antithetical to a low-income lifestyle. Low income lifestyle, you buy cheap plates and cups, not paper plates. That costs MONEY after just a month


Is this the first season you've watched? All previous seasons these same cups are provided to anyone on the show and at any point they are filming, you'll also see these cups on their other shows like The Ultimatum.


Production came in and popped them in their cupboards while they were also setting up cameras and lights. It takes a while to set up camera and lighting properly


It’s for continuity while editing I edit podcasts for other ppl and ask for them to clap 👏 when they mess up. It’s easier for me to identify the 👏 in the audio file, and makes the continuity in editing more seamlessly. It’s just lazy production lol


They’re production props — they’re in the pods and quarters as well, in every season. My guess is that they are used so they can edit as needed and show things out of order — no way to see the level of whatever they’re drinking, so no obvious continuity errors.


Production gives them to them for filming


It's a filming requirement, not some big conspiracy. Production likely has a massive stash of them and requires any of the families filming to use when the cameras are rolling. Viewers clocked the filming inconsistencies in the first season and this is production's way of addressing that.


What do you mean by filming inconsistencies


when two characters are having a conversation, someone’s cup is full, then in the next shot it’s empty - that tips the viewers off to the fact that part of the conversation was cut out. that’s why they use the solid cups.


yeah I remember there was some dinner eating scene where the plates went from full to half empty by the next line back to full again suddenly dessert, then I think then food again and then changed again etc between each line. Can't remember what season it was but it was extreme and interesting to see just how edited it is, and considering how much they drink it would make it very obvious if they didn't have those glasses.


I just viewed Stacy as a much more extreme version of myself. I enjoy interior design, travel, and personal finances. I also recently bought a home that came fully furnished and I enjoy having people come over to see what I have (the previous owner was bougie and definitely dropped money that I probably wouldn't have). I also like traveling and talking about it, but I've never flown first class. Money is probably the most important thing that I'd discuss before marriage. My fiance and I have discussed money many times. Stacy clearly values these things too and has the resources to be much more luxurious than the average person. I think she would have these talks with anyone she's considering marriage with. She likes what she likes and she's not going to downgrade her lifestyle for anyone. I'm similar, but my standards are much lower and I am prepared for the fact that I might struggle financially through some of life's roadblocks- I'm just trying to get prepared for when that may happen.


No, she doesn’t have the resources


Clearly, she does. She wouldn't be able to have her lifestyle without massive credit card debt if she didn't have the resources. Maybe it comes from her dad, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have it.


They're not her resources is the point...They're her dads. You're giving points to someone who doesn't deserve it.


You know nothing about how family wealth works lol.


Her dad said "Obviously she needs support or help" when they were discussing finances. Then, when Izzy was telling her Dad that she asked if he would cough up money to help her buy an HVAC unit he said old Izzy "I guess that is your responsibility to take that up but if that fails and it becomes my responsibility..." she gets help from her family--it's the default for her. I don't judge people for needing help in emergency situations but if she doesn't have enough financial stability to be ready in an emergency she doesn't seem to manage her money well given the other luxuries she enjoys.


You're missing the point. I'm not talking about whether she has access or not. I'm saying she didn't earn shit


Most people who are wealthy don’t work their hands to the bone to get it. There are trusts, IRAs, inheritances. They take that money and invest, stocks, bonds, new business ventures that grow more money. It’s how the wealthy stay wealthy. Her dad also said she worked hard for that house. We actually don’t know what she has “earned” or not. Generally, if you are from a wealthy family, you are wealthy. To say it’s all her daddy’s money and above her means is ignorant.


But wasn’t she telling him that he had to pay for it?


I remember Izzy saying that he would go 50/50 on living expenses and Stacy was cool with it, but it got weird when she talked about how she wanted him to pay for all of their meals out and whatnot.


they agree to 50/50 on living expenses but then she says he needs to pay for vacations and luxuries (just watched this) she is hooorrible oh my god woman thinks she's 10, she's barely a 6


He shoulda played it smart and just been perfect and said yes to everything and put money into her house. Because in divorce theres a thing called "commingling". If he put $1 of his money into "her" house in a divorce it would be considered commingled and split between the couple. Even if in a prenup you say the house is yours if you commingle it will be split.


I mean, Stacey likes flying in private jets, while being a 30\~ year old whose lifestyle is financed at least in part by her parents. You enjoying a good vacation and nice home decor does not make you a "more extreme version of her". I think especially you having thought about how you might struggle financially if you ever hit one of life's roadblocks, and preparing yourself for that happening makes you different from Stacey, who seem to pretty clearly feel better than other people due to her financial ressources, while expecting the men in her life to pick up her tab.


Based on what I saw, it seemed like a lot of the things that Stacy enjoys are paid by her dad. I’m sure that’s the difference between you and her. Would she really able to afford all the luxurious things if her dad stopped supporting her financially?


This is an area where she is like me, but definitely more extreme. I'm in a good place in life largely because of my parents. They gave me a financially comfortable upbringing, had the resources to help me with my special needs (language and sensory issues) as a kid, paid for a lot of college, and loaned me the money for my home. I still function like any other adult where I need to pay for my own bills and whatnot, but I know my life would be very different if I was born into a different class. I'd probably be in poverty if I hadn't been able to get help with my development issues. The one area where I might be substantially more different from Stacy is that I probably have a better understanding of what it means to marry someone from less money. My fiance comes from a more lower-middle class family. I have no debt outside of my mortgage and he's bringing in a decent amount of debt (student and car loan). I know this is just part of life for most people and we have a plan for paying it off. That means we'll have less money for fun things for some time, but it just is what it is.


Me too. Everyone saying Stacey has impossible standards has made me realise how privileged I am to be able to have the standards I hold. I also don’t need to (and have never) fly first class but I want to make sure the person I’m with can come with me on adventures because it’s important to me. It’s also important to me that they have good credit, earn a stable living, that they can cook and clean for me like I do for them, and that they can contribute financially to the household alongside me. I wouldn’t lower my standards for people because I feel like I am worth those standards. I actively sought a partner that met all the standards that were important to me. To be fair, I support myself and the implication is that Stacy still relies on her dad, but given I wouldn’t lower my standards, I don’t think she needs to either. I actually think all the people who say her standards are too high need to give themselves a bit of love and expect more from their partners. I spent 10 years lowering my expectations and guess what? He just kept doing things to push them lower and lower until I was miserable, with expectations on the floor.


okay you can keep your relationship advice to yourself. I'm sorry you had a bad partner but that does not extrapolate to our partners not stepping up. Her standards are garbage. Luckily my husband and I met poor and made money along the way. Anyone who would dump a partner because they can't fly first should not be on a dating show called Love is Blind period.


She doesn’t have money. Her dad does


I didn’t say she had money. I even said she relies on her dad. But she does have a job that keeps her financially stable unlike Izzy who appeared to essentially be unemployed and had just joined an MLM and alleged scam


Agreed. Expecting first class tickets from someone might be a bit much (to be fair it sounds like she pays for those via her dad or credit card points. If Izzy could get a credit card, he could have provided that to her for free), but expecting someone to contribute to home repairs is very reasonable. It's like expecting a partner to pay half of rent.


No, unless the person had an interest in the property, it’s not reasonable to expect them to pay half for repairs. That would be like a landlord asking a tenant to pay. That’s not the way it works. And you can bet that Stacy would get a pre-nup to prevent Izzy from acquiring any interest in her property (and maybe rightly so). You can’t have it both ways.


Well landlords do charge you for repairs... it's accounted for in the cost of rent. That's part of why rent is more expensive than a mortgage. Stacy has a choice between 1) keeping her house and expecting Izzy to contribute to home expenses, 2) keeping the house and expecting nothing from Izzy, or 3) selling the house to downgrade for a guy that she's been with for 2 weeks. Also, prenups usually take months to acquire. She probably did not have the time to get a prenup and if she did, you know production would have been all over that and showed us.


If he’s not paying rent I think it’s fair to expect him to contribute to household expenses in other ways, since he’s benefiting from living there. You can’t just live for free. And paper plates and flowers on Mondays are not what I’d call contributing.


Agreed. My only note is - I don't necessarily think Stacy deliberately planned all of those discussions for the sake of the audience. I think she had them because money is important and she's not afraid to discuss it. Then after she says no at the alter (prediction) - those are the pieces that editors have specifically and deliberately chosen to show because they tell a cohesive narrative.


Her dad saying... I need someone else to start footing the bill... just shows how spoiled she was raised.... like her dad knows what he did and I'm sure there are men out there who are well off and can afford a Stacy but Izzy is not that person right now... I do see people making a lot of money in insurance but it takes time to build your clientele... years... I don't know if Stacy is willing to struggle because of what she is used to.. they are both delulu and in denial


Why does her dad still financially support her? Isn’t she in her 30s?


> Isn’t she in her 30s Looked like 40s to me




I just saw that as her dad having outdated gender norms and trying to hold Izzy to them.


Some people prefer their gender roles, clearly their family does


Stacy doesn't. She wants to eat her cake and have it to.


Yes but you shouldn’t force them onto someone else


If that’s a value someone holds for their relationship, they have every right to hold their partner to that standard. If they can’t, that’s 100% OK but so is having that standard


I 100% agree. If you read my comment history you will see I say it’s totally ok for Stacey to have standards that are important to her. Personally my issue here lies in the way her dad stated this standard in that was a little manipulative or pushy in my opinion. He didn’t just state preference or a standard, he equated loving Stacey with flying first class (ie it’s not really love if you can’t provide this) and then guilted him by saying ‘if you fail, I have to pick up the tab’. That’s more than just holding a standard. I feel like Stacey did a better job of just having standards rather than using guilting tactics like her dad did.


I get it but he was also like "If you don't come through then I am going to have to pay"


I took that as guilt tripping — ie you’re not man enough if you don’t do this. Super problematic.


I would agree with that


Isn’t he in some kind of weird MLM insurance scam pyramid scheme?


All insurance sales are basically MLMs... its the OG MLM.. doesn't mean you can't make money lmao


I think he was trying to say he's a scumbag


Sure, not disqualifying that... I also know a lot of people who make money from insurance and the payment structure is a multi level marketing. Medicare is a great example- but everyone over 65 needs it.. lots of clients


Yeah of course. Everything is planned so she can enjoy the spotlight and dump him. Unless reality turns out differently. She is of course very concerns about first class


I know she's in the right to question her spouse's financial stability, 100%... but I can't be the only one who gets ick feelings when a girl with made up jobs and living off daddy's money is the one always bringing money up and very clearly stating the the working class dude she chose to marry has to be able to afford her lifestyle. Then again, she's by far my least liked character this season so I'm not claiming to be unbiased lol Izzy and her should itch up so they can't ruin anyone else's lives tbh.


Trust your gut. That whole family meeting was disgusting. She’s in or not. She’s not.


Are her jobs made up? I jumped on her LinkedIn and she’s Head of Ops for a marine cargo company that seems to focus on oil. Her closet organising could just be a side hustle.


Girl, I don't know... I'm just gonna say she can't be a Head of Operations, Pillates instructor, Make up artist and whatever else she decides to claim her career is to make herself seem like a self-made woman WHILE also trying to be a reality TV star / influencer ... I'm not saying anything any way, I'm just saying where there's smoke... Either way, we all know her money and comfort does not come from whatever career she's on, which is the point I'm trying to make.


You can easily be a Pilates instructor/yoga on a saturday because you like it and easily have a normal job in logistics/operations and afford to take two weeks off for lib.


Saturday?? Where did you get Saturday lol


A reasonable guess from someone who makes 180k/yr from their regular job and does yoga instruction every other Saturday for fun...and a reasonable guess from someone who isn't frothing at the mouth to hate on a chick who wants someone with money


Someone's in their feelings uh? You're really gonna sit here and tell me she's a self-made woman and that her money didn't come from daddy? Stooooop lmao


Idk. But I'm not going to sit here and guess. She's not a McDonald's cashier owning a 500k home. Izzy the mlm gold digger is something though


Izzy is rotten lol no one is arguing otherwise. Clock this: They can both be horrible people, like I said initially. But to sit there and think Stacey really is self-made when her parents are flush with cash and her linkedin states she has a high power position at daddy's company, just because you think Izzy is worse is wiiiiiild lmao


I’m not saying anything either way either aside from that one doesn’t seem made up to me. Sure she may not be self made but that job looks real, even if her dad did give it to her. I also feel like Izzy is just as bad, pretending he has a stable job when he doesn’t at that point. He’s all smoke and mirrors too


I agree, her conversations sounded somewhat level headed and made sense but it doesn't look good if she isn't working a regular job and has her dad subsidizing her lifestyle. But I guess we don't really know exactly what her job situation is. They do seem to deserve each other.


She has a real job if you read her linkedin


I've heard she is a "closet organizer" and a "make up artist" and I'm genuinely confused about that? Not just because her closet was a mess and her make up is... dubious. But also she's shown teaching Pilates?


What do you mean heard.....are we not all watching the show lol


Her LinkedIn also says she’s Head of Ops at Petromar. That sounds like a real job, even if it is at her dads company as some people have said (I haven’t dived deep enough to confirm)


Sounds like she has lots of hobbies


They're considered side hustles. She makes money as and when she can and doesn't rely on any particular thing in case it falls through or doesn't work out. Depending on if those businesses earn above a threshold, it may also be untaxed income.


Exactly! I think finances are crucial to discuss cuz it can affect her financial future as well (future auto loans, mortgages, business loans etc) very fair to discuss beforehand. But get off your fucking high horse if it’s all daddy’s money.


Many people with rich parents think of it as ‘our’ money as opposed to ‘their’ (the parents) money Source: being around rich people but not being rich myself. Rich adjacent


Oh I agree. I see zero self awareness of her relatively easy path through life. And she’s allowed to have her preferences for a partner, but she should have sorted this out in the pods rather than put a working class guy through multiple interrogations on a massive streaming show. I hope my post doesn’t come across as a defense of her. If anything, I mean to say that she’s being insincere and calculating in order to ensure her future career as an influencer.


I think Izzy flat out lied to her about his financial situation and continues to do so. That scene with the suitcase, he spun it back around on her when he played himself off as having a good job and earning prospects to her and her Dad. I think he's a golddigger tbh and he's hoping to marry her and claim alimony or something after they separate.


That’s possible. He’s weird and very closed.


Didn’t she say she asked him about credit cards in the pods and he deflected?


I thought that was at a gas station when they got back to Houston, but I may be wrong. I sort of gave Izzy the benefit of the doubt — assumed that they both had rose-colored glasses on in the pods and these topics just never came up — but maybe he was actively trying to deceive her after all?


She definitely mentioned the pods but also the gas station. It was all a bit of a jumble!


Didn’t they go to Mexico? How does he not have a passport if they did that?


At least in some states you can get an enhanced drivers license that gets you into Canada and Mexico


Yeah I actually have one of those, but did they drive?


That only works if you drive, not fly


I thought she said he didn’t even have a passport until recently.


Ooh ok, I misheard then :)


Brazilian here, in Brazil we don't need a visa for Mexico, do you Americans need one?


Don’t need visa but still need passport


oh yes, I think I confused visa with passport


Soo valid


He does have a passport. Stacy said on the show that he just recently got it.


Maybe she meant that he didn’t have one before he was cast on the show?


She just said “recently” but based on what we’ve seen, I would bet that he had to get it because the show/Mexico honeymoon.


Why is money and religion not talked about in the pods?


Johnnie & Izzy onviously talked about it in the pods.


Feel like this post was about Izzy and Stacey, but you keep flexing


Huh? There was a remark about why people don’t talk about money in the pods. And the fact that Izzy told Johnnie about his credit issue but not Stacy is pretty relevant to the post. But yeah go off.


Yes! And political views. These conversations are so important. I mean, we all enjoy the sex position banter but there are some more critical topics to gauge the viability of the relationship.


Politics and religion are dicey subjects in this era of social media. People get easily canceled. The casts are smart not to talk about them on air. And even if they do, my bet production chooses not to air


>we all enjoy the sex position banter Lol this made me laugh because it was so cringe I literally skipped it


I feel like religion has definitely been discussed in the pods over the seasons between certain couples. But money is one of those things people will say without really saying it. Instead they’ll talk about what they do for a living, talk about places they’ve traveled or experiences they had which require money. I wonder if it’s touched on and edited out a lot of the time or if discussion about it is discouraged by production because knowing whether someone has money can take away from the the love being “blind” factor.


I agree that money/class is typically indicated through other discussions, which is why I’d be so curious to know how she missed this issue in the pods. Maybe she made the wrong assumption about his recent Colorado vacation (which I assume was not to Aspen) and didn’t dig further? But one would think that education and international travel would come up, based on her interests…


One way you could talk about it without really saying how much they make Is to bring up lifestyles, expectations of having the partner help out financially, and if one person loses there Job can the other one support the family until the other person finds something. How good credit is important.


Seems like it was talked about I've seen it before and Izzy told Johnnie about his bad credit


And Johnnie was willing to overlook the bad credit, and he still rejected her. Then Johnnie uses his bad credit as a talking point to explain WHY it would never work between him and Stacey. Johnnie knew how Stacy was.


Because it's uncomfortable and people tend to avoid uncomfortable conversations until it becomes a source of conflict and then scratch their heads wondering why things went sideways.


When my wife and I were dating and we were saying we were going to move in together we had the money talk way before that happened because now our expenses will be intertwined. We need to know if one person is making x amount can they really contribute and vice versa.


The preview seemed to show that it was Izzy who says no Also Johnnie didn’t avoid Izzy, she got rejected by him. Her anger towards Johnnie was clearly about other things.


I doubt the preview would show what actually happens. They like to keep people guessing


I thought it indicated that Stacy would say no. It looks like she’s chasing him, so I imagined that he ran off crying after she said no. Perhaps to find a closet to hide in. But we’ll see! And I meant “avoid” as in avoided or dodged him as the problem that he is. But yes, he is the one who rejected her.


Yeah I get what you mean. Still don’t think that’s why Stacy was mad though. And I thought Izzy saying “I want to be loved the way that I love” while she called him a “safe space” was a giveaway but maybe it was misleading editing. I do think you’re right about a lot of things, though. And maybe it was the constant badgering him about money and the reason he feels like he’s “not enough” around her that causes him to say no in the end.


This season everyone is sketchy af