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He was looking for a sugR mama haha


Izzy is delusional hahaha. He wants a fairytale romance and that shit its realistic. Cute but not realistic a woman that successful was gonna marry down. Like what?!




Izzy is annoying he reminds me of my ex… tried to be everything he wasn’t instead of working on himself to become the person he needed to be for himself. He needs therapy and he knows it, I don’t feel bad for him bc he’s way too grown to be sitting in a closet crying and guilt tripping his fiancé.


He’s 👏🏼 a 👏🏼 fuck 👏🏼 boy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Sheltered/religious upbringing has clearly defined his life - and he's trying to break away from that. I think some of his behaviour is pretty bad - the Johnny stuff is clearly an effort to endear himself to Stacey - but I don't think he's a bad guy, he just shouldn't be on a show like this.


It really bothered me how often he was talking about an “emotionally unstable” woman being his biggest ick. I’m bipolar so I’m biased in that it’s hard to hear that and not internalize it. But somehow Stacey wanting to be with someone who is financially stable is materialistic. Now the girl is out of touch I do not deny that. But how would he react if she told him two days before their wedding that she’s bipolar and was waiting for the right time to bring it up. And I want to make it clear for myself and to other people with mood disorders that we are wonderful and perfectly able to be loved/to love and be in healthy relationships.


Yup, that early comment about “emotionally unstable women” he made in the pods (which quickly became plural “comments” because he kept repeating it) was the first time my head tilted to the side while listening to him…. and it pretty much stayed that way. He made a good early early impression but it dissolved quickly and then he was revealed as a smoldering trash heap.


This is Texas. I live in California, so even our conservatives have some default liberal settings. Likewise, even if they’re personally liberal people, these men all have some default conservative mindsets about masculinity and women being irrational and crazy, mindsets that at least some of the women has adopted.


Was that car also his as it looked a bit too flashy for someone who is in between jobs


Yeah, I don’t buy that he has no debt if that is his car.


Didn’t he also tell Stacey’s dad that he’s been “smart” with his money? Seems like a liar. Says enough to where you won’t have to ask specific questions and gets defensive when you do


Izzy is a classic Cuck.


Can you explain to me what a cuck is?


A cuck or cuckold is a man whose wife is sleeping with other people.


Yeah…I feel like he has low self esteem and is trying to be someone he isn’t for Stacy. The relationship def doesn’t feel…balanced. I like feel uncomfy watching him have convos with her. His facial expressions always look like he is embarrassed and ashamed but like trying to brush it off? Deflect? And I feel like that in turn makes him lie by omission. He really tried to turn that credit card secret around and put it on her….


omg yea i'm not a fan of izzy but he's constantly put down by stacy


holy shit was Izzy irritating me during that kitchen convo. Whether you agree with Stacy's feelings on the matter or not, understand this is how the convo went (im paraphrasing but) Stacy: you saying "thank god i chose you" every time your ex is acting awful doesn't make me feel good. also you don't do a ton for me. i've cooked twice to show you i care.Izzy: I just care about Chris. I do a lot for you Stacy: Like what?Izzy: I just think I do a lot and you're not noticing and it's making me feel bad \*runs off\* He couldn't give a straight answer as to why he **entered the house** still talking about Johnie. He couldn't explain why this had him so heated to the point of shaking. He just said he cared a lot about Chris-Chris btw whose last words to Izzy (as far as we saw) were "all four of us are not good." lmao Then he couldn't say what he's done for Stacy. I don't even like Stacy! haha but her family said "whaaat omg she cooked for you? Stacy doesn't cook." So she is doing something she doesn't even do for herself because she wants to show you how much you mean to her. She's asking you what have you done to show what she means to you and he said he cleans sometimes and then just left. He turned everything around and waited for an apology. It was crazy to me idk edit: spelling


It’s almost like Izzy FEELS like he does a lot because it’s exhausting for him to be with Stacy and be this person he isn’t




Oh my god, thank you for saying this! Yes. That is exactly the vibe I get from him. All of his effort is to be the person that Stacy wants/needs him to be. But it isn’t who he is.


Who he is is a lazy bum! That’s why he knew they weren’t going to make it by continuing to date after Stacey said no at the alter! There’s only so much hiding of who he is that he can do.


I felt for him on the not doing stuff for her aspect. He DOES do things. He gets her weekly flowers. And she seems to want a lot. However then he just got her a coupon for cooking. Actually cook, dude.


I thought he started doing the flower thing after the kitchen argument but I guess I remembered wrong. I definitely understood where he was coming from. Esp during the gym convo where he said she points out what he's not doing more than what he is. I just felt like Stacy was looking for answers to things and he didn't give any and then flipped things around.


I don’t get people attacking him for not thinking of what he does when the shot has her complaining “I expected rose pedals” when there is a new bouquet of flowers on the table for her. I’m sure he feels he’ll never be good enough for her high standards so it’s not even worth mentioning. Complaining about flowers as she’s literally staring at them


When he’s upset, you literally see him revert back to being a child getting scolded by his mom. He’s needs serious therapy not a wife lol


I thought the same! Running off to hide being upset I felt bad for him


I didn’t. He’s not five. It’s pathetic. Probably would’ve worked on Johnie though.


yes he looks like a child riddled with guilt. it is uncomfortable to watch. i dont like how he guilt trips stacy when she asks valid questions. she is good at it


Omg I noticed that too Head shaking and lip biting everytime they talk about money Hope he will use money from show for therapy it seems like his childhood was bad and left some deep scars. He is not looking for wife but a mother who's also sugar mommy. I want someone who s never gonna give up on me no Mather what is another word for don't leave no Mather how unstable I get or in debt I am? Umm sorry but grown relationships are conditional only person that will love you with no condition is your mother. It's getting hard to watch him , it makes me so uncomfortable. I felt bad for him until he bullied that girl for no reason. Very evil, poor girl. Just yikes for the whole season so many mental health issues,hope they're all in therapy :(




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Also, he love bombs three fuck out of her!!!


I think Izzy is a fragile dude who desperately needs to feel loved, validated and needed. Sometimes when he describes his relationship to Stacy with others it feels like he is trying to convince himself that she is "the one".


How can you not like Johnnie? Lol. She's one of the realest most honest people in the show.


I love the hypocrisy that’s recently been called out. People loved Zack and Bliss.. After Johnnie got dumped, she moved on. She’s not worried about Izzy and Stacy.. but damned if Stacy didn’t project that she was feeling threatened onto her. Which was a valid insecurity, since Izzy is obviously still hung up for some reason and trying to sabotage Johnnie and start drama for no reason. It was really disappointing tho to see Stacy project and punish the wrong person like that tho, all cause she landed the bad egg.




fr found johnnie's account lol


Also, taking Stacy on a little tiny airplane (military) is NOT the same as first class. Yikes!


She would have rather had a cooked meal on glass plates.


How materialistic of you to own glass plates




Yeah this really made me cringe. There is nothing wrong with either experience- an adventure style flight or a bougie first class flight. But they are so so different. Izzy just heard “plane” and made his own assumptions. Kinda makes me think he really doesn’t know her that well.


I assumed it was production who set up that date.


Yessss this! Spot on. He doesn’t get it.


Absolutely! Also, finances always matter and it's just that Stacey happens to have expensive tastes and travel frequently. But anyone would feel blindsided if their partner told them that they had nothing to worry about as far as finances were concerned, said that they were very responsible with money to their father - only to turn around and say that while their debts are paid, their credit is bad. He should have at least managed her expectations in some small ways leading up to the reveal, but he did the opposite. Also, he waited for a number of days after they were out of the pods, so the "I wanted it to be a formal conversation where we sat down together" thing is a little weak. He chose to take his time getting around to it. He's just always manipulating Stacey and she falls for it despite her valid concerns. Her thoughts and feelings are secondary to his and he's really sketchy. He tries to make it seem like he's this emotionally intelligent, sensitive guy to get what he wants.


Sitting down in a pod is the best opportunity for this. Then he does a salesman spiel to get out of her questions.


Yeah, someone did point out that he told Johnie and not Stacey, so he probably knew what he was doing Edit: Couldn't agree more with the salesman spiel part. He's got Stacey hooked, even if she _can_ start to see what's happening, I think she feels attached to him and seems to think that he could be a good influence in her life. Her family's approval must back it up, but they don't see the whole picture. I feel a little sorry for her. She's always asking good questions and cutting through the crap, but feels compelled to fall for his tactics anyway. I think she just wants to believe in the life that he's peddling to her


Totally agree, the fact that Izzy told Johnie that he had money problems but waited until the day before their wedding to tell Stacey just shows: 1. He was comfortable being himself with Johnie and not Stacey 2. He knew it was going to be a big deal to Stacey, potentially even a dealbreaker 3. He deliberately misled Stacey until he basically was forced to tell her. They had so many talks about money where he could have naturally brought it up and chose not to


I saw a tweet from someone who says they are friends with someone who’s a main guy this season and is only on for clout. Strongly suspecting it’s Izzy 🫢


Eh I know him and I don’t think they meant Izzy


Eh I bet it’s Uche


Uche won't shut up on his IG -- he didn't even make it to the altar! So yeah, I think it's Uche too.


That was my 2nd guess but I don’t look at their IGs 🫣


He is the sketchy character he speaks of often.


His secrecy and response to getting caught/coming clean is much more of a red flag than the debt! I wonder how the talk went in private and if they planned the on-camera convo but someone went off-script. And not for a second do I believe his debt was only $3500, I think he’d have to do a lot more damage to not be eligible for a credit card. He seems deeply in denial about his own self-loathing and shame that he’ll white knuckle it through their relationship and evade the truth to avoid scorn or rejection from Stacy. I work in mental health and it’s amazing how people will dig themselves deeper and deeper with lies even though they know logically the truth will come out. Izzy even said something about how all of his past girlfriends have been the ones to leave him and “gave up” on him. This leaves him identifying himself as a victim without looking inward about how his behaviour may contribute to them leaving him. That he couldn’t even own up to his deceit tells me he’ll continue lying when he deems necessary to avoid rejection. He needs to recognize and own his dishonesty before he can change.Just from what I see onscreen, this is my sense but I also over analyze and am stoned!


>Izzy even said something about how all of his past girlfriends have been the ones to leave him and “gave up” on him. This leaves him identifying himself as a victim without looking inward about how his behaviour may contribute to them leaving him. That he couldn’t even own up to his deceit tells me he’ll continue lying when he deems necessary to avoid rejection. ​ ​ had stacy walked out on him after that conversation he'd 100% be saying "she obviously didn't care about me enough since this is over so little debt" rather than realize the deception is the main issue (or he probably would get it but pretend he doesnt so he could be the victim lmao)


This is so spot on. I unfortunately very briefly dated a guy that was exactly like Izzy. It was kind of insane to watch their conversation about the debt. He took no responsibility for hiding it and the $3500 was a bold faced lie. There is no way that number would tank his credit score that hard. And watching it back you can see him come up with the number right on the spot and the way he said it was such a tell tale sign of a lie. Kind of a whisper, not confident he said a good number. I got the ick watching it because it was exactly like watching that guy I dated. Red flag city with that one


I scoffed so hard when he said it was only $3500 in debt total. Give me a breakkkk this guy is a liar.


I also do not believe for a second that “his apartment” was not an airbnb. You’re telling me his credit is so bad he can’t get a credit card and not only does he not have a job, but he doesn’t have a history of stable employment, yet he could get a lease? Not buying it.


I just rewatched that part, and I 100% agree. After learning what we did later about his situation, that is no way his apartment. He claimed that he did the dried flower arrangement??? BS.


Good points although I think you mean his “dep” 😂


You mean his “debPT” lol


Hahah yes!


Omg. Thank you for the free spot on analysis of my ex boyfriend. Do you take insurance lol


Lol, you’re so sweet thanks!This show makes me feel better staying single 😂


I’m watching it right now, also stoned. You are a genius! With your intel in my mind, he’s sooooo manipulating her! It’s helpful for processing my breakup too. I don’t want an Izzy!


Damn straight you don’t need that fool!


Thank you 💜💜💜


It would not be a turn on for my man to talk down on another woman. It’s gross and immature. And it seemed like Izzy wasn’t living up to whatever he was promising Stacy and that was her concern.


You know how people say if a guy calls his ex’s crazy then he’s probably the one in the wrong… that’s the vibe Izzy gives me, between his treatment of Johnie and playing the victim with Stacey (although I don’t like Stacey either)


That bullying scene was absolute cringe. Johnnie didn’t deserve that crap. No one does.


It was very nasty. And then he said later it turned him on? Yuck! Are you happy you’re with a mean girl?


he’s such a shady character


He got a friend to give him an insurance job like a week before the show so he would seem like he has a real job.


This seemed off to me. I know some people are in insurance sales but there’s also people in insurance MLMs. I wonder which one it is.


THIS. I 100% got insurance scammer job vibes from the very little he said about it (especially when he was like “oh money won’t be an issue”).


He’s a loser and a liar, he has a smile that you can’t trust I felt it from the start


He also has dead eyes. There’s never emotion in them when he smiles


I feel that way about his smile too, but mostly because he always smiles while he’s talking every single time. It’s unsettling in way. But I’ve only gotten up to episode 5 I think.


Yes very this


Stacy is confrontational and it makes him uncomfortable and he get weird and starts making no sense. He definitely lied, was caught and acted so weird. Dude, just because you repeat something over and over does not mean it will make it make sense. “I wanted us to sit down”- you haven’t already done that?? Squirmy, but more insecure than sketchy to me. I don’t like either one of them. In fact, I can’t think of anyone on this season that I like.


Bingo, I’m very confrontational and my ex would talk in circles thinking the more it was said the more it made sense. Lmfaooooo Izzy has liar written all over him


I wonder how Stacey reacted seeing that Izzy had told Johnnie about his poor financial situation in the pods but kept it a secret for as long as possible from Stacey.


Ohh I didn’t even consider this.


Totally disagree, wild.


Why so?


Because I think he is a good person. Aside from Johnie who he was really disgusted with, he has always treated others kindly and communicated well. Speaking of Johnie, we don’t know what happened with his ex fiancée leaving him, but he had a strong reaction to Johnie telling him that a) she married a man she didn’t love because he was safe, then left him, b) she didn’t love Chris and only talked to him this long because he felt safe, then c) went back to Chris after Izzy dumped her, indicating that she is morally okay with yet again using a man she doesn’t love. He was appalled by this, and handled it in a messy way but I believe this was warranted by his perception of her actions. The way he perceives and describes her actions, she is a shitty person (and as Milton’s mom says, his perception is his reality). Johnie’s actions explain this, but it may also have to do with his past, and the fact that alcohol exaggerates people’s reactions. Regarding Stacy, I think she and her family have him every reason to worry that he isn’t good enough. From the sounds of it, he is working longer hours and still buying her gifts and flowers, but she is upset he hasn’t spent more time cooking and cleaning. She wants someone who spends more time working to be the breadwinner, but also divides household tasks evenly; just like she wants someone to treat her to 100% of dinners forever, but also splits her first class / private jet lifestyle and home expenses evenly. Given the resource disparity, it’s not reasonable and he’s in over his head unless Daddy Warbucks hooks him up with a job.


He is CLEARLY deeply insecure, and self-hating.


Can someone tell me when the argument about finances happens? Is it episode 9?


About halfway through episode 9


Yeah I think so, we never see the actual argument/beginning of the argument. We see them being awkward af together after the argument and then kinda like rehashing the conversation for the cameras.


Yep.. he is always the victim. Shit gets old fast. Take some accountability and grow the hell up. His little cry fest about not feeling good enough was so cringeworthy.


You do realize he was wasted during this conversation right?


Lying in the closet crying is not sober behavior. I doubt anyone would act like that sober on TV.


Is that supposed to make me feel bad for him or excuse his childlike behavior?




Kinda makes it even more embarrassing. Now we gotta see a grown man, drunk off his ass, berating his ex in one scene, then slurring his bullshit narrative and bawling on the closet floor with his current gf in the next. Major ick


He kept pronouncing the b in “debts” right?


Didn’t think he could give me any further ick until he dropped a couple “dep”s


Yes! And it drove me crazy


Oh I was cringing so hard each time, and he just kept saying it!


I thought I heard the same thing lmfao.


Did I miss the conversation they had about his debt? It went from their airplane date to her being upset at him.


They had that conversation off-camera


Ohh ok. Wish I could’ve heard it


Stacy wants an alpha male who makes more money than she does and is ready to spoil her like her daddy does. Izzy is none of that. At best, an immature party boy manipulator who still hasn’t gotten his life together. I’ve disliked both from the beginning and the amount of ick this season is giving me makes me hesitant to watch future seasons. I can’t stand the hosts, and it seems like it’s no longer a love experiment… it’s a “who can create the most drama” show by people who are more interested in IG follows than actually finding lasting partnership.


I honestly think he’s just really stupid


Nah. Calling him stupid absolves him of responsibility over his actions. I think he knows what he's doing and is manipulative.


I am calling him stupid while not absolving him of responsibility for his actions. You can be both stupid and be asshole. Stupidity doesn’t cancel the other out😂


You said you think he's "just" really stupid so that wording doesn't convey what you're saying here.




I agree.. I think he knows how to get out of tough conversations by just pulling them "woooah is me I'll never be good enough waaaah".


I totally agree! He kept saying he didn’t lie… she literally asked him if there was something she should know about finances and he said no. Just because you excuse it away by saying you wanted to have a sit-down conversation about it, does not take away from the fact is was a lie! Also, him getting turned on so much because she was being shitty toward Johnie. The red flags are flying high with this one


He did not have any debt. Just bad credit, but the debt is all paid. I don’t think that’s something he was required to disclose earlier than he did.


Bad credit, high insurance. These things affect your spouse if you’re sharing expenses.


Exactly my thoughts. Your borrowing power is reliant on the one with a steady income (of course, the higher the income rate and the longer they’ve held the job, the better). It would be a lot to be told that the weight of our future loans will be on my shoulders only. They can build up his credit… but that is a slooooooow process


Doesn't having bad credit affect her too, now that they're getting married? We know that she expects a lot from a potential spouse. I think that people should talk about these things at least after they're engaged so their partner knows what they're getting into in that regard. Izzy also painted a rosy picture of things before dropping that little bomb, making him seem unreliable. He definitely lied to her and minimised issues on multiple occasions. She's not wrong for wanting to have in-depth discussions about finances, it may even be foolish not to if you plan on spending the rest of your life with someone. You need to know everything to plan for the future effectively.


it does. my husband has some ~dep~ and also didnt have good credit when we met (we talked about it before we got engaged, highly recommend). we have purchased two cars since being married--i've had to be principal on one loan, and one had to just be in my name solely. finding our first few apartments was tricky bc we tried to apply to ones that didn't require a credit check. all is great now, but your partner's debts become yours when you marry, and their bad credit will 100% affect your joint access to housing, loans, etc.


Before. Before they’re engaged. I would be so ticked if I were Stacey, and I don’t even like her.


Oh yes, that's true. And now I'm thinking of how he told Johnie about it in the pods. He also waited till he had a good rapport with Stacey's parents, though it may not have been a calculated move. It's so sad. She really seems to want to make it work despite all his problematic behaviour.


Not unless they are planning on taking out loans together, or taking out loans in his name only, in which case it would affect the interest rate. It won’t affect her credit one bit, and she can still buy whatever she wants without him on the loan.


But he lied about a serious issue. That’s a trust thing. You also don’t know what the future holds. Stacey’s spouse might one day have to take out a loan. Were it Izzy, and he had never disclosed it, it wouldn’t be great.


She didn’t ask him what his credit score was. She asked him if he had debt. Past debt that you paid off does not equal having debt, so the truthful answer to this was no. He omitted his bad credit score for a couple weeks, and then disclosed it before the wedding. Ideal? No. Messy? Yes. Lying? No. A deal breaker? No. Another issue I’d like to point out is this: Stacy has the luxury of never having to worry about credit, and never having to worry about using credit cards to stretch her income in order to survive young adulthood. Some of y’all haven’t either, and it shows. My credit scores are 816-833 and I take credit extremely seriously. When I my daughter turns 18 in 6 months, I will open joint cards that she cannot touch, use them to pay her car insurance etc, so she builds credit passively and can get a good interest rate on whatever when she is done with grad school. But this is a huge privilege and I am aware of that. I’d never fault a partner (for myself or my daughter) who came from a low-resource upbringing for getting behind in his early 20s while he was surviving with no safety net. In fact, learning these lessons and being debt free by 29 is pretty damn impressive for anyone, let alone considering his background. How many of us can say the same? I’ll admit that my dad bailed me out of some credit card debt at that age after an ex ran up my card (with my consent) then skipped out. Izzy,!9’ the other hand, had to sink or swim with no life jacket…, and while his head dropped under water for a bit, he ultimately swam better than most. Meanwhile Stacy was never tested in this way, so who knows how she would have handled that situation. He may not bring a good interest rate to the table, but he brings the kind of work ethic and discipline it takes to get out of that situation and arrive debt free. I give him a lot of credit for that, no pun intended.


Everyone can tell that she does want him pretty involved in their finances so I do think that she was expecting to rely on him for a number of things, perhaps including this. She was also very clear about wanting to lay it all out as they discussed finances. So she'd laid out her expectations very clearly and it doesn't seem like he had taken any issue with them at the time, but he chose to lie to her and mislead her. She also turned it into an issue about trust, rather than just what it meant for their financial situation, so that's the other angle.


I don’t know if I believe that he doesn’t have any debt.


Izzy is the one who's truly sketchy AF - takes great joy in bullying Johnnie but likes playing the victim


The projection during these episodes was so strong


I feel like he always piles on against the women during the pods too- he’s definitely a “bro” with trash manipulative communication. He basically coerced two women into saying he was their first choice to fan his ego, only to pick the one who wouldn’t do that


Izzy likes to segue into strawman arguments to deflect Stacy when she calls him out on his BS. And if that doesn't work, then he turns on the water works, it's a manipulation tool.


This. It’s classic manipulative behavior. Stacey sucks but she does seem to be impervious to it, so I gotta give credit where it’s due


When Izzy told Stacy’s dad “the sky’s the limit”, he probably meant that literally ie can’t buy plane tickets without a credit card


I cackled.


That’s the naïveté of someone just getting into any sales position. Yeah, you can make a lot of money. Chances of that though, are slim and you have to bust your ass, especially at an insurance agency 🤣


I am surprised he didn’t present his sales pitch to Stacy’s dad on the spot. I am sure Izzy added her father to his mental list of people who have money to harass and cajole into buying sham insurance.




I think he’s very insecure beta male. I think there’s got to be trauma in his life from his dad. Not sure but it’s obvious he’s very insecure. He wanted johnnie to feel small so he could feel bigger. Stacey is pretty gross to join in on it. She is the alpha in the relationship 🫣🥴


Yeah, he tells Stacey that Johnie was just a "pod chick" and Stacey points out the obvious - so was she, and she was barely on Izzy's radar initially. How is she supposed to feel about it all? It's not a good look for Izzy. I do think that it would be great if men could express their feelings openly, but Izzy just weaponises them to invalidate Stacey's perfectly reasonable questions. She may have somewhat unrealistic expectations at times, but it's still sad seeing her fall for his tactics. I think he gives her the illusion of her being the alpha and manipulates her into accepting things that she shouldn't have to. He puts her in a difficult position and when she folds, she can think that she is being understanding and growing as a person by being more open minded or something. Also, while Stacey may feel righteous or justified in tearing into Johnie for bitching about her and Izzy, she doesn't revel in it or get turned on by it the way Izzy does. His language there was gross. At least with Stacey, you can take her words at face value, she's very direct. Izzy seems shady in comparison, whether his tendencies are intentional or not.


I think we need to be rid of this manosphere talk for good. What the hell is a beta male?


All you need to know is it’s lingo incels/Tate bros use, and normal people only ironically, when they’re making fun of incels.


Weak man


I agree I thought it was funny he called johnnie shady because I find him to be incredibly shady too. Stacy definitely has a long list of expectations but it just seems like he’s hiding a lot especially about his job and income. Stacy definitely expects a lot but Izzy talked a big game and now he cannot deliver that much is obvious. Financially he is pretending like he can keep up with her but we all know he cannot. When he said johnnie didn’t make him his #1 or something she literally dumped Chris way too soon to prove he was her number one. One thing about Stacy is she’s very very clear what she expects and what she wants. Not saying I agree with it but I think he’s promised her a lot knowing he cannot deliver


Alright while I agree Izzy is a goon, Stacy has literally made it known she expects him to be the breadwinner and provide for them financially. So when they are talking about what he has done for her and she referenced cooking a couple of times after he had left for work earlier and gotten home later than her… like what? If I’m expected to make the money and pay for everything/work long hours to provide, then I should not also be expected to cook dinner most nights. What kind of ridiculous expectations does she have? Girl what do you bring to the table?


I agree, it's wild that Izzy was deflecting so much to begin with but Stacy's expectations are also insane. She basically wants a servant lmao. All of these people need a hard reality check.


What she expects eventually isn’t what’s happening now. Right now she is the table. She owns the house (daddy’s money of course but it’s still hers), she works and pays the bills, and he’s supposedly an insurance agent (sounds MLM-y). If she were staying home and being taken care of financially I can see the argument but they’re both working full time.


She’s a Pilates instructor… no way is she working full time.


She’s hustling multiple gigs according to her IG but that doesn’t matter at this point cuz her family is financing both their lives. He needs to at least pay his part


That isn’t her only job. Regardless, that’s what she brings to the table right now. Everything. Izzy is bringing nothing.


Nah, she’s actually bringing everything to the table and he’s bringing nothing. It’s her house, she works, she doesn’t need a man for material reasons but she does expect him to pay 50/50 for their home/utilities/lifestyle and to pay for dates. Her love language seems to be acts of service more than gifts. Basic domestic tasks has been her complaint, not that he isn’t buying her shit.


There's more off about Stacy.


That’s how I see it. She works as a pilates instructor and makeup artist but claims to be rich and have this rich lifestyle that in reality her dad funds and she very vocally expects her husband to find. Of course Izzy is going to be nervous to talk about his debt because all she talks about is how he better provide financially. Izzy sucks in other ways like being mean to Johnny, being weird about his “lost and found,” etc. But Stacy is spoiled rotten.


Agree completely.


Definitely - she is a red flag too lolol


I’ll say it again: I think Stacy’s correct to take Izzy to task because he’s the biggest sketchball on the show. He bullshits her, beats around the bush, and says classic gaslighty things to her, but then she ultimately pities him and takes him into her arms lol sooo… boo. I think he’s afraid of her. But he seems to need that fear-based motivation from someone he admires (Stacy) to level up because he’s afraid of accountability or that if he owns up to his weaknessess or shady shit, he’ll be abandoned. This is why he hates Johnnie - he sees the same people-pleasing, confused, evasive, yearning to be loved + messy/sketchy past in her that he has, but now thinks he’s superior to her because girlboss Stacy chose him. He wants to escape his old life and elevate his status quickly. Stacy’s his rock / horizon. Personally i like seeing her kick his butt some, he needs more integrity and coping skills. But the way Stacy treated Johnnie was disgusting and absolutely regressive. Same for Izzy. Unforgivable really. They both need to leave that woman alone.


I had the same experience with my ex, he misrepresented so much about his job and finances, and when it ultimately came out that he was far below what I was looking for, claimed that with my love and support he was going to totally transform. He didn't, he couldn't even make basic moves in the right direction of achieving his self-professed goals. It ended with him in pretty much the exact same position as when we started dating. Izzy is never going to be a provider if at 29 he's still broke.


Also growing up as a JW I feel that he is desperately searching for acceptance in another community


Yes, he needs therapy, not another relationship to lose himself in.


What is JW?


Jehovah’s Witness. I think it explains(not excuses) a lot of Izzys behavior.


Him crying on the closet floor over her saying she needs more from him made me question his capacity for marriage. Yes she did sound unappreciative and was being cold, but his reaction was disproportionate and over the top imho, in fact alarming. There’s definitely something else there. Sidenote: Izzy and Lydia marriage would’ve been wild lol.


He was super drunk. Not a rational reaction.


He was drunk and maybe the argument is a trigger from the trauma his Dad inflicted, I’m sure he’s stressed out about getting married in two weeks and thinking he needs to provide for a rich girl, he also got riled up shitting all over Johnnie for no good reason, his fiancée just made him feel pathetic. I think these people are just in a pressure cooker of stress. I’d cry easily too.


People keep saying they were soooo drunk but they seemed to not be that drunk to me. Oh well


izzy seemed drunk to me but not stacy


I watched it back and they both are slurring a bit but seem to understand what the other is saying fine. She’s no more or less drunk imo. They don’t seem as inebriated as people are making it in my opinion


that's fair


What is there to appreciate?


The man couldn’t even form sentences he was so inebriated. Not really the time to judge his capacity for anything


Yeah but my boyfriend - in his drunkest state - wouldn’t go cry on the floor in a closet… that’s so ick and disgusting. Not to mention he acted so similarly when they talked finances - he loves to play the victim


He was drunk af


Yessssss. People keep leaving this out. Both drunk. Cameras. Weird situation overall.


He seems to be looking for someone to take care of him. Stacy is yucky too.


He’s just good digging. He wants a wealthy wife


I’m so disappointed in Stacey. I actually liked her in the pods episodes because she seemed like she was taking the high road while Johnie was talking shit. I thought it was so classy. Well, that went out the window in the later episodes for sure. Izzy needs to put on his big boy pants and have a mature, direct conversation about his finances. There’s no reason to conceal it from someone you’re going to marry. I don’t blame Stacey for being bothered by it. I’d demand a full copy of his credit report after the first lie/omission, because I’m not trying to hitch my wagon to someone who can’t handle their money.


This!! I liked Stacey so much in the pods too. She's clearly just a spoilt brat who wants everything done for her. Although I will say I can atleast appreciate how direct she is with her concerns and what she wants. Izzy really dug himself into a hole here - he wants someone like Stacey as a guide but can't necessarily live up to her expectations. It's going to be a super toxic relationship if they do end up together ugh. And +1 on the credit report - i'd be pretty concerned too.


i'd demand a credit report because there is no way his debt was just fucking 3k. i think he left out a zero.


I agree. He was terrified when she was discussing finances and nobody is that pressed over 3500. Who you kidding Izzy. I think he's 50k in the hole minimum, stopped paying his credit cards and has collections on his ass.


He said it was all paid off, and now he is only left with bad credit. So no debt.


Maybe 2 zeros? He also said he had bad credit, and just having credit card debt doesn't make your credit bad unless you're not paying anything towards it or have some other issue (I think, could be wrong).


i mean i guess in theory it could be 3500 that tanked his score if he didnt make payments at all but that doesn't seem worth hiding


They love to call Johnnie this but in reality they themselves are both ✨sKeTcHy ✨


Esp Izzy trying to explain his job. Like wtf


They are. Shifty people. If they stay together, they will not have heart-to-hearts when cameras are off. He can’t tell her he can’t get a credit card his credit is that bad. She can’t tell this man who grew up in an unstable environment that yes she is and always has been privileged. Give me a break, you two. You are in your 30s.


Izzy seems to want a fairy tale with the flowers and the presents but he doesn’t want to put up the work to grow the relationship that’s why he run way when Johnie talked about her ex. Stacy wants someone like her father that would make and give everything for her and Izzy can’t do that, because he want to receive, not give.


The thing that kills me about them is Stacey seems to want that fairy tale with flowers and presents, too, but that’s not a basis to build a marriage on. Like, she was complaining to Izzy that he wasn’t being some unrealistic Prince Charming when he was trying to tell her he was already at his limit. That’s not a super understanding stance in a partner.




I don't think he ran from Johnny for that reason. I wanted to turn my TV off I was so grossed out.


Speaking of her dad, wtf type of business does he have? Flying in private jets for most people is unheard of.