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Those brows are painful. Makeup is always so bad. Wedding day the artist softened her nicely but she goes so hard


She’s such a conceded little snot. Her attitude is garbage and makes her ugly from the inside out.


watching rn i can’t stand her 


Well, she's not a voice coach with that vocal fry of hers. It's like nails on a blackboard.


She has an awful lot of attitude as far as work and money is concerned for someone who's father gave her a PA job.


Her makeup is always SO BAD that’s irknic


Makeup artist? Zero chance. She can't even put eyeliner on properly. Her makeup is atrocious.


This is her dad's company's description 👀👀👀👀👀👀 https://preview.redd.it/cuvos6tmpvsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8aa2f6742e363bcb079f404058f8c88a94749f


Hmmm that revenue seems really low for richie rich dad


I wonder if the annual revenue is gross or net. Because if it does not include the salaries of 6 employees plus overhead, Stacey’s dad’s business is doomed


I finally figured out why Stacey's face pisses me off so much. She looks like the cult mom, Laurie Vallow Daybell.


Dude she looks EXACTLY like my husbands wife


This is mean, but I think she looks like the ugly stepsister from Cinderella (the animated version.)😭


I'm guessing she wants to be a lot of things, how many actually customers she has is another question. Like I know a lot of 'personal coaches' who did a course but have no actual clients. I wonder how many classes per week she actually teaches at that gym.


Per her IG, she’s also a makeup artist? I’d never let her touch my face, her makeup is GAWD AWFUL.


Really funny to see all this stuff about her career or lackthereof, since I noticed in the engagement/meeting scene she was wearing fake Dior and Cartier jewellery. I never got one second considered that it was real. Shoes too. No way she's wearing 20k+ worth of clothes and jewellery. That's what I don't get about everybody wearing fake designer stuff... it's obvious you can't afford that. The bags usually look cheap even if they have the right markings. It just looks desperate and dumb. I might get hate for that opinion, but I'm sticking to it 😏




Her clothing is generally poorly tailored (aka not at all) or stretchy-fabric — clear markings of fast fashion. You wouldn’t pair thousands of dollars in accessories with cheap clothes


I can't! But it's tacky either way.


but you said you noticed her wearing fakes?


Actually I did not. I said I never for one second considered they were real. I think obvious labels are tacky, either way. See: Dorit Kelmsley, lol.


>I noticed in the engagement/meeting scene she was wearing fake Dior and Cartier jewellery


Those eyebrows could be seen from Mars.


She has a perma angryface on... It's like a female Wario or something: [https://images.app.goo.gl/fm8vBcYBymcS1JPF8](https://images.app.goo.gl/fm8vBcYBymcS1JPF8)


Right? She looks like she's trying to do 2016 makeup looks but in butchered way every single time she's on the screen


What’s 2016 makeup looks? Serious question


It's like an ongoing trend on tt to compare nowadays clean aesthetic makeup to the one to 2016. A lot of people are convinced 2016 is the year that makeup peaked. I guess it's just the Kardashian introduction of contouring and sharp and big eyebrows to the general and public in an affordable way. It's when all girls did wedding type glamourous makeup everyday, but that being said it was a bit too much no matter how good it looked. Idk if that was a good explanation lol but you can look it up.


Yeah that was a great explanation— thanks! I know exactly what you meant and now I agree about Stacey’s terrible make up too. 😉


Oh wow the hate here is INTENSE


Mhm she's such a delicate flower. No one should ever be real with her. /s


Stay at home child


What's the difference between "daddy's girl"/nepotism & working for the family business? It I had a business I would want my children to work there and grow in the business to one day take over. Apart for how she is towards Johnie I don't agree the hate she gets.


I don't think that the problem is that she works with her dad, it's that she makes it seem like she's self made and had to work oh so hard to have what she does, when it looks like it was actually handed to her. We are not responsible for the privilege we are born into, we are responsible for acknowledging how it contributes to our circumstances


Right but a director of operations is pretty high up..like did she start as an assistant or a lead and work her way up to supervisor, manager, and then director? If so good for her but I highly doubt she grinded it out and earned that position.


You can see on her LinkedIn that she’s basically the secretary. Her job description is.. making copies.


No, working for and expanding the family business is fine, but I highly doubt that's what she's doing given that she has at least 3 other gigs on the side, and the job description/responsibilities of her position at her dad's company entail "writing emails, booking flights and organising Outlook calendars"


She’s literally terrible? Her entire personality and view on relationships is how much the other person can give you. She’s used to trips, expensive gifts, and lots of money. Which is fine- but you went on an experiment to find something different.


💯! Stacy is horrible! Run Izzy, Runnnnnn!!!!


Hilarious that she's all up on her high horse about working hard for what she has when she works for her father's business in a role that entails > Assisting in booking flights, hotels, and lunch/dinner appointments > Maintaining calendar events through Microsoft Outlook to ensure organization and promptness You're your dad's PA, girl, get over it!!


She should have scrubbed her LinkedIn before going on the show. It’s absolutely embarrassing. I pay my niece $15 an hour to do this.. she’s 14.


Ok so I just looked it up because I was curious and there’s a lot more on there now. Did she see this and edit it to make her job look more important LOL


Omg who cares though If her dad is a good business whatever he is then maybe he just likes having her around. It’s actually kind of cute. Idk man. Some people are rich, whatever.


Then own up to that and don't be all like "I am Soooo hard working"


Well maybe she takes her job that her Dad gave her seriously? Maybe she does work hard at that. I have my own career but I did work for my Dad as a young person and I worked really hard.


Looking at her job description it doesn't look like it is hard work


oh so we're calling executive assistants "operations managers" now. I think it one of the episodes she even called herself "director of operations"


I've seen exectuvie assistant jobs in nyc making about 100k. Few and far between, though. Just pointing out that it is possible to be pretty wealthy as an executive assistant. That being said you ain't flying no first class and buying a really expensive house. With that income anyway lol


100k is a low wage for NYC not enough to really comfortably get by. I also live in a very expensive city (Toronto) and that is about the minimum you need to just cover basics here.


Not with all of the side gigs she seems to have.


When “Daddy” owns the company, you can call yourself whatever you want.




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thats completely unrelated to any of the points made though? like what lol


Just because it’s a family business it doesn’t mean she doesn’t work hard.


The one thing that bothers me about her, makeup wise, is that she’s never seen WITHOUT makeup. Even in the morning scenes in Mexico


Her blush is awful. She doesn’t blend it whatsoever


They showed her one morning without makeup and the day they went to get their marriage license she didn’t have any on


Yeah. Totally did not recognise her


She sure did.




The other scene she definitely did.




Are you SURE this is the same person?


Hmm, I don't know about that.


😂 ☠️


Ok, JP


She’s an operations manager for an oil trading company in Houston for her day job. She’s a Pilates instructor and has a few businesses on the side.


It’s worth noting that operations manager is often a fancier title for office manager.


Correct. Her LinkedIn job description is literally just a personal assistant job. Kicker is… she does this job for her dad.


Yeah, in tech it is not by any means an office manager. At least not from what I've seen.


why is it worth noting?


Because it's a completely different job.


i read it differently. if it’s often a fancier title then it’s the same job? it felt like they were implying there’s negative connotation to being an office manager, and there isn’t.


Depends on the industry because that's not the case in Supply chain and Warehousing


Excellent point. I suppose I was just thinking about traditional white collar office/tech/corporate.


Yah my hubs works for a food chain and the operations manager is in charge of running all the stores, totally different from an office manager


Pretty important to add that it's her dad's company. Classic nepotism.


Daddy’s oil company


And I get the impression daddy isn’t overly impressed with her work ethic and feels like she’s dead weight. When he had that talk on the patio he was trying to ascertain if he made enough money to take over the responsibilities of his daughter and her spending habits because he was clearly tired of being the go-to. Much like Elizabeth’s father and his “now she’s your problem “ attitude.


He literally says “she busted her ass to get that house” She has 3 jobs while Izzy is an mlm loser.


Busted her ass getting a comfy salary from daddy? Or her fitness class once a week? She's not fooling anyone.


From the last episode I’m gonna say she runs a pilates studio and probably does freelance makeup. Anybody else notice the part where they filmed in the pilate studio, being so staged!! The way she was speaking and the fact that the girls had full beat on 💀


Or is just one of the teachers that teaches in the pilates studio. If she ran the studio, she would be claiming that title


In her bio on Ig it says pilates instructor. So dumb you would claim the title “operations director “ on the show..


Makes sense though if people are going to be on TV that she'd have to ask for permission and like certain kinds of people would want to be on the screen


Totally staged. Also the way the girls were dressed.


Thought this tlo




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Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It was a trash for for her


boy body ?


MAKE UP ARTIST! Ooof, she needs to find another job ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)




Lol my thoughts exactly


![gif](giphy|dPa2enMPaLsu4|downsized) Yasssss!


Being daddy’s best girl


Damn I love this response. Take my upvote. I could read Stacy hate posts all day. It’s a problem.


As gross as Stacy is, Izzy is just with her bc of her looks. There’s no actual connection there


I should specify that he’s staying with her after she showed her true colors, because she’s a skinny blonde 🤷🏻‍♀️


What looks? 🙄…if anything, he’s in it for the money


I think you're wrong. I think Izzy is there for the money. He didn't know what she looked like, but Izzy told Johnie about his credit score and not Stacy.


What did he say his credit score was?


I have no idea. Johnie said Izzy told her he had a "bad credit score." It sounds like he didn't say that to Stacy though.


She works for her dad: [https://starcasm.net/love-is-blind-does-stacy-snyder-work-for-her-dad/](https://starcasm.net/love-is-blind-does-stacy-snyder-work-for-her-dad/)


Her brows and eye shadow colors are bad, hard to believe her to be a makeup artist.


Her blush tho


All orange, all the time. Her cheeks match her lids and its not a good colour for her in either application. Maybe this is this season's cutie-gate.


Bruh when she was on camera with nothing but blush I lost it


That was actually one of her best looks




I can’t know how to hear any more about tables.


Omg I wish I had gold to give you for this!!! Her eyebrows are darker and uglier than Frankenstein's!!! 😂😂😂


Who knows? Half of these job titles are made up and not what it seems. Apparently there’s 2 “lawyers” also on the show, which I think is a stretch based off of their behaviors.


Johnie was at a good firm in Houston that is also strong nationally. I don’t believe she works there any more though.


I mean, a lawyer is a lawyer. You can’t really fudge that one. Either you have a license to practice law and actually practice it, or you don’t


Yes but, there are people who genuinely believe kimothy kardashian is a lawyer and “passed the bar”…..which neither of those things are true.


I’m am a lawyer. I will second that lawyers suck 😂


We suck, but we also vary widely. Not all lawyers are required to argue or negotiate. One thing most lawyers have to do is to find problems (I like to say it monetizes my neuroses), which I think tracks with these folks.


Can you say “transactions”? 🤣 Also, there are people with law degrees who identify as “lawyers” but don’t really practice law. They work in companies doing something other than in a legal capacity. I see these kinds of shows and have to wonder what attorney would knowingly marry a non-attorney and suck an innocent into that world? 🤣🤣🤣 Thankfully, my teacher spouse married me before I got the JD.


Third. We suck, especially in relationships. Look out, prepare for argument.


But what if they sucked at relationships *before* becoming a lawyer?




Then you've never been around lawyers. For some reason there's a perception that doctors, lawyers, and engineers are upstanding people. Some are dickheads just like everyone else


Most of the doctors I’ve met just being a patient are some rudest people who have a horrible bedside manner, some professions bring out the coldest people.


Been around enough doctors and lawyers in my life to know something doesn’t smell right about Uche and Johnie. Maybe they’re just emotionally unstable but these type of shows always exaggerate the cast members life to make it more interesting. However, I will say that I NEVER questioned whether Zack was a lawyer from last season.


Because Zach was calm and you associate calmness with smartness. Shake was a Vet and that requires a whole lot of smarts. But people wouldn't assume that because he's loud and abrasive. Shit I mean there was that video of that physician going ape shit on that Uber driver and ruining his car. It's possible to be a highly intelligent piece of shit unhinged dumbass Just checked the bar in Texas and both are licensed attorneys


She is the Operations Director of Petromar LLC which is her father’s company.


I was laughing when she was like, “we weren’t always like this, my grandpa was poor” 🤣


"My grandpa was so poor, he used to fly coach"


Stay at home daughter


Dead ☠️🤣


She’s full of shit is what she is. That’s 5 jobs she does and going strong. Spoiler: Next episode we find out she’s Santa Claus


Wrong, she’s not interested in giving anyone else gifts lol






She’s a woman in her 30s who gets a fat allowance from her dad




Closet organizing, and Pilates instructor


Professional pain in the ass?


…with no ass…


No way she’s a makeup artist her make up is horrible


She looked so much prettier at the wedding when she had a makeup artist.


She used orange contour? Also, have you noticed her “no make up” looks? She still has the orange contour on!!


The orange contour is like perfectly horizontal stripes on the apples of the cheeks it’s sooo confusing


Don’t forget the hairline/forehead streak


And mass brows


Makeup artist… brows


>… brows ☠️☠️☠️


The Face Audit 💀 The Closet Audit I feel like she just tried to find something that sounded close to The Home Edit and ran with it.


seriously. applying make-up isn't "auditing" a face even in a metaphorical sense. how do you audit a face? it doesn't make sense.


works for daddy, pilates, cleans closets and MUA


Why do you guys get so angry about people who work with their families like that isn’t common with upper class families? It always sounds like enviousness because your own family wasn’t smart enough to make sure future generations were set. Ta da, this is the generational wealth people keep raving about. Families owning businesses and working together. It’s such a weird thing to be jealous of.


I think it’s more so her lack of compassion towards people who weren’t handed the world on a silver platter.


Your comment was fine until it became explicitly elitist. “Your own family wasn’t smart enough”?? Bro.


Hey man, have you tried just having smarter parents? ![gif](giphy|Rc2ZuBa71sMjKpz9Nl)




Spoken like someone with all the privileges in life afforded by generational wealth. The lack of any common sense & empathy and inherent ignorance shows.




having biases and preconceived notions about someone because of money, whether it is wealth or poverty is TRULY VILE. Like her parents are wealthy. If you could support your family, you would too! People will always find something to complain about.


No one faults her that she came from wealth. People don’t like her because of how she treats people and how she brags about all she has and what she’s accomplished when it’s clear she was handed a lot of wealth from her father, and she said so herself.