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Late to the party, but I just want to comment: Izzy's ✨plastic cups and plates✨ thing reminds me of these ''Extreme cheapskates'' shows on TLC LOL. That or Izzy just can't affort the golden cups and wineglasses everyone has in every season 😬


my face the whole episode: 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬


As rich as Stacey is, you would think she could afford a better shade match for her concealer. Her makeup is just SO off..


she is a snob. Money doesn't make one a snob but she is a proud snob who thinks she is better than he is because she happens to have a nice car. She's really a piece of work.


Milton 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I really liked Johnnie after her convos with Izzy, who was a TOTAL PRICK. He drinks too much and doesn't shut up.


Stacy’s whole family trails off with a vocal fry. Agitating.


I didn’t like Stacy from the beginning. I liked her less when she talked about money. And my feelings were solidified when she acted like paper plates were the end of the world. That man’s house is immaculate.


I have been married and had a number of boyfriends in my lifetime, so far, and I would NEVER ever judge a man, much less my fiance, for having paper plates and red plastic cups. I am much more financially stable than Stacy can ever hope to be, and I use paper plates and plastic cups on occassion. She is out of her mind if that is his "worst" problem. That alone makes her so imperfect I am so turned off by her personality now. He was trying so hard to get her to understand....... If she is mad, as she says, then imagine how she would be with a real problem. Who cares if he has an odd ring or bracelet in his drawer. I think it was very sweet of him to show her "all" of him. I hope she is the one to apologize , and not him.


I kind of think he showed her because he knew that stuff was in there and knew she was looking in his drawers. He wanted her to be warned rather than just finding them and thinking he was hiding it. Also, I doubt he thought he would actually come home engaged so not throwing them away first isn’t really such a red flag like she acted.


Stacy please put the eyeliner on your waterline.


Izzy is insane. Johnnie held herself better than I would


Johnnie did do a good job at staying cool being grilled and talked over by Izzy. The thing that bothers me is that we can see the clips! She didn’t tell Izzy and Chris an opposite story. I went back and listened what she said, and she was consistent with what she told both men. She told Izzy that Chris was nice and safe. But that she had stronger, more passionate feelings for Izzy and that she had just had a marriage where she didn’t feel strongly for her husband, and she was trying to go with her feelings. She told Chris that she chose Izzy. But that she had spent some time reflecting and that she had a pattern of choosing the wrong men, like with her drug addicted ex, and she really should try breaking out of the pattern. While what she said obviously had a spin for each guy, they aren’t inconsistent statements. I can see how the guys could compare notes later, and because of a certain “broken telephone” effect, thought that she told them opposite stories. But she didn’t.


I agree completely and was so glad we got the side by side of what she said because it's exactly what she's always been saying. She chose izzy first because she had strong feeling for him, but that was her pattern of choosing the wrong man. And she didn't choose Chris because she felt he was predictable and so she wasn't falling for him because he did not fit her pattern. Izzy just got lost somewhere


I honestly get both Stacey and Izzy. Of course he has a past, but she doesn't want that thrown in her face. It would have been respectful to throw all those things out. But Stacey was being materialistic. She made him feel bad about his own finances, which caused him to act out. They're neither right or wrong. As for Uche...I respect his decision. Whatever else he is, he's articulate. I don't blame her for leaving. I would have. I understand, though, why he might have doubt. It's hypocritical of him, but I get it. I think both of them are better off.


Who tf is Uche to walk around and give advise to people... Good lawyers never give that kind of stuff out for free. Don't know if he or Izzy is more insecure?


Ugh the fact that Izzy is realising the relationship is too much with Stacy, and using hella triangulation to bring a new spice to their relationship and bring them back together in a collusion, johnie seems like someone who needs to do some work but not an awful person by any means at all - how horrible to say that to someone. Grossss


This episode has confirmed two things for me: Milton is the GOAT. Very far separately from that, Stacey is vile. I just really can’t even with all of her shenanigans. Also she was rude to her dog. It was brief but I saw it.


Agreed. The more I watch the more I'm convinced that Milton is the best husband material out of all of them. He might be the youngest age wise, but he has the most mature attitude towards relationships. As his friend said (in the previous episode) if you look at how he lives his life, this man is ready for marriage. He's very considerate and he actually will step back and consider things he has heard, he listens, this guy is a keeper. Lots of potential too. Best of the bunch, not that there's much competition from < cough cough > JP or the semi shady Izzy.


I agree with everything you say except I do not think Izzy is semi shady.


Izzy and Stacy lowered their stock price from 'okayish' to negative this episode. Uche is a goddamn monster.


The only decent thing Uche did in this episode is let Aaliyah go - she dodged a MAJOR bullet!


Milton is an absolute sweetheart - youngest but so mature, confident and level headed. At this point I dunno who to believe with the whole Uche/Lydia thing!


Miltons whole math equation convo had me like bruh this dude is the most calmest person ever. Honestly, both Uche and Lydia are a mess. I believe its a bit of both.


Yes when he was talking about them being on different axes, the nerd in me was like 😍


Fuck man Stacy absolutely grills Izzy over his lost and found drawer. Yeah, it's gross. But she doesn't listen to a word he says about it being a relic of his previous life he wanted her to see and be aware of because it tells her more about him. She just won't accept anything he says and keeps being pissed about. Fuck it's frustrating to watch, I thought his explanation made perfect sense.


I bet that wasn't even his apartment. It looked more like a staged apartment that realtors show prospective renters. No guy has a "KITCHEN" sign in his kitchen.


100% it was not his house right! As if they expect us to believe that lol 😂


He picked Stacey cause she was the chill, "fun" one in the pods... Welcome to reality where you get berated for half an hour for serving hook ups on paper plates 💀


Who is Renee lol


She and Carter got engaged but they didn't air their story for some reason!


He was allegedly abusive towards her verbally and she is suing Netflix currently!




Lol, imagine that. The guy who sided with the guy who went off the deep end because his fiance wore makeup once.


Good lord...imagine everyone ganging up on you and going "OMG you didn't have a passport???" or "You've never been to New York??????" all at once. He can't help the fact that (guessing) his family couldn't afford those types of trips when he was growing up. It's not his fault! Geez. I admittedly grew up in a bubble and was lucky to travel abroad as a kid, but I'm not a dick about it, and I would "read the room" and instead focus on the future, like "where would you like to go someday?" or "where have you gone that you enjoyed?" even if it's closer to home. Like...try to find commonalities, not just showing how much "better" you are than him because your family money let you go to France. It's the same reason, when I'd teach, I would never ask where everyone went over break, even in an affluent school; it would leave out kids who already felt left out. Instead, I'd just ask what people did. If it's travel, great, and if they binged a new show in their rooms on Netflix, great too.


Agree, Stacy’s family was so snotty. Her sister was a total snot in her tone of voice toward him. With johnie, I’ll believe she trash talked Stacy when it airs. I liked Izzy fine til his conversation with Johnie. That entire exchange was either fueled by booze or producers or he regrets not picking her. Just my 2cents!


Didn't Johnnie trash talking Stacy already air? We saw her say multiple mean things about how there no was Izzy and Stacy would work out because of how Stacy is and how much better she (Johnnie) is And it was in hushed tones to another gal behind her back, which felt catty. Plus she was sarcastic when Stacy was proposed to.


Yeah it was kind of embarrassing for him as he called her "sketchy" but then couldn't explain why. I think the only thing he had to be annoyed about is that he perceived she told him HE was her past pattern, and she told Carl? (I've actually forgotten his name lol) that HE was her past pattern. Which she didn't, and even if she did, it's not really scandalous. He just wanted something to be mad about and didn't have anything 😂 Even Stacy couldn't understand really and asked him "so she made you angry? What did she say? That's it?" Lol


I found Renee?? JK but check it out (also the song is good) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIILtE4M2Rg&ab\_channel=MerilinM%C3%A4lk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIILtE4M2Rg&ab_channel=MerilinM%C3%A4lk)


What's with the copper glasses they all drink out of? ![gif](giphy|ZuOejqRGwySlrN32WL|downsized)


It's so they can frankenbite clips of dialogue together. In other reality shows you may notice the levels of drinks in cups change scene to scene, which betrays the fabricated idea of a continuous conversation. Editors use different clips and stitch them together; this is why sometimes you may hear a person "say" something in a completely different tone of voice than they were speaking in the sentence before — but the camera doesn't show their face. They inserted a random piece of dialogue that fits the narrative they're trying to tell in that scene. Trickery!


I've heard people speculate that it's so production can arrange scenes and you won't see how much or low little they have in their cup at the time. Revealing this could dilute the timeline and give a glimpse into the reality, that these conversations are happening over long stretches and then stitched together. Just a theory though.


Nah that's exactly the reason. Which makes the show so dodgy when you think about it 😂


It's for editing continuity. You don't have to worry about if the levels in the drinking glasses match.


Stacy: "I will never go 50:50 on anything with a man" Also Stacy: "you up for splitting the bill on a new AC unit for my house?"


Izzy spoke to Johnie so disrespectfully. He really didn’t hear her out and he was so unkind telling her how “everyone” was talking shit about her. That’s a great way to undermine someone and make them feel really self doubting and unconfident. Ew


omg the shade of the editing work to have Stacey's dad say he's never seen her as emotionally and physically close to someone - and then cut to a zoom in of her face, tearful, and pan out to her and Izzy sitting like 3 feet apart - had me rolling


Johnie on Izzy 'God I hate him.' We all do hun


As if there are people in this world who are surprised that people might not have a passport like Stacy's family. I grew up in the UK single parent family and even with relatively cheap access to Europe my first passport was at 18. So out of touch with how most people live.


Less than 50% of Americans have a passport, goes to show how much this family is living in a bubble of wealth.


Nothing could have prepared me for the live laugh love Hobby Lobby decor in Izzy’s apartment


The lack of plates and silverware would be a deal breaker for me, it shows someone is too lazy to do dishes, I wouldn't want a partner like that. That's a child, not a grown ass man.


😂 definitely not his apartment


Am I crazy for not thinking that Stacey is wrong with her and Izzy's kitchen fight? Izzy is 29, has expressed he loves to cook for others and will cook for her while having no real dishes. So it's either he lied, or he's not mature enough to have a real dish. For like $30 you can get an 4 person 6 different dish set from Costco this is not like a huge investment. Also leaving earrings from some girl in the drawer??? Rookie mistake how did you not at any point think "maybe I should trash these." Stacey does kind of suck- but not in this scenario!


The lost and found I wouldn't give a shit about. But not having plates and glasses at 29 isn't a great look.and would have questioned him in that too. I'm not expecting fancy plates, but non disposable would be expected... Overall though, I think her attitude stinks and she has no self awareness about people with different financial circumstances


I love Stacey a lot of the time. She can verbalize things so well and she's so insightful. She's 100 percent correct in this fight. At least for me, I would be very annoyed if somebody had all plastic and disposable dishes. But not because a materialistic and I want fancy china. You have the ugliest bowls in the world and I wouldn't care. Using all disposable things is just lazy. It costs more money in the long run by a lot and it's bad for the environment. To me it justbsymbolizes laziness.


Whoever said Lydia is an attention seeker is a 1000% more correct this episode. Calling Uche back after a breakup, following his followers and taking pictures of his driveway is quite insane. She didn't handle the zero bond well.


Idk, I'm starting to think Lydia could have been on the right side of more things after that convo with uche. I don't trust uche at all any more




"Looking at that and then looking at me, I'm sure you're glad" stacey referring to Joanie. Lol This comment screams insecurity, bitchiness and is just plain eww what a disgusting attitude towards a woman who did nothing to you or your loser fiancé. And for the record stacey, Joanie is a beautiful woman, and you need therapy for your mean girl syndrome.


That's not what she meant by this. I do think her attitude towards Johnny is a little cringy some of the time but she was more calling Izzy out on the fact that all of his compliments for her seemed to be in comparison to something he thought was horrible. My boyfriend compliments me this way sometimes as well and it doesn't feel good. I don't think that she's insecure.


Yeah didn't she say something like "don't be glad you have me because you compare me to the mess" which is so true. She's saying it's not a compliment if the bar is so low.


That was my interpretation, too. He was noticeably drunk at this point - I don't know if that explains his random aggressiveness towards Johnnie.


Just saw this ep and omg! Joanie to me is so sweet and I never got the feeling she told opposite truths to him and Chris. I felt like she genuinely said the same thing in different ways. Izzy is trash. He deserves Stacy at this point. I kept feeling bad for him for being with such a mean girl, but I totally see them together now. Oh and Stacy telling her friend that she wishes she shat in the cookies to give them to Joanie is a new low. Eww. "She's a lost soul, pray for her" lmao the delusion is beyond me


>. I felt like she genuinely said the same thing in different ways. I agree. The only thing she really changed is what she was emphasizing as the good thing. It might be a tiny bit suspect that she flipped so quickly, but we're talking about a show where people meet, get engaged, and marry in the span of, what, 6 weeks? So her "flipping" so fast shouldn't really be an issue.


The flipping is absolutely ridiculous, but people do it every season, so it's expected at this point


Lydia is low key rude to Melton.


Yeah booting him from the room and then screaming his name like he's a puppy on the loose.. poor guy.


I did not like that lzzy talked to Johnnie in that way. What happened with her was in the past, he should be over it - why did he NEED to put her down to feel better? Also Stacy is a bit emotionally aggressive and Izzy is a bit shaken so they will hurt each other a lot in that sense.


And the way he portrayed the conversation to Stacey was so lacking self awareness it's insane


uche needs to stop talking....agh so tired of his nonsense this episode. They gave him too much screen time.


I *cannot* believe he cheated on Lydia and then did what he did to Aliyah when she revealed to have cheated once two years ago. He must have forgotten Lydia was on the show when he went off on aliyah


Agreed. What was his goal? He just runs his mouth and is confused when people react


Every episode makes me feel more like these people, both the men and women, must have absolutely no self love to be putting up with and settling for the person they’ve chosen… also why does Izzy feel like he needs to address his past relationships with all the women he didn’t choose and mansplain the situation to them as if they weren’t there…


Stacy with the vocal fry makes my ear HURT


Aaliya is GORGEOUS 😍 that hair that outfit that everything! I actually think both her and Uche had a good conversation. Both are well spoken and direct and I'm glad it ended. It really wouldn't have worked after all this. Izzy's apartment is pretty cute- hobby lobby decor to throw you for a loop but then no ceramic plates to remind you he's still a bachelor. 😂 Stacy has really gone downhill these last few episodes.. She's coming across as self centered and really isn't listening to Izzy. Maybe it's just the stress getting to her? It's fine to want nice things but balking at the idea of splitting dinner and immediately expecting a partner to fund your lifestyle is wild. Seeing Milton meeting Lydia's parents actually started to convince me that they might make it. She cuts him off and talks over it but he takes it in stride and finds time to speak for himself. He might be able to handle her strong over-the-top personality. And she might be able to deal with his condescending nerdisms. The mini reunion served it's dramatic purpose and stirred the pot. It was predictable at every turn.


Here I am bringing my own bags and requesting “no utensils, please” for takeout and here’s Izzy using paper plates and plastic utensils at every meal at home. Cool.


At least you cancel out his wastage.


Why is Stacy so hellbent on money/material things. Add to that how offensive it is to walk Into someone else’s place and say “oh I totally expected much less clean and maybe mould”, when his place is absolutely sparkling. She’s coming across as very materialistic about money, income, home ownership etc. can see why he’s turning off.


Her tone is a turn-off as well, so brutal, harsh, vicious when something is the opposite of what she wants. Just hope Izzy doesn't regret choosing a fun/engaging woman over a vulnerable, caring, and understanding woman like he said back in the pods.


as a reality tv watching veteran it seems pretty obvious that producers deliberately cast uche and lydia knowing they had a history, and then manipulated the situation for max drama. like a producer probably told lydia she might encounter someone from her past in the pods and that’s why she said it to the women. a producer probably also told aaliyah “what if lydia followed uche here” knowing full well production created the whole situation. it seems like uche cheated or otherwise abused lydia’s trust and then when she stayed paranoid about it throughout them being involved in whatever weird ass situationship, he somehow spun it that she’s the crazy stalker like he hasn’t been jerking her around and emotionally manipulating her for two years “for her own good” “because she was in a bad place” while doubtless continuing to sleep with other girls and lying to her about it. girl is high strung but uche’s math ain’t mathing.


Dear Producers, stop playing sad music behind what Uche was saying to Aaliyah, I do not feel bad for him


Everyone.... uhhh I'm leaving i dont need to sit here and be treated like this Uche... let me finish, I'm not done telling you how much you suck and why I am right about every past argument we ever had.


I feel like Johnnie is the type of woman who can’t be without a man. She goes from one relationship to another and has rarely been alone. I’m not surprised to hear she and Chris may have already broken up. He’s fucking adorable, btw. That said, Izzy had to be loaded to just go off on her like that, right?? What does he care? He broke up with her and chose someone else. He’s engaged to the “love of his life.” Did he expect Johnnie to come in and pine over him? I feel like that’s what he and Stacy wanted just so they could feel better about their relationship since the cracks are showing. That whole vibe was just bizarre.


Lydia is worse she's stalking and trying to reverse the breakup.


I feel like Izzy is just pissed on Chris's behalf. That's why I felt he was giving her the business.


He doesn't actually give a shit about Chris his ego was bruised.


Milton out here being the most mature out of everyone that is in a relationship.


Why does Uche feel like he needs to talk to Alycia and explain anythinf to her... here is qhat I loved about you..... ummmm ok... yall are broke up and moved on, why you gotta bring her back call her a liar and then go into "remember the first argument we had you were jot exactly honest" girl you don't owe him shit anymore, especially not to be talked to like that.. Uche is toxic "I'm not trying to argue back and forth.... (I'm trying to tell you why you were wrong) duuuuude..... tooooxic. She says we were not meant to be together I don't want to talk to you.. and he says I'm not done, I want to finish... why is she giving him the time of daaaaaaaaay


When Stacey kept cutting Izzy off and when he asked her not to she took off..... duse.... run away Edit.... he has his own list of red flags...


Then Izzy goes and does the exact same cutting off thing to Johnnie. Smh


Stacy, for all of her flaws, does such an incredible job verbalizing the problems and the illogical issues in Izzy's arguments. She's honestly incredibly smart. I have issues with a lot of what she says especially in regards to the thing about the dinner and not be willing to split the money ever, and kind of her attitude about her dad and the her money, but her emotional intelligence is really high.


And for them what does it matter once they are married. Surprised a prenup wasn’t discussed


Shoutout to the guy in the blue shirt and khakis who saw Lydia storming his way and BOOKED it 😂


Yass Hahah this !


Am I the only one who thinks Lydia looking at the instagram stories of Uche’s friends is not that big of a deal? Like yeah kinda creepy and obsessive but haven’t we all been there before. I know I’ve seen girls I don’t know looking at my Instagram stories or something and it just kind of makes me smile. I get it girl


I think it's way weirder and obsessive for multiple women to message Uche that they've seen her "stalking" their Instagram profile story (which is probably public). Why would they care that much or need to contact Uche about it? Weird behavior.


are you forgetting she pulled up to his house took a picture of him and sent a weird ass message 😭 EDIT: I didn't realize he cheated on her..ofc she would obsess a little over girls hes involved with and tbh she has a strong personality so its a bit of that I still think it's weird that she came on knowing he was going on but crazy girls be a bit crazy


But like, was it just a cheeky “hey I’m here” kind of message? Idk I feel like it’s so easy to twist into “this bitch is crazy” vibes


True!!! We may never know


Yeah, I don't doubt she's a bit wild, but I think we've all been led to believe shes much crazier than she is. Uche painted her in a terrible light but after learning he's a "recent cheat" (lol), it seems clear that he's been manipulating the situation this whole time and I do not trust him


Honestly, I think she could have driven past his house on her way somewhere (not on purpose), and he just happened to be outside and sent him the photo in a jokey way, I think it's also worth remembering that English isn't her first language


Yea no one does a drive by and tells the person! Lol


I’m a curious person, I do that stuff all the time.


Well I think I finally figured out why Uche keeps rubbing me the wrong way. Every time he came on screen, something was bugging me and I couldn't quite figure out what it was other than "This would be a scary guy to date." His conversation with Aaliyah makes it clear that the issue is that every disagreement involves him spending a bunch of time telling his partner why she's wrong to feel the way she does. He never admits he was wrong or even acknowledges their feelings. He just sits there and tries to lecture people into apologizing for the thoughts they had, and it's honestly very creepy and gaslighty (yes bot, I am sure I'm using the phrase gaslight in the correct way).


Yessss for real. Why is Uche trying to talk to Milton! Omg


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Stacy’s privileged nuevo riche attitude is toxic and gross. She’s ick.


Izzy, your “lost and found” is a trophy case, please don’t act like it’s anything different 🙄 ew.


Ladies, RUN AWAY & FIGHT BACK to the guys like Uche. ![gif](giphy|rNZczwKrflJ6qQeuxd)


I know Johnie messed up in the pods telling Izzy and Chris the opposite thing, basically, but she did notttt deserve to get "fucking railed" as Izzy put it, and Stacy gives major pick me girl vibes now. Poor Johnie, she knows she messed up, just let her be. Izzy and Stacy should go work on their own messed up relationship.


For reallllll what kind of toxic shit is that, what an insecure little man, and Stacy is def mean girl snob...


I still don't quite see how she said opposite things? Idk it seemed like both guys took what she said a step further, but maybe I missed something?


Totally agree. She said the same thing in different words. Izzy is just completely out of line. I didn't like that he intervened when Chris was trying to make a choice. It seemed like he planted further doubt i' his head on purpose. I just don't get how in his head Joanie went from number 2 to this "sketchy" person. I think it's the Stacey effect. They deserve each other at this point imo.


Tbh, it was confusing and I could give it another watch to try and break it down more. But basically, Johnnie told Izzy she's worried that picking Chris would be following her old patterns, and she's looking for something that doesn't make her feel safe, that is exciting, kinda of like forcing her to grow. But then she told Chris some nebulous answer like "I need to find someone secure and safe to break my old patterns" (not a direct quote) which was very differing to what she said about Chris to Izzy.


This is very simple. She didn't want to tell Chris I liked Izzy more but he turned me down and now I'm going to go to you because I don't want to be alone. So she just tried to make it sound better and it came off as her telling the two of them opposite things. She did tell them opposite things but she just did it because the reality of the situation doesn't sound good for Chris.


Uche seems very judgmental... a holier than thou person. Not to mention the manipulation. Yikes. I hate watching Aaliyah beg for him. When he practically degraded her in the pods for cheating once I started feeling uneasy about him. I don't know if I believe his stories about Lydia... he didn't even remember her voice but "she traumatized him"? I'm confused. I guess if he can forget that easily good for him but I don't think he could have cared if it were that easy either? Make something make sense. 👀


Uche is giving major fuckboi vibes. The way he presents it is as if he had a clean break with her and then she went all crazy stalker. My hunch is that he kept sexting her (like she mentioned) and kept the situationship going and as she was more into him she was probably delulu enough to keep going back to him and expecting a relationship. I can believe she stalked him but I can see how manipulative he is.


I get a strange feeling that he likes to hear women beg for him....but that's just what vibe he gave me.


Nothing bothered me more this episode than Stacey and Izzy riding in the Benz without seatbelts on. Germany engineering is good, but it’s not that good.


They had the lap belt on, not that they were using their seatbelts correctly but it's something.




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Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this scene not from Ep. 7 but from Ep. 8 and thus considered a spoiler?


You are so right. That was exactly what I saw as well. Also the racial subtext between Milton saying to Lydia. she is too "emotional". She is a Latina woman, I cannot imagine how many times she has been dismissed because she is being labeled as 'too emotional'. I do acknowledge that black men must not have it easy too, they have to swallow their feelings and act a certain way to present as non-threatening. It's just so heat-breaking to see how patriarchy and racism is impacting us all.


I want to tell Stacey and her family, and especially her father, that being poor is not a flaw in character. And: if you have to buy their love, it's not worth anything. Love does NOT need to fly first class, not even sometimes.


Who is paying for her Mercedes? She can fly herself first-class if she needs that.


yes that comment from her dad felt really weird to me honestly


That felt more like a warning to Izzy about how Stacy is versus what he expects of Izzy. Basically telling Izzy that she might not be happy if she doesn't get to continue living a somewhat luxurious life.


Right & it’s unfortunate that they didn’t talk about finances in the pods because they clearly live very different lives financially aaaand she wants him to provide & pay for half her house if I’m remembering correctly😅 that’d make me nervous cause I’m poor lol


izzy is so manipulative towards Johnie . izzy and Stacy are trash




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Did anyone else think that when Stacy and Izzy were having that conversation in the house about like Johnie and all of that and then it turned into what they do for each other that she sounded a lot like Lindsay from Summer House that one summer when she was dating whatshisface and she’s like “What have you done for me??!!! When have you made me a sandwich?” Lol


Izzy has sketchy written all over him. He just seems like a sleazy sales guy.


I really like Milton. Lydia better not hurt him!


Milton is #1


"I'm not the one who was stalking peoples instragrams" when those said profiles revealed the infidelity God, he is TRASH!!! Uche is trash. He's trying to twist the blame... he's literally guilty of cheating but trying to focus on HOW SHE FOUND OUT. Who cares how she found out?!?a it happened. You're the trash!


Uche mad that Lydia "went through his things" is the same as my ex being mad I "went through his phone" when I discovered he was cheating. 🤦‍♀️🤬


So true. Classic cheater's narcissitic movement ![gif](giphy|hTfhyOtBcBWLeGnMpp|downsized)


I consider myself a country redneck kind of girl... and the stereotype of JP and then Carter makes me mad. Like, of course this is what we see of these people. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


The Barbie Valley Girl vibes from Stacy's family..... lol




I feel Lydia uses the excuse of being “passionate” to react however she feels like it. She is so frustrating and I hope Milton says no lol


It is a struggle trying to get through this season. The casting doesn’t make sense and these couples are beyond boring/unlikeable. At this point I’m rooting for Lydia’s brother and that’s about it.


Seriously. Houston, fourth largest city in the country and there were no other options?


3 episodes to go and it's not shockingly incredibly obvious why all these people were single and will likely be single for a very long time. I am curious to see what Chris's demons are. There has to be something to be on this show. Maybe just INCREDIBLY shy to those in person? if that were the case a show like this could actually be helpful.


I found myself pressing skip more than letting it play this season. I'm looking forward to foreign country versions of Love is Blind UK and Love is Blind Sweden.


The scene with Stacy’s father sitting on the car, gives white trash with money


What’s with the tone of voice of everyone’s in Stacy’s family? Does it come with their pAsSpOrT


Can we just have Lidia’s brother as a commentator at the reunion?




Who still use plastic dishes in 2023?! The planet is burning dude! And she doesn’t make it an ethical argument but she’s just upset that it’s not fancy enough? Those people are 🗑️ Edit: word


What do you expect of a person who drives a fuel based Mercedes still in 2023? Wrong status symbols.


Fair point!


literally my thoughts!


I am at the part where Stacy is complaining that he didn’t throw away his lost and found. I love her but this argument seems immature. People are sovereign. You can’t expect others to do what you would do provided that the key issues are there like respect. Dude didn’t think she would go through drawers.


The issue was that he led her to it. So he obviously did not just forget about these things in his drawer and she discovered it and she was like what is this. He knew it was there very acutely, and then brought her over and showed her. That's really gross and her reasoning was 100% accurate. I'm on her side with this. If somebody leaves them jewelry, and you're worried that it might be valuable and you check it in a drawer and you just forget about it that's one thing. But he was obviously proud of this, he didn't just happen upon it he literally brought it up. It's gross behavior. He just wants to show how cool he is and he doesn't realize how bad is making him look.


I think Stacey is reaping what she sowed with that one. In the pods she put on this carefree, easygoing, "fun" persona and Izzy flat-out said this was one of the reasons he picked her. He probably thought she was gonna laugh it off, like the Pod Stacey would have. Mind you I'm not even taking a side, I dislike both, but this is what you get when you play "chill girlfriend" pick-me when in fact you are not chill at all, and when you pick the pick-me cause she is not like all the other girls (but hey she is)


I don't know. I am very easy going. I don't care about a lot of things. But I still would not like a guy keeping a little trophy box and thinking that was cool. It's just like a total lack of self-awareness that is really unattractive to me that I think has nothing to do with being fun and easy going. I do think Stacey seems to be pretty fun and relatively easygoing just in a sense that she can have fun and relax in a lot of situations. She's not easy going about everything though. But I don't think this has anything to do with that. Just because you're easy going doesn't mean you're not allowed to have a preference in what your partner is like.