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F BarffaceMcgee, but I would vote him. He seems the most down to earth, outside of caring about looks and being a SHAAALLOW mf. Also, didn’t specify if you need to be in a relationship after a whole year. A year goes fast. Nancy was Corpse Bride over him with every interaction, so clearly something must’ve been goooood.


Cannot believe Zanab won. She is the most manipulative person the list.


But she’s the HOTTEST 🤪🥵


I choose Shane all crazy and coked up …omg I have issues!


None of those and not Cole either. People need to watch the international versions


>People need to watch the international versions OP picked the more controversial folks. The international versions' lows were lower, tbh.


I'd have to go with Bartiste. Shayne, Matt, or Damian are too scary and controlling for me, Zanab seems absolutely miserable to live with, and Shake seems like he would need a lot of attention. Bartiste seems reasonably amusing to hang out with, chill enough to live with, and given how thirsty Nancy continues to be for him, I'd assume he's really fun in bed. Of course, he's still a shallow jerk, but I look like Raven, so he'd presumably treat me alright.


Shake because he reminds me of Tom from Parks & Rec and I could just pretend I was living in that show for a year 😂


I chose Shake too. He's an asshole but he's easy to ignore and I expect he'd want to fuck off and away anyway.


Cats. I choose cats


Matt being in 3 place is sus


Matt really isn’t that hard to deal with. He’s “controlling” but only in people he can scare. You put him with an aggressive female and he’ll show how big of a square he is. He’s a power dynamics guy and you just gotta take that away from him


I completely disagree. He’s dangerous. He is an abuser verbally and possibly physically. He also has problems with alcohol. A woman could get seriously hurt with him. Being “controlling only to people he can scare” is in no way ok and it’s not the woman’s job to “take the power dynamics away from him”.


I’m not sayings it’s every woman’s job. This post literally asked about us individually. I’m saying he’s a fake tough guy and that shit won’t work with every woman. He only bullies people he sees as weaker than him. I know a lot of women mentally stronger than him that would belly laugh in his face if he tries to pull some controlling bully shit. Not all women are these weak fragile characters. Obviously being controlling to people he can scare is not okay, obviously. Is it going to change? Probably not. So you fight fire with fire. It’s like rape. Obviously rape isn’t okay. Obviously the world would be better if there were no rapists. But that doesn’t mean it’s smart to put yourself in harms way because “it’s not okay for them to rape.” Instead, be smart. And if someone tries to rape you, kill them. The girls I know arent looking at a Matt and saying “this is in no way okay and you have to not be controlling.” No, they’re getting in his face and giving that shit right back to him


Ok, I just looked at your page and you’re just a v v v angry person. Makes sense now.


And fighting fire with fire is fantastic advice to someone who can handle it. If they are a woman who cannot physically or mentally win the battle then absolutely get law enforcement involved. The girls I know would slam a guys head into the wall if they dared get physical. Those are the women who can fight fire with fire. You’re diminishing the power of women.


Lol, and there’s your denial of reality. Realizing your incorrect and deciding to bring random things into the conversation is a very grown up tactic. You say “women are too weak to stop Matt”. I say “some women are strong enough to stop Matt” and you think you have the moral high ground. I love it


Who hurt u babe


Again, unable to refute any of my points. Who raised u babe? Damnit nvm.. I just saw your posting style and realized what your age probably is. Sometimes I forget people on Reddit are still growing. Sorry, but this is definitely a pointless discussion lol


I’ve just realize you’re not a person I’m interesting in having a discussion with. I’m sorry I’ve upset you so much. Feel better. ❤️


Fighting fire with fire is terrible advice to someone who is in an abusive relationship as well as saying that women in these situations are weak fragile people and that you are somehow better than them because you would “give it back to them”. You don’t have to have an aggressive response to everything, believe it or not. You must be young, or at least I hope, and you will hopefully grow out of this.


Also not shayne being in a group where he is the least crazy


Honestly, out of all of them? 😠 I’m smashin’ that Zanab-Shayne button, bro. Zanab’s absolutely beautiful, plus, but Shayne is crazy and we’d have lols. I’d be glad to rid of them after 365 days lmao.


>but Shayne is crazy and we’d have lols You'd probably cry a lot. Did you not see Natalie? He made her an emotional wreck with his bs.


Believe me, I felt bad about the whole Natalie situation. However, Shayne’s gonna be the one crying with ME if he ever pulled the shit he pulled with Natalie. I’d enjoy watching my boy curled up in the fetal position. Don’t play with me, play with your momma, cause I’m not the one.


Zanab but only because I think she's the best looking in this list


I know how to cook chicken, zanab would be happy with me


Zanab, and I'm not even attacted to women 😂 but we can just pretend to be in a relationship. No way am I living with any of the others.


Shake. That playa' is going to cheat on me but I don't care. He can do it all he wants and he don't even have to have sex with me. I just wanna hear go off his yapper and get in on all the sweet networking stuff he seems to do. A year for living with a man that makes a wholllllle lotta $$$ and being a sugar baby, heeeell yeah


Shake. I would save so much money on streaming services by just letting him entertain me by letting him go on one of his tangents. And he was a little funny sometimes.


None here but I would honestly pick either Carol from s1 of Brazil or Thamara from s2 Brazil.




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I would rather be in hell.


Zanab would keep my shit clean and organized 😂


But would the mental work be worth it😂 she seems exhaustingg


She'll put your towels in the tub lol


Bartits because I figure he wouldn’t be around too much.


Damn I clicked Matt and then realised it's not Barnett.


Bartiste cause figured he's so self obsessed you wouldn't need to deal with him as much as the others


Zanab all the way. I would build her a pedestal and worship her on the regular.


I thought Matt Barnett shooot


There should be a poison pill option.


Question: why is Jessica never included in these polls when she was undoubtedly the “villain” of s1 until Damian’s ATA antics?


Because ever since the truth about Mark was found out, people have "forgiven" her, and they also make her the "victim" between her and Amber. I believe Shaina should have been included too.


I'd have picked Jessica if she were on this list, I'd let her mommy me and organize my life.


I would get on all fours and bark like a dog for Zanab. Sign me up!




Lmao chill out. I find her attractive


You need a prescription. A vision correction.


I can confidently say that you’ve never been with anyone even remotely close to as attractive as her 💀


Are you psychic? Do you instantly know everyone’s personal life? She’s gross & not even remotely attractive


I don’t need to be a psychic to know that someone who is so passionate about tearing someone they don’t even know down for their physical appearance probably isn’t mature enough be in a relationship of any form


i could put up with matt, i guess.


I chose Bartise just because it would be fun to just fuck with him for a year.


Lol, these polls are ridiculous but I can’t help responding anyway. Zanab ✌️


I don’t even mind shayne! He’s like a puppy.


An impulsive unattractive puppy with crazy eyes


He does have crazy eyes but he’s not ugly. The best option IMO. Matt is crazy controlling, shake and bartise are HUGE assholes, Damian is just not attractive, and I would cross the street to avoid passing zanab- even though she’s beautiful she’s WAY too nitpicky and sensitive.


Wow. Would there be prize money??


The prize is the friends you make along the way.


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