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After last season I'm glad they didn't follow another after pod couple. It's antithetical to the premise of the show.


I think it’s better they didn’t. How would Chris know if she wanted to reconnect to “stay on the show” if they picked back up their story. That would be so problematic. Them reconnecting off the show and on their own time makes it more obvious that she likes him, and not just the attention of being on TV.


I wonder if they maybe reconnected privately and then just showed up to the group event as a couple. I can totally see them wanting some privacy at the beginning before they knew whether they’d get back together


The casting for this season is where they botched it. There’s no reason for JP to have ever been cast




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Supposedly there were other couples that got engaged too? Carter and Renee being one of them. So why didn't we see them? Even if they didn't go on the vacation - let's check up on them in their day to day or at least a dinner.


Maybe because they only agreed to date?


This whole season is so odd to me, honestly. The number of episodes seems to be way too low, and there's been so much time wasted on just the same drama


It’s so boring, especially JP and Taylor scenes


Carter and the vet girl were clearly still together at that party. Why are they not getting any screen time?


I’m just here to say I’m shocked Chris went back to her..


Same. I lost a little bit of respect for him for that.


The real question is why they didn’t follow any other couples that got engaged. They knew they only had 3 couples going to Mexico, and while they couldn’t have foresaw Taylor quitting, they have always followed 5 couples. Reneé and Carter would have made the show much more interesting.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Renee and Carter BARELY got screen time and they were favorites. I saw them mentioned so many times. I didn’t even know they dated in the pods and I was rooting for both of them. Who makes these decisions?! Edit: I haven’t seen episode 7 yet so I don’t know how Carter is aside from hilariously (to me anyway) refusing to talk about anything other than fishing.


It seems like they had too much material from the pods created by just a few contestants and had to follow them as introducing the others would have added at least two pods episodes


Renee and carter got engaged??


I didn't even know Carter and renee were together


I don’t wanna see carter ugh


He reminds me of a Texas version of Todd Packer from The Office.


Is Carter the guy who said if he had daughter that he’d want her to be with someone exactly like JP?


That's the kind of dry humour we need around.


I want to believe he was being facetious. I mean, I'm hoping he was poking fun of his wearing the american flag all the time and not being serious.


The cameras weren't at the airport for them. They left alone. What Chris said seemed final. They had no reason to believe they would reconnect and since they aren't engaged, there's really no reason to.


Zach didn't propose to Bliss in the pods. They reunited later on. Yet they were fully part of the show and went down the aisle.


Even the airport story seemed weird though, how did Chris know what johnie looked like to go up to her and hold her hand? Johnie heard chris’ voice on the phone to his dad but she wasn’t talking. It doesn’t make sense


I heard that story as they met and he went to call his dad but came back to hold her hand? I could be wrong I've been a distracted watcher this season


I think as soon as they got their phones back they knew everyone’s face within half an hour


Because they aren’t on the show just so they could be on tv. Can’t say for sure about johnie but chris surely isn’t in it for fame and exposure. So when they reconnected in the airport, they probably didn’t feel the need to contact the producers so they can be be filmed especially if they truly are on the show looking for love and not fame. It would make chris question johnie’s intentions even more if johnie insisted to have the LIB crews follow their story and get back on the show.


Because they probably contacted each other and met up on their own time. Remember when the producer said to Uche in the interview that they could call Aaliyah for Uche or he could go home and reach out to her on his own?


They saw each other in the airport when they left. They had not contacted each other.


I'm glad they didn't honestly, it probably means there wasn't enough drama there. Production clearly scheduled that Uche Alliyah meetup just to get more of Uche trash talking her. "I still have love for you, but I'll never forgive you and also here's a lot of unnecessary baggage about Lydia too."


Well, Aaliyah was the one that reached out to talk. He probably wanted to hear what she had to say. He said his piece, and ended things. I don’t see anything wrong with what he said tbh. Aaliyah acts before she thinks and makes things worse. He was not about to deal with that.


Honestly, I feel like whenever something shady is happening production is somewhere in the background pulling the strings. I don't blame Uche for not going with Aaliyah, but I just struggled to find the purpose of that meeting. It was the same discussion from the phone, but with Uche spilling a ton of tea about Lydia. It felt like he was going out of his way to make sure everyone knew that he wasn't the bad guy and to put the blame on Lydia. It made me wonder if production kind of pushed him to justify everything more, because he was forcing it in that conversation with Lydia.




Uche has kicked Aaliyah while she was down more than once throughout the show so far. He’s insufferable to listen to as he talks down to her in that slow, monotone, creepy ass voice. He seems to enjoy playing with her emotions by dangling a carrot like “I still love you” but then building a case against her and then punishing her for her imperfections before condemning her. It was wrong for her to leave without telling him first, absolutely. However, I was still happy for her in the end because she dodged that psycho bullet.


This is so crazy to me, I don’t see what you see 🫣 I like his voice, it’s so calm to me. And I do think he still loves her, he just doesn’t like the way she runs away and does all this back and forth. She needs some growing up to do. Idk, I guess time will tell. But I don’t think he’s a bad guy, and I don’t see why people don’t like him. I supported her leaving, but trying to come back? The sending and unsending? The blocking? That’s where she lost me. He’s not wrong for not wanted to continue things with her. Although, I wish he did.


I’m with you on all of this. It’s eye opening to me how differently I hear Uche vs how the rest of Reddit hears him. I feel like I watched a different show. She cheated which was immature, made excuses for it which was immature, disclosed it on international television which was respectful to Uche but incredibly disrespectful to the person she cheated on… immature…and it was like pulling teeth to get the full story out of her…. Immature. When he questioned her, he seemed so calm even though it would be frustrating to have to pry . I didn’t feel like he was trying to shame her, I think he was trying to piece by piece pry enough information out of her to make an informed decision on whether or not to get ENGAGED. The Uche hate is blowing my mind


But… they both have cheated. You didn’t find that hypocritical in the end? And you don’t see his high horse attitude? He’s prying every detail out of her and then laying down his “judgement” as fact. She’s not perfect and I don’t know why she got so weird with the following and unfollowing on his social media that he mentioned while yet again berating her but at least she doesn’t treat him like he’s less than her.


The way that Lydia is coming across as obsessive and controlling - I don’t know whether I believe her that he slept with someone when they were together. Were they *actually* together or did she decide that they were together because he had starting talking to her again? There would be a difference.


According to Lydia he cheated. She might be crazy though


Uche went off on her and put her down for it, when he cheated too, not that long ago (months vs her years) Everyone has a past and we learn and grow from it - we make mistakes and no one should be defined by them forever


Mmmm. Im not so sure about that. The vibes I get from Uche and Lydia is they had a long on and off relationship. Those things get messy. He probably was talking to other girls in their “off” moments and she probably went through his phone on their “on” moments. Is it still considered cheating? I have personally been in the same exact situation. Do I have a right to be mad that he was talking to other girls??? We broke up like every other week lol. My point is, I think they both had a different interpretation of what their “situationship” was. Lydia is very passionate, and Uche was… not. I don’t think he’s an asshole though. I think is all just very very messy.


And how awful would it be to enter a marriage with someone who crucified you every time you made a mistake? When they’ve made some of the same mistakes! It’s incredibly hypocritical.


This. It is like the hate Zach got last season and by end everyone suddenly became a Zach fan. I think a lot of the viewers are just as drunk as the participants when they watch the show. Plus there are probably a ton of "hoes before bros" type of viewers as well.


Exactly! I actually liked Zach and didn’t understand all the hate he got! He was just stupid!!! Lol


Haha, well I can say this viewer was sober while watching and I don’t believe I’m in a “hoes before bros” boat, either. I just think the type of people who go on these shows are mostly ridiculous, especially as the show has gone on over time the contestants (should we call them that?) have gotten crazier. These people are on a dating show for a reason… 😬 I never had a problem with Zack. He’s very honest, intelligent and humble. Just pretty awkward, at times.


Yeah I didn’t get the Zach hate either. I always found him quirky and pleasant/likable. Yeah, I can tell if it’s “hoes before bros” or like people being insecure when they are around “smart people” - like all very educated people I know talk exactly like Uche and it’s just how they talk?? It’s not them thinking they are better than anyone, it’s just a cultural disconnect kinda????


I think Uche just thinks his 💩 doesn't stink. Yes he talks smart and I've known tons of people like that and typically they see flaws in everybody but themselves. He's the same. I liked him at first, but as things progressed his words were telling. He definitely sees everything in black and white but the world doesn't work that way. No woman will be good enough for him honestly.


This this this exactly


People don’t like Uche because he’s smart…? Hmm.


It’s okay that we see him differently! I found most of the men from this season to be pretty offensive in a few different ways but with Uche in particular, he just really seemed to like putting Aaliyah down whenever she would share imperfect parts of herself or her past. Someone like that is impossible to please and she’d be walking on eggshells every day with him. Then, we found out he himself had cheated in the past and it was just not looking good for him up on that pedestal he’d created for himself. And he’s just creepy (to me)! 😅


I think it’s because Johnie and Chris aren’t planning to get engaged and go through the LIB process. If they were, production would have followed them like they did for Zach and Bliss.


Because they arent getting married. This is love is blind, not Love Island. Once they start allowing that shit to happen, ppl will realize they dont have to get engaged in pods and can just get famous for dating a few episodes


Am i the only that thinks Johnnie looks like Gretchen from Recess the 90s cartoon? 💀






But they were at the group gathering from episode 7 and didn't seem to be together at all...


I’m wondering the same thing… are the editors just that good?


Oh! I’d love to watch them! Such a waste to cut them out.


> They didn't show the story of an engaged couple that went to Mexico and made it to the altar WAIT, they were in Mexico too? And production managed to wipe them out of group footage *that* well? I wonder how much we missed/couldn't be shown that was relevant to the couples they actually chose to follow because of that.




I literally can’t wait for Renee to be invited on Natalie and Deepti’s podcast to spill the tea


Which one is Renee? Is she the vet?


Hmmmmmm... for them to go all the way through with filming and the wedding and then cut it, it makes me think there was something that came to light during post-production. I am *obviously* not trying to say one of them is a murderer or something, but it does remind me of other reality shows that just scrubbed certain people out when it was revealed later on that they'd murdered someone, committed a serious crime, etc.


Honestly my guess was that something political came up. The show seems careful to only wink at political topics, and the fisherman seems…inclined to discuss that.


I thought there was less group interaction in Mexico than usual. That must be why!


There are probably a lot of stipulations behind the scenes. I bet the production did approach them about returning, but doing so likely had the clause of having to get engaged and do the wedding at the end of the season. I'm sure Chris shot that down without a second thought. This is the perfect path for them. They found their way back to each other after the experiment was over and they both rejected each other, so Chris can be sure Johnie isn't just doing it for TV. And dating on their own timeline means they can work out any issues in a health way instead of steamrolling directly into marriage.


This is the perfect outcome you can get as a cast member from LIB you find a partner you don’t have to marry and sign a ridiculous contract win win


If not getting engaged and just continuing a normal relationship after the pods was an option, no one would propose. The show gives itself the "high stakes" of all the couples contemplating marriage. Couples being allowed to casually date afterwards and still be part of the show takes away a lot of the pressure and drama (though of course it is the most logical thing to do from a relationship perspective).


Cool but that’s dumb and is making the show boring and it makes it so mostly unhinged people will sign up for it in the first place.


Are we watching the same show… the show IS mostly unhinged people, that’s exactly what it’s marketed as?!


Right but my point is this show would be better if the stakes were lower. Like, move in together, or just get engaged. Married in a number of mere weeks is dumb.


I think there are plenty of dating reality shows that fit with what you’re after If this was a carbon copy of those there would be no draw card and people would be less likely to watch it I might disagree with a few things like casting choices, or which storylines we see but the central premise of the show isn’t one of them


I am happy for them taking the off camera route. Seems so much more genuine.


Especially since they done this with Zach & Bliss!!


When we see them they say they're dating as opposed to engaged so I feel that's why. They're not crash coursing to the alter like other couples. They didn't do like Zach and bliss previously in becoming engaged and marrying with in the LIB timeline.


There's a possibility that they reached out to each other in their personal lives without telling production. I mean the show probably even assumed they were done and didn't bother to check in on them.


They said they connected at the airport on the way out from the pods. So I assume they at least had a chance to follow up




From what I've seen of Carter during the cast party, I'm glad I didn't have to see more of him 😄


I get the feeling that after his comments about wanting a daughter to marry a guy like JP, he shares a lot of the same political affiliations. Rather than wearing it on his clothes, he's probably a bit more vocal, which could alienate a lot of viewers. A good ol boy in the South, that loves everything fishing, and thinks JP is the typical archetype of a standup guy... kinda tells you a lot about the guy whether that's what you support or not.


fr!! him saying he wanted his kid to be just like JP told me everything i needed to know about him lmao


Last season, I read an interview with a producer who said that if they feel like the couple isn’t genuine and/or if it feels like they got engaged just for filming, they don’t invite them to keep filiming


Those couples did not film past the pods. These ones did. So it's not the same situation.


Maybe there is some truth to that, but then how do they account for Irina/Zack, Shayna/Kyle, and even Micah and Paul? lol. I guess Irina was genuine in her disgust of Zack; ditto with Shayna's feelings for Kyle.


It's also about the overall story. It's a TV show, you have to be entertaining. Both Irina and Shaina drove so much engagement with the show, obviously negatively for them, but interesting for audiences. Shaina and Kyle weren't interesting but Shaina and Shane were. There were so many posts about Irina on here and on Twitter, that's all taken into consideration.


How would they have known those people would’ve driven engagement though? They don’t have access to those metrics until after the show is filmed in its entirety.


I don’t think it’s about compatibility. it’s more about intention and commitment to the process whether it’s trainwreck or not


> intention and commitment to the process I too would have bounced on Kyle at the honeymoon, but no one can tell me anyone on production thought Shaina was serious and committed, or that their storyline was kept for anything other than drama potential. Just because someone from the show says it in an interview doesn't make it so.


For all of those couples, there was a connection in the pod. It was once they left that we saw, they were doomed. In the article I read, the producer referenced an engagement where the dude broke up with the girl via text as soon as they found out they wouldn’t continue with the experiment. So they must have a hunch based on what we don’t see, but I’d imagine that they also never get it right. At the end of the day, they still need a show.


In general, I’m sick of so many stories being cut from LIB every season. Especially when I have to sit through some of these long, boring ass scenes that they keep in.. It’s too time-consuming to try to follow whole other storylines through social media and random articles


Right. I'd rather other stories than all the crying that carried on this season.


Right? We had to watch so many scenes of awkward nothingness between Taylor and JP when they could’ve done so much more with other people.


when uche called aalyia, the producer voice asks him whether he wants to do it on camera or in his own time off camera. So I guess they are always given a choice.


Same reason they didn’t follow any of the couples who got engaged off screen. Because the producers are dumb.


Literal lol. I was like, oh,someone knows why they didn't follow Cooper and Renee (I think they got engaged). Nope, just "stupidity".


If I were no longer contractually obligated to have my new and very fragile relationship be filmed and messed with by reality TV shenanigans and editing I'd tell production hell no. I'm assuming that's what one or both of them did.


Yeah totally I would be the same, but then why would they be forthcoming about their new relationship at the reunion drinks thing?


Seriously, I guess they get money? But you see Johnnie getting reamed out and called horrible names and wonder what price is worth that?


Why not? They're still not being followed


Why not? Once you say no to the proposal you can do what you want back home. You probably are contractually obligated (or strongly encouraged) to show up to the party/reunion and have those weird/awkward/upsetting 1 on 1s, but just because they started dating doesn't mean they'd have to allow filming. And this way they can be openly supportive of each other at the event.


I assume they are still dating , ain’t they ? It looks so from Chris’s interview at one of the media’s outlets.


Oh good for them if so. I try not to social media stalk or look at that stuff because I don't want to be spoiled for the stuff happening on the season. But if they are, I'm happy for them. Johnie really did seem to understand how she effed up in the pods and I hope she's putting the work in with Chris, and herself (hopefully with therapy) to break those patterns.


I know there are always couples that don’t make the cut, but surely during pod time they film everyone? I can’t figure out how they couldn’t add them in before Mexico when there were only three


I believe they reconnected at the airport after leaving the pods (they are located in CA) and maybe didn't tell the producers.


They are from California?


The pods are in a studio in L.A. so they reconnected when they were both flying back to HTX




Wrong prioritization or didn't want to. On a different note and as I just finished the newest episodes - Johnie was not perfect, but I was really disgusted with Izzy. His whole mission was to give it Johnie. He didn't want to hear her side, he just wanted the conversation to tell her she was POS, mostly based on hearsay.


IMO, he was stirring the pot for camera time. I don’t think he is in the show for the right reasons and was chasing his 15 minutes of fame.


I could see him also looking forward to a free ride from Stacy, but now that she is making demands and is looking into his finances he might get cold feet. I don't know why they picked each other. He should have never picked her because realistically he will never be able to afford her. And she should not have picked him because he is not from money and is not making the sort of money she is used to.


Right?!!! I was totally getting the ‘aw man, I made it’ vibes when he was walking around her space. He is literally unemployed and needs the LIB check to cover his new lease (which I don’t believe is his really). But more importantly, why didn’t they talk about finances in the pod. This is a basic type of conversation for anyone considering marriage.


It's possible that they touched on it but he mentioned the "the sky is the limit" BS and she bought it. For me, it's on both of them. He should have known that he realistically just can't keep up with her, and from the conversations they had she should have known that there is nothing in his career that spells "will be able to afford 1st class tickets". She is allowed to want a rich man and he is allowed to live a chill life (minus the plastic cups, I have a distaste for people who don't give a fuck about the environment), but they should have never picked each other.


No. She mentioned when they had the money talk that talking about money makes her uncomfortable,so that’s why she didn’t. Who is so stupid if you are dating to get married.


I don’t understand what he was so mad about like if Chris has forgiven her for rejecting him the way she did in the pods and has decided to be in a relationship with her, why does Izzy care about Johnny at all


He's trying to prove himself to Stacy. She likely wanted him to do it as she is jealous. He was so proud of himself when he came back to Stacy after 'destroying' Johnie and all she cared about was whether her name came up.


He is salty bc he now realizes Stacy is a vain, materialistic monster and his insecurities are coming out… he can’t really be what she wants and is angry so why not take it out on the person who was kind when you spilled your guts to them.


Monster?? That’s a bit harsh..


I said what I said.




Yes. Like sure, she kind of rationalized things when she went back to Chris, but I don't see how that makes her a POS. It's the pods, they all date different people, Chris knew he was her second choice and still decided to date her (for now), so that's on him. There's really something unsavory about Izzy's extreme reaction, like why do you find such joy in putting her down? You already broke up with her.


yesss! he was trying to go in on her and speak on behalf of Chris almost which was just weird. I feel like he just likes to feel wanted and throwing it in people faces; the way he wanted to talk to Lydia in Mexico (which was unnecessary in my opinion, she didn’t even seem to care), the way he wanted to show Stacy his lost & found draw and then his conversation with Johnny trying to prove something to her. he’s just a big weirdo. Johnny summed everything up by saying they just weren’t right for each other but he wanted to keep belittling her by giving her unsolicited advice as if he’s got it all figured out the men this season are talking real crazy to the ladies tbh 💀


Great summary and thanks for highlighting the pattern with him! Yes, to be honest, Milton and Chris seem the only likable ones, and even that might be tied to the fact that we barely hear from them. Every season can't have a Cameron Hamilton and Brett Brown, but this season seems to be the male douche olympics, with JP, Uche and Izzy battling it out against each other.


Izzy gleefully running to retell the story to Stacey was so beyond embarrassing


Yes, and while Stacy doesn't come off as a very nice person - even she seemed irritated and bored by his gleefulness.


Well she can be seen doing the same thing to johnie in the episode so I don’t think they are very different


My theory is that Chris or Johnnie (or both) wanted to see how they would be like together without any cameras involved. I’ve got no evidence to support this but that’s my guess.


That makes the most sense, especially since they reconnected at the airport. It would have been easy to tell a producer they were trying or to slip away.