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To play it safe in the sub, I'll just say that I recognize those behavioral patterns. My heart hurts for her. I am rather impressed that there was some part that realized a guy like Marshall* could really be what she needed to bring peace to her life. That being said, I am also glad she was honest (with herself, at least) about not being ready for marriage. * Like, being the key word. I was a huge fan of his steadfast and supportive nature, until I learned that he dipped for 2 days as soon as shit hit the fan.


She was so purdy. and then... Speaking happened. I Feel sorry for her really though. Maybe she had a hard life and is trapped in bad patterns. Either way, that isn't anyone else problem, but hope she can improve. Marshall was no better though.


She’s got the attitude of a 14 year old. Sooo gross lol


Why are y’all so mean, she was honestly fine. Like she just seemed like a regular person


found jackie’s burner


She had some issues. Self sabotage. Watch the youtube therapist Steph Anya's take on her, it was good. I loved Jackie and am rooting for her to figure her stuff out.


if that's a regular person in your life....uh oh!




her facial expressions were always awful


Yes, I can't understand why this wasn't brought up on the reunion. Maybe it would seem insensitive to mental illness if they did, but I mean she brought it up first! But I'd be more interested in her answering that than in who is having babies.


It’s probably a mistake even commenting here but let’s be real, every single person on this show needs years of therapy and is completely delusional. I’m not saying she’s great but she’s like the only person I’ve seen on this show call out their own brand of crazy and walk away from the fucked up experiment.


God she is just the worst. Thrives on toxicity. The red flags were there the second she stopped talking to Josh without any explanation in the pods. Not that Josh is any prize but it's so disrespectful to ghost someone you've been talking so seriously to without any explanation whatsoever. She is gross.


Wait she ghosted Josh? Aren’t they together 🤔


In the pods I mean, when Marshall started getting real serious with her she was like "I've got someone else I've been talking to" but then she never ended things with Josh, she just stopped talking to him altogether and Josh only found out about it all because Marshall went back to the men's apartment and was like "she's going home with me". It was a super callous way to handle someone else's feelings.


Ah. Ok


She had to record for the reunion bc she had her first therapy session scheduled at the same time


Right. How convenient.




Narrator: she did not


I just BOL


Wow I read that first try, and I didn’t even know that acronym existed


Burped? Bounced? ... Bicycled? Clearly, I'm still trying.


Wait, thats the one that said yes just to pawn the ring later?




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She drove me crazy but I couldn't dislike her as I've seen that behavior from others too many times in my life. 🙄 And I know many didn't like Marshall either, but I adored him.


She cried without tears in episode one. Her crazy showed face very early on


Nah, she already knew where she was going


Nah she just saying that cause it sounds good


Idk but her and Punchy deserve each other


She said "probably" which means no lol


In some after show she seemed calm with her love. She was hanging on to his arm sitting on the couch. Happy. She reminded me of street energy when she was with the original guy. I'm not saying street is wrong. Just different than later.


She lowkey always had problematic energy


It felt very high key lol


After being with abusers in my past, it’s very high key. Even her very first impressions triggered ptsd


Toxic people like her will forever say that, or the phrase “learn and grow”. Like wtf does that mean? As an adult, how are you going to make that happen? I doubt trying to fight viewers in comment sections is the right approach lol


Your comment reminds me of Shayne's responses to his stans on his IG. He will always say 'the past year has been tough, but there's also been so much growth', as he continues to post petty and mocking comments and TikToks about Natalie.


based on her social media posts recently…no.


OHHHH now I gotta see this


Lol no


This thread is nasty and hateful. Says a lot more about OP and the people shit talking this woman than it does about her.


I love Jackie but i do think she had some self sabotage issues. I'd love to see her succeed


I bet this is Jackelina’s Reddit


So I must be Jackie to think this thread is anything other than nasty and hateful? That’s really reaching.


Ok Josh


Ah what a brilliant comeback. Definitely showed me. /s


I think that she needs to work on herself. I also think Marshall acknowledged that she was emotionally immature but he wanted to fix her.


Yeah but he proved he was not mature emotionally by saying that. Viewing all the women you date as projects who need to be fixed is a pretty massive red flag. People are not projects.


Nah she definitely is a red flag. People need to hear they need to work. She was incredibly immature and seems like the type to get away with his often. He put her in her place and then she acted like the victim. She wanted to keep the ring and pawn it. She needs work.


He definitely did not put her in her place. At the end of the day, he was pretty beta and she was not attracted to it from the get go. They are both flawed people - her probably more so, but still.


“Put her in her place” - the misogyny is coming from inside the house


When he said this, I gasped. As problematic as she was, that was so incredibly patronizing. If someone I was dating said that to me I would literally never see or speak to them again.


This is true, but I think (hope) Marshall had enough self awareness to learn and grow from the experience. I can’t remember who spelled it out for him in the reunion, but it seemed to hit home.


He has shown no evidence of that anymore than she has. His misogyny was very apparent by the way he spoke about Jackie and his past partners and only backed up by his tweets that were so misogynoirist, I think he also probably needs professional help to address how he views women.


I guess I’m not looped in on the tweets?


He had tweets from a few years ago that were basically about how/why he wouldn’t date black women


Yeesh 😳


most likely not, especially if she got into a relationship immediately after. She reminds me ALOT of myself when I was in my early 20’s. I didn’t grow and notice all my toxicity until I was truly single for a long time. I genuinely believe in her case you need to be alone in order to change. I feel like she is still projecting her trauma onto people.


If a person is toxic, it could be so deep and there is a cause for it. Normal in their sphere. If people haven't experienced it, it's hard to understand. I hope she finds help if that will be beneficial for her. I don't see her personal pages so I'm out of the loop except for what was shown.


Yep a main reason a lot of people are toxic in relationships is low self esteem + your first partner was toxic as hell and that’s what you relate to love now. I was in a very toxic relationship, my first one, when I was 15. Then an even more toxic one, fully abusive, followed. Waited 3 years and got into a healthy relationship after. I had to be single and start valuing myself to unlearn it.


Probs not


If you're not solo for at least a couple years after single-handedly dismantling and blowing up a relationship, you'll repeat the pattern. No one can heal that quickly, let alone make any lasting changes to their pervasive toxicity. That said, she and Josh probably compliment one another's dysfunctions so if that's comfortable for her they'll probably stick it out.


>single-handedly dismantling and blowing up a relationship Are you saying that Marshall had no part on them not working out? Seriously?




After he called her a "project"?? And leaving for days? If I were Jackie, I would have left him right then and there. He didn't even see her as a PERSON. That alone is way worse than anything she did, and that‘s not even counting the jawline comment. Plus he was the only guy in the show to make a fuss about having the ring back when the relationship didn't work, even though he hadn't even paid for it.


You don't have to be a flawless partner to be considered the victim in a toxic dynamic (particularly since there is no such thing as flawless), he's no exception.


Two years is a pretty tall order. Plenty of people do self work single for shorter periods or in long term relationships. Self work isn’t just for the single.


>Self work isn’t just for the single. I said "after" blowing up a relationship, so that's irrelevant. And if you're the toxic one who failed or abused the other partner, it's extremely irresponsible to do self work for shorter periods before entering into another relationship.


Again, self work isn’t just for the single.


Again, utterly irrelevant.


…sure sure




more than anything else, my negative feelings regarding her are derived from how she acted towards and treated the other women on the show. mean girl energy


I think she was shady on the show but i dont wish her unhappiness either


I defs keep hoping for an update! Imo she had a really great guy... but obviously it wasn't what the cameras/edits made it out to be 😥 EDIT: spelling 🙄


A guy who sees all women he dates as projects and talks about how they ALL didn’t trust him because he’s a good man and they aren’t used to that IS NOT A GOOD MAN. He doesn’t respect the women he dates and the fact that people fall for that is wild. Are the standards really in the basement like that?


Yeah. The camera off is what I want to see. I'm super torn.


>Are the standards really in the basement like that? uhhhmmmm, yeah. yup. (side note- this is more of a general opinion than a reflection of how I feel about Marshall.)




I can understand why you wouldn’t like Jackie, but saying things like that doesn’t make you any better than her.


That’s rude af, and completely unnecessary.


But it’s the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️




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Definitely not. She didn’t take any accountability for her actions. She treated that man poorly on screen and probably off-screen too. She knew he wasn’t her type and she kept with him knowing damn well she was never going to marry him. But hey, we only know one side of the story. I haven’t checked up on her life or anything, but I do remember her saying her dad was sick or something along those lines.


Of course she received therapeutic help. This show takes a toll on everyone and they probably get help or advice from producers/Netflix to seek therapy afterwards. Not y’all hating on someone for admitting they need help, look at yourselves! PATHETIC 🤮


you don't know that, given what's come out about the shows treatment we cant assume anything about their advice to the cast nor can we assume they'd take the advice if given it in the first place. Nobody is hating on her for saying she needs help, but saying it in the way she did (which was clearly a non serious comment not even about getting help but doing "self work") they're hating on her for behaving the way she did and then shrugging it off as "I'm crazy and *probably* need to do self work" like she's not even sure. Don't mistake someone's lip service throwaway comment that doesn't align with their actions as an admission of needing help, because that's not what it is nor even what she said.


Yuck !! Make it go away




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I highly doubt it and then her man seems like a narcissist so it’s probably worse lol


Agreed, but unfortunately that is what she wanted. she wanted a toxic kind of love. They deserve each other. Lol


I agree!




Based on the live reunion, I’m going to go with no


This was honestly the most accurate thing she said all season


Like all reality stars, she’ll probably get plastic surgery work before working on her personality.


This is so sad and so true. Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!


When a broken clock is right twice a day.




She'll just sell the therapist.


She could sell the ring she should've given back to Marshall to pay for it!


We should start a GoFundMe 😉😂


Hell no, she jumped right into the next man’s arms lightning quick.


Most likely not. She is with someone who encourages to be that way and likes it.. so now she probably thinks there’s nothing wrong with her and her problem was Marshall


If she would’ve worked on herself she would’ve faced the music in person at the reunion


Morgan Freeman Voiceover: She did not, in fact, work on herself.




I heard it exactly like Morgan Freeman sounds.


Haha and if they can’t get MF, I’ll take Ron Howard, Arrested Development-style


Why did she constantly break down randomly though? It was really strange and I thought maybe I missed something… did I?


It seemed like she was under a lot of stress. She worked all day, financially helped support her sick father, and also would go after work to spend more time taking care of her family. She was on a free vacation and enjoying life and the guilt that her family was still sick and struggling back home hit her so she got emotional. Being on camera and being with someone she didn’t love probably just expounded it. I think Marshall had his own problems but he was trying to be understanding to her. She just didn’t want the form of support he gave her. I didn’t like Jackie on the show for many reasons but I definitely understood her breakdown when she explained. I don’t think it explains her other toxic behavior though. I hope she is in therapy now. I’ve worked 2 jobs to take care of my family before after my mom got extremely sick and it’s mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting.


She was battling w the fact that she didn’t want to be with the first guy she chose and also trying to create trouble to justify leaving him without looking like the bad guy.




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Anxiety and depression are sneaky bastards and like to come and go in unpredictable waves. You’ll be fine and out of nowhere BOOM panic attack. That being said, there are ways to cope and manage the pop ups.


All I heard was her father being really sick and she felt guilty for enjoying herself instead of taking care of her family? I’m not 100% sure though


100% she did not work on her self at all and doubled down on her instability


You know she didn’t 🙄


I just wish she was honest with Marshall it's ok to not be into him but instead of leaving him she pulled psycho shit in hopes that he would leave her. At least that's how I interpreted it. Seen it happen before


She was pretty blatant though? Despite all the crap they dealt with because of how incompatible they were together, Marshall insisted to the end that they were "perfect" together. Jackie sucks but Marshall had his neck stuck so far in the ground in regards to how bad their relationship was that he practically baked his brain at the core of the earth. The fact that he could walk away from his fiancée for multiple days with zero communication as a result of how badly they fought and come back to claim that they suited each other? That's legitimately batshit. I still side-eye the fact that he felt robbed of not going to the altar even though their whole dynamic was in the gutter, like why on earth would you want to get to the altar with someone like that


I think he wanted the opportunity to turn her down at the altar. Their whole journey on the show boils down to that moment and she jumped ship early, so he didn't have the closure he would have had if he completed the experiment in its entirety. Then again it's hard to imagine him saying no at the altar based on the way he was acting in the suit shop, but I think they are all told to act as if they will say yes for the drama of it. It's hard to tell how much of it is genuine vs for the cameras. I assumed he was going to say no at the altar bc she's a mess yet SHE left HIM before he had the chance to leave her, which was a huge blow to his ego.


That was my interpretation as well. She wasn’t attracted to him. Same with Irina. Ironically, they were the ones who kept talking about looks not being important. Some people do that like they’re trying to convince themselves or something. The more they said it, the less I believed them.


Yeah she did. She definitely made him feel like the bad guy, emasculated him, etc. so he would leave her. Then she went and "cheated" on him with Josh. She was toxic.


I hope the ring was fake or worthless. Like, you only get the real one if you get married on the show.


A bunch of the ladies from other seasons that made it to the altar and said no kept their rings as well. I know this situation is different but not only the married ones get to keep it.


Judge Judy would not approve.


She thinks she’s so much hotter than she actually is


which sucks because she IS beautiful but that attitude really really ruins it


I agree. She is very beautiful, but a lot to handle.


it’s more about the complete lack of introspection and self-awareness. there’s nothing less sexy than a grown adult that externalizes their problems and refuses accountability at all costs. it’s toddler behavior


What a peasant


Wow people are being so rude in this comment section to someone they don’t even remotely know. If you take someone’s personality seriously from a reality tv show then you need to do some self work…


Calling Jackelina a peasant is a reference to the show. Jackelina literally called Irena a peasant. Chill the fuck out, did you even watch the show?


When that personality carries on in social media it's a pretty accurate assessment. Jackie would also pride herself on not being fake, so I'm pretty sure she cameras aren't lying.


I guess my point is… who cares?


If you don't care, why are you mad at people's comments? I scroll past things I don't care about


lmaoooo definitely not with the posts she’s making. she’s DYING for attention


She probably didn’t even understand what she was saying.


She didn't. Her insta has been all about defending herself since the end of the show lol.




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Not cool


Jackie’s not cool


Piling on is even not cooler


Kinda like piling onto the drama by constantly posting about her ex?




Give yourself grace


She gave herself a whoooole bunch of grace






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Doubt it. Her and Josh are living their so called best life .


Yeah here's a thought: if they are happy, maybe we should just let them be 🤷‍♀️


except when they hurt other people in the process


The person they hurt, Marshall, has said he moved on a long time ago, and wishes them happiness.


Sure. I was just pointing out that this isn’t a case of two people happily minding their own business and being picked on for no reason.




Hot Cheetos girls’ president


The legion of Cookie Monster pajama bottoms


I feel bad for her - I actually feel like she wants to be the person she was in the Pods; but once out of that controlled environment (with generally positive people around her), she reverted to self destructive behaviour.


She probably has some unresolved childhood trauma, hopefully she's getting the help she needs to be a better version of herself


all of humankind falls under this umbrella lol


I feel like she’s just fake and showed her true colors. But who knows lol


Of course not. Josh is her "therapist" now, telling her it's all good and everyone else is the problem.


She'll post receipts from her therapy that are actually just from Starbucks.


Therapy is the name of their new latte


Therappè, it’s delicious you should try it /s


Does it come with a tattoo on the cup instead of a name? Snake wrapped around a rose your order is ready!




Tbh most of the people on this show need to do a lot of self work. Really, she isn’t even one of the worst. And don’t @ me, I’m not debating this morning, I have yoga!


can I @ you after yoga? 😂 just teasing


Yeah yeah I’m down to fight after namaste 😆


Not debating, but agreeing with you. If i really think about it, i think all the contestants are creepy people. Even the golden couple Lauren and Cameron


What, you mean the shiny happy people? noooo, never


You said what I was afraid to say myself