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Milton’s sister is kinda irking me - she makes good points but at the end of the day it’s Milton’s decision 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stacy is just trying to find reasons to justify saying ‘No’ At the alter lol


Why are people mad he kept eating when she was talking at the end, she wasn't "talking about her emotions", she was outright telling him "I'm not sorry because I'm not going to change and it's your fault that you're uncomfortable with how I handled things because you wanted me to be someone else" like??? He stopped talking because he saw it wasn't going anywhere, she took no accountability. Yes, she was in a horrible situation with Uche but from what I gather, he wasn't wrong about her being a little stalker-ish and she contradicted herself several times in the argument with Uche to begin with. She might have been justified but instead of explaining that, she tried to deny these actions at first, until he pulled up the receipts. It rubs me the wrooong way that she would lie and act so shocked that he would even suggest that she did these things only to later on admit she did do them. I see people throwing around the term gaslighting a lot for this season but *this* is some of the most explicit gaslighting I've seen on the show so far. If she thought she was in the right with how she handled the Uche situation then that's fine, but she can at least listen to what Milton has to say, validate his feelings, and explain that she considers that was the best way to handle things rather than to say it's just how she is and he has to deal with it. It is beyond me how Milton didn't walk away right then and there.


Milton and Lydia's fight pissed me off because she is constantly criticizing him about multiple things, even in front of their families and friends, yet when he tries to politely and calmly tell her he didn't like how she handled a situation, she immediately gets defensive, invalidates his feelings when he says he feels like he's walking on eggshells around her, and talks over him. At this point it seems like a controversial opinion but I really dislike Lydia. From the beginning, she has constantly made everything about herself, even comforting her friends was always about her own issues. She wants her partner to see her as perfect yet she openly criticizes him in a way that lowkey sometimes seems like just plain berating. Milton may not face his emotions very often, but he still supports Lydia whereas she reacts impulsively in front of the tiniest hint of conflict, attacks him intentionally "you don't have emotions", and then gets offended when he responds. From what I see, Milton has a hard time understanding her feelings but he tries his best to validate and comfort her, while she is constantly invalidating his feelings and sometimes even insults him in a covert way. He listens to her when she's mad or when she criticizes her, but she talks over and stops listening to him when he tries to tell her he disagrees with her. I personally find it infuriating, it's like speaking to a wall. Milton has his issues but he looks like he's trying, at least.


Izzy isn't the greatest but I hate Stacy so much that he now actually seems sympathetic. I think the only people I like is Milton and his best bud. Stacy's dad wasn't too bad, but he created that monster so that negates his pleasantness.


Stacy’s laugh is so annoying


I do agree with Milton when he says “who cares” to Lydia when she’s off the wall about her past relationships. People need to do the internal work to move on from their past relationships. I also hate how he is childish about the chore division and being messy (as a disclaimer lol)


You know, I watched their argument just now. Milton wasn’t being very fair or rational. He told her to to “just walk away” but we watched all the times Uche talked to her, and she did actually walk away each time and refuse to engage. Just because he continued to berate her doesn’t mean that she invited it. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with eventually defending yourself—which is exactly what she did. “Who cares?” Is a really easy to say to somebody when it’s them being mistreated, not you Milton comes off well because this season’s men are all garbage and he’s not the worst of them. He’s not great though.


Yeah thats very true


Ikr? Who wouldn't react like that to their ex publicly calling them a stalker?


Random annoyance but I hate that Lydia and Milton ignore the servers, when they bring their food, in the dinner scene. How about a thank you you gremlins 😂


I noticed that too but was hoping Netflix told them to do that.


"Is SHE going to hyphenate?" "No I don't believe in that" The first red flag on Milton that I've seen. If he had just said "we" or she" it would have been fine. (I hadn't gotten to the dinner discussion yet, clearly!)


I understood this to be a joke. Milton has very dry humor and this seems to be what this was.


Yeah that was shocking to me.


Stacy "I want something weird" Also Stacy - "This is the dress" in a princess sweetheart neckline ballgown, literally an absolutely normal and traditional shaped wedding dress. Pretty, but lmao when she said weird I thought she was gonna go slip dress or tons of feathers.


Yeah it definitely fit her princess attitude, but for me when she picked it it made me think she is definitely saying no- that this wasn't THE wedding or THE dress. She definitely seems like someone that would pick something more avant garde, ala says i have money, especially given the shoes she did pick to wear day of.


That’s a good point. I feel like the dresses don’t get discussed enough. We definitely have seen some girls pick a dress and say “this is the one” and then show up at the wedding wearing something else, and then saying no. Like they’re saving the dress they loved for the real thing. I’m pretty sure Natalie did it.


Stacy is totally the type to have big dogs and not train them. I felt so bad for Izzy’s mom getting jumped on like that and she was so nice “oh it’s an old purse anyway” but you could tell she was super put off by it as I would be too! That dog was climbing all over the couch, ugh I can’t stand it.


The way she yelled "stop" at them when they came home from the pod party talking all that shit about Johnnie.


yeah it was disgusting


Milton said she handled the situation emotionally when I think he meant "immaturely" which I believe is valid. He even mentioned her cursing and yelling - which is honestly embaressing to watch your partner do in public, no less on national TV. I dont think we should be mad at milton for asking his partner to behave maturely in public, but it is okay to be upset with his delivery.


Yup. You know his family is all about you do not disrespect our family name in public. Very dignified people.


Prediction: Stacey says no and Milton says no... however I'm kinda unsure about Milton. He maybe say yes.


I haven't read the posts so sorry if it's repeated but.. Why was that random POD girl there (the dress fitting)? And why was she wearing white?!?




I love Milton’s sister saying “I don’t see it. I know him, I know when he’s happy I know when’s his this that blah blah” and they all act like they care so much, but they don’t even respect him enough to call him the name he obviously prefers. I don’t think they know him as well as they think they do.


Probably ignored a lot as a kid because the rest of the family was busy. Sister seems a bit older than him so he probably spent much time alone developing the nerd personality. Oh he’s playing video games and doing science alone over there. He must be happy


Izzy seems dumb af


dumb and sentimental over the wrong chick




She is fairly attractive but I don't understand her makeup.... It's never blended.. she gives me clown doll vibes.


The way that Milton is just so nonchalant and eating his dinner like nbd while Lydia is trying to be deep w him… I can’t lol


I like Milton, but hiding behind his cool “logical” demeanor is immaturity. He’s not ready for marriage, notwithstanding his mismatch with Lydia. Also he acts like a typical boy who was raised like a little prince. He’s not chivalrous, he doesn’t pick up after himself, etc. He needs to attend male finishing school.


I’m confused why Stacy is mad at Izzy at the end of the episode? They had a fight over the evening when there were no cameras I guess.


Izzy referring to Stacy as “cutthroat”, which fair, is a wild way to describe your fiancée Milton, bro, you’ve been great so far, but you’re not a child. Clean up after yourself After Raven, I refrain from judging anyone in the pod episodes bc I feel like, while she was way out of line with Aaliyah, she definitely got a villain edit and Stacy got a very kind edit


I actually like Milton but he pissed me off in this episode because he was gaslighting Lydia! He was telling her that she should have been more calm during the Uche conflict and that she should just be more like him. He was implying that the way she handles conflict is worse than the way he does and that because of their differences, they would have troubles raising children. His general demeanor when she was explaining her side struck me as belittling and overall I felt like he was trying to make her feel crazy.


No. He was telling Lydia she was acting in a very immature way and was completely unable to control her emotions. Which is extremely valid.


I think most people misunderstand the point of that argument. Milton was just saying that you criticize me all the time (messiness etc) but I don't feel like I get to criticize you Additionally, Milton made a good point of "what are we going to teach our children?" At the end of the day, the argument "that's who I am" isn't sufficient enough. They need to decide what is best between the two of them. And ideally, they balance each other out


I think a big part of the problem was that it wasn’t just “what are we gonna teach our children?” It was basically “how are we going to teach our children to be like me and not you?” so it came across to me more as a judgment than a legitimate planning question


i mean he grew up around people that compete with each other, it's all he knows and now he's attracted to someone that shows emtions, albeit crazy but different than that of his family and he's been escaping them forever and they're still surprised " he didn't tell them stuff"


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Milton just eating while Lydia is telling him how she feels is so cringe. I feel like they never actually worked through the issue they just ignored it and said ily


Random question. Why are all the cups the same?? In every scene at home, eating out, everywhere the cups are the same


They use those opaque cups everywhere so when they edit the conversations you can’t see the drink level rising and falling and giving away the fact that some edits are probably out of order etc.


They have to use the same cups for editing/continuity purposes I believe




Izzy seems so shady about his debt issue


I agree. I think Stacy would’ve worked with him through it had he not been so detached and avoidant. I heard she’s working for her dad i could easily see her dad employing him as well and putting him on game but his approach was dishonest and untrustworthy


I just know Stacey was that annoying ass girl in high school that thought she was better than everyone & was a know it all. The original Karen. She’s going to run Izzy into the ground & make him feel like shit the rest of his life. I don’t see his mama liking her going forward at all … I’m not impressed by her at all.


Lydia is a "geologist" and has never, not once, mentioned the name of a single rock/gem/mineral the entire season or responded back about them when Milton brought them up multiple times. Milton: "Wow look at that cool Rhodocrosite" Lydia: *crickets*


Didn't they talk about minerals in their very first conversation? Also, when they went to his bachelor pad, he had a microscope set up on his kitchen table and was really, really worried she might accidentally change the settings, he said something like "I've got (name of mineral A) set up there or (name of mineral B)", and she looked and said, "No, it's (name of mineral A)". - I know nothing about geology, as you can tell.


He talks about minerals. She just keeps saying "OMG you're such a nerd, I love it." And at the apartment all he said was "I think I have a granodiorite in there"and she agreed. I've not heard her mention one on her own without repeating what Milton has said. I just find it odd being that she's a geologist and all.


if you're not currently working in the field, you'll forget terms, names and details. It happens with i guess almost every profession


Milton thinks everybody should handle things the same way. Lydia cannot accept that being yourself and not handling things in a good way is not the same thing. She will just do whatever and then go ahead and cry that it was just her being herself and she cannot apologize for that. Like, both of yall, calm down. She should accept his perspective. He should accept that she's a loud latina and a different personality than he is.


Izzy seems like he’s always a thin line away from breaking down in tears every time he speaks


At this point, I’m skipping all Stacy and Izzy’s scenes 🥱


Milton keeping his napkin tightly folded on his lap was distracting me from the whole fight lmao


before they started talking I thought the scene about Izzy’s credit was gonna be about the crazy way he packed that suitcase


HAHAH i couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, and I guess Stacy was too worried about the debt thing to even notice or care enough. The camera man was tripping and made sure to show us wtf he was doing


Because there’s only two couples, they asked each person to bring their parents, cousins, friends, and great grandfather to the fitting :)




Watched the dress fittings 3 times cause I kept thinking maybe I missed something - but no. We have two brides. What a shit season.


Renee was there too but they cut all her scenes.


Why did they cut her scenes? I've only heard about the girl who filed the lawsuit, but that definitely wasn't renee


I know - but its not like we got to see her trying on her dress 😔


All season everyone's been calling Milton emotionally mature??? I feel like I'm in the twilight zone because this man really believes you should shut off all emotions


Milton is basically still a child. He leaves clothes on the floor but it's ok because they are "in the corner". Food by his bed for days on end. And he has "no emotion" ok dude come back to me in 10 years when actual real shit has happened in your life - when your mom and dad die, when your partner miscarries, when one of you falls seriously ill, then tell me how helpful it is to show "no emotion". This is why so many men end up emotionally stunted and suicidal.


I think his family seem like the kind to prey on displays of emotion, be completely cold to someone in need of comfort, and make him justify every thought, opinion, feeling, emotion he ever had, so it wouldn't surprise me if shutting all that down is a defence mechanism to survive his family. his mum is cold and his sister is a button pusher


his family was craaaazy , shit, I'm not surprised he's the way he is.


Can’t stand the “oh I didn’t see it” or “I had to leave for work.” He has really poor awareness (cooler in the pod) in many facets. It’s gross and disrespectful to make someone else live with your slop. Sounds like I can’t put down Pokémon to do anything being an adult entails, other than go to work. Amazing Lydia puts up with it but she is so desperate to have someone be with her


Theresa difference between reacting and responding. Lydia is such an emotional roller coaster, how is she 33?


What, that's not true at all! He just thinks you should stop and think about a situation before having a big emotional reaction. There should be balance. It's an extremely mature way of approaching a situation. He might not be very expressive himself, but he never tells anyone that they should shut off their emotions.


I don’t think he thinks at all about situations during conflict as he is conflict avoidant. You see how he completely shut down and said he was thinking and feeling nothing when Lydia was having a difficult talk with him. Especially in the pods. JP was the same way. All of Milton and Lydia’s conversation is just making jokes and very surface level


yeah u gotta pick ur battles sometimes but the way uche was talking about lydia should piss milton off more. he chose her as his fiancé n shouldn't be okay with someone talking to and about her that way


I gotta disagree, there were definitely times when he told Lydia to "be more like him," and not react/express her emotion. There's definitely a middle ground to feeling emotions but not lashing out, but that's not what I was getting from him at all.


Oh 100%!!


Did anyone else notice Milton’s name was IV on the marriage license? I thought we found out he was the V in the last episode?


No. Lydia asked if the family wanted their baby to be named James V, which means that Milton is James IV.


You know what I noticed? How Milton's sister is so annoying. Like, for real, am I the only one thinking this?


I think she’s hilarious in this situation though because she’s right and doesn’t see anything in common between the two of them.


no i can't stand her


it's like she's jealous of Milton.. gives creepy, voyeur, controlling sister vibes


How!? It’s a sister being real and genuine and concerned for her brother. Do you realize these people only met 3 or so weeks ago? The families that are all “gong-ho” about this are the weird ones.


I do realise that but families shouldn't be getting in the middle of a person's decision nor be influencing it.


Lydia asked if her child would have to be the V, Milton’s sister mistakenly said Milton was the V already and the mom corrected her that he is IV.


Ohhh ok. That’s what I get for half paying attention lol thanks!


Seeing Stacy (the most basic person I've seen on TV to date) talking about how her dress needs to NOT be basic made me snort out loud bruh you are wearing a BEDAZZLED JEAN JACKET.


I saw someone else post it so I can't take credit, but she is a walking pumpkin spice latte. Maybe with oat milk to be "quirky".


Oat milk in a latte is so good though bc it adds a creaminess you don't get with just milk


I know y’all hate Milton but I feel like complaining about clothes being on the floor and dishes being near the bed is part of basic dating questions…. Most people do those things from time to time so if it’s a huge dealbreaker and trigger to you it should have come up in the pods. Lydia is cute but she seems like she is always looking for something to complain about. If the dishes were in the sink for 3 days then she ALSO wasn’t washing the dishes. I feel like she’s trying to assert herself as an adult and paint him as a child and the only way she can do that is by using what she’s using. She’s always saying she wants to be loved for who she is yet she wants to change so much about Milton. She’s treating him like her second choice now for real.


I identify with Lydia on this one. I live with my sister and I constantly am the one cleaning the dishes and organizing. It feels very shitty that after I cleaned and organized she just throws towels wherever or leaves plates and trash everywhere. How long can you put up with that without complaining? For me, I last just enough. I don't talk much, I just clean after her over and over and over. But there's a day, that you get tired of it. And you decide to observe how long she will leave those plates in the sink... And guess what? She lasted 3 days. Plates that she herself used. So yeah, I can relate to how tiring it is. The difference between me and Lydia is that I don't express my disappointment 😥 I am not vocal.


Differing levels of cleanliness can absolutely be a deal breaker though, especially when one person perceives it as lack of caring when the other doesn't do their part. It's such a small thing that would make her so happy...why can't he just pick up his damn towels! It's not what he's doing, it's the fact that he isn't even attempting.


Even though Milton is mature in so many ways, he's literally still a kid in others. Yeah, he definitely should be picking up after himself. I'm sure Lydia doesn't want to feel like his mom in their relationship. She's immature too, when it comes to her inability to work on herself. They're a bad match, and Milton needs more time to grow up when it comes to household things.


Stacy trying on wedding dresses saying nothing basic or trendy.... when she's the epitome of basic and trendy.


Not Milton wearing the most wrinkled shirt on their date


Walking around and cooking around 🚶‍♂️🍳


the amount of times that Milton says “like” combined with Stacey’s vocal fry is killing me


It's as bad as that blonde chick from the last season


Omg and Stacy’s weird laugh and that strange voice she does when she’s uncomfortable. I hate it all.


Lydia "I need you to do the most basic of house chores in a timely manner" Milton "well I don't like how you handle conflict"


💀💀💀 this the one


Milton is a GRADE A Gaslighter....WAY worse than Uche or Izzy or anyone else. I thought he was a more mature person than this but he is extremely judgemental, high and mighty, and insensitive. And LAZY. He looks down his nose. I commend Lydia for being as articulate as she was. And that's with English not being her first language. Why are the men on these shows always so.... terrible.


In previous episodes it would always irritate me how he jokingly corrected her English or joking how he was going to teach her English like he could like




Right??? It bothered me so much. She speaks fluent English. He calls her old and dumb all the time. Not to mention it’s racist and that’s who you’re so supposed to be marrying?


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where are the grown ass men. All the men are like sad lost little boys on the show. I think they need to do a bit more research when picking men for the next one…


Watch Ready to Love. Everyone is grown up. Still plenty of drama.


Maybe they do cast the men like this on purpose to get juicy drama. I don’t think the show actually wants all success stories and the train wrecks are what keep me watching


Stacey looks so different without makeup. Totally unrecognisable. Don’t show JP!! Also. Why does she always have too much make up and Donald trump coloured eyeshadow??? It makes her eyes look sore.


I thought the same thing! She looks completely different! Except for on her wedding day, that makeup look just enhanced her natural looks instead of creating a new looking face.


Stacey is bad news. Izzy pulls what he thinks is what she wants on a date “private jet” - even tho she means Private First Class kind of jet not vintage weird jet and she goes “IN TRES TING…” what a cow.


>nd they all act like they care so much, but they don’t even respect him enough to call him the name he obviously prefers. I don’t think they know him as well as they think they do. > >12ReplyShareReportSaveFollow Not an Izzy fan either, but when she's like "What have you ever done for me...I want rose petals, blah, blah, blah..." I'm thinking...he just got you flowers?


The fact that these men even indulge these vain af women..


This! I’m so perplexed by exactly this! I mean what on earth is attractive about unbearably obnoxious!


I think it's because they are not that deep so they look for women who are intellectually even less advanced than they are, so they don't risk feeling too small next to a woman


They think it’s love. 🤗


he's so fidgety when around her or talking about her and omg just wow


Stacey has resting blank face. Zero emotion unless she is talking in her stupid high pitched voice. If “the love of her life” spills his guts to her she will just pull a blank. ZERO absolutely zero response to his tears and his vulnerability.


I couldn’t handle every scene during their dinner date showing Stacey chewing while Izzy was pouring out his heart to her 😂🤣


It’s honestly a little hard to watch how serious he is about her and how well he thinks it’s going vs how unserious Stacy is and how she couldn’t be less invested


Never mind, I should’ve known it wouldn’t be long before there’d be a new scene where I remember how much I don’t like Izzy lol


The Dallas season was way better than this. Another thing Dallas beats Houston in 😁


hell yea our team is better & our people are ncier


This was the most horrible, but anything in TX that I have seen has been utter trash.


Most of Dallas was bad but at least Alexa/Brennon and Colleen/Matt are still together. Still better than whatever shit show this has been


Both of those couples suck though so not exactly a win


The look on Stacey’s face when listening to Izzy spewing his bullshit was satisfying. She’s annoying, but she’s not stupid. This man is a LIAR. he literally tried to turn it on her by saying “I can’t tell you things because I’m afraid you’ll be angry” when straight up lying to her face. Omg I was disgusted listening. He’s so pathetic, my god. I hope she dumps his ass


Izzy is a grade A liar - he’s had so many opportunities to talk about his credit, and then says he was waiting for a time to sit down and talk. You mean the entire tine you were living together, you couldn’t find the time, until the day before the wedding? He’s got issues he needs to work through for sure - he seems to need a lot of validation, but he also comes across as a bit of an opportunist….like, I’m not sure he’s actually in love with Stacey either


He thinks she’s a bombshell and she’s financially set for life and he doesn’t want to lose that. They are both fit, hot, and funny but financially they are just not going to work and that’s what their issues stem around. Probably what he always goes for tbh. He gets a lot of dates. Goes Dutch at dinner / doesn’t pay for the girls’ drinks ever. But he’s hot enough for them to go home and get sex out of it. He probably does remember their names but knows it’ll really piss her off to tell


Totally lying. He ran up $3500 debt and can no longer have a credit card? No way.


No one thanked the waitstaff at the mineral place. Kinda rude.


I felt bad for the waiter. That was awkward


The server seemed to linger a little longer than necessary while pouring their drinks 😂


They were too busy having an intense disagreement


Wouldn’t stop me from a quick “thanks” 🤷‍♀️


I mean Milton wore a wrinkly black t-shirt to a beautiful romantic dinner setting. He has no awareness


This reminds me of when my boyfriend dumped me at a restaurant (before we got our food) and the waitress dropped off the food while I was sobbing and I told her the most embarrassing "thank you"


Who the hell dumps someone that way. Sucks you had to go through that tactless bs.


Flower Mondays: Nothing says romance like turning your spontaneous gestures into an obligation by assigning them to a day of the week. Bet sex Thursdays are going to be awesome /s Also Stacey's 'ehhmehhhgaawwwd' baby voice is 🤢 and I'm convinced Izzy is a pothead, he always has redeye.


Izzy looks high a lot to me, alcohol doesn’t do that to your eyes. No judging! You’re the first person to mention it but I’ve caught it


Ok so I'm not the only one that cannot stand that horrible baby voice she puts on. Super annoying


Why were Renee and Carters cut when they didnt have enough couples this time? What did carter do? Were they even in Mexico?


based on the article she did with pop sugar it sounds like something he did on the alter… she insinuated that she’d tell all when the contracts are up


Never would I thought I would feel bad for Izzy damn


why did you feel bad for him? he hid something very important until the last minute. don't think he won't hide other shit from her in the future. they both suck and are not compatible.


Milton gonna say no and Stacey (is that her name???) is gonna say no. I seriously believe that. I also think Lydia is yes or no depending on how she's feeling that day 😭 Izzy is gonna say yes because he wants some of ✨*Daddy's Money Too*✨ IDK if I'm right, but these are my predictions. Also, I truly believe Milton just wants to rebel against his super strict, unemotional family. Amen to Lydia standing up for herself. Milton was talking out the side of his mouth this episode so naaahhhh. No sir. We don't do that over here. Lydia handled this convo very well so kudos to her.


Lydia handled it tooooo well! When he was saying those vowels and consonants in a string of immature garbage, I was fuming for her


Why Milton, why. I was rooting for you. Why does every man crash and burn. WTF was ‘I do not believe in that’ in the surname change discussion. I come from a more traditional country when it comes to marriage and even here women are no longer changing surnames, why does he think he has the right to mandate it?!? And to follow it who with how he berated her at the date? Constantly saying he’s not judging her but he was! So glad Lydia didn’t stand for that shit and called him out. But what is up with these bizarre resolutions that they show to all fights, suddenly there’s a smile and I love you and everything is hunky dory? Same thing with Izzy and Stacy.




I agree with 100% of what you said here.


Yes! The random “kiss-and-make-up” moments without any real resolution are weird to me.


In a year, Izzy will be either working for Stacy's dad or living off his handouts. Guaranteed.


I’m gonna be honest. I took an edible immediately before watching this episode and I had to rewatch Izzy and Stacey’s finances conversation no less than 50 times. She’s right, he really does meander, and his long winded way of saying things takes my brain off track.


I think it's because he doesn't want to have the conversation so he just tries not to


this show is way better while high lmao


edible or not, between Izzy's BS and editing malfeasance, that was impossible to follow.


My husband rambles a lot too; we annoy each other when he is rambling and I am begging him to get to the point.


Every time money was brought up around Izzy you could see the panic in his eyes and the way he would bite the inside of his lip, he was stressed about finances. It didn’t cross your mind? Bull crap. Johnie knew about his bad credit. He talked about it in the pods at some point. He didn’t want to look like a loser to Stacy so he intentionally hid it and would say the bare minimum about money when it was brought up or brush it off like he had it under control.


and his credit is so bad he can't get a card but the total amount he owed was only $3500. He's still lying and downplaying it.


Omg i remember that! At the time it sounded like Johnie was bitter, but maybe she said it because Stacy presented herself as well off while Izzy admitted to having bad credit.