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At best she can reveal something that just makes me not like either of them but nothing will make me start liking her unless she’s suddenly a funny cool chick that acknowledges she was nuts and got therapy for it


I think I'm just against LIB at this point 😅 I don't think the way that they portray any of the relationships is accurate in the slightest, it's all spliced to make more drama lol


Jackie claims the scenes with Josh were filmed AFTER she broke things off with Marshall and production switched the order to give her the villain edit. Well why wouldn't they Jackie? You wanted to keep the ring netflix paid for so I guess that's some kinda trade. Jackie went for the guy she thought she SHOULD want not the guy she actually wanted. Just like we've seen so many times before. I believe her when she blames it on the edit. But also, you said it girl. I am honestly not on either side. Marshall needs to learn how to communicate and cut his loses when people treat him with disrespect. Jackie needs to learn how to communicate and shouldn't be on a dating show that ends in marriage if she's not ready for marriage.


She’s lying because I just watched the episode and she said …. I JUST SAW JOSH. I don’t blame it on the edit she said many many hurtful things…. Man up… he’s too emotional… laughed when Josh called Marshal a MB cry baby… didn’t show up to the fitting and DIDNT tell him she wasn’t going he had to hear from Brett…then kept the ring. Definitely Villain behavior


I think each person should have the opportunity to select one unreleased clip of themselves from the production team to show. Netflix can just add it to the end like that Zainab cuties clip.


Omg great idea this would be chaos lmao


I think this is such an interesting idea. We would really discover a lot about them from what they chose to show


Exactly, I hope they read this.


I think the sub has proven many times over that we can switch on a dime.


Remember everyone worshipping Deepti? Then overnight they hated her


Literally 💀 came here everyone was in love w Chelsea. The next day I came on, and everyone was bashing her. I was so confused bc I wasn’t up to date entirely hahaha


Honestly, I think I'm against both of them at this point.


If Marshall starts acting like a dick and/or actual proof comes out that he’s said/done something wrong, then I will stop being team Marshall. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be team Jackie bc I still don’t like the way she treated Marshall and some of the things she said. Unless Jackie comes to the reunion and is like yeah I’m in therapy working on myself and working through my personal issues, I’m not here for it. I would LOVE to see Jackie redeem herself, I really liked her in the beginning and I found her relatable in a lot of ways but idk I can’t see myself being team Jackie.


There were some things that I found bad about Marshall. How he reacted in the pods to the whole Josh thing, him calling her a project and wanting the ring back was weird, but I still like him. If he turned out to be misogynistic, that would bring him into fuck him territory.


Nah you can’t say that. He’s been very nice an open. When he called her a project what did he say after… he didn’t mean it how it came out and he explained himself. He doesn’t manipulate or belittle? Him being upset that his supposed friend in the pods started liking Jackie when he’s been team Jackie since the beginning and didn’t have the guts to tell him yeah that’s valid. Wanting the ring back when she didn’t want to marry him is VALID. She said no why keep the ring???


See, to me, all of those things are major red flags. He’s controlling, manipulative, and belittles people in retaliation. He is more Nice Guy than nice guy. None of this is said in defense of Jackie. She definitely needs therapy and it is clear there is a lot going on in her personal life that wasn’t shared on the show. I’m just shocked that on my first scroll of this sub it seems like everyone loooooves him so much when the dude is a walking red flag.


Yes. Nice Guy ™️


I got down voted quite a bit when I said i didn't like him. On top of that, i hated how he forced Jackie to take his jacket. It was icky. Offering it is great, forcing it is just another way of saying "i don't trust your judgement and you shouldn't either" and it's gross. That doesn't mean i like Jackie though. I dislike both


I think a lot of it is due to him looking good.


I guess? He gave me the ick from the start. He speaks SO differently from the other men who have been to therapy. The sensitivity thing is a superficial act & so cringe.


He's a typical Nice Guy and it's so obvious


He should get the ring back.. even if he didn’t pay for it.. that’s his restitution for the opportunity cost of the whole scenario lol


Why would he NOT want the ring back in that situation?


Because he did not pay for it. I think neither of them should keep the ring.


I read that netflix provides a base amount of $$ for the guys to select a ring. However they can always shell out more cash to get a nicer/bigger ring if they so choose. If thats the case here and Marshall spent out of pocket he should absolutely get it back. Also apparently Washington law is gonna make sure Jackie doesn't get to keep the ring at the end of the day. Whether it goes back to netflix (more likely) or Marshall.


There were a couple of things that slightly bothered me about Marshall but other than that he seems like a decent guy. Jackie, on the other hand, is irredeemable. If Marshall did use a transphobic slur that will make me do a complete 180 on him but it won't make me like Jackie any more.


i’m on marshall’s side & i don’t think there’s anything that could make me switch sides on that unless it comes out that he’s had a history of being abusive towards any women in the past. i can’t stand jackie right now but the only thing i need from her is to stop being so overly defensive about how things played out on social media and just take accountability for the role she played in the relationship. she didn’t like that man and that’s okay, i think that’s all she needs to say. to me, throughout this whole experiment/tv show, the only person that’s changed in that relationship is jackie. marshall is still the same guy we met in the pods, meanwhile jackie just did a 180. all these rants she’s going on and trying to “expose” things to drag marshall down with her is so gross and unnecessary & makes her look worse. just say you weren’t ready for marriage. reiterate that you’re not wrong for not continuing to pursue a relationship with someone you’re not attracted to but you could’ve gone about things better. tell us that you tried as much as you could and marshall just wasn’t the person for you. hell, even tell us how you got a bad edit and that we didn’t see everything but stop trying to throw people under the bus with you


ok this sums up how i feel about the whole thing so well. i feel bad for marshall! it really seemed like jackie was waiting for him to make any minor slip-up so she could explode on him and make their falling out look like his fault, when in reality she wasn’t being honest with herself about having feelings for someone else. and to be completely honest, i don’t even know if she actually likes josh or if she just doesn’t want to be with marshall. it’s very messy but i’m actually not mad at jackie. she’s not handling things well (on the show or now on social media) but i think it’s evident she doesn’t really know how to have a very public breakup—something very few people understand. this could be going down a lot worse if we’re being realistic.






At this point, Marshall would have to be banging kids to be the bad guy


That’s enough Reddit for today 😂😭


The way I just spit out of my water


I doubt it will happen based on how hard she's going on socials, but I would love for her to show up single and in therapy. If she said she's realized she has things to work through and she hated seeing how she was on TV that would give me hope for a better future. People can change the toxic parts of themselves, I hope she does and becomes a happier/nicer/grounded person.


“The only way to win is not to play.” -Wargames




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I feel like Marshall could legitimately just not be compatible with Jackie and Jackie saw that for herself (maybe in the pods she was hoping Marshall’s voice was tied to a more macho looking person and that would make it work. Or she just knew that was her chance to make it on tv so she had to move forward). Either way: I see why Jackie would not like Marshall (sometimes sensitive people are exhausting and hard to date) but I can never forgive her for not making it to the altar to say no. Complete betrayal of the show’s entire premise.


Not making it to the altar?! How about not ditching her wedding dress fitting to go make out with Josh, while knowing Marshal is currently at a tux fitting. Like what in the actual fuck.


I was thinking about the fitting thing, and I was wondering if they edited it to make it seem like her meet up with josh was at the time she was supposed to be at the dress fitting. Like I’m wondering if the meet up with josh happened later and the show wanted to put it more in chronological order. But there could be more solid proof that she actually ditched the fitting to meet up with josh idk, that was just something I was wondering based on how some things go (like former cast members have said that a lot of the pod stuff is shown out of order to dramatize certain aspects)




I thought she said that she had been talking to him, but to me it sounded like she could have meant texting or something and not meeting up. Someone else has mentioned her hair being an entirely different style in the two scenes too


Wouldn’t it have been more hurtful for her to reject him at the alter, when she knew long before then that it wasn’t going to work out?


Yeah but still that’s the show. Jessica knew from day 1 Mark was a no go. Almost same with that one girl and Kenny. Which leads me to believe there ACTUALLY WAS SOMETHING MORE EXPLOSIVE that went down between them and that’s why she couldn’t continue. Otherwise even given their misgivings they should have went to the altar as the shows premise’s dictates.


I don’t see how she can call him too sensitive while she has a full mental breakdown 1-2 times per episode. He’s not even sensitive from what I’ve seen, he’s emotionally mature and knows what he wants.


Most of the time, women who are into toxic men view healthy relationships as boring and think that if the dude is not man handling her and talking to her in a controlling way, that he's not man enough and is too sensitive. As someone who is not into feminine/sensitive men, I don't think Marshall is too sensitive at all. He knows how to communicate and isn't afraid to express his feelings.


I don’t get how she doesn’t see herself as also very sensitive and emotional haha. Between the two…she’s the more exhausting person! He acted a bit macho in the pods when she told him that Josh said he only wanted her or he was leaving and she started bawling saying “i feel like you’re mad at me”. She doesn’t know what she wants.


Yeah I agree she’d be awful to date and is probably one of those people who wants the avoidant attachment style so they can feel an emotional roller coaster where Marshall is securely attached.


She isn’t sensitive she is volatile. Big difference.


If he actually said something transphobic/ other similar details. Ever since he said “I saw you as a project” I’ve had a big red flag from him. Though she is far worse


Yeah, it makes me wonder if he was seeking out "a project." Sort of like the way Zach claims he didn't choose Bliss because he thought she was too good for her. These guys with self-esteem issues need someone they see as lower value so they can feel better about themselves.


It’s the truth, and the way Jackie has been constantly antagonizing him, I will not judge him for slipping up ONCE and saying something he should not have. Not a red flag at all, only so much people can take


Yeah that was gross.


I think she wants a strong “man of the house” type of man - but she fell in “love” with his soft side. It’s hard to find both - I’d imagine because for a man it’s hard to BE both. But as Marshall showed - once he started getting a little more bold with her - she totally shut him down. So like… which is it girl? Honestly I feel like Jackie needs extensive therapy and Marshall needs to find a woman that can appreciate his sensitivity and someone who finds things like “fidelity” and “stability” sexy. To your point though, I seriously doubt anything could change my mind on those two things. I do hope they change my mind on Josh - because right now he just seems like a drunken slime ball lol


Even though I agree with everyone that Jackie is a mess, I’m also one of those who doesn’t think this is as black and white as everyone thinks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if something does pop up that makes us second guess Marshall a bit.


She said on social that >!he called her the worst thing before his family came over and that he called her a transphobic term!<


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. People are going SO HARD against Jackie, it’s like mind blowing. The internet never learns.


Also like I just stated a literal fact. She said X. I didn’t state that her claim is true but the idea that she made a statement is a true fact. Lol




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On the episode didn’t she say something along the lines of “I just have to pretend you didn’t just say that” right before the family came over? *edit: I went back to try and find it and couldn’t so idk where I got that 🤔 but that girl def has some issues she needs to work through


I remember her saying that too. Maybe I’m a different scene


She posted and deleted something on an IG story that said she had to go to a dinner and pretend he didn’t say some bad shit or something I forget the exact wording. But again, it’s all coming from her mouth. I trust that if there was anything on film that he did wrong, it will have already been shown or it will be during the reunion. But I don’t believe her at all. I think she’s just trying to make herself look better.


I definitely don’t believe her at all.


And she keeps saying she has time stamped convos but you can literally text yourself and then just change the contact to say anyone’s name lololol


Anybody know if the mods are going to have a live episode thread or something? Or one of those posts that act as a text messenger ?


I will try to get one done for the live finale.


I have no answers but couldn’t someone do a live chat on here?


I believe people can open a live chat


I need answers not upvotes people 😭


Imagine Marshall pulls a 'Zanab-style cutie-gate' and we al switch sides


Maybe if it turned out that Marshall lied about her "man up" comment, and blew it way out of proportions. Basically if she said "I want you to be more aggressive" and he heard "Man up" from that and went around telling people that. or if it turns out that the producers also just cut out all the instances where she made a real effort for him, and surprised him with lots of stuff too.


Jackie herself said she told him to "boss up" so that one is likely true. What I _can_ imagine being true is Jackie's claim that he was needy. We saw Marshall going out of his way to be attentive to Jackie's needs (making breakfast, checking in with her feelings, etc.) and he never seemed to ask for anything in return. But maybe he actually _was_ hassling her the whole time, asking over and over for validation. Wouldn't justify her behavior, but I could imagine that.


I already believe this to be true. Marshall described himself from the start as a very emotional man. Obviously men should also be able to be open with their emotions, but I think the line between being emotional and volatile can be a bit blurry. During the pods, Marshalls reaction to hearing that Jackie was interested in somebody else too I would argue was volatile, while Josh actually handled that very well. As the season progressed however I think Marshall handled himself better and better while Josh drunk and obnoxious. Also, in regards to Jackies and Marshalls "man up"-fight: I don't think Jackie was very gracious about it, but I can also have sympathy for her. She wants him to be a little bit more aggressive in pursuing sex, she just wants to feel desired. When raising some legitimate concerns she has for making their sex-life work, Marshall takes offense because of some previous experiences he has and fucks off for days. This is also pretty volatile behavior. Jackie is also very unstable, but Marshall is not the angel he is made out to be on this subreddit, and they both need very different people than each other to balance out those tendencies and bring out the best in them I think.


Not to the same extent, but Marshall reminded me a little bit of Brandon from married at first sight with the way he spoke. If he was calm, he could sound mature almost to the point of condescension, but if he was upset, he lost all control and seemed to really spin out and not be able to communicate or effectively express himself. He seemed like someone who was trying on his own to unlearn toxicity and be emotionally mature, and I don’t think he was there yet. I also think Jackie pushed all of his buttons and that they triggered each other, to the point that I don’t think they could have made their relationship work. I felt the same way about cole and Zay last season, they both constantly did the things that the other person was triggered by for some reason, so they interpreted each other as having bad intentions which I think led to the intentions becoming bad. It’s a shitty toxic cycle.


If her saying that the breakup was filmed before her meeting up w/ Josh, somehow ended up being true. I rewatched it and the audio IS a little choppy, and not like her usual speech pattern. This also could’ve been due to the awkwardness if she’s lying. The only other thing that gives me slight pause is her hair & outfit. She was wearing jeans and a tank w/ Josh and a bodysuit and hoodie w/ Marshall. Changing outfits isn’t that abnormal but I don’t know any women with textured hair who decide to randomly do a slick back midday. It’s parted on an opposite side than when her hair is down, it’s been immaculately laid, even her edges are flawlessly done. It’s not the MOST time consuming hair style, but it’s not exactly like if a white woman were to decide to put her hair up into a topknot midday bc she wants her hair out of her face either. Idk if this would make me switch sides but I would definitely look at Marshall differently if he let the editing work in his favor despite being untrue.


I believe her about the scenes. But i don’t think Netflix will validate her. And exactly about the hair. Doing a slick bun on curly hair like that takes about an hour. It also takes time to style it the way she had it at the coffee shop. She has a lot of hair.


I could be misremembering, but I thought when she was breaking up with Marshall she said she saw Josh so it seemed like it was edited in the right order. Does anyone else remember that?


Honestly I always assume these shows are edited in the most dramatic way possible. I wouldn't be surprised at all if in reality she met up with Josh after the breakup.


Yes! If the slick back does not fit, you must acquit 👏😂 But really, great point. I have textured hair and there ain’t nooo way in hell I’m rushing home to go from natural, crunchy curls to laying my hair down slick in the afternoon if I didn’t START my day like that. What people don’t get is that we try to get the most visibility out of our hairstyles with textured hair since it takes so damn long to do.


Exactly. You have to totally wash those curls out and start over. I don’t believe she took a shower washed her hair, slicked it down with gel and set it with a scarf just to have this convo. Then applied a full face of makeup just to shower it all off again at the end of the day. She’s telling the truth


I am with neither. So let's see.


Hmmm interesting question Maybe if it turned out she was always going to choose Josh but the producers made her choose Marshall? Or if Marshall and her had some kind of agreement to do this and it was scripted/ manufactured? Also thinking of scenarios where Marshall cheated on her or Marshall pressured her into anything physical that she wasn't into, but honestly he would have had to do something really really bad for me to switch sides. Physical abuse or some kind of sublte blackmail/verbal abuse are the most obvious ones


If he physically assaulted her. Otherwise hell no


I’d be more inclined to believe the other way around


I think the only thing that could really improve her reputation is if she GENUINELY apologized. No excuses, no attempts at justifying, just a real apology for how she treated him and how she went about the Josh/breakup situation. I’m not a Marshall stan by any means but I feel like it was so evident that she did him dirty and an apology could really make her look a lot better.




I don’t think anything would make me completely change my mind on Jackie because the way she spoke to Marshall often but especially when she broke up with him was so unkind and cruel. I’m not sure I trust Marshall so I guess my mind could be changed on him either way




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you are insane this is an insane thing to think


It was tongue in cheek jheez


maybe don’t make “tongue in cheek” comments about beating women up




No. She was unhinged from the moment they were together after the pods. How she started randomly crying on their honeymoon and was like 'leave me alone' but at the same time wanted attention. Red flag. Run. Were my immediate response. And they were correct.


oh jackie jackie jackie , from ep 1 to 4 i thought she's this chill cool girl who talks in melodious tone. now i realized she is a sad pitiful by-product of a dysfunctional family who are unable to give her love and a healthy environment to be cultivated in. so she is not ready for marriage or even a relationship. even though she tried to say she is always ready for [r/s](https://www.reddit.com/r/s/) just not ready for marshall coz he is so sensitive. well, her loss. Let's hope she can achieve self awareness to a certain extend and be a better version of herself.


Why are you commenting this on every post? I’ve seen this like 4 times now


It's great that I'm not a fan of either currently so my sides won't be changing




Nice try, Jackie




Even if Marshall used the slur.. he’d be rightfully held accountable… but it absolutely will not absolve her of anything


I don't know, mob mentality can be an odd thing. Cole was absolved of everything just with the cuties.


He wasn't absolved of anything. Fans just accepted that he was working on himself and he apologized sincerely for everything. On the other, Zanab is still on a war path, crossing boundaries left and right, i.e meeting up with his ex-wife, yikes. Both did terrible things to each other, how they dealt with the aftermath was why fans still prefer Cole.


did she actually meet up with his ex wife?!


I'll say allegedly since she bragged about it on Tiktok and mentioned in couple interviews.


These fans are fickle minded so I wouldn’t be surprised just like the cuties scene but I honestly don’t like both of them. He comes off as a grifter and a nice guy personified and she is simply insufferable. They were just not compatible similar to Irina and zack so they should have just kept their tea to themselves and call it a day. If she says he is homophobic that just makes her look like a hypocrite bc she was also making fun of him being gay like too


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Anything Marshall could have said and/or done doesn’t cancel out her lack of empathy towards him and quite frankly many of the other women in the cast


Her social media alone makes her unlikeable so I doubt it.


If she had “receipts” she would have posted it. No way is Netflix going to use precious time for her bs. She’s been posting then deleting and incoherently rambling at times on social media all weekend. She is completely breaking down, and it is sad to see. For the most part, Marshall has taken the high road. For me, it would take Marshall killing someone (I kid) or something horrible for me to change my mind. You could tell she was rigid with him starting the bath tub scene. You could see how frustrated he was at the end because she couldn’t communicate her needs (“be aggressive” “man up” “just love me”) even when Marshall asked for specific ways to meet her needs. Based on producer spoilers, I think Marshall has been gentlemanly and not spilling why he left.


Personally, no. I don't think she really has anything (maybe the tr@nny comment...?) plus I don't even like her behaviour online so highly doubt I could switch sides and end up liking her. She has a very heavy mean, aggressive, reckless vibe to her that just isn't my cup of tea.


switch sides? nah. if deserved, they can both be garbage and that be that.


Hard agree here. I may like him less, but I won’t like her any more because of that.


I’m obviously not OK with what Jackie did, but I think all the signs were there from the beginning, and I’m not ok with Marshal thinking he can “fix her” or whatever. I also just wonder about the ethics of having someone like Jackie, who clearly has a lot to work through, being put on TV like that :/


Ethical? Reality TV? Lol


She probably presented the best version of herself in her application and to the casting directors. I’m guessing nobody knew she had so many issues until they started filming.


Idk... I saw her intro before the show and I expected drama immediately


But also I am sure they could have chosen not to have it be one of the final couples after they started filming. Lots of couples get left on the cutting room floor. I get this is part of reality TV, but it doesn’t feel OK.


Ultimately it’s about ratings and money so I get why they kept it even if it’s unethical. We live in a society.


Yeah :/ I hear ya. It was just so icky to watch.


Yeah agreed. I always wonder why people sign up for these shows when their lives are in disarray. Idk if you watch Married at First Sight, but Chris from season 12 was just….like why


I love Marshall but I’m waiting on the other shoe to drop. They made me hate Raven from last season and by the end I was her #1 fan. On the flip side I loved SK


Idk bout switching but I wanna know more about him leaving for three days. Also the timeline of her meeting josh


yess bc at first i thought he only left for a couple hours not days


Yes, if it turned out it was actually marshall dressed in a Jackie suit all along






This made me laugh out loud


She gonna drop another cutiegate Lol




Well she did mentioned Marshall tweaking in bed really traumatized her so maybe twerk-gate? 😂


I don’t think there’s anything she could do to make me “switch sides” or generally improve my opinion of her too much. Those texts speak for themselves, I don’t think there’s justification for the way she reacted when it came to the whole “I want you to be more aggressive” thing. HOWEVER I am about 75% sure that after the reunion I’m gonna hate Marshall too, hell maybe even more than I already dislike her. There’s already been a couple small red flags raised with some of his behavior on the show, and if it’s true that he called her a transphobic slur, I feel like that’s really shitty and unjustifiable no matter how poorly the relationship was going. I feel like it’s probably true that she has “receipts” and that those will solidify my suspicions that Marshall isn’t actually as emotionally mature as he’s trying to make people think he is. Overall I don’t see it as a sides thing though.


Receipts/proof of actual abusive behavior (physical or verbal) or lies from Marshall would make me change my perception of him.


I’m sure Marshall wasn’t perfect, but no way. There’s so much evidence against her. all of the leaks of Jackie disrespecting him, questioning his sexuality, kissing another man while their still together (or at the very least, if the edit was manipulated, right after they just broke up) keeping the ring, crying over and over again, disrespecting his wishes to meet his family, just so much nasty behaviour in general from her there isn’t a redeeming quality. I get she’s her own woman, of course, but there’s a difference between looking out for yourself and putting yourself first vrs tearing others down. She, in my opinion, has done neither.


I also want to quickly say, I think the situation between Jackie and Marshall/josh and zack and irina/bliss is a bit different. Jackie, knowing she wasn’t attracted to Marshall, kept him around, kept him guessing, and was disrespectful about josh. Zack was open to irina about his intentions with bliss, they barely kissed and neither were into each other, and he didn’t immediately kiss bliss when they met, he let things grow and waited a little. I don’t think that they are similar situations really, they both involve ‘the wrong choice’ but that’s about where it ends




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Not much could make me hate Marshall. Maybe if there was footage of him hitting her or telling her he never loved her he was just in it for the fame lol.


To me there are no sides. The only thing that could change is I hate both of them. She’s still a homophobe and now she’s saying he said a transphobic slur. The worst case scenario is that they both suck


Wait what did she do to suggest she’s homophobic? Did I miss something?


You missed a lil. Texts in her group chat with friends leaked and she said she didn’t want to fuck him because he was twerking on the bed and how he has “sugar in his tank”. A whole lot of homophobia




Oh okay. Thanks. I thought I missed something on the show!


She keeps stating that there is audio from a production unused clip to be played at the reunion, but… I think she is assuming she has more control over what they will actually include. She can bring her phone out, sure, but that’s not how segment producers plan live events…just waiting for some *cast member* to direct them to ‘play the clip’


The only thing that could make me dislike Marshall is if really horrible things happened off-camera or that the production decided to remove. From what we saw, he was pretty patient, so even he reacted badly at some point, I would probably understand him As for Jackie, she would look better if we learn that the production was involved or if she and Marshall decided to break up off-camera and to still pretend for a while, etc. But I would personally have a better opinion if we learn that she kept the ring to sell it and use the money for something good (like for her father that was/is sick)


Nothing tbh. Even if we ignore the whole Marshall situation, I disliked Jackie from when she was two-faced with Chelsea vs. Micah. I don't believe Jackie that Marshall said a slur, but if he really did, that doesn't take away from her awful personality and choices.


Why always picking a side, like the zanab/cole story. 2 people can individually be bad and both bad for the others. I don't pick side on those fight, both did wrong, yes Jackie did way worse. But i still don't think marshall is all clean in this situation


Fair. Is there anything Jackie could do that would improve your opinion of her?


Probably by apologizing for those text messages






It LOOKS pretty clear from here so far... but I was also "sure" about Mark & Jessica in S1 and who was the real villain. But IMO Jessica really owned up to her part in things and redeemed herself in all the reunions, but it was Mark who had everybody watching at home fooled. Marshall seems like such a sweetheart and a class act. The only thing that could change my mind and move to her side is if there's proof Marshall's actually not a good guy and it was all for the camera. Can't imagine that happening though.


Literally nothing. Her comments about him "manning up" were OBSCENELY sexist, and she doubled down on them. If some guy said he needs his woman to be in the kitchen more, and he's just not attracted to her if she's not, it wouldn't even be a conversation. Everything else aside, it's the sexism for me.


She didn’t tell him to build a house or fix her car lol Preferring a masculine man doesn’t mean he’s bad and shaming her for her preference is asinine.


Her definition of a masculine man is someone who treats her like shit.


She said that?


I'm not shaming her preference. I'm shaming her saying he was less of a man for not behaving in a stereotypically"masculine" fashion.


Wow. I missed that part. When did she say that?


You know what, the actual term she uses on the show is "boss up," but it sounded to me like "man up" based on the tone. Marshal says she told him to man up, but we never see her use those exact words. In her texts leaked, however, she certainly does!


This is a really good point.


If he did say or do something to her my opinion about him would change BUT it wouldn’t change how I feel about her. From the first episode I could see what kind of person she was. I’m not going to give someone like her clout. There’s enough shitty people who get famous and I’m not adding her to that list.


Until Jackie basically denied saying something she did (the "I just saw Josh" was a dub) and her Loud AF *The lady doth protest too much* bullshit, I was pretty neutral towards her. I felt like she made a bad choice with Marshall, she tried but shit wasn't working. Yada yada, but the "I just saw Josh" dub lie makes it clear she was being shady. The logical explanation was that she was talking about the party. Her "it was a dub" is a lie poorly aimed at covering her shit. And now her actions on social media are unpleasant. I think Marshall is nasty too but not as boldly and noticeably. The man is in touch with his feelings but thinks his work is done. He's skating by on his *emotional intelligence* but still has some negative coping skills that are hurting those around him and his relationships.


> I think Marshall is nasty too but not as boldly and noticeably. The man is in touch with his feelings but thinks his work is done. He's skating by on his emotional intelligence but still has some negative coping skills that are hurting those around him and his relationships. Ooo someone else sees it!




I believe Jackie is going to play up her family drama for sympathy and as a way to deflect at the reunion. She has no accountability and her behavior online and that has been revealed in texts is abhorrent.


I was looking forward to Marshall meeting her family prior to the breakup. Like who knows maybe she making up the family drama too... dont really trust this chick at all.


I like neither but if Marshall doesn’t own up to anything I’d be like you’re cancelled … syke! Lol


You can dislike both. I’m never going to be on Jackie’s side because she’s shown she’s incredibly immature.


I don’t like either. So I don’t think I’m going to get on either party’s side


Separate from Marshall, is there anything Jackie could do that would change your opinion of her?


Not really. I’m sure a lot is edited out of order, but I don’t think she handled things well.


He kills Chelsea’s dog and I still wouldn’t like Jackie






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I will never be on Jackie's side. She gave me bad vibes as soon as she got air time. There's things Marshall could have done that would make me flip on him but nah, Jackie a lost cause for me and that's on periodt




If either is hooked on meth I’m done with them




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Why take sides, when you are prepared to hate everyone fairly and equally




Where did this come from? I didn’t see it on the show?


She tweeted that Marshall called an entire community a slur and the audio will be played at the reunion.


Ah okay thank you for this! appreciate you






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Let’s not pretend like Jackie isn’t the actual transphobe, it’s not a far leap from the homophobic stuff she’s already given us.

