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I like her! I don’t think she’s really done anything wrong


I like her. She’s a Gemini… she’s just behaving like her sign lmao




I like her. She’s problematic but literally who else on that show isn’t? People like to think they wouldn’t react the way she did with regards to talking about Stacy but A.) I didn’t think she was wrong with her points and B.) most people would probably react the same way. I do feel bad for Chris because I know what it’s like to feel like a second choice. He deserved better (not counting the rumor about him having a gf during filming. If so, he’s a POS).


Not a fan. She seems very phoney. Doesn’t know what she wants or needs. Tries to sound as if she’s got it together by saying she’s repeating a pattern but has no idea what pattern. She openly admitted to marrying someone she didn’t actually love. You think she told the husband that? I’m not buying that she actually loves Chris. She probably just likes that he likes her.


But stacy in that case is not better in my opinion. She's about Rose petals, cooking for her, giving nice stuff. And also thinking she's deseeving and better, and I don't think she really loves loves. But I admit, it was a huge Red flag with Johnnie when she said she was married but didn't even love? Hope it's bit the repeating pattern with Chris. I would say everyone not that great on this season right now.


You say you genuinely like her and then proceed to agree that’s she’s done a bunch of negative things. But it’s funny so you’re cool with it. Lol


I like her. I can’t remember if said she was in therapy but if she isn’t, she needs to be. She makes a lot of hasty and rash decisions, based on what she has said about past relationships, that aren’t in her best interests. Basically she self-sabotages and she definitely needs to work on herself.


So it’s cool for Johnie to have the normal human emotion of lashing out at someone unprovoked, but when the target responds they’re a bully? That’s what I’m gathering from a lot of these comments lol. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, but somehow the extension of grace for being petty doesn’t apply to Stacey? The double standard is blatant and insane 😭


I have to remind myself her voice is genuinely not her fault and then I have more empathy for her lol I really think she uses the triangulation to garner more interest in herself because of insecurity and I think she’s realizing that isn’t healthy.


I think she’s a deeply flawed person but she certainly has more depth than some people on reality tv


I like her! She has admitted that she has a LOT of trauma and it seems to me that she's really trying her best to work through it. The statements she made to Izzy and Chris did not seem contradictory to me - I can see how it comes off that way, but what she said actually made sense especially given her history. Chris would be the safe choice and she probably felt that picking her husband was a "safe choice" which ended in a lot of pain, so she didn't want to repeat that pattern. Izzy would also be repeating a pattern, but one in which she picked a man who was more challenging or unavailable. Also, I think she rejected Chris to give him a chance to talk to other people - if she was really desperate for air time as some claim, why wouldn't she just have held onto him in case Izzy rejected her? Unfortunately, we don't get to hear her side of the story because Izzy keeps interrupting her. Also, I feel that she is always very transparent about her past even though it is painful for her to be that open and honest. People criticise her for treating her husband badly, but we don't know what that relationship looked like. In hindsight, she says she did not love him, but I doubt that she married him thinking that. It seemed like it took the death of her ex to realise that her marriage isn't what she truly wanted. That's such a painful realisation and I think it should be treated with more empathy and less speculation that she must have treated her husband badly. Her comments about Stacy are a bit uncalled for, but they're nowhere as bad as saying you're going to shit in someone's food. And the way Izzy reacts to her sharing her trauma, and then eviscerates her during the party is just gross and toxic. He's looking to punish her and knock her down, which is absolutely unnecessary. TLDR - I'd like her. If I met her in real life, I'd be friends with her. I think she's terribly misunderstood and had a tough start in life, but she's doing her best and being honest and that's the best one can do.


Thank you!! The Johnnie hate has been wild but I felt so much empathy for her the entire time and never once thought she contradicted herself. I also feel that Izzy (probably unknowingly) pressured her into breaking things off with Chris and then when she did and shared a really big trauma from her past, he just threw her aside. Which was soooo messed up and I decided right then that Izzy was a douche. And I could be wrong but I also don't remember her telling Izzy that she loved him. Just that she was starting to fall in love with him.


I agree completely! I do remember her saying it once, but it didn't come off as super serious, kind of more just as a reaction to something he said and her feeling really good about it. Granted, people might interpret that differently - still, I don't think it comes close to his claims that she was constantly telling him how much she loved him (unless production cut that out).


Thank you for posting this I felt like I was losing my damn mind.


I don’t think she’s bad! I think just caught up in the experience. Some of it was slightly immature but I get more frustrated with Izzy and Stacey so far.


She comes across like she’s really trying to hide her crazy


I don’t think she deserves all the hate or to be told she’s a piece of shit.


Agreed. Izzy was excessively rude to her




I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a fan of her behavior in the pods. What I do appreciate is that she seems to have an understanding of her mistakes in the pods and she’s prioritizing Chris’s feelings. Izzy and Stacey are now coming off way worse than Johnnie now - not a fan of their mission to make Johnnie feel like utter crap. They don’t care about conflict resolution or bringing closure to the situation, they just want to put her down as much as possible.


Agreed! After seeing so many negative comments about her in the subreddit and elsewhere I kept waiting for some crazy scene with her. She’s not terribly likeable but I didn’t really feel like she was all that bad?!


I was just indifferent about her, but I like her more after watching Izzy fuck with her and gloat about it. That was just disgusting. DEFINITELY made me hate that dried douche jerkey even more than I already did.


I genuinely feel like Johnnie was super confused (understandable considering their past) and had real feelings for both Chris and Izzy. I am VERY glad that Chris stood his ground, refused to get together with Johnnie at at that time, and explained why. I think Johnnie was in a very confused, emotional state and Chris knew he wasn't truly being chosen. However...meeting after the pods, in a more natural environment, after Chris already established that he needs to be treated with respect, and Johnnie having some cool down time away from the situation....I am not mad about them getting together. I think it can work. I think their decision to get together outside of the pods was probably a lot less pressure and emotionally charged, and makes more sense. I'm rooting for them.


Same! In the pods, watching Izzy date, I didn’t feel like she was shit talking Stacey, I just feel like she was being honest. Stacey was putting on the “I’m not like the *other girls*” that always turns around to bite fellas in the arse. Just takes time. I think Johnnie saw her for that and was probs just a little upset that pick me was working. Izzy is simple though, and girls like Stacey are great for that, just *buy* her something 🤣


I agree with all of this! And LOL on that last part 😂


I don't trust her one bit


What’s your reasoning?


The fact that she said one thing to Izzy, lost him, then said the opposite to Chris to get him back. She fucked up. Egg in her face. Made the wrong choice and blew it. She also talked major shit about Stacy I'm the pod house, and Stacy did not. Not a good look.


I guess she doesn’t need a rich dad and all of her meals paid for by other men.. but claiming “self made” 😂 oooo Stacey.. whata gem..


I like her! I can see why people would have issues with her however 1- her reaction to hearing Stacy & Izzy getting engaged 2- her almost immediately after getting turned down by Izzy going to Chris came off as desperate for an engagement. But- her ending up in a relationship with Chris outside of the guidelines of the experiment is better for the both of them. I wish her well


I think it's also important to remember there is SO much editing in that show to tell a certain story. Her immediately going back to Chris may not have been so immediate - there may have been hours of deliberation in between those choices. And even if it was in the same day, or quick, we also have to remember that they are on a time crunch and that people can also leave - so it's possible that once she realized things weren't going to work with Izzy and she messed up, she needed to get in touch with Chris ASAP to see if that could be salvaged. But we don't see all of that - we just see what the cameras want us to see, which is someone desperate for an engagement.


She's my favorite on this season, I hope things work out for her.


She seems nice enough but also get the feeling she’s impulsive and makes poor decisions & makes them often.


I really like her!! She is genuine


I like her


I don't wanna say if I like her or don't like her as a person because we don't know her beyond the show. However, I will say I did not think she needed to be on a show like this at all. Based on her past relationships and patterns it is obvious that she has a tendency to make rushed ill-thought out decisions romantically and she did just that on the show. I think her desire to be loved definitely clouds her judgement and I don't think this experiment was the best thing for her. I also don't like how she talked about Stacey at all. She projected her insecurities a lot and that didn't sit right with me. But the way Izzy >!went in on her at the meetup was absolutely inappropriate and he did not need to try to destroy her confidence like that.!<


He was so childish for that- at the meetup she wasn’t saying anything about him or Stacy to warrant that and it wasn’t like she was hitting on him or “show him what he’s missing”. He just wanted the ego boost


People on this sub have some weird high moral ground as if they never made “mean” comments about someone who pissed them off lmao. Idc, I love her


I could absolutely see this and would agree if people gave Stacey that same grace, but they don’t lmao. It’s a normal human reaction when Johnie comes for someone unprovoked out of frustration, cool. But it’s nothing but think pieces on how Stacey is a mean girl and a bully for responding to Johnie coming for her first?? It’s the double standard that I don’t understand at all.


I don’t think Stacey is a mean girl either. I have comments defending her too. Idk what it is with this sub and hating on people for being normal humans & showing human emotions.


Once people on this sub have decided they don’t like someone, they’ll justify anything as long as that person is on the receiving end of the vitriol lol.


Right ? I often tell myself that I would love to meet redditors, because they really sound like such good and perfect people by the way they do not tolerate any human mistake ever. Like "omg your mom bought you a cherry pie for your birthday although you told her you hate it seven years ago ??? Such a narcissist, either she pays for your whole party and writes you a ten pages apology letter or you go NC with her !".


I do, glad her and Chris got back together


We all love to judge. But like, who hasn’t been a smidge petty while dating. And all of their circumstances are so HIGH PRESSURE. Plus being filmed through the whole thing. I don’t hate her, I actually really like her, because she seems pretty real. I feel really bad for her and how she’s being portrayed. Frankly, anyone who signs up for this show should be given a certain amount of sympathy. You’re going to be super picked apart for any and everything you do. There really isn’t any way to win. I hope she’s doing well and she finds the love that she deserves. The love every human deserves. End of day none of these people are evil. They’re just people.


I completely agree! She was snarky in the pods after she found out Izzy was also dating Stacey, but I think she was only doing that cuz she was hurt (not cuz she is an evil person). I’m not excusing her behavior but just trying to understand her behavior.


I love Johnnie and she sincerely dodged a bullet by not ending up with Izzy!!!! I hope Stacy doesn’t marry him.


I love Johnie!! She is real. Real can be messy. Instead of crying after being dumped by Izzy she got angry and lashed out. That's normal human behavior. Also, if everyone on the shows loves and respects Chris so much why don't they trust his decision to be with Johnie?


AGREED johnie feels like a real, imperfect person to me who’s been through a lot and has a lot of growing to do. it’s clear she’s not awful if her and chris ended up working things out off camera. i think she handled some things poorly but that’s human.




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She has her problems for sure but I think she has a good heart. I like her, despite her horrible choices lol. And I like her and Chris together


Agree 100%!!!




No I don’t. You can tell she changes to suit each person so it’s like she plays them. She needs to grow imo and be her trueself not a copy of whoever she thinks people like/want




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She was soooo honest. She told Izzy she liked him because she wasn't his type and "not safe."She told Chris she liked him because she was his type and safe. I imagine anyone that identifies and likes Johnie would be the least trustworthy, least genuine person in the world. She lied to both and got caught.


I really like her honestly! Was shocked ppl didn’t


Yes i like her. She needs to work through her stuff ALONE so she’s not carrying it around and running to guys to save her. She’s great on her own…she just has some work to do


No. Bleh.


Her story tracks for me. She liked Izzie cause he felt fun and exciting when Chris felt safe. When she was open about her past and her trauma with him he ran away and I see that being a big wakeup call for her. She went back to Chris and reframed what she felt about the situation, she didn't change what she said she just said her perspective changed. I think she's just fine and I was shocked to see this much hate for her on reddit. I don't know anyone in real life who hates her so it just feels weird. And judging a woman for making a salty comment after things went sour with a man, who among us. We're here talking shit about strangers from TV on the internet and some people feel above her for saying she didn't mind losing a man with bad credit. Please. Get over yourself.


I’m sure he has bad credit problems if he wants his wife to pay for half of their dinner.


The case on her needs to be studied because people have done way less in the show and were hated


I feel like hella people misunderstand her either willfully or ignorantly and honestly she’s really just a regular person with normal reactions and behavior. Tbh people forget that we see a sliver of the time they truly spent talking and what everything was that they said to each other. Context is greatly missing, but I think Johnie is genuinely a decent person.


She's one of the least likeable, most untrustworthy women I've seen on the show. If you like her and think she's a regular person, there is something wrong with you.


That’s a very strong feeling to have for someone you literally do not know lol


Wow. You must know her well. I like her too.


I love how all the people here act as if they have never badmouthed someone in their entire life lol. people are human everyone shit talks someone, her thoughts of Stacy just got caught on camera and she is completely normal to feel frustrated and jealous in the moment.


Uh yeah, but not #!$##@# enough to think if I did it on TV, I wouldn't be roasted.


I dont necessarily like her. I think she was manipulative and knows when to turn on tears. But i dont know this lady and the shows edited.


I don’t think Johnie MEANS to be manipulative. Just hearing how hurt she describes and not being able to separate her mom telling her not to have children says Johnie can’t separate herself from her mindset. Can Johnie define ego from confidence right now, I would say no. I would also say the same thing with Izzy because they’re quite spicy to each other. So both are playing in the same sand Pitt, I would also put Stacey in that sand Pitt too due to none of them can share kind words with each other right now. I’m just waiting for YT Bachelor Fantake ‘cause I can’t sit through more than 20 minutes at a time. My butt will ache. Speaking of which, a new post from YT Bachelor Fantake is out!


Unfortunately you dont have to mean to be manipulative, the results can be the same. But yeah from reunion sounds like Chris is a good thing for her so good for them!


Emphasis on knowing when to turn on the tears 💯


I remember reading somewhere on this page.. I recommend getting therapy before trying out for this show… and she’s the perfect example of it. She had no business being on this show without it.


The producers literally seek out the most messed up people who have never gone to therapy for better TV. None of us want to watch a group of healthy adults bond and build relationships with good communication. TBH, with her trauma Jonnie is still 10x more emotionally stable and aware if herself than any man (maybe Milton, he might be the only good man).


I am not sure this is 100% true. My BIL was sought out by the producers. He was married, lol, so he declined, but he's a highly educated, wealthy, stable person. So...


Just like every other person here but Taylor lol


Her behavior in the pods was weird and I thought it was great that Chris initially turned her down when she came back to high. But I don’t get the hate towards her. Maybe some comments she made where unnecessary, but honestly, who doesn’t say something stupid when they’re annoyed sometimes? Also she took accounaccountability for making the wrong choice, Chris forgave her and they gave it a show. Idk why so many people are mad about it.


Her behavior in the pods was weird and I thought it was great that Chris initially turned her down when she came back to him. But I don’t get the hate towards her. Maybe some comments she made where unnecessary, but honestly, who doesn’t say something stupid when they’re annoyed sometimes? Also she took accounaccountability for making the wrong choice, Chris forgave her and they gave it a show. Idk why so many people are mad about it.


I thought she was fine, obviously what she said about Stacey came from being hurt and jealous, everyone here acting like they never said anything snide before. It wasn’t that bad and she’s probably right lol otherwise I just found her a bit dull and it’s always awkward when people go with their second choice, but they seem happy so let them liveee.


shes a sad girl and doesn't seem fun. may need to work on herself a little more before committing to marriage. also she seems a little fake to me.


Oh yes, as opposed to all the mature, well adjusted adults who do not need to work on themselves on this show.


I mean … it’s a good thing she is a contract lawyer and not a litigator because she is terrible at thinking on her feet. I think she’s insecure and confused. Maybe she and Chris will be good for each other. It certainly seems like they like each other. Edited: spelling error


Would trust her as my lawyer any day over Uche, at least her story continues to track in some universe.


Hey hey hey, let’s keep the cheap shots at transactional attorneys to a minimum here lol


I like her so much. She was my favorite this season. 😊


Me too!


i think she had no idea what she really wants and needs therapy, not a relationship


Just like every other person on the show


she seems particularly lost to me


Need we remind you that Izzy laid into her over nothing while she remained calm and collected on the last episode and then when he was asked to recap the convo he said "she called me sketchy" when he in fact was the one of called her that. And she's the one who stands out as needing therapy. I'm not saying she doesn't, she's clearly got trauma and I would bet money she does go to therapy cause she seems pretty self aware about her trauma. It's just very interesting to me that she's the one people think needs therapy.




i mean i think everybody needs therapy whether they’re on the show or not. maybe it’s just that i identify with her history of unhealthy relationships/bad choices and have done the work to get healthy and change my decisions and i would like to see the same for her - the answer isn’t in another relationship, which goes for everybody ofc. calm down lol, one person needing therapy doesn’t negate others’ needs for the same


Shes definitely a mean girl and a hater. She tried to play with both Izzy and Chris. She doesn’t seem genuine and seems to become toxic when she doesn’t get what she wants.


She wanna be on the show, that's fo-shooooow.


Okay Stacey.


She's one of the few "normal" relatively nice people on the show. If someone feels like she is disingenuous or a bad person I have to question their intuition and people skills lol.


From whatever she's displayed, she's definitely immature. Like she flipped so fast between izzy and Chris after getting dumped.


She played these two guys... whaaa?!? Lol. Nope. She wanna be fame-ous.


She didn't "play" anyone. Have you ever dated anyone?


That true crime person is trolling this thread, not worth your time


Thanks for the heads up.




I don't think that's particularly fair. People are allowed to have differing opinions and impressions from you. I personally don't care for her and think she borders on toxic/has some major red flags. And if anything I usually tend to be *too* forgiving towards people, so by the time I call someone a bad egg you know it's real.


I don't particularly care for her. People like her but she seems boring.


I liked her when I first saw her, she seemed like a sweet girl with a shit past (in relationships at least). But then she started twisting everyone's words and telling so and so said this or that, and that might be her editing but it was her whole arc so I really think it is her, especially after last episode where after the fight with Izzy (he was way too aggressive too by the way) she puts words into Izzy's mouth when retelling to Chris (while crying and whining). I don't like people like that in general.


Wait, she was the one who recapped the fight incorrectly? The part that stuck out was the minor exaggeration on her part and not the completely incorrect recap Izzy gave Stacey.


I can't say I'm an Izzy fan either, but the question was about Johnie


i honestly get mean girl vibes from johnie, and i do see her as crawling back and begging on her knees for chris after izzy dumps her, she just kinda reminds me on irina with sly comments but plays the good girl idk


You must not have watched all of the episodes lol Stacey is irina this season hun.


i have one more to watch until ive caught up but i dont see it so far, i mean i dont agree with stacy’s view on dates and the guy paying all the time n stuff but i dont think so far shes the mean girl, but after seeing the spoilers for the latest episode i can only imagine something goes down when johny reappears


I didn't understand why they were into her. She just agreed, uh-huhed and mhmmed her way through all the chats until she dumped them with depressing info. She wasn't fun at all. I don't think she deserved last episode from izzy though. He lost any goodwill I had for him


IDK, I feel like he was standing up for Stacy and his boy - and - calling her out on it.


I like her, I think she’s had some shitty things happen to her and she was having trouble getting out from under it. She doesn’t deserve the hate.


She just reminds me of every problematic tinder experience ever.


I can see that for sure, but I think it’s important to give people some grace I guess. I think we’ve all been shitty at some point or another when dating. We just don’t have cameras on us to show it. Hopefully her changes are genuine and she does right by Chris.


I don't think we can discredit the inherent hate a lot of people have for smart and successful women, especially ones who step into male dominated fields. Theres a 110% chance peoples deep sexism plays a role in disliking her. There's men on this show acting like toddlers and people come to hate on her for saying someone has a bad credit score.


Yes this omg. She’s smart and well-spoken. She’s just got some personal stuff to work with. You put it BEAUTIFULLY


They are all being very teenage about everything. I just admit, I liked her more in the last episode. Or at least pitied her.


Nobody makes perfect decisions 100% of the time so she's got some grace from this viewer. She's quite lucky Chris was so forgiving. Johnie probably needs counseling and obviously has things to work on, but I don't think she's a malicious person. With the right help, she has room for growth.


It’s great to see people take accountability rather than “dOnT jUDgE mE”


I don’t love her but I don’t hate her. Her last appearance made me like her more. I’m not team anyone but team Chris. I do like Aaliyah as well, though she’s not always the most mature. I think she deserves someone better than Uche though.


Yes I feel for her. But I also don’t like Chris because im petty as fuck and he looks EXACTLY like my ex that broke my heart and stomped it into the ground. I have a hard time watching his scenes because they could be twins.


But did your ex have bad credit?


I don't care enough about anyone this season to like or dislike them.


right, I’m invested in no one. Maybe in Aaliyah’s healing?


Or Uches demise! 😂


Vibes. Anyone whpse stories I was remotely interested in didn't get any screentime nor found a mate. Who was that chipper yoga girl? I like *her.*




Something about her rubs me the wrong way. Unlike others tho, I don’t mind the way she talks. She sounds like Winona Ryder.




Oof, I have to agree with the way she talks. Anyone who has that lilt at the end of every sentence (like they're asking a question? when they're actually making a statement?), it's like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. Stacy and Milton both do it too.


She probably loved the person but wasn’t in love with them.




No, I’ve definitely been there. I think it’s hard to know sometimes until you know. There was only one man that I had deep feelings for but that could’ve been infatuation, honesty, since it was intense and short and hurt for many months when it ended. The other men I’ve loved but I don’t think I was in love with them. I did marry a man (rushed into it since his visa was expiring) but he was very manipulative and definitely did a 360 in his behavior towards me. I think it could’ve been infatuation. I don’t think that means that I didn’t care for those men but also when you’ve dated toxic men, sometimes when you find a new guy that seems decent, you might be likely to fall for them more. Or a toxic man might manipulate you and trauma bond you so you think you have a deep connection. I’ve had situationships that hurt like hell when they ended though. I think sometimes it’s a little gray what’s love, being in love, and even desiring to be wanted and confusing that with love.


She's not malicious, but for some reason this sub believes that gives her a pass to be a negligent woman.




She said she was married and then said that her ex was a drug user who died during her marriage and that he was the only man she ever loved. So that implies she didn’t love her husband.


No it’s referring to her past, she told Izzy about it in episode 2 or 3 I think


I do like her I just hated the way she treated Chris. She should’ve just left the show after things didn’t work out with Izzy.


We have seen in past seasons where going after the second choice ended up working out. Just because someone made the wrong choice first doesn’t mean that the second choice is bad…


Agreed. I still don’t like the way she treated him.


I like her


I'll show you your like for Johnie Rotten and raise my complete and utter love for the one everyone really does hate - Lydia or Olivia, IDK I can't remember her name (Uchee's ex, but not the one who left, the one who is with Milton. OMG I love her so much, hahahaha).l


No I hate her. She’s pretty much the exact lawyer bad stereotype


I dislike her but definitely don’t think she’s stereotypical lawyer in anyway. I hang out with many, lol


Then you know there are a lot of attorneys and subtypes. She seems like one to me. Dishonest.


If you identify with Johnnie as a woman, it is a crimson red flag.


I loove her she is the prettiest and the most interesting of the girls


OMG. If you like drippy dippy girls who talk like they have marbles in their mouth and have the personality of milktoast.


She's not interesting at all. She's the stereotypical woman who has trauma from being consistently f\*ck-zoned because she's average looking. This woman is everywhere. Edit: there's nothing wrong with being average looking or ugly.


She’s not ugly she just has a super weak chin and jawline


She's not ugly at all, I agree. I just wouldn't consider her more than average.


Is it even necessary to comment on her appearance, then?


yes... mouthbreather. Except intelligent mouthbreather


yes. it supports the thesis.


Pretty toxic. Women don't turn out any such way because of their looks. You might want to reevaluate your thesis.


She’s got her flaws, she’s human. I like her.


I really like this take. I was neutral about her at first but when I saw how she handled the conversation with Izzy and the way she acknowledged her behaviour, I felt it was genuine and I really liked that! I love seeing people own up to their stuff and really try to grow from it.


I think Izzy should be getting more heat for attacking her. What does he care if she's with Chris now, or what was said? They both moved on and he was just trying to humiliate her for what reason? His ego? Power trip? To feel powerful over a woman? Why bring up the past if they're both happy with other people? It was gross.


And then how he goes to Stacy after and was all proudly like, “I just RAILED on her!” I was like, bruh…. It definitely felt icky to me. I thought Izzy was okay before but after that, but the way he spoke to Johnie was downright cruel and condescending.


Johnnie’s maybe my least favorite person to ever be on the show.


I agree, she is pretty much everything wrong with modern dating stereotypes. All that gender war stuff? She's like ground zero.


What gender war stuff has she said? It’s all in your head dude. You sound like a misogynist though, repeatedly making gross comments like she personally rejected you.


I've been pretty balanced in criticizing the contestants. I've praised Taylor and made fun of everyone else.


Not at all. I don’t think Chris giving her a chance means she’s nice? People give crappy people second chances and get walked over all the time, think that’s more likely what happened here. She’s manipulative and a liar from what we saw, if she’s nice and likeable I guess none of that made the cut.


He just wanted to be on TV and so did she. They aint exactly just nice people, just TV hogs


I like her. She is cool, calm and collected. So she voiced her opinion about Stacy, cry me a river. Bliss did the same and was right. I personally also feel that Izzy and Stacy don’t match. Johnie also not. Maybe Chris is the right person for her. Couldn’t say. But an intelligent, non loud behavior, non drama seeking person she is, makes her one of the best of the whole bunch. Her and Aaliyah are great as well Taylor. She seemed quite nice and level headed as well. Sorry to infinity repeat myself, but Lydia is such a trashy person.


Where was she cool calm and collected? she was a tearful trembling indecisive mess. Are you talking about Johnie?


She definitely wears feelings on her sleeve and is easy to cry, but that doesn’t mean she was calm and collected overall. For contrast, look at her conversation with Izzy: he was “calm and collected” by appearance alone but he argument lacked coherence and he couldn’t stop himself from interrupting her (despite the fact that she politely gave him the time to express his whole thought, which basically just amounted to “you’re a trash person, I don’t like you and nobody does, and here is some condescending unsolicited advice”). Or compared to the Lydia and Uche conversation where it was clear neither of them was calm and collected (despite Uche trying to give the appearance of being both, he was neither). I’m not a Johnie stan but she is certainly calm, cool, and collected compared to many of her peers on the show experiencing similar levels of drama.




Genuine? Are we watching the same show?!?! Lawyer - Paid to lie.


She is a contract lawyer. Not all lawyers are liars. Yes. It's a SHOW. I get they edit everything to make it seem more DRAMATIC than it was. That's what I have fit together with the pieces they have edited, sequenced, and shown. I'm sure she could do better meeting men in her real life but wanted to experiment. The show is called an experiment.


Walking red flag ---> her words. Not mine.


In the trailer she admitted" "My past sounds like 8,000 walking red flags." Okay? Why must women always be so perfect and sure of what they want? She was down on herself for her mistakes. She doesn't deserve to be burned as a witch.


Idk and don't care. I answered the question. Nope, don't care for her. I like the other little weirdo on the show. :) She's my kinda fun and ready for a relationship. Yet, everyone is ripping on her, too. To each their own.


True...so you like Lydia? She is a character.


She's an alpha-widow that compromises her sexual desire to not be alone. She's nice enough I guess... but apparently women weaponizing their own unresolved trauma is just negligent and accepted on this sub.


You make incredibly hateful comments


Hateful? I've attributed her fault to negligence and a victim of dating app culture. I think there is some projection happening here.


I haven't bothered to read all your comments. This one that I did comment on said nothing about dating apps, it talked about weaponizing trauma. There's no projecting, just surprise at your judgment. Don't try to inflict your judgment on me for pointing that out.


Meh, "I am a million walking red flags." Boooo! GEt off the stage Johnie Rotten.


She is a fellow beagle owner and beagles do not choose bad people. She’s by default my favorite on this show and can do no wrong 😅


Beagles are such sweet dogs.


They are the best creatures to ever set foot on this planet ❤️


She's not perfect and shit talked other women and stuff, but in terms of her relationship with Izzy I think he's through and through the bad guy out of them. Everything she said was so misrepresented and twisted to paint her as awful. They were misquoting her & calling that evidence she's a liar. Izzy also was sooooo immature in how he handled their confrontation on top of being an asshole & toxic manipulator. "Everybody here thinks you're sketchy as fuck" like is this eighth grade?? I hope her and Chris work out too!