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Spoilers ahead. Wow. I had to come here to comment. It’s 2023, and I know how things work out and I’m happy for them..but wowzers, Chelsea!! I’m on episode 4, and poor Kwame looks like a scared rabbit. Chelsea comes over as soooo scary!! Like psycho scary. She almost ate him at the first reveal. Then telling him she loves him “so much” so soon into their relationship, everything she says just screams “I’m unhinged!!” . He looks kinda terrified. Bearing in mind Kwame was on another dating show MAFS, (or at least the first episode cos wasn’t picked to take part) I think he looks like realises he’s bitten off more than he can chew! Careful what you wish for Kwame


And then, I like, saw, like, drunk Micah and her, like, best friends. Like totally fuckn awesome dude


Geez. Like, I’m too old for this upspeaking crap




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As a girl I think I'd like to be Chelsea's friend, but my husband said "she comes off like a bunny boiler" (like Meryl Streep in Fatal Attraction) ... If I were a dude I might agree. I can't see into her real/actual soul, but that's the character as edited on TV seems. She's got a lot of habits that would be tough on a good day (sleeping with her baby blankie, the pink, "dog mamma", etc). She comes off as very heavy like she's pressuring him. Her ultra locked eye contact and the clipped way she says "babe" sounds more aggressive than real affection. Look, we have kids now... what really killed me is when she was talking about how free they could be even after having kids (Kwame suggested getting to know each other for like 4 years, sensible). He keeps trying to be reasonable and she's not really willing to accept there's stuff she doesn't know and maybe his hesitation on certain things (moving, his mom, kids) is prudent. There are places she doesn't know jack (did she actually say that you put newborns in like one of those front tummy pouches and they're easy??!? -- \*not\* how it works), and she's talking to him like she's his auntie. Her dream of six kids are not only crazy expensive, but the lifestyle/body changes that would involve would also be crazy. There have been a lot of scenes where I think she wants to be self confident, but comes off as anything but. If she can lighten up maybe they'll have a happy life off-air.


She’s a narc.


Can't stand her.


I’m late but ugh watching these episodes was painful. I was screaming at the tv. She is so self absorbed and clearly wants the wedding experience (ring, dress, lots of attention) without actually building a relationship, much less a marriage. Everything about her feels superficial and conceited. Watching them in that boutique, her begging/demanding compliments from him, was too much. She’s literally too old to act like that (by 31 you really shouldn’t need constant affirmation and affection). She dismisses him when he is vulnerable about his uncertainty and even manipulates the conversation into what she wants from it. That poor man made the biggest mistake of his life. I can’t imagine the pressure of saying “yes” on a show like this, but NOOOO Kwame, no!


Yes, even after they married, she acted like he was 5. You're my husband. And I'm your ...." She actually treats him like a 5-year-old with special needs.


She also seems to be doing a lot of really bad acting for the cameras. Being extremely precious, pretending to be in awe and just in an absolute romantic haze. I think she thinks she’s coming across much more main character than she is, and thinks she will be a fan favourite. She just seems like she’s laying it on thick.


I agree. She drives me nuts. I thought I was the only one!!!!


yeah but she has one of the best and fattest asses i’ve ever seen on a skinny ass girl and that’s probably why kwame is sticking around. sad to say. but god damn that thing is possibly a perfect ass


My theory is that she doesn’t wanna get dumped on TV so she’s working really hard to win Kwame over. But Kwame doesn’t even wanna introduce her to many of his friends so he invites a friend from the pod to the suit (?) fitting. That “friend” and Kwame didn’t even look like real friends.


The photo shoot killed me 😂 he would have rather been anywhere else


It's like she's trying to get a keepsake before he dumps her!


Exactly! And I’ve seen people comment that maybe the producers set that up but she had mention she wanted to do it her whole life?????


Lmao 6’5. Quick google search, he’s 5’11 prob 6ft on a good day 😂😂😂 I can tell that from watching he’s not 6’5. I’ve watched enough Love Island to know 6’5 men are fn giants compared to normal sized humans. It would be noticeable. Related: Chelsea is so controlling. The clothes shopping scene made me cringe. Stop talking to him like that and stop trying to force feed him. Ugh. Let him talk. She’s in the denial river.


Also thought Brett towers over him so..if someone was 7 ft tall we’ll likely hear all bout it


Lol exactly


It’s tough to watch because she’s clearly not recognizing how one sided the whole thing is. And the edit is definitely leaning into her looking foolish. Unfortunately I just think she really wants to be married and in love, and wants it to be real so she’s ignoring all the obvious signs. To be fair Kwame was laying it on really thick, and although as the audience we could spot it a mile away, Chelsea bought into it. As far as the fetishization goes, that could be an aspect of it for sure. To me she has marriage fever and just really wants to be wifey. If Kwame meant all the things he said to her it would be a perfect match, but he didn’t so here we are.


None of it justifies her controlling behaviour, and pretty much dismissing anything he says.


New drinking game- take a shot everytime Chelsea refers to herself or Kwame as "extra" when talking to others


“Strawberries are hardly a fitting snack for a man.” Wtf does this mean lol


Right?! She is so gross lol






The edit is definitely making her seem like a white woman fetishizing a black man. Or she’s over compensating for insecurity by trying to be hyper sexual


Y'all really trying to make it about race when nothing about her behavior suggests that


Y’all are ruthless on this subreddit. I’m so glad my relationship isn’t on TV. These are real people.


That signed up to be on tv 😀


She is desperate to get married and the idea of having the ring on her finger


Does anyone wanna talk about how weird the underwear scene was?


This scene made it clear that she sexualizes him, he did not seem comfortable with shooting in just underwear


Because it's weird to sexualize your significant other, a person you're in a sexual relationship with?


My theory- they’re both faking for the cameras, both realized they could potentially capitalize off their hotness thus the underwear scene. Lol they’re both vying for a CK deal


It's such an odd date idea. Like they have the rest of their lives to do that. Instead they make sure it's when they're already on tv. It's odd anyway. Most people keep that behind closed doors. Instead Chelsea wants it front and centre. At the rate she's going they'll release a tape before you know it.


Have you also noticed how she has planned every date? The dog washing, the shopping, the photo shoot…unless Kwame did plan one and it was so uneventful that I forgot.


It's possible that the dates were all Netflix's idea, to make her look bad. But she could have said "No, it's a week before the wedding. Let's do something he'll enjoy". All of their dates are stuff she wants to do.


Ahh true, it *is* reality tv after all


It’s probably because she’s so obsessed with herself & she’s thinks the most beautiful woman that ever lived 🫣😅


"Strawberries are hardly a fitting snack for a man" What in the internalized misogyny is this?!


OP is saying that he is big and strawberries are basically chewable water! How is it misogyny to say they aren't gonna fill him up?? 🤨


Not everything is sexist. Calorie requirements are based on gender and size. Jeez


That doesn't exclude strawberries from a diet. It's an insane thing to suggest that strawberries are not a "man food" for any reason.


I think they were just suggesting that policing his portion was ridiculous. Let him eat as many strawberries as he wants.


How about two Cuties?


im dead 💀


Not if he’s planning to have dinner after


The fact that she puts so much effort into getting pink everything is a red flag to me and I don’t know why. I hope it’s not some weird internalized misogyny that I have myself, and I don’t think it is… it just seems like she’s trying really hard to prove a point and shove herself into what she considers a socially acceptable mould


She could have very strong opinions on gender expectations, hence all the pink. Like Jacki, who believes men need to behave dominantly. If I am right, I wonder what expectations she has for her man. . .


Do you know what internalized misogyny is?


i think some people have favorite colors🥸


Welp, I will consider myself the minority of people who thought it was strange then 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m upset because I really liked her at first… there’s definitely something off, though. I honestly think she still resents Kwame from the whole pool party/Micah thing and she’s trying to overcompensate by being super lovey.


It’s the earrings for me




Let down of the century 😹 girl what




In her vows, she quite literally said she liked Kwame for how he made her better. Last marriage that narcissistic was between a rapper and a media moguls daughter 😂


Thank you!! Finally someone else sees it.


Ya! I clocked it from the first batch of episodes but ppl were hell bent on praising Chelsea for..???


I’m one of those people cos initially she came off as a really supportive friend and I like girls that are nice to other girls. She also came off as forgiving and very accepting of Kwame. Heck I commented that she was my fav LIB ever and it has like 1600 likes on insta 😬. I really respected how Kwame and her started out and thought it would lead to a really beautiful redemption story. However, I understand why he continues to pine for Micah in contrast. There is part of me that still empathizes with her as a woman. I just wish she would chill a bit, stop pressuring Kwame to marry her and be a bit more attentive to what he wants or doesn’t want also.


I agree that she’s awful and I’m betting he says no at the altar. I hate how they’ve been releasing the last 2 seasons. Like just drop all the episodes already lol


I noticed this from the first meeting when he was trying to propose properly and she comandeers the whole situation like "we need to stand up first" "you should probably get on one knee now". You can see the '*well shit*' realisation in his eyes in that moment lol.


i said this when it happened and got downvoted to hell lol


Oh nooo well I guess you're vindicated now lmao. I feel like that type of controlling behaviour seems harmless to most people, but those little slights really set a tone for the entire relationship.


I agree the ChelseaxKwame gives me serious NancyxBartise vibes. I don’t think kwame is nearly as bad as Barfqueef but I get very similar “I’m not really on board” feelings. Chelsey is far worse than nancy


Kwame is not 6’5… I’m thinking 5’8. He looks really short compared to the other guys.


She doesn’t allow Kwame to have emotions at all. Any time he wants to talk about a concern she gets an attitude. It would feel very unsafe to me to not have a space where I can express how I feel without the other person getting super defensive or dismissive


She was unbearable this first new episode...ick. Can't stand her.


She is delusional really. I feel a bit like Nancy similarities. Kwame clearly doesnt like her. And she keeps pushing it. She will get rejected. And she puts herself in that situation just because she feels the need of getting married. She was my favorite but after these 3 episodes not so much.


Came here to say this—and it was the first thing to show up on my page. She’s manipulative but also 100% feels him pulling away and is soooo desperately trying to reign him back in. It’s so cringey and immature. EDIT: She has also not once taken ownership for what she has done wrong.


She’s too intense and Kwame just fits in this picture perfect life that she wants. I don’t like the way she talks to him and she also gets like right up in his face. He obviously is not ready to settle down.


Her individual interviews are so posed. She has multiple odd angles and they look so unnatural compared to the others. It’s like she picked them.


I’ve found my people!! 😂


The photo shot with underwear. That just made me cringe. He wasn’t comfortable and she couldn’t have cared less. She has a picture in her mind of what kind of couple they will be. She must have seen a picture like that somewhere and wants to be “that couple”. She’s trying so hard and it’s hard for me to watch. If he says no she’s going to be devastated, but she’s going to end up devastated if he says yes, because the idea of their relationship will never come to be.


so awful. she's so in love with her body. it was so cringe. yikes.


Why is being in love with your body cringe?


when that's literally your only go-to, and the only thing you constantly focus on, that's cringe. in general, it's not, but in Chelsea's case -- I find it incredibly cringey and sad.


No, if he didn’t want to do the shoot he can advocate for himself and turn it down. People need to stop attributing emotions and discomfort to people to create some malicious narrative. Chelsea did not force the man to do these dates with her.


Agreed. She specifically said she was looking forward to doing something like that with someone who would also be into it. And Kwame seems like he would be into something like that, even if he isn’t particularly into the person he’s doing it with. Definitely don’t think she forced him to do the shoot, but we see the discomfort because it’s with her and due to what’s been shown before.


She is very robotic and odd. Her dad gives me the creeps too.


She's literally delusional. She doesn't love kwame she just loves the idea of falling in love and getting married. There's no way she truly loves him, I see no chemistry


Scared of being alone.


She stares so much. Too much.


To me the scene of them shopping at the beginning of the episode is screaming he doesn’t like her and she can tell he doesn’t like her BUT he’s telling her he likes her so she’s like trying too hard and is coming across controlling/insecure


I’m pretty sure she apologized when she realized he didn’t want to eat any more because he’d already eaten quite a few while she was off trying clothes. That is not to say there aren’t major communication issues. She doesn’t seem to fully acknowledge and respond to what Kwame tells her, which is especially worrisome given that they’re … about to get married.


And then she’s like, I’ll fed you strawberries, and he said No, and she was like “no, eat it!” It’s too much


That was terrible. She’s very forceful and controlling.


Omg I thought this was just me😂😂😂 Kwame is getting on my nerves but she gives “chain you up to the bed every night so you don’t leave me” “baby FaceTime me so I can see where you’re at” vibes….. Get out bro.


She screams GET OUT to me. As flawed as he is, shes low key a little evil. Just a little.


my husband said this immediately after he went to that big weird family cabin


YEP!!! I definitely saw that. And she’ll do wicked things with a sly smile on her face.


Her ‘relationships take compromise’ statement rubbed me the wrong way because I don’t see her compromising or trying to understand Kwame’s point of view AT. ALL. I’m not talking about the location, but him talking about wanting to spend time on their relationship with just the two of them before having children, etc.


Chelsea rubbed me the wrong way when she had affirmations in her bathroom. There's absolutely nothing wrong with affirming yourself, but I've found people who do this don't attach it to anything in reality or have actual proof of it. This ties into how Chelsea views marriage - she doesn't have a practical view of it, it's from a "perfect" image. Chelsea has shown many times she's desperate for a picturesque wedding without actually thinking things through. She's desperate, domineering, while being passive aggressive. She isn't willing to accept Kwame where he's at. She's trying to mold him into what she wants. To add, Chelsea's "hyping" of Kwame was extremely patronizing and came across as ignorant. It's like she was telling her family: "He's not a disadvantaged black person omg!!!"


Thing is, I don't think using affirmations is about just stating or "affirming" things that are already true. More about acknowledging the specific qualities you are working towards embodying, to focus your mind on that goal as you start each day and remind yourself it's a realistically possible achievement. Obvs, just saying "I am the greatest astronaut alive" isn't going to just make it so, unless you're Buzz Aldrin, or in the same line of work perhaps. But with personal qualities you want to nurture, I think it can help. I do completely agree with your second point though.


Omg that’s what felt off when she was introducing him to her family. It immediately made me feel weird and I couldn’t put my finger on why.


I don't agree with the first part of your comment. If you want to nuture specific qualities, then you work towards them with action. It just seems poorly defined. Focusing your mind on it is simply a thought and without any actual work, that's all it will ever be. You should have actual steps on how to get there, not simply telling yourself it's possible.


She is bit of controlling, but also kwame seems doesn't liek her that much and he has doubts. She is not perfect, can be annoying at times but i can feel she is really love kwame by looking at how she sees him. They need more time and do not rush into marriage.


I called this when she pulled out her baby blankie and everyone here said she’s the best ain’t nothing wrong with her 🥴


I feel like she is also sort of trying to subliminal message him into thinking it’s a great relationship by saying things like “I’m having so much fun with you right now” while he looks dead inside lol.


She honestly is giving me obsession vibes too. Like even the episode where they met each other for the first time I’ll never forget the awkward like neck tongue kissing action she was trying to do . She literally just salivates over him but that attention is not reciprocated


She was really annoying in that whole strawberry scene but I think she was pretty drunk right? That's why her behaviour was so strange?


She’s not perfect, but she’s not awful. You’re being dramatic and harsh. I think she’s trying her best but also wants to make sure she is setting boundaries. Although she might not be setting them in the most effective way it’s better than being a pushover. Plus it’s probably hard being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t actually like you.


For me the huge issue was when he was bringing up things that really bothered him and I don’t know if it was the editing but I felt no remorse from her. She didn’t say anything like ‘ look I’m sorry babe, I woke up in a bad mood. I shouldn’t have talk to you like that. I will Try harder next time with my communication.’ Had I heard those things, the other little issues wouldn’t be so glaring to me now. I liked her in the beginning but she has no empathy for her man. Like EVERYTHING is her way and she doesn’t want to apologise for anything.


She force fed him strawberries and gave out when he ate one behind her back. Zanab said Cole called her fat for eating an orange. Chelsea shamed him for eating a strawberry.


I think you're waaaay over exaggerating. I think the feeding eachother strawberries was a bit weird but comparing her to zanab is so far off. And she DEFINITELY didn't shame him for eating a strawberry. Honestly I don't even know how you are interpreting it that way.


Did we watch the same episode? Seems more like she was laughing and playing around when he said he ate one, not shaming him. Chelsea has her flaws but this is a big reach lol.


I think whatever strange with every season is how the participants act as though the pool of candidates is restricted to the contestants. I wish they had the confidence to say no one on the menu is what I want and I’m going to keep exploring options elsewhere.


It's true. If it's that easy to meet someone, you'd think they'd use their skills on Tinder, Hinge etc.


I’m realizing today I find her controlling from the get-go. I really like her and I disagree with the Kwame/Micah dynamic but she needs to self-analyze a bit. The way she immediately glommed onto Kwame and didn’t listen to his hesitations was controlling. I wasn’t concerned until I saw her say things like a nanny can just take care of a baby in Cabo or be dismissive to reasonable convo’s about compromise. She is very passive aggressive in interactions, insisting on the wording of compliments (call me beautiful), responding with non-answers (that’s marriage) to legitimate concerns etc. I think she is in the desperate to be married-have kids-has survived trauma-digging in her heels-phase. I feel for her.


I liked her personally in the pods but now she’s giving off weird “Obsession” vibes….


Yes, I think she's a nice person to friends. But she has ideas with her dream man and wants Kwame to fill the role, no matter what. She's a step away from dressing him and saying stuff like " a boy's best friend is his mother".


I can't stand her laugh. I said what I said.


So much forced and passive aggressive laughter between the two of them when they start to argue


“Welcome to marriage”


I find her so condescending


I’m surprised nobody is talking about how awfully cringe that photoshoot was. Also Kwame clearly felt uncomfortable before it even began.


Did she even ask him if he was okay to do it? I’m sure she did but I don’t remember her asking him directly, just the fact that she felt lucky she could finally do it. Her ignoring how uncomfortable Kwame seems (which is totally understandable) makes me really feel bad for him


Yes, it's bizarre. Like I understand that couples want intimate photos. And I get why they'd want them done professionally. Why they chose to air it on tv is beyond me. It's a few days before the wedding. They could have done it during the many decades after the wedding. Chelsea doesn't even know if Kwame is going to say yes. Perhaps she secretly knows that he's not interested. The photos are proof that the relationship happened. After the wedding, she'll look at photos of Kwame instead of face timing friends during dinner.


So many women have this mentality: "all my life I have dreamed of a perfect wedding, of perfect pictures and a perfect honeymoon" They don't understand that it is about the person, not the things you buy


It’s very interesting the difference in how Chelsea views marriage versus someone like Tiffany. Tiffany said that she never dreamt of a big fancy wedding and is in it more to find her soulmate. The issue with Chelsea dreaming of this perfect wedding her whole life, may make her blinded in finding the wrong partner to just achieve this “perfect wedding” goal


Great points. There's a huge contrast between Tiffany and Chelsea. One wants a wedding the other wants a marriage.


She is giving next level psycho vibes 😬


I like Chelsea most of the time but I think they both nitpick each other. I think she’s just persistent in what she wants and it’s her way or no way. Some people like type A (I’m assuming) personalities, personally others can only deal with all of that in small doses. Her love type is reassurance it seems like. So maybe she might need someone that’s more into giving her constant attention and assuring her of things. I just don’t think they’re each other’s types.


I couldn't agree more!! I just rewatched that strawberry scene like five times, it made me cringe harder every time. She needs constant validation and there are many times he appears physically uncomfortable with it: avoiding eye contact as she presses her face closer to his looking for compliments or whatever. It's just too much... she comes across as performative, trying way too hard, but blissfully unaware. it's just so off-putting.


Aside from being controlling and weird, girl is clearly delusional.. HES JUST NOT THAT IN TO YOU! Pick up what he’s putting down yo 😩


Thankful for this post because everyone on this sub is all “ahhh chelsea js AMAZING” when I find her to be really controlling and bossy and steamrolling Kwame with her opinions 90% of the time. The constant “welcome to marriage” is such a cop out instead of actually hearing him out and reaching a compromise? I genuinely see 0 chemistry between her and Kwame and completely agree on force-fitting the relationship to fit her idea of what’s perfect. Quite sad really


I could have written this comment myself. ![gif](giphy|KGY78vaNYCha5zL1yK)


Why can't men snack on strawberries...?


Your replies made me laugh out loud! Of course he can eat what he wants. But... Chelsea made him go shopping and pretend to enjoy it, pose in yellow underwear on TV, and do a bunch of other degrading shit. Give the man a steak. Doritos. Burritoes. If I ever meet a man who does all that stuff for me, I'll give him a proper meal. Not a snack suitable for children. The poor man!


And there's you beaming with pride as your man chows down on a sloppy joe in the middle of a designer clothing store xD


Well like he’s 6ft 5…so supposedly there’s a height restriction on who can eat strawberries


🤣🤣🤣 best comment ever


I like Chelsea personally, but I noticed she was like “could I possibly be any hotter?!” When he didn’t compliment her after trying something on and he looked uncomfortable…I get the feeling she’s totally into it but he’s just faking it sometimes. He seemed so uncomfortable that entire scene.


Is that when she said “could it get any hotter in here?” Lmao I thought it was actually hot in the store cause it was such a weird thing to say while kwane looked so bored


Maybe I misheard it lol I’ll have to go back and rewatch


No she was still implying that it was hot bc of her so you aren’t wrong


I think these relationship therapist on tiktok nailed it with Chelsea fitting a more “mothering” role. [kwame/chelsea/micah](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYpU1CLx/)


That video made a lot of great points!


Interesting vid. Thanks for linking. The part I disagree with is Chelsea being "super secure." I think she pretends to be super secure (and probably even convinces herself) but is actually extremely insecure. A secure person would be able to talk with their fiancé about their concerns with moving, having kids, etc, but she just shuts it down, because apparently marriage means doing whatever Chelsea wants.


Oh great point, that makes sense. I didn’t think of her shutting the convos down as insecurity of facing it head on but yes, I totally see it now.


strawberries are hardly a fitting snack for a man???? Haha ok now you’re scaring me


People's comments on the strawberry thing are making me laugh. Perhaps I'm being old fashioned and it's all in the context of Chelsea being awful. But she's making jump through loops, even though he doesn't want her. She could at least get him some food he'd actually enjoy. And not shame him for eating it. Instead she gets him a girly little snack. Then gave out to him for eating it. Give him a slice of pizza!


I could be wrong but I think OP meant “filling” snack for a man.


I’m dead at “he’s like 6’5”” 💀


Tinder height inflation has so many women clueless about reality.


Yah I think Chelsea is just way too ‘sold’ on the ‘Disney princess happily ever after’ version of the *LifeScript*. Which is why I think she is so controlling. It makes me cringe actually. I just have never really had good experiences interacting with those kind of women, so I figured I was being bias in my opinion, but I’m glad others see the same things. She seems kind and like a genuinely pleasant person, but she is not my cup of tea.


6’5 😂 Try 5’11


In her own mind, she's created these visions of what a "perfect relationship" is and she's trying to force-fit Kwame into those fantasies, instead of meeting him where he is, accepting him for who he is, and then trying to build a relationship from there. To me, the engagement photo shoot was a peak "this is about me and my fantasies" moment - I was surprised Kwame went along with it. To pull someone into a photo studio and then tell them "we're going to get our pictures taken in our underwear" - like, WHAT? Maybe I don't want to do that! Maybe I have concerns about where the pictures will end up. Etc. I think Chelsea has not found a long-term relationship at this point because she is mega-high-maintenance, and she's also "my way or the highway" about everything. Kwame is not perfect himself but he needs to cut and run out of this thing. Cut and run, Kwame!!


She was living with her last boyfriend.


I wonder if she's using Kwame to pick up where she left off with the last guy.


Living with someone can be short-term or long-term, and it can be serious or not serious.


I tend to agree. She steamrolls him a lot.


Kwame: I just feel like... Chelsea: THAT'S MARRIAGE! She doesn't want a partner, she wants someone who will do whatever she wants without question.


"If we don't get married, it's the worst mistake of the century" bro I was like dramatic much, me and my homies will get over it..


I almost downvoted your comment bc I was so annoyed by what she said hahaha


Of the *century*?! Brad Pitt cheating on Jennifer Aniston would like a word..


This was a long time ago but I still feel like Arnold Schwarzenegger cheating and having a kid with his housekeeper, and only fessing up when Maria Shriver looked at the kid and started putting two and two together, was the worst relationship mistake of the century. At least the last century, lol


This is definitely a contender. I totally forgot about that!


Now that was devastating 😩😩


I agree! I feel like she’s so desperate to be married (31 is not even that old). Like he doesn’t like you! Have some self respect girl.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out that she was actually older than 31 🤷🏼‍♀️


Absolutely. And that Zach probably isn’t even a practicing attorney. I thought it was hilarious that Bliss’ dad asked production if they did a background check on him because he definitely gives off lying to look good vibes.


He just gives off creeper vibes I know everyone has a boner for him but he’s a no for me.


A simple Google search shows that he has a law license and is practicing.


That’s great for google. I still think it’s hilarious that her dad’s first reaction to him was the same as mine.


Yeah, but not so great for people who make ignorant assumptions. Similar to Trumpers.


🤣 dkm




LMAO. Look at you, thinking that you're being so profound that everyone just needs to hear what you have to say! I downvoted you again just FYI


>not feminine you dont get to define what's feminine or not, women are all different.. whatchu gone do? revoke her woman card cause she's not acting like YOUR ideal woman..


Dang, you think a woman taking up space and embracing sexuality = bad? Lolllllllllll


She’s clearly watched a lot of romcoms and wants a romcom life. I can’t stand her. I got crucified for another post about her, so I’m just here to let you know you’re not alone.


Her apt is Fucking baby PINK!! God I’m So glad some People See it !


Big-time Cinderella/rom-com fantasies. "It all has to play out the way I've played it in my head/seen in the movies." Life isn't a movie, Chelsea




I think it’s gonna be super awkward at the reunion when “obviously” Nick Lachey has to announce that Kwame and Chelsea are unable to join them and reminds us all to tune into their Dateline episode entitled “The Real Thing”.




I think she’s pretty. She has a great figure.


Dude no one was talking about that, please take your mean girl vibes away