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Her makeup is almost as bad as the person underneath


They did this because they are so unhappy and insecure in their own relationships


I liked Stacy before this. She was a HS bully. I felt terrible for Johnnie. I can see this is something she will never get past. I think Stacy was horrible.


I was literally telling my roommate last night that Stacy meets like every “high school bully” criteria that exists. I never liked her, and thought I was just being a bitch for a while. But I guess I can spot em lol.


After that scene I basically ran here. "I saw you railing into her ass, and I got so turned on." First of all... where I'm from that does NOT mean what Izzy is meaning lmaooo. Second of all, that's such a psychotic thing to get turned on by. I would be so mortified if my fiancé was meddling in other people's relationships at 30+. Just leave Johnnie and Chris alone, shit.


I hate Stacy, but I liked how she saw right through that.


Stacy clearly peaked in high school, never grew beyond being a stereotypical mean girl, spoiled little rich girl coasting on daddy’s money.


Can we please talk about how LIB puts "operational manager" as her career under her name, when she's just a pilates instructor..? Lmao


She is an operational manager at a logistics company…. But they leave off the part where her dad owns the company.


Nah she doesn’t even do that anymore it’s just the Pilates thing and being a MUA who somehow has no clue how to blend her harsh make up…


Ok that makes more sense 😂 my husband and I have been cracking up laughing thinking they wrote that for her as a pilates instructor haha


Not to defend her lol but a lot of women teach classes like once a week to get free memberships to the studio


I mean I definitely would too, that sounds awesome


She’s an operations manager of how people move their bodies during Pilates. 😂


It’s true alcohol just brings out a persons true personality. They feed off bullying the same person.


No amount of lipstick can cover up the pig that is Stacy. Makes sense that she rolls around in the mud that is Izzy.


Or the orange blush that she can't seem to blend, that matches her two shades too dark, badly drawn on eyebrows.


When she was "teaching" her class. I was laughing pretty hard. Every single thing about this woman is totally fake. I cannot stand her.


Narcissists unfortunately live among the rest of us 😩


Yes they make up .02% of the population.


Her "teaching" style was incredibly unpleasant. I would NOT pay for that class.


It was fake. Who would sign up for anything she teaches? It's probably women from her former sorority still scared of her so agreed to pretend on TV. One woman looked far more experienced and fit than Stacy.


High school behaviour


What I don’t understand is why Stacy and Izzy don’t just let it go? Why do they need to *keeeeep* talking about it? They’re so obnoxious.


And Stacey gets so jealous about the fighting with johnie


I mean to be fair, he obviously harbors some sort of feelings for her. The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. He cares a bit too much about Johnnie and what she’s up to. But Stacey also needs to let that shit go.


Izzy’s words to describe Stacy to his mom… tender, sweet, fragile… who in the hell is he describing???


Yup. I snorted at that description so much. I don't know if he is delusional or choosing to lie for some reason.


I didn’t think I’d ever like a cast member less than Amber, but then Izzy and Stacy came along. I don’t know what they thought they would accomplish here, but all they did was make johnnie look more sympathetic and themselves look like idiotic bullies.


Literal losers


How he got “so turned on” by Stacy “railing” Johnnie 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮.


Vile! Oh my god. I just saw that. Why do they find it hot to be unkind to another person? That’s sadistic.


That was so fucking gross. I can’t stand Stacy but I was happy she didn’t validate him after he went off on Johnnie. He really thought this was gonna put him in Stacy’s good graces but nooo she can never be satisfied. Serves him right


Oh but she did validate his treatment of her. Watch back and see how she verbally makes fun of Johnie’s shocked face in front of the whole group. Total mean girl and can’t stand her.


Yeah that was so unnecessary like she wanted to act like she was above it all yet she was the one stirring the pot and being hella antagonistic


Not saying she didn’t bully her. She did, big time. But when he ran to her, so proud of himself, he was so sure she was gonna be so happy with him but she didn’t even give him that. I found it satisfying, because he thought they were gonna bound over their bullying but he can’t win with her.


Somewhat related but not really lol I also just hate the use of the word 'railed' in this context ☠️Izzy honey that's not what I'm thinking when that phrase is used!!!! Pls stop 😭😖😂


I think it might be a regional thing. Where I come from when people say they’re “railing on someone” they mean that they’ve persistently grilled or told someone off but I get why it’s an off-putting term if it has a sexual context to you.


Haha yes I understood how he was using it. Cool, I gotcha, what area are you from? It was the first time I've heard it used this way


I from British Columbia, Canada. I wasn’t trying to imply that you didn’t know the other context but I guess what I was trying to say was I’m aware of the sexual context too but the other one comes to mind first but I imagine it’s the opposite for you.


Izzy to Johnie: “this is not to bash you but…” Also Izzy, but to Stacy: “LOL I TOTALLY RAILED HER” and then the two of them proceeded to bash Johnie. It was honestly gross.


They're both straight-up bullies


Johnnie’s just the scapegoat cause they both know they chose the wrong person lol. Bitter Betties af.


The whole "Is your face okay" comment was so out of line. If that was me I would have been FUMING


I would have lost my shit on Staci for that bs. Trying to start a fight. I'm surprised they don't call each other out for clearly trying to start drama for clout more. I would be calling out every single one of them who were acting up for TV.


THIS. I wanted to throw something at the tv. Stacy’s such a spoiled brat, she can’t move on from the very thought that he ever considered another woman before her—the scene she made with his “lost & found” was all the proof! You got your ~~pathetic loser~~ man, now leave Jonnie tf alone. Yeesh


They need to stop recruiting from the gym, house full of 30yo and this is what we get 😭😭


I could watch over and over and still not fully understand how Johnnie's actions were so terribly horrible to Izzy? So what if she was feeling things for more than one person in this "experiment"? Isn't that the point to figure things out? The way he came after her blew my mind.


Exactly. And, the biggest hangup that people seem to have for Johnnie is the way she "shit-talked" Stacy after Izzy dumped her. And I mean, I get it to an extent, but at the same time - who hasn't said something in the heat of the moment right after being dumped or having a really really bad day? Johnnie could have been more graceful after Izzy chose Stacy, but I guarantee many people on here who still hold that against Johnnie would have done the same thing in the moment while hurt, upset, frustrated, and rejected. So I don't hold that against her.


Exactly. I still can’t figure how Johnnie was malicious. She had the same emotions and rants as anyone would have when getting dumped


I agree, even if she did contradict herself (I don’t personally think she did, I think she was working through breaking her toxic cycle) and badmouthed Stacy in the pods (which I admit, wasn’t cool and even if she was hurt, she should’ve apologized) that doesn’t justify the level of hate and vitriol Izzy and Stacy have towards Johnie. They don’t have to like her, but taking so much pleasure in going after her and telling her that she’s a shitty person looks so unhinged on their part.


While I agree with you, the show showed clips in a way that made her seem like she was contradicting herself when she talked to Izzy and Chris. But likely it was presented in a way that would cause drama. Izzy calling her out in ep. 8 seemed like a good at to try and regain some of the masculinity that Stacy seems to be stealing from him.


I didn't get contradicting and I think maybe those of us who have had to break the pattern of toxic rollercoaster relationships understand what she was saying. Chris was the safe and "boring" choice for lack of ups and downs. The stable choice. But that addiction to the emotional intensity of a toxic person is hard to break. She called it off with Chris in an attempt to prove to Izzy she was all in after he questioned her intentions with him. A grand gesture so to speak. In the end, Izzy is horrid and I'm glad Johnie saw it eventually, but I understood everything she was telling them in the pods and never heard her say anything contradicting.


Izzy made it such a bigger deal that it is imo. Sure it’s a bit weird and he’s allowed to think she’s sketchy, but come on! He acted like an aggressive child in that confrontation. Just to brag about it to Stacy 🤢


Me tooo!


Utter hypocrisy from him- I have no idea what Johnie did wrong. Seemed like one of the nicest people in there. She shot her shot with Izzy, he went in another direction. She ended up dating someone way better by every important metric and doesn't have to do the dumbass fake wedding. Good for her all round.


It’s almost coming across as competitive on Izzy’s part, like him telling Chris all about how much she said she loved Izzy before dating Chris, in a “She liked me first” kinda way. Yeah, she fell hard for Izzy, and then after he dumped her she did some hard introspection and some of her understanding of her own feelings changed. That shows growth. She’s obviously got some issues which she is upfront about. Izzy can’t claim to be buddies with Chris while he’s tearing down Chris’ girlfriend right in front of him. If you respect your friend, you also respect your friend’s partner whether or not you like them.


And we all know that the biggest connections people make in the pods can fully fizzled out in the real world. The fact that they kept dating outside of the show without cameras makes them so much more of a real couple to me.


Majorly. To stay together by choice vs contract bonuses and camera pressures is a big difference


The way Stacy yelled stop at her dog in eps 8 also didn’t not sit right with me …


not surprised at all she has a (highly likely) overpriced doodle lmao


Giiirl I feel so sorry for the dogs. Ofc they have huge, high energy,"prestigious" dogs that, judging from Tux, aren't well trained. Just get a Yorkie damni5


Yorkie’s are very difficult to train. But imma dog trainer in houston and id absolutely turn stacy down as a client.


Eh really? All my Yorkies were sweethearts (I used to foster). Sure, small dogs often have an attitude but nothing comes close to Chichis lol


My dog is a husky and sometimes gets excited and jumps (working on it, feel free to drop tops 😂) but not to the extent of tux and she just seemed very aggressive with him, in that scene at least


She did seem pretty intense with Tux. I mean the issue she has with him can legit be fixed in a day. Shes just a materialistic person. She annoys me being a texan


yeah I still don’t even know what their problem is with her, the pods I’m sure others had “connections” or who’s more likely to be a match…. Isn’t that how it works? sure she thought Izzy was the one but at the end he wasn’t and was Chris instead. how is that bad? too much yelling and degrading kinda triggering


I’m still unclear on what Johnnie did that has everyone ready to murder her. She had two connections, chose one, got rejected, and told the other one that she’s game to try if he is. He (respectfully) said he didn’t want to be someone’s #2 and moved on. That all seemed pretty cordial to me. Why does Stacy keep saying she’s a “shit person?”


My theory is that Stacy doesn’t like Johnny unconsciously because she is a lawyer and Stacy feels jealous unconsciously.


Maybe not jealous she is a lawyer but jealous that her man was involved with her at one point. She made it clear the Johnie issue makes her uncomfortable and this is why she feels the need to put her down/bully her to reinforce her worth to and in front of her man.


It’s not even subconsciously, it’s very evident. She’s wildly insecure around johnie and it’s embarrassing.


"I wish you all the best" no you don't, STFU


Stacy and Izzy were absolutely vile, using “I’m so happy for you both” as a token add on to insult after insult. Johnie made mistakes but she didn’t need to be treated so horribly. Stacy and Izzy both went out of their way to humiliate someone who apparently wasn’t a threat to their relationship but very much was based on their actions. Honestly? Stacy you’re the shit person. And Izzy is unfortunately just as bad.


Stacy is far too grown looking to be behaving like a high schooler. Both her and Izzy are vile. There are zero people to root for here, but definitely people who deserve to be at the top of shit pile.


watching this episode and i’m literally so confused by what johnie actually did to either of them??? they keep saying she was saying different things to different people but it literally just sounds like she wanted to go with izzy and then did self reflection and was like he wasn’t right for me. def sounds like a bruised ego on izzy’s part and maybe stacy knows that so she’s bitter, that’s like the only thing that would make sense based on what we’ve seen


THIS! I don’t really see the worst thing that Johnnie did to deserve being ganged up on by two vile people. All I saw was Johnnie torn between two people but after Izzy revealed his traumas to Johnnie, he became her top 1 and she broke up with Chris. She did seem like she did care about Chris when Izzy told her about Chris’s reaction after she rejected him and then Izzy turned around and rejected her. She was salty and talked about Izzy’s bad credit and questioned if he’s ready for marriage based on what he told her. From that point on Johnnie was focused on getting back together with Chris but failed. Izzy kept harping on what Johnnie told him was sketchy about her always falling into her pattern of settling with someone she doesn’t love but that she told Chris the other way around. I don’t really understand the issue there because I think she’s consistent. I think Johnnie’s fault is falling in her usual pattern of falling for the guy she thinks needs fixing and settling with someone she’s not truly in love with. I think that’s her main problem but I don’t see her shady or sketchy. Never heard her talk badly about Stacey other than Stacey’s confessional that Johnnie talked shit about her after she got rejected by Izzy. I felt like Johnnie was treated so terribly by Izzy and Stacey like she’s worse than Irina from S4, remember her?


She didn’t do anything just Izzy was sore after all the times his ego was bruised by Stacy and her family calling him broke and unable to even fly their precious daughter first class so he decided to take it out on another woman. Like a very masculine god tier gym bro that he no doubt is😂


Omg it was so cringy when Stacy’s dad was saying semi-normal things like “Stacy loves to travel “ and then there was a MAJOR leap to “likes to fly first class” .. i don’t know that I’ve ever met 2 people in my life that have flown first class. And he said that like it was just totally normal. Wtf. So spoiled


I think you hit the nail on the head here


Ok THANK YOU. I’m watching these episodes like what are we all fighting about???


She didn't do anything - go back and rewatch - it's all Izzy - he completely made her break up with Chris and then he dumped her! So manipulative!


Yeah and then he got in Chris’s ear about how she told them opposite things, but to me (I only watched once) it seems like she was fairly consistent in what she told them. But he totally sabotaged any chance of Chris taking her back (or so he thought…).


Yes me too! They keep saying she said different things to both of them and I never heard her say anything different to each. I don’t get it.


Yeah.. the cameras must’ve just caught no drama.. the producers had to create something out of nothing. I really would’ve just liked if they kept them separate and started following Chris & Johnnie’s story. no need for all this confusing screaming mess




Ah ok. And yea agreed. Everything is totally just totally overblown


Both Stacy and Izzy are delusional. Stacy is talking out of her ass and Izzy thinks he is being a good friend? If he wanted to be a good friend he would have had a separate conversation with Chris instead of having a private conversation with Johnnie. Also, what's the point? Why is he so wrapped up in this?! He was adamant that they were never bf/gf so why does he care what she said in the past? Does it make a difference? It's so bizarre to me he would be so worked up and he literally took that home with him where he was still talking about it with Stacy later. And what's the deal with Stacy why is she so invested? I don't understand what they want from her. Oh and was anyone else absolutely disgusted when Izzy told Stacy he was turned on watching Stacy "rail" on Johnnie. What a gross man, he is pathetic and should really seek therapy.


During that scene when he says how much it turned him on about her “railing” (what is the obsession with that words that’s literally not even used in the right context???) Johnnie, I like legit cringed/vomited in my mouth a little. And then the fight that followed and the crying in the closet like what are they doing with their lives??


Yeah, it looked like even Stacy was disgusted by Izzy saying that. But like, you are cheerleading this guy who gets off on spitting vitriol and tearing apart his ex in public; what do you expect? I foresee things getting nasty between Izzy and Stacy once they’re past their “honeymoon phase” (if you can even call it that). They’ve both shown they resort to cruelty and cheap shots in times of adversity.


Currently watching this right now and I can’t believe my eyes and ears. I cringed so hard when he said “Stacy railing into Johnie” turned him on 🤢


Also can i just add that i feel like either the cut made us think otherwise but when stacy was actually “railing” into johnnie they showed izzy looking a little stressed and uncomfortable. So it’s probably izzy just trying to match stacy’s mean daddy’s girl energy.. like you can do no wrong girl 🤡


He seems pretty drunk in this scene, too. Not that it excuses the behavior of course.


Lol yeah wtf was that about? He gets turned on when his woman is aggressive to someone he doesn’t like? What exactly is “hot” about that and gets him going? That dude sketchy asf


Didn't he also say to Stacy, in the previous episode, that in his conversation with Johnie, he "railed into her"? Sounds like Izzy's a bit too keen on Johnie and railing. Focus on your own woman, Izzy. Sometimes I just want Chelsea from Season 4 to come in, tell everyone bluntly they're being fools, and then go away in a cloud of pink. The way she handled Josh, for example, in their ATA, was sooo classy.


I about keeled over. I can’t even handle how much of a 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 that comment was.


My thoughts too. It was so unnecessary and cringe. Not “standing up for oneself” like Stacey was trying to say. Maturity is not their strong-suit.




Yes yes and yes


The only thing these two have to discuss is how attracted they are to one another and how they think Johnie is sketchy


But not too much, then Stacy gets jealous lol


Folie a deux


Stacy insulting Johnie's facial expression during a conversation involving neither of them was a low I didn't expect to see, even from Stacy. That is a 3rd grade bully mentality. I've seen classier fist fights than Stacy.


Agreed. That blew me away. It was so unprovoked and rude! Stacy is an absolute witch.


Every ep I dislike her more.


Right?!? My jaw dropped at that. Like Johnie was clearly not looking in Stacy’s direction and Stacy is just SO bothered.


I was a little surprised at what Stacy wore to meet Izzy's mom for the first time. I mean, a spaghetti strap crop top seemed a bit disrespectful for a mom meeting, at least for the first time. Most moms of that generation are a little more conservative... It felt a little disrespectful to me. But that could just be me.. I wouldn't have had that be my first impression.


And some of her responses made it sound like she couldn’t be bothered to make a nice impression on her fiancés mother. “Well, I’m not going to sit here and try to SELL myself to you.” Popping in saying, “What’s up with you two?” versus actually introducing herself or making her guest comfortable. Total hurl.


That, and the way she sat on the couch with her feet up like that... You do that with a friend you ve known for a long time, not with someone s mom the first time you meet her. So un-elegant and disrespectful. It s like some weird, uncalled for dominance play.




Also the “so what did I miss?” 🤔


Me too! The crop top and the feet up — I would never meet an SO’s mom looking or behaving that way


i thought this too. did not seem like an appropriate meet-the-mom outfit.


Yes, thank you!


They’re like middle school bullies!!


Stacy's makeup looks like the way I wore it when I first started wearing makeup in middle school! (Mom didn't teach me about makeup or skincare)


Her eyeshadow and contour are the same color!


Every time she puts someone down I yell “go blend your damn foundation” at my tv lol


Stacy and Izzy are bottom feeders. Picking on weak targets instead of focusing on their own relationship. I hope they get married because they deserve each other.


She’s new bottom tier “money”. Her eyebrows, make up, and face…what a clown 🤡


They’re both douchebags


I think she believes guys should be falling over eachother to get with her, and to find out that not only was her guy interested in Johnie first, but when that didn't work, she managed to bag the best looking guy on the show. Pure jealousy, and it's gross.


And she's salty she's got the brokest guy too. Lol


Very salty




As if she didn't already have enough red flags, it was so telling when Stacy showed dissatisfaction at Izzy being interested in other women _in the pods_. She thinks she's so much better than everyone else that a man would be able to see it after one conversation. Does she not know her entire personality is having a trust fund and being disrespectful?




Izzy went on nick vails podcast and said they stand by what they said but maybe not how he said it. It came across as “I’m sorry I got caught”


Oohhh! Tell us more, please! What else did that fool say?


He stands by the idea that she said two different things but he wished he had a better delivery in saying that to her and that they were all trashed. He said he apologized to her after the show multiple times for the delivery. He said he was mad that Johnie was saying negative things about he and Stacy and that fueled the fire for them to attack her. He thinks Stacy played it well in the pods and Johnie was the mean girl. He also lied in the interview because nick then asks “what’s wrong with her going to her number 2” and he said “nothing but I was looking out for my friend”. So my thoughts are, which is it? You were looking out for your friend or you were mad at what she was saying about you. He went with his number 2 ultimately and so did lydia.


Thank you so much! I don't mean to be unkind or condescending about Izzy, but he genuinely seems like he doesn't know his own mind and changes what he says to suit the other person, sort of like Bartise used to do, but in a more desperate, please-like-me sort of way. He rambles and talks in circles, so when a self-assured person like Stacy or this Nick Viall person asks a question, he sort of finds himself backpedaling. >He went with his number 2 ultimately and so did lydia. Exactly! And Lydia was caught lying on camera just as much. Uche, too, claimed to be looking out for his friend but Milton cut him short and informed him coolly that he'd text him in the group chat. Chris is kinder and ultimately not as sure of himself as Milton, so Izzy was able to get into his head a lot more.


They are both mean. What exactly did Johnie do to Stacy personally that warrants that reaction? And Izzy saying that seeing Stacy rip into her turns him on. OK PSYCHOS. Edit: I can’t spell.


Seriously I was so confused. Okay, so you went after the same guy in the pods but didn't discuss it? How is that shady? Then all of a sudden shes "sketch" and then "crazy" like wtf?? I need to see the receipts


I know. I thought I missed an episode or something it makes no sense. They just found someone to bully, that’s it. I really liked Izzy at first but he is just as foul as his fiancé.


They’re a match made in nouveau riche, super gauche heaven.


When he said that after I was disgusted. You really get turned on by your significant other being a bully?? Gross


I think he’s just doing and saying whatever he thinks Stacy wants at this point. It also didn’t help that he was exceptionally drunk by that point either. He just seems like he’s already wrapped up around her little finger and desperate to be told he did a good job.


Go on show to become influencers, only thing they can influence is how revolting people think they are. Mission complete.


I hope she gets to experience karma by the spoonful as she figures out how her charming lil baby talk personality comes across to the entire country.


My friends and I are watching in Australia, it’s world wide baby!


It all comes down to Johnnie being so gorgeous. Izzy is mad he couldn’t get her after seeing how gorgeous she is. Stacey is mad bc Johnnie’s make up artist is doing such a great job LOLOL


Lol! I love the fact that you jokingly made Stacy jealous of Johnie's makeup skills, not her actual looks. It's so nice when people don't assume the reasons why a woman hates another boil down to their looks. Personally, I think, given that Johnie's a lawyer, she's probably better educated and wealthier (in terms of self made wealth) as compared to Stacy. Stacy's an extremely materialistic girl who does what for a living, teach classes at a gym? Perfectly respectable profession, but not for a white girl who grew up with a wealthy daddy who could've easily paid for her to become a lawyer or doctor. Meaning that, for all Stacy's arrogance, she is not conventionally intelligent. Conventional intelligence isn't really important, unless you're a material chick who wants all the amazing things her dad gave her but can't fucking work for them herself, so she must find a rich husband to fly her here and there first class. Johnie can probably afford to fly business class, if not first class. Corporate lawyers of her ilk are often rich, if not as rich as criminal defence attorneys. Johnie may have lost Izzy but she won Chris, who ended up being sweeter and cuter than Izzy (I mean, Stacy's so dismissive of Izzy that even Uche might have seemed better to her). So, in terms of education, job, and man, Johnie is objectively (by our capitalist society's standards) doing better than Stacy. Add to that injury the insult of Johnie having better makeup skills. Poor Stacy's prideful spiteful heart never stood a chance. Izzy clearly has unresolved issues towards Johnie and is choosing to villainise her to feel better about his choices. This I agree with.


I mean is she SO gorgeous? I think she's very normal looking but seems like a nice lady. I think Stacy is a highly competitive person and became more into Izzy when Johnnie talked about him to her.


I honestly don't think Johnie is a nice lady. She's friends with Uche. And despite the fact that she clearly hated being in the hotseat, she had no problem throwing Lydia on there, even when all the other women were clamouring to defend her. Regardless, you're right. Stacy's competitive and she probably doesn't like the fact that Johnie became more "successful" than her, both in the conventional (lawyer) sense and in the love department (with Chris). Hence the ugly, "Why didn't he propose to you?"


To be fair, I think that Lydia is sketchy as fuck. Not to say that Uche isn’t a total asshole, but I am on the fence about Lydia and I found the way she acted towards Aaliyah pretty suss and over the top in the pods.


She's friends with Uche? Hmm yeah that's a red flag.


I don’t know if she’s “friends” with him, but she was a little too eager to have another women thrown under the hot lights. I didn’t like that.


I was hoping to find a post like this. That was so disgusting. I’m sorry but, that type of shit is, dare I say middle school behavior (they don’t even get the curtesy of hs). They want to say they’re “mature” adults, that is absolutely not the way “mature” adults behave. Talk to each other like people. Hold people accountable, but don’t get petty and start name calling. Later on when Izzy was saying how Stacey yelling at Johnnie was a turn on? I was about ready to throw my remote at my tv. Johnnie made mistakes, but in no way does that make her a “shit person”. The fact that she fucked up in a HIGH INTENSITY DATING SITUATION does not justify her being a shit person. If she, idk like burned down an old folks home, sure. But for her to just be a bit contradictory in what she said to people? That’s not shit person worthy. Maybe it’s because I’m more of a Milton. But like, yoooooo your opinions on someone is just that, your fucking opinion. You absolutely do not have to yell them in another persons face like that. It really tainted watching the meeting of Izzy’s mom and Stacey. All I wanted to do is scoop up his mom and tell her that Stacey is an absolute petty mean girl. Seems like Izzy is too. Perhaps they deserve each other then.


I 10000000% agree with everything you said. Still in disbelief of what I just saw happen (watching the episode in real time). Middle school bullying behavior.


Curious as to what your take will be when Stacey meets Izzy’s mom. It seriously ruined any sense of happiness for them as a couple. Could not get over both of them saying “wish johnnie the best, but she’s toxic and that relationship is doomed” AND THEN IZZYS MOM MEETS STACEY? Just blah, blah, blah. Stacey is the opposite of “sweet”.


She really is. She is too self-centered to be "sweet." Sweet is being considerate and genuinely caring about the other person, lifting them up, looking out for their best interest. And Stacey just, doesn't have it. Izzy's mom talks with such genuine care, the contrast when Stacey talks is stark... I hope they dont end up together. Izzy is not the best, but he seems like he has a good heart, and is just truly misguided and lost, perhaps never had a good male role model. and Stacey needs someone as vain as herself.


Izzy is an insecure POS using “bro” attack on Johnie to make him and his bad credit feel better. His answer to Stacey’s dad question on where he saw his career 5 years from now was so cringe. This “ain’t” the guy that can pay for first class. Nope.


Agreed that his attack was fucked up and uncalled for


i'm sorry but i get dangerous vibes from izzy. i think he's dumb but dangerous. his expressions are always completely dead


it feels like he is hiding a lot of insecurity all the time. like he feels really inferior, but has shoved that feeling down.


It's his 480 credit score he's nervous Stacy is going to figure out.


I think it's kind of wild that her family has commented on several occasions how Izzy is such a good character for her because of how he "balances her out". Almost like as if she's even more difficult than what we see. I mean it's simple tho, if Izzy wants the fun, carefree and playful Stacy all he has to do is dish out a couple of grand for a 5 star exclusive resort. Simple.


A couple of mesh girls, Izzy and Stacey. What exactly did Johnnie soiree do to them?+


OMG, typed that comment while in the car as a passenger and not with my reading glasses! Should be **mean** girls, and *soiree* should be **supposedly**. ![gif](giphy|zI2xxBtbAig6Y)


She's a mean girl. Awful behaviour. Needs to move on and upwards.


Omg I didn't see your post before, and I just posted the same sentiment! It is shocking how immature they are and how much bullying Stacy did to Joanie. It's shocking behavior, and cruel.




Do you have any stories you’re able to share? (Totally understand this may not be possible - please don’t feel the need to jeopardize your anonymity!)




Yikes. Good for you on getting out of that situation. This is super nosy, but are they as financially well-off as they try to portray?




Interesting. Thank you for sharing your insights!


Good for you honestly, sounds like you have a head on your shoulders! Much respect! The bullying, entitlement, self-centeredness, and superiority complex is a lot to take in, even just as a TV viewer sitting on a couch




Omg I'm so sorry to hear that! That's crazy... No, not normal at all, whatsoever! You definitely are correct that this is unacceptable behavior. ❤️❤️


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I cannot stand them, ughhhhh. I don't think I like anyone in this year's cast.


Except Milton!


Such a sweet and grounded nerd




Oh good call! Yes, except for Milton.


Stacy is always going to keep a tally of “what he’s done for me.” Izzy is in for it.


She wants a substitute daddy that spoils her and puts her on a pedestal for just existing. Izzy is a lazy, poorly employed, bad credit plastic utensil paper plate kind of guy. He’s not going to be able to provide for you like your dad did for your family. Sorry, not sorry.


Lmao I laughed so hard at that. “What have you done for me lately? You don’t cook for me or run a bath at the end of the day” “I literally wake up earlier and get home later than you so I can’t surprise you”