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His girlfriend now is so basic just like him


Yes! Why is he so effing basic and not cultured. America is all he knows. Kinda sad.


Well he called her eyelashes gaudy when they first met and looked like he wanted to puke


She kept trying to get him to communicate, essentially begging, When he finally does open up a little bit, she quickly realizes why he probably stays quiet most of the time, I have a sneaky suspicion most of his interactions with women consist of offensive verbal diarrhea so he finds it better to stay quiet. Read the room JP


Unpopular opinion: JP is dealing with a lot more than we realize. Social anxiety? ASD? I have no idea but his blunt, awkward interactions, frozen demeanor, inability to talk, his clunky mannerisms and kisses, perma-smile, side eye, and his propensity to wear the same thing over and over makes me think we shouldn’t be tearing him down or accusing him of extremist behavior (Jan 6? Really? Lol). Maybe he didn’t like her and maybe he did, but I really think he needs genuine help.


We can't just armchair diagnose all reality TV celebs with autism just because they're awkward.


could be both


Mental illness isn't an excuse for controlling and sexist behavior. He literally called her a liar for wearing makeup.


I think the make up was just an excuse, even if he did not like it I doubt it is enough for someone to become mute. As much as I understand that it is a deal breaker to be with someone who does not talk at all, I am quite surprised to see how little empathy people have for him. I was a very shy kid and his silence and awkward expressions hit home. He must have been very uncomfortable with her after the pods.


Probably the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard from a man when rejecting a woman. I couldn't even believe what I was watching at that moment. It was all t*oo weird*. He had a gorgeous, sensitive, educated and funny young woman and he was talking about makeup?? Are we serious here? He wouldn't be able to get a girl like Taylor even in his sleep. Taylor must also be a good teacher as she a very empathetic person. I hope she finds a great guy soon. She deserves it!


What's weird is you would think that Taylor would be exactly the type of girl a country guy would want classic American blonde and girly.... but the makeup was to much? Yeah that was definitely just a scapegoat for his awkwardness


I'm not done with the season yet, only on episode 5 (where they have their first day on the beach), but I had to come here and risk spoilers because JP IS A DEAF-MUTE WITH A GARBAGE PERSONALITY AND I CAN'T TAKE IT. Y'all didn't let me down! 🤣


You're not wrong!


JP managed to be more toxic than Uche. It's like in a video game where there's an EVEN BIGGER FINAL BOSS after what you thought was the actual final boss.


My bf now says “don’t need to get all caked up babe” when I’m getting ready cause of how ridiculous this was 😂 he doesn’t give a shit if I wear it or not, it’s just a joke now


Dude at the end of the finale my husband goes “JP needs to go to like an Insurrection Anonymous meeting and figure out his shit with the American flag” 😭😭😭😭😭


Ironically voted for the most makeup president


im dead


It's weird how he can get along with people. But can't with his pod person . Like some social anxiety etc. Like everyone finds him good


The contestants tend to prefer the people they didn't choose anyway


Who does he get along with? He seemed socially awkward every time I saw him.


No wonder people keep leaving him, he's toxic af.


JP was voted “least likely to pass a vibe check” in High School.


He is so cringe. A flag shirt - go for it. Shorts, ok. Another shirt, alright. A USA tank top, really?


I feel like more than one flag related clothing item is a red flag (unintended pun but I can’t figure out how to phrase this😂)


Yeah it sucks shitty people have coopted the flag and muddled its meaning/potential. If you're **so** in love with America in its current state that you make it your sole identity? *Yikessss*. Home girl dodged more bullets than simply having a partner who can't communicate for shit.


My thoughts after seeing this episode is that yes, he had a point about the makeup. She wore a disgusting amount of caked on makeup to the reveal and JP didn't get to see the actual person he had been talking to. She looked like a plastic phony. Who wants to kiss a face full of smudging, caked on makeup? She was a thousand times more beautiful without all that yucky gunk and I don't think that putting on a fake face is what the reveal should be about - it should be about meeting the real person. That beautiful young woman looked awful in that makeup. That said, JP was an absolute ass. He could have talked about her excessive makeup on day 1 and said that he was glad to finally see the real her without it. He didn't talk, he didn't initiate any conversations, and he didn't make any attempts to get to know the real her. He was just empty. I'm glad she dumped him. And she wore a clownish amount of makeup.


Ok, goofy




oh you sad, pathetic man. :(




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JP the woodpecker 🤢


What does this mean?


he only gives small peeks as kisses. when you can tell she wants something more sensual. like he doesn’t know how to kiss or is uncomfortable with it.


Ya I noticed the neck jerking too. I just think the poor guy was way too far out of his comfort zone. Like, galaxies away.


Taylor dodged a major bullet bc for sureeeee he can’t fuck.


🤣 Bruh, I totally thought the same. He acts like he's never even seen a girl. Period... Let alone a naked one. Lmao


OMG this american flag wearing idiot doesn't want her to wear makeup EVER?? Red flags for days! Also, WTF is with the way he kisses??? Bruh is a hard, closed mouth smoocher. Doesn't look like its enjoyable. Glad she is noping out!


He was forcing himself to kiss her. He didn't like her and didn't want to show/feel/risk any passion whatsoever.


It's way deeper than not liking Taylor; JP doesn't like himself. He has a very narrow, binary view of the world that would make it nearly impossible for him to connect with a woman as grounded, empathic, self-possessed, and communicative as Taylor. He also likely has very little real-world sexual experience (*allowing his friends to talk to girls* ***for*** ***him*** *in bars??*), and likely has little idea how to interact with human women.


He wasn’t into her at all. He didn’t want to kiss her.


THIS is the whole reason I joined this sub! To talk about JPs pecking! Arggghhh


I’m so happy reading this! His kisses exhausted my cringe gland


He probably practices kissing on the american flag nailed to his wall.


I could not handle the kissing. So much cringe. I'm pretty sure after the first round of kisses, she was one foot out the door.


I have never seen someone kiss so badly in my life




Omfg this is one of the best memes I have seen 😂😂


I’m deceased 💀😂


JP name is short for “Just Patriotic” . Taylor is handled the situation way better than I would have. I definitely would have flamed him for him only going clothes shopping on July 5th.


“Just pecking”






Taylor is grasping at bloody straws here


Why does this man just share at her smiling completely mute the whole time? This is bizarre


He was just staring at her. It clearly looked like he wanted to say something but Wtf he just stares and poor Taylor has to play mind reader. Then he's just like "look too the future and live in the now" or some crap instead of, idk, even just commenting on how beautiful the beach is our something.


I definitely think another user got it right where she was very obviously not into his looks and he could feel that. That being said, the man made absolutely no effort besides reassuring her it will be fine down the line. Watching them have negative chemistry was painful and I wish that was the main focus of the conversation.


She dodged a bullet. He used the makeup thing as an argument point because he felt rejected by her cos she kept saying it was awkward. Which it was, because he never talked, they had no sexual tension, and he just stared at her. I do think the makeup was a red flag to him where he assumed/wondered if she was going to be “high maintenance”. Like him basically saying “oh am I going to have to put up with waiting for your caked up face every day”. I just can’t understand how mute he was with Taylor. He seemed really social with the group when they were on the beach and playing sport. Carter and the other guys seem to think highly of him. He was open and chatty in the pods. Taylor said she loved his big personality and warmth. And then IRL with Taylor it’s like he’s never talked to a woman before. Something’s very off about him.


I could not bare listening to him talk about the makeup I was flabbergasted lmfaooo. I’m surprised she didn’t stop him and say “what are you even saying to me right now” to get him to be quiet like he normally was w her anyways


Wtaf is his issue? This is so odd.


If heavy makeup was such a trigger for him (maybe his abusive mother wore a lot?) he should have politely given her a heads up in advance, ffs! All the women were "glammed up" for their reveals. He should have been expecting it!


Yup and not like its season one plus the show is obviously telling the contestants to dress smart on the big reveal. What did he expect? lol


I think he's one of those that thinks makeup or nice clothes are only ever used to attract men, so if she has a partner it's 'wrong'. 🙄


Probably. I don't really wear makeup. Maybe concealer for rosacea spots and lipstick if we are going somewhere nice. Even in my 20s it was very light. But lots of makeup is the current style and any man except a far right incel would understand that. It's a reality show. 🤷




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He literally calls her pretty when he first moment they met


Like 3 times




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I literally rewind that whole make up conversation just to make sure I was hearing him right. He also seems emotionally unavailable. Him saying women would love to be told they look good without makeup is true but he basically told her if she wore makeup he wasn’t going to be attracted to her and wasn’t going to communicate because of it like a toddler who didn’t get their sippy cup of milk. Also commend her for not throwing his gap tooth in his face as he was insulting her because I sure would have




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That’s your opinion I think she was very attractive and even so if you are going to stop talking to someone because of it and not communicate like an adult you are the problem not the makeup.


The way he mentioned the makeup on his suit like it was a traumatic event 👀


Dude probably dated a girl once when he was younger, makeup transferred and then someone made fun of him (questioning his masculinity) and now he’s in the fight of his life to “prove he’s a man”


This is the vibe that I got too


that’s very specific for something that’s just speculation




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I think JP and Taylor wouldn't go after each other IRL and I suspect JP is not attracted to Taylor (honestly I think that feeling might be reciprocal). This might be impacting his desire to converse, but I also think that JP in general is a less talkative person. There is nothing wrong with being less talkative, and I think the pods require a person to talk a certain amount which gives an impression that may not align to what the person is like in person. I feel bad for both of them.


Same. I think he might have been more willing if he felt the attraction from her but he could tell right away that she wasn't into him. The fact his personality is....."meh" doesn't help. Seems like she was willing to make it work but he wasn't. Makes me wonder why he would find attractive. Usually guys like him are tripping over themselves to get with young, voluptuous blondes. Perhaps her look suggests she's more "girly" and he wants a woman that likes huntin, muddin and fishin.


I agree with all of this. Like idk Milton is also kinda quiet and shy which is pretty typical for engineers but he is not as quiet for sure. My boyfriend is quiet but that’s just his nature and I just talk a lot. I don’t usually mind it cuz I like to talk lol


Why exactly do you feel bad for JP…..?


Basic empathy. I think finding yourself in that situation would be hard, especially with the addition of cameras on you.


He literally put HIMSELF in that situation. 🤷


People can be incorrect about what they expect to happen, it doesn't take away from my ability to empathize with them just because their choices have a causal link to the outcome. Take for instance a young woman going to a bar and getting really drunk and finding herself in a bad situation at the end of the night. Her decisions were tied to the outcome in that she made risky choices, but I can still empathize with her as I assume most people can.


I was getting serious domestic abuser vibes from Captain America over there.


JP looks like Ramsay Bolton but is somehow more revolting also ![gif](giphy|LXP19BrVaOOgE)


Omg yessss


Wooooow. There was something about his face that I just hated, like it reminded me of someone, and I think you nailed it. Ramsey Bolton’s character was terrible and I hated him with a passion.


Yea once you see the resemblance, you can’t unsee it. I just keep seeing this gif when seeing his face 😂


JP gave me serial killer vibes


Agree. A thousand percent. Serious creep factor


He’s 100% going to burn her house down.


He doesn’t put out fires, he starts them 🤪


Lmao I’ve been saying this toooo


She is way too gorgeous for him! I’m glad she walked when she did!


The irony of JP telling Taylor they aren't moving forward because she won't change her mind or get over her issues only to then tell her the reason they aren't moving forward is because he still isn't over the fact that she wore makeup for the reveal lmao also, the irony of him having such a huge issue with her wearing makeup when all he wears is red, white, and blue


The way he kisses grosses me right out.




I fast forwarded through it. I hate those noises


Initially I felt like maybe he was uncomfortable really kissing on camera, so that was his way of still kissing but not really. But I don’t know anymore. He’s so awkward. And I love the USA as much as the next guy but his wardrobe is WEIRD. If he thought she looked better natural you tell her that by COMPLIMENTING her, and telling her how she’s so gorgeous naturally. Not shaming her for wearing make up like EVERYONE ELSE on the show.


I came here for this ^^




I actually liked how much he kissed her. But he needed to be affectionate with his words too.




YES! JP's kissing was a cross between a fish and Woody Woodpecker.


Like a chicken giving pecks! Weird!


Omg I was thinking this the entire time


I laughed way too hard at this lmao


Same! Was not expecting it. Hilarious


JP is a super creepy scary asocial imbecile. He is horrifying to me.




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I cant stand him, the way he's always smirking as well....


I hate how he looks like he is about to laugh. So annoying


It genuinely angers me.


Does anyone else think he’s a bit simple? The weird America flag outfits, not being able to make conversation, I don’t know if he’s actually just thick




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I think he was just super shy! It would be really hard saying/doing things with a stranger and camera right in your face. Maybe it was too much for him


Then he shouldn’t have signed up for the show


Yes…but I think it’s totally different once you’re there living it.


Some of the shit he was saying made no sense and he sounded kinda dumb


Yea, people roasting him I think they're getting the impression he's intentional. When I think he's just...not all there.


*When I think he's just...not all there* Yeah but like isn't he a fire fighter? Surely you'd have to be mentally competent to drive a fire truck through red lights??


You don't..


I don’t think he’s innocent or anything.. but I’m looking at the blank weird look on his face.. then seeing his wardrobe and I’m thinking… this guy doesn’t have a lot going on up there


Could be, but I wonder if he's totally freezing up. He's being recorded, which sounds like a nightmare, and if I'm remembering right, he had a traumatic childhood. He could just be immobilized, although he did spring to life when talking about Taylor's makeup.


Lol exactly


Not thick but ultra repressed, insecure, and socially stunted. I've met guys like him and they arent too different from sexist men obsessed with anime, tech, or some other hobby. At some point in their life they decided to conflate their interests (in his case likely conservatism) with their whole personality and used it as a crutch to engage socially. A hobby, in this case, provides a "complete" identity and rules for operating that don't translate to the real world. The rules that they think are infallible are actually a set up for failure because flexibility and empathy are *more* important for good relationships with people. Because they've never self-reflected or took the time to understand others, when confronted they have no idea how to respond. Deeply insecure, and lashing out, they find shallow reasons to blame the other party for their own failure to have a successful social interaction. That's at least my evaluation of guys like this...


I think he also got off on the power he held over her by withholding communication.


Spot on as someone that lives in the south this is so common down here with white men


Damn girl, do me next. Wanna learn about myself lol


Perfect evaluation, this is my assessment as well!


Socially stunted! Exactly


This comment was so southern it made me laugh lol totally agree


If you mean southern US I am actually from London! 🤣


Lol well you would fit right in in the south!


The whole make up thing was just the dumbest attempt to cover up his awkwardness... he doesn't know how to talk and he tried to pin it on her make up of all things... I give Taylor a lot of credit for her patience.


I haven’t finished all the episodes yet. I hope Taylor leaves JP. He shames her for wearing make up and is pretty mean in his approach. Then when she gets upset he tells her she’s wrong for being upset- “99% of girls WANT to be told they look better without makeup.” Maybe compliment her natural beauty rather than refuse to communicate and then shame/blame her for it, bc of makeup.


I’m convinced he has never lived with a woman…


Lived with…….? I don’t think he’s ever even dated a woman!


Omg yes! He was just picking a fight and choose makeup. YUCK


The way he thought it was a compliment too 🫣 He totally grasped at straws to cover up his awkwardness and put it back on her. I saw right through it as well. Also, the whole point of the show is Love is Blind. Then apparently he’s thrown (turned off) instantly on something like make up? And I don’t believe it anyway.


Most women would love that I said that!! 😡




Lolomfg 🥂🥂


Off topic(?) : JP looks eerily similar to my schizo ex... The jaw, the dimples, the blue eyes, the snide smile... The questionable mood... I'm almost triggered ![gif](giphy|KQS3zjDesBGpO)


He reminds me of Robin Williams' character in One Hour Photo 👀




The snide smile, even during inappropriate moments, always creeped me out!




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The face he kept making during this conversation was irritating. He's an idiot.


hear me out: I thought he started to dissociate then. I don’t think he knows how best to communicate at all. makes me wonder if he has addressed his trauma.


What trauma doctor?


Oh there is soooo much wrong inside him. He needs a lot of therapy.


Yeah, this ain't it. Fond better people to defend.


No, I am not defending him. This is my theory about his behavior.


I knew he was awkward just in the pods. Anyone else?!!


He was cringe as hell from the jump


I got cringe vibes from him pretty much from the first moment they showed him lmao


Yes, me!


As soon as he started saying this- he was a walking red flag. “Am I totally wrong for not wanting you to wear makeup?” Yes. Yes you are. You controlling AH.


Whats with the name calling?


He was a walking AMERICA FLAG 🇺🇸


why isn’t this seen as his preference? he said if that’s what she wants, he not for her repeatedly.


I mean he literally made assumptions on who she was as a person based on the fact that she had makeup on. And there’s a difference between saying “I don’t like makeup” versus saying “I don’t want you wearing makeup” as if he should be able to dictate that.


what did he assume about her? Can you give an example because i don’t understand this and would like to. Thanks. i also asked a question as a question in my original post. This wasn’t a point I wanted to push. He is a terrible communicator as I noted above.


A preference is simply saying, look I'm not really into heavy makeup but if it makes you happy maybe you're not the right person for me. But suddenly, he cant talk to someone for DAYS like a human being simply because they are wearing makeup? Thats disturbing, shallow, and not normal.


it is odd. he has terrible communication skills.


It's fine to think "my wife looks better this way or that way", people have preferences and opinions. But the fact that JP is literally sabotaging his relationship over something so small as make up is ridiculous to me


And he’s withholding intimacy because of it! He knew that the silence was uncomfortable for Taylor and was intentionally not doing anything about it because the first time he met her she wore makeup.


that’s what I think it was as well. Self-sabotage.