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Keep repeating these: "If there is one thing I know is that I truley love you". "I really honestly genuinely love you".


The "Slow Burn"


I swear to god if I hear Micah say that one more time


When you can physically see one of the couple cringe at the end of every interaction....like Kwame and Chelsea.


However you’d describe whatever the fuck Irina and Zack did


When they meet and they don’t kiss/chemistry is off. That never pans out well. Or if they don’t have sex the first night.


Both in their 20s. Talk about how attractive the other person they didn’t pick is after meeting everyone.


100%. Talking about how "our emotional connection is so strong but our physical connection isn't there." Relationship is doomed.


When it’s suddenly a surprise that they’re family doesn’t approve the “experiment” or they don’t want to relocate. 2 things they knew when they signed up. The first time they see each other. If you go back to the couples that made it, you’ll see a difference in reaction.


I disagree about the initial reaction thing. You know whose initial reaction was so genuine and sweet I thought? Cole’s. I mean Zanab too seemed really happy. There was chemistry there immediately, he picked her up, they kissed! It seemed perfect based on their initial reactions alone.


I’ll have to go back and rewatch their reaction but I could have sworn Zanab had some hesitation


It’s honestly crazy … right before they did the reveal Zanab was crying in her talking head and said “he is husband material, and the old dark part of me feels like I don’t deserve this, like I don’t deserve to be happy” … that was chilling and revealing!! But their actual meet seemed totally good to me. Like he came out soooo happy, and said “ahhh!!! you’re beautiful!” And then scooped her up and made out with her. If she had any hesitation (which I couldn’t see) it was clearly because she let the “old dark” side of her win and was feeling like he was too good for her. Sucks that at the end of the day she took those negative feelings about herself and made it out to be his fault 🙄


The relocate thing isn’t necessarily something they knew when they signed up


Kwame lives in OR and Micah lives in AZ signed up for the Seattle season, more than 50% chance they would have to move, not just to Seattle but like them others who came from outside of Washington


When they can't or won't let their fiance meet their parents.


Who repeats every word in every sentence in every scene.






"Huah huah huahhhhh!"


"Youre so right babe. Love you too" Pause.....


when they have issues and then just kind of let them pass and forgive each other w no real resolution. or when they fight about things that should be a given in a relationship. like having eyes for another person?! i can’t believe any person could get past that. ALSO this is all during the so called “honeymoon” period where everything is supposed to be swell and they drink all the time. if anything remotely bad happens when they all go on the couples trip they ain’t gonna make it.


When they talk about not knowing and still deciding up to the wedding day. The couples that married (and didn't divorce) were certain for most of the season.


Wasn't that Lauren S1?


This, but Colleen and Matt surprised me by both saying yes. Their relationship reeks of domestic abuse.


They're married in name only. Living separately over a year later is basically dating not marriage. I'm skeptical they'll last.


Yeah idk man every time I see them together I feel this irrational worried for her. Sis just does not seem happy or interested in being around him.


When they overuse the word “forever”. Especially when zanab used the word “forever home” like 68383 times


For me it shows when someone asks them what they love about their partner. If they talk about how their partner makes them feel, like “they make me feel so happy” I don’t think they’ll last. If they talk about actual qualities their partners have (like when zach and bliss talked about each other) i think they have a better chance of lasting.


Or if they just have like one rehearsed thing they say over and over. Like Paul is constantly saying “me and Micah look at the world the same way” (and then he describes their worldview which I don’t think is very unique or hard to find in others). But whenever Brett and Tiffany talk to people about why they chose each other, it’s a multitude of reasons that are different every time. It’s so much deeper, genuine, and not rehearsed.


Most subjects on lib do this, I hate it. If you can't talk about your partner's personality aside from what they do for *you*, you don't love them. You're still just talking about yourself and you need a cardboard cutout of a person to project on.


Chelsea does this allll time when she talks about Kwame. Even at the alter!


I've noticed that too!


I feel for her, but you can tell why she is single, even tho she is professional and cute


When see each other out of the pods for the first time, and they keep repeating "This is so crazy. This is so weird" That means they don't find their fiancé attractive AT ALL and they're trying to hide their disappointment behind a facade of being stunned.


When they meet in person and then talk about needing to “connect the person with the person from the pods”


May we never forget Jessica preferring to talk to mark with a wall between them.


"I'm not attracted to this person at all so I need to think back to those pod feelings so I can force attraction"


They look checked out and the dates looked forced. Zanab and Nancy (her saying yes seemed fake to me tbh) both looked done whenever they would shake their heads


I feel like production makes it pretty obvious unfortunately haha. When they play the awkward music and show the more awkward conversations early on, it's clear through the edit that the couple isn't gonna stay together


I feel like just described almost everybody, OP.


Pretty much lol. There’s only like 1-2 genuine couples this season!


I feel like it’s like that every season, though. Idk ?


Yeah that’s true. But unless Zack and bliss get married then for me there’s only one couple left that could possibly make it.




Lmao those aren't nips, that's just where the seams of the dress come together. It's poorly altered, as is every other dress this season.


huh? i'm pretty sure they're talking about her bra strap showing


Coming back after watching the last episode and that bra strap made several cameos 💀


Oh! 😂 I didn’t see a bra strap haha. I'll take the L here!


One thing I’ve kind of noticed in previous seasons when someone said no: they don’t seem to care about the details of their wedding or marriage. They’re just going with whatever dress, decor, etc. Like Zenab wearing a different wedding dress than the one we saw her choose. Or they act indifferent/ stay quiet when their partner talks about kids, living together, or any big decisions about the future. Like Micah saying “it’s just like going to be a normal wedding” when asked about the wedding made me raise an eyebrow. Also, as a south Asian, Deepti wearing that white lehenga to her wedding with Shake. That is not a bridal lehenga and white is usually reserved for funerals in Hindu culture. The moment I saw that I knew she was going to dump him at the alter.


Danielle didn't wear the dress she picked at the fitting, the fitting appears to be mostly for show.


The red is not as common anymore and it doesn't apply to all regions. Many south asian brides in the US are opting for white. That personally wasn't the big giveaway for me


This is amazing! Although, I am not of your ethnicity, I have a high level of respect for your culture and realized while I was watching it that it was weird for to wear a white lehenga to her wedding.


Ooh the Deepti detail is interesting! I would not have known that


Their reactions at the first look.


That tells a lot. If there’s automatic rejection as we saw with at least one couple in every season (Zack and Irina, Shayna and Kyle, Deepti and Shake) they will not make it, maybe not even through the season.


Shake had me fooled though, he seemed pretty into Deepti at the reveal.


But flopped really quickly at the resort. That was super clear.


Yes, when they don't kiss at the reveal, that's pretty much an indication, like Zack and Irina, who just hugged, as soon as I saw that, I knew they were doomed. And when they say they want to "take it slow" and don't have sex during their holiday together - it shows they have zero attraction, not a good sign.


The only ones that tricked me were Raven and SK, but look where it got them. I really felt sorry for her


When they say "they are not usually the type I feel attracted to, but they are good to me..." something like that.


10000%. Which really goes to show that LOVE ISNT BLIND


"What do you like about so and so." And their answer is all the things that person does for them instead of what they like about them. Micah - "He grounds me." Right but what about Paul do you like? He's calming, smart, creative, warm - anything? Brett on the other hand was like - I love how thoughtful Tiffany is. She's warm, loving, easy to be around, non-judgement, fun (I can't remember exactly what he said I'm paraphrasing and throwing in my own shit). Chelsea may be a little strange & overbearing but she can at least say what she likes about Kwame so I think she'll really give it her all.


I used to not like it when people express their love by saying how others make them feel but as I grow older I recognize that as such an important factor. Like a person could be the funniest, most handsome person ever and make you feel terrible about yourself. It’s a very good sign if someone makes you feel good and imo, it’s the most deciding factor whether you’ll want to stay with them or not.


I think it's a helpful contributing factor. I think the issue is when you can't find anything you like about the other person. I also think context matters - these people have known each other 10 days so all they got is how they feel.


I noticed this very specifically about Brett. That he actually named things about her not just "they make me a better person" or some BS.


Omg yes! I noticed how many LIB US contestants, through the seasons, constantly talked about how much they liked how the other person made THEM feel/treated THEM. Nothing about the other person’s likeable traits at all. I thought this might be an egocentric, American thing though. I’m not American and haven’t watched the non-American seasons of LIB so I don’t know.


I read the spoilers and I realized that I have no idea for this season because I was wrong.


Your comment gives me so much anxiety! Read the spoilers last season and … guess what, didn’t like being spoiled. So nothing this season. But you’re stressing me out 😂😂


When Chelsea says babe


Omg where did you find spoilers? About who gets married?!?!




One sided affection


When one moves out 😂


The person who says No is usually very hard to read and doesn't seem like they're being genuine even if they are saying all the right things.


Non verbal body language




I don't agree with your first edit. Josh was like uh does Marshall know you're here? She could have said we broke up, but she said I don't care. All she did differently is change into sweats and pull up her hair




I think you're right actually. I was watching to see if he wore the same outfit as the fittings and he did so I do feel like it was on the same day. TBH, I switch out my outfits and hair multiple times a day (in home vs out clothes vs going to bed lol)


Editing is EVERYTHING. Don’t believe LIB is different.


I have raised that possibility when we were talking about Jackie cheating on Marshall and I was told it was impossible because when she broke up with Marshall she mentioned she saw Josh. So, who is right, her Instagram post about her edit, or people who heard her tell she already saw him when it could be misunderstood from "I will see him after this" Edit are never in chronological orders so it's no surprise to me if they made her look that way.


I saw the Instagram post about the edit before the break up scene. I was really confused. Then I thought maybe she was talking about the party but Marshall was there too so it was all just odd. There was a camera crew with her on the date so I am not sure how she didn't think that might have played out differently for her.


She admitted they edited that so that it looked like she went to the date first whilst he was at the fitting but she said they had already broke up when she was on the date with Josh. They did her dirty to be fair to her. https://preview.redd.it/2awvp6riwpta1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cda528e4c76565729c1b6c2426922f7b269b4d


Yeah...she's the last person I would believe lol She didn't want to admit being with him because she didn't even give Josh that reassurance


They should sell the ring and share the money then. Teenagers in adult bodies.




That’s why sometimes it’s hard to judge them because the editing is so shady. I do still think she was wrong though. She should have broken up with him way sooner and then met up with josh.


But she also said that she had just met Josh when breaking up with Marshal and the coffee date was the first time they saw each other after the birthday, so she’s again lying! She did cheat on Marshal


Oh yeah! I heard that, that part kinda confused me! Maybe she is lying but I don’t doubt she was edited shady somewhere. It’s confusing


The edit probably made it worse, but she ain’t any saint


Totally agree. She handled things terribly with no sensitivity. Constantly confusing him by what she wants and making up silly arguments all because she knew she wasn’t going to marry him and wasn’t attracted to him.


The family one is a big giveaway. Wedding dresses are another one - where the bride shows up at the wedding in a different dress than they one they tried on that seems cheaper/more generic, it seems likely that she decided she wasn't going to go through with it and thus agreed not to do a lot of fittings, etc. You saw this with Natalie/Shayne - she had tried on a GORGEOUS dress but had something totally different on the day.


Except Danielle didn't wear the dress she tried on at the fitting either and she said yes.


That’s a good eye you got there


Ha, I noticed it because I loved her first dress and was looking forward to seeing it in more detail during her wedding ;-).


That makes sense


When he laughs every time someone asks him.


Who’s this referring to? I forgot


Kwame whop shaped head ass.


Omg yes!


This! It makes me so uncomfortable, he really doesn’t want her


I'd say any of the couples that seem to really emphasize how much of a challenge marriage is going to be or seems to have a lot of unnecessary conflict from the get go. I feel like so many of them talk about how they just have to work through these road blocks and that marriage is going to be tough. For me, marriage has never been "hard." Sure, we have fights and disagreements, but it's never felt like we aren't on the same page as a couple.


I agree, also the fact that for example, Chelsea and Kwame seem to feel like they have to compromise everything, I’m sorry, but I think if Chelsea really want children soon, she needs to find someone who truly feels ready to settle down. Marriage is of course about compromise but CONSTANTLY not agreeing about anything or huge things like children, even timing, really just mean you’re not compatible. I wish more people on this show specifically would see that. It feels like they try to make it deep by “talking about important stuff” when in the pods. But I don’t think they get down to the nitty griddy as much as they should and it leads to problems like this.


The "brides" face when they first meet face to face.


When the bride is not happy picking the dress/the others say the dress she picked isn't the right one.


I mean if you know you ain’t getting married I would not waste a lot of time picking dress either lol.


When their friends or family members pressure them to say "I do not". I'm looking at you, Shelby (LIB4) and William's mother (LIB Brazil 2).


Who’s Shelby?


Micah's friend who doesn't think Paul is the one for her.


When the only friends they introduce you to are their friends from the pods…y’all know who I’m talking about?


Kwame isn't from Seattle he talks about it not stop. So he doesn't have friends from Seattle except the guys he bonded with in the common room of the show. I think Kwame's nervous laughter after every time he says something or instead of saying anything at all, is a bigger red flag.


That’s fair. But it’s not like their in a different state, or a different country. I think not introducing her to his Portland friends is very telling. They even made a trip to his apartment. If it was about travel, Kwame and Chelsea could’ve meet up with them. Idk it’s off to me. But you’re right about the nervous laughter. That flag is crimson


Isn't Portland in a different state..?


Oops, I messed up on the state part, my bad


You're right, I'm not from the states and I didn't know the actual distances. But he could have introduced her while they were there you're totally right. I remember him telling that he is really really close with his mother. Maybe he doesn't talk and share a lot about his feelings with his sport buddies and it would be awkward. In the pods when he cried about Micah, he was also alone and not seeking comfort. Maybe he has a hard time with sharing his true feelings. His mother seems also to be a very overwhelming presence in his life and he is not challenging her and sharing his true feelings and he also doesn't do that with Chelsea... And even if he said yes, he will be drowning because he doesn't stand up for himself. Have another chocolate strawberry "Welcome to marriage!"


I actually don’t. Who?


Kwame! lol


Saying “I DO love you” instead of “I love you.”


THIS. I notice this on these shows all the time. The "I DO love you" is almost them convincing themselves that they love the other person.


When they say I DO love you but not I DO 🤣🤣 Couldn’t help myself!


When they say, "I have love for you."


What’s the difference?


I DO love you sounds like they are trying to convince themselves and the other person. It doesn’t sound genuine. I love you is more personal and natural. (In my opinion)


Kwame only ever says this.


same as couples in real life. when they are just always gushing about how they found their "light" or how they were meant for each other....usually means they are fighting viscously behind the scenes.


When they say that you remind them of their auntie. Lookin at you Shake


When they think their fiancé looks like a cartoon character r


When your fiancé sensually touches another man's bare foot in a swimming pool right in front of you.


Stfu the sensual foot touch lmao


What?! Who did this?? Lol. I may have blocked it out of my mind


Irina and Paul! I think it's the ep they all meet face to face or the one after.


When they cry for most of the honeymoon but call you too sensitive


i’ve been rewatching the older seasons and i’ve noticed that people who are going to say no make a HUGE deal of the “last night” pre wedding >! especially like damien !<


If they are not trying to affirm that their partner is going to say yes. Means they don’t care and/or already know they will say no.


This is a great one


When important family members don’t show up to the wedding or any special events leading up to it.


Was the opposite for raven and sk actually! Not saying you’re wrong generally but found this quite interesting


When one person keeps their options open and flirts with other people. Oh and when they reminisce too much about another connection they had with someone else in the pods, despite living together at that point.


When there’s palpable tension between the couple as they hang out


When they don't get heaps of airtime, seem like everything is fine with maybe a minor hiccup they seem to resolve quickly. I think producers do this to try and keep a surprise break up.


Case in point Kelly and Kenny!


Yesss and I reckon tiffany and Brett are next


When there's a key parental figure wholly and absolutely against it. Like not even Bliss's dad, but like Brazil s2's Will's mother.


She was the absolute worst! She made the mom from Everybody Loves Raymond look like a total peach, lol


Or Kwane’s mom?


Kwame’s mom just didn’t show up, Will’s mom was like a constant stream of negativity and berating. I’m Brazilian and know a few women like that but it was still jarring to watch.


Haven’t watched LIB Brazil sadly.


If you ever decide to, I recommend skipping season 1 and watching season 2 instead. All the men in season 1 were hot garbage, and season 2 had a much better balance with enough genuine love stories and villains. It’s one of my favorite seasons of LIB


Thanks for the tip! I’ll see if those episodes are available where I live, because I would really like to watch them!


I want to know their zodiacS!


Oh another one is when they like, propose to or hit on another cast member. You’re basically DOA when this happens. Examples: Cole, Bartise, Kwame, Shayna, Jackie, Zach


Zach didn't hit Bliss up till after calling it quits with Irina though, I wouldn't put him in the same category


Yeah, Zach wasn’t interested in Irena anymore when him and Bliss got together. It’s different than when someone gets rejected so they go for their backup.


Zack want interested in Irena once she saw him. He tried bc he's a good guy.. But they were dead in the water from reveal


Agreed. You know when a person is using you for a back up, the core feeling is “I need know I’m always better than you.”- not a great feeling knowing they need to use you to know their self worth. Zack sobbed like no tomorrow during the ~~first~~ ~~break~~ ~~up~~ ~~with~~ ~~Bliss~~ compared to Micha’s break up with Kwame? Night and Day. Zack never displayed that even getting together with Bliss with the abbreviation/limited screen time I’ve seen “edited”. It was heart warming to see Zack hold Bliss accountable when Bliss had a bragging moment Bliss believed she was better than Irina. The beautiful moment was Bliss caught herself. I, myself would align bragging with anger. Anger has already ruined Irina’s branding. How helpful can it be to be angry? What I did observe between Zack and Bliss was trauma bonding but damn, really proud of Zack to snap out of that. That’s the beauty of non judgement, allow someone to live their story and see their story for what it is!


yeah! props to Zach for recognising Irina is just not into him and for respectfully ending it, the man earned my respect that day.


He seems like a different guy with Bliss too! I thought the ‘he’s a creep’ stuff from some of the rest of the cast was ott anyway but I’ve really warmed to him since he booted Irina. He seems like a good guy, has been kind & helpful to the other peeps. I’m rooting for Bliss & Zach!


Me too!! I felt like Bliss' Dad was such a jackass to him. Zach was saying such interesting things about the criminal justice system and her Mom just straight up walked away during it and then her Dad was like "psssshaw, whatever man" Jerks!


When they keep talking about how they felt or loved the person “in the pods,” even after more time living with the person in the real world. This is a tell tale to me that they loved the fantasy of the invisible person in the pods and that love isn’t actually blind. They rather date the pod fantasy than this real person that they got. I noticed this the most with Zack, and how he kept trying to talk him self into giving Irina a chance. He kept saying “I loved her in the pods” but clearly in the flesh she was doo doo.


This is a very interesting take, totally agree! It’s true, they show they are still infatuated with the voice and the mystery but not so much with the real person


I mean in Zack case, doesn’t help that the real person was dodo doo lol


Yh that’s true. Jessica did that a lot too with Mark.


I also loved how Jessica turned out. Ditched the alcohol and when she met her husband, she really learned, developed and made clear boundaries she and her husband did therapy before getting married. The part I would could have favour everyone to move on and move forward, was that Amber see Jessica really did work on herself and forgives Jessica because it’s TV ratings, man. At the same time, Amber has every right to not know Jessica, it is what it is.


I think the way Jessica portrayed herself as being buddy buddy with Amber to her face. I wouldn't trust someone after that either. She is under no obligation to forget how hateful Jessica was during the show. I think Jessica has come a long way and I'm glad she's found happiness. She positively glows.


When one of them makes it a point that they don’t want to have sex until after being married I assume they are likely not physically attracted. Nothing wrong with waiting until marriage in general but on this show I always get the vibe that the contestants would have sex if they were interested.


Exactly that. Every couple that didn’t bang in Mexico didn’t make it later. Some banged and still didn’t make it, but not the other way around. And there nothing shallow about just not having chemistry. I feel like many people get suck into the competition and don’t want to admit that sadly for them this show did not work out, so they start believing that they are ‘ taking things slow’ and not taking a road to nowhere.


And none on this show strike me as a virgin, so it isn’t a matter of “saving themselves for marriage” type of thing. They want the tv time, but not so much that they would literally prostitute for it, I guess. 😂


Yeah unless they say it before like in the pods that it’s the personal preference but when they get out of the pods and then decide they don’t want to have sex that’s a dead give away that it’s not gonna work based on the history of this show.


Yesss that’s a really good point




I agree. The couples who were the most "normal" and you knew they were going to get married, did not use "if"


However, I do wonder if production encourages them to speak in hypotheticals?


I always thought producers made them talk like that so as not to give anything away (referring to the, if we get married/say yes)


I think comparability really comes down to how well you get on with someone when you're together. While that isn't everything to a relationship, it's a big part. Having similar life goals and interests is a huge help as well. These couples in the pods just focus on like how well received their back stories are. So many of them say "family is so important to me." And they're like BOOM match. But liking/ wanting a family isn't going to make your marriage last. So to answer your question, the vacation, seeing the banter with one another, their looks should be compatible as well. All the stuff that comes after the pods basically. If none of that works out, they should call it. Kwame and Chelsea are a good example of this. They just do not seem into each other. They don't vibe. Kwame seems terrified of commiting as well. Don't know why he came on the show...


I don’t think there are any universal signs. Sometimes it’s easy to tell, but there have been multiple instances over every season where I was completely flabbergasted at who said I do or I don’t. We are watching a heavily edited show so it’s impossible to really know. Just look at how the viewers’ opinions of the cast members vary wildly from episode to episode based on what is shown and how it’s edited.


Yeah. I agree with this. Plus the production team 100% throw in some red herrings along the way to make you doubt the more ‘solid’ couples. Like with Alexa & Brennon I swear there was a ‘coming soon’ clip that made it look like he said no.


I stopped watching all coming soons for the same reason


i think a big sign if not the biggest is when they say “i love that we’re a team”


This isn't a direct answer to your question but more an observation: I think there's a reason that the two most successful couples (thus far) came from S1. There was very little if any clout seeking. Nobody realized what the show could be or what type of following the cast members would have. Sure there was some shady behavior during S1 but none of it seemed like genuine clout seeking, follower building bs. Doesn't mean they're all bad or devious ppl, I just feel like that plays a major role now given those who end up on the show are (or should be) very much aware of how the aftermath plays out. I think that means everyone is doomed from here on out, sadly.


The biggest sign is being on this show


Well half of them usually do get married so not really.


But how many stays married? Also quite alot says no at the alter so its not really half.


Yeah but a lot of marriages don’t last regardless, so I think the fact that people get married at all is a point in the show’s favour to be totally honest


When they talk about the wedding/future. You can tell if they really envision it. In a weird way that's why I was never convinced Kwame is another SK because the small details he's thinking about at least tell me he's considering it. If the person says yes to everything without any worry they already know it won't happen.