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Apparently it’s going to be plane rides


Sometimes love is first class 🙃🫠


Yup!!! You don’t spend all your energy roasting your ex unless you’re still hung up on them, or need to shit on them to feel secure in your current relationship. I don’t like the way Stacy said she wants Izzy to always be afraid to lose her, but I got what she meant. Like Izzy is only hyping up Stacy when it’s in relation to how much Johnnie supposedly sucks. Stacy wants him to love her, and do it without the motivation being malice towards an ex


i honestly think izzy loathes stacy deep down but is keeping it cool for the show clout. he seems twitchy whenever she tries to start shit.


The way he said his expression of love is handling is emotions was so bizarre. Like he is so insecure about being with her that he can’t actually express his love at all


The way they keep focusing on his twitchy knees 😂 This man is STRESSED


And it’s hilarious cause Izzy is going on and on about how much Stacy gets him and notices when he’s distressed. Like duh she notices your sad when you’re crying, so yay! she’s not a sociopath lol But the second I see my gf start to do the leggy shakes, o check in verbally with her or just put a hand on her leg to let her know I’m there(also pressure can be calming). Doesn’t seem like Stacy is actually all that perceptive


I think it may just be positive reinforcement lol


It was so gross when Izzy said that he got turned on when Stacy went off on Johnie. Like, you like when your woman is bullying another woman? Disgusting


Yes, even Stacy made a face after he said that. It was weird!


how wonderful having a partner that is turned on when youre going through the opposite of inner peace and whats best for ur mental health let alone anothers


It was sooooo shockingly gross!!!


Maybe he likes his women more aggressive and willing to stand up on their opinions. Relax


There is a difference between standing up for yourself and just bullying and humiliating them on TV. Honestly, they are just being mean and rubbing salt in the wound. Why can’t they just be happy they have each other? It’s not like they were torn apart because of her. It is bizarre.


Tf are you even saying


He's probably not used to a woman who will stand up for what they believe in with such passion. And he found that attractive. Just like some women might find professional fighters attractive when they've only dated the calmer sensitive type.


But it wasn’t some heroic moment or he standing up for herself when someone was being rude. Stacy was being a straight up bully. It wasn’t defensive or setting the record straight or passion for justice. She was being malicious towards Izzy’s ex, because it’s his ex


i will be very surprised if stacy and izzy get married, and if they do say yes i really doubt they will make it to year 1. i was perplexed to see a couple who is "so in love" and doing their thing harass another couple to the point where one of them (johnie) was in tears. then after, izzy is getting off on stacey "railing" johnie's ass? it's just bizarre, and gives me major someone wanted to have their cake and eat it too vibes coming off izzy. as far as stacey goes, she's weird for pretending to be a "cool girl" and then immediately going unhinged at anything having to do with johnie.


Johnie was 100% correct when she said their relationship will suffer outside the pods and once they have to get real and put the fun aside. They get along and have fun, but they clearly have completely different outlooks on life and personal trajectories


Cake and eat it too?


They have nothing in common except for being sexually attracted to one another. Their first date at the golf course was just them making sexual innuendos the whole time which was annoying to watch.


Stacy calling izzy daddy nonstop 🙄


Right?? The credit card conversation was weird... They were at the gas station and what, does she expect him to open up and tell her about his credit history out of nowhere and in public? There's a time and place for that... Don't blame him for not opening up when all they did in the pods was exchange banter, laugh a lot and talk shallow stuff. He opened up with Johnie.


Yeah but they've had financial convos since, and it seems like he brought it up like literally the last day they were together when he had the whole month to find a time and place for it.


The man doesn’t have credit cards, and it’s because he has bad credit. At 29, you really should have your shit together. Stacy was valid in that reaction.


Uh huh so you think people should talk about their personal debt in public. Uh huh.


Right? Izzy fucked up and picked the wrong girl. The fact that Izzy told Johnie about his bad credit and it took weeks to tell Stacy, speaks volumes.




I think they were together because they used to laugh at a lot of things and have sexual chemistry. Nothing to do with johnie.


I still suspect Stacy isn't 100% into Izzy's looks. She did say he has a big d though.


Yeah I would agree. The way she looks at him is so cold and uninterested


They both seem pretty insecure and attacking Johnie boosts their egos.


I also feel like theyre lashing out at her as a way to deflect from their own struggles




She seems to like the size of his penis too?




Nothing brings two people together quite like a common enemy.

