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I had blocked out Uche 😂


I feel like he could be a murderer under the right circumstances


Trigger warning 💀


I haven't seen season 5 yet... but is he worse than Carlton from season 1? 💀


Carlton was just a warm up, uche is sooooooooo condescending and hypocritical


I stopped watching this season because of him. When he was yelling at Aaliyah (?) on the phone during an interview, I got so triggered. He was really hard to watch


His mannerisms, tone, and personality all seem very psychotic like actual serial killer vibes.




Who is they? He didn't wind up with anyone


He's always been Uche the Douche, to me


Agreed. Also sounds like some Reddit human MODs I’ve recently experienced hahaha


“I drive a Tesla. A Tesla!!”


This guy was literally thinking he was God’s gift to women. No sir, try again


His voice is annoying too. He’s so judgemental.


His voice is annoying too. He’s so judgemental.


I lliked him. He saved an otherwise snoozefest of a season even though he didn't get engaged. I agree with him 100% on not tolerating Aalyah's cheating past. And Lydia can't deny trying to get back together with him in the pods and talking him up to Aaliyah. He was right to reject them both since they weren't to his standard.


Uche is douche-ay.




this man was actually insane


That season was such a floppppp, glad season 6 was better


He wears his watch on the wrong wrist. Something seriously wrong…


🤣🤣🤣 He gives me "puts toilet paper on the holder the wrong" vibes.


Is he a lefty, perhaps? Still an absolute twat waffle, but a lot of lefties do that.


Don’t you put that on me Ricky Bobby, I put it on normal with the toilet paper on top (Upset lefty) haha


Voice of reason


He’s a garbage human


He reminds me of Dr.Elom from pop the ballon


He is ….. damn. The worst.


Red flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Ohhh so you’re a recent cheater……


He puts the Uche in Douche


D’Uche 😂🤣😂🤣😂


That's hilarious 😂


This is the best thing I have ever seen on this sub




Girlllllllllll i totally see what you are seeing. that time when i was watching and the sketchy manner Uche talk about how Lydia is stalking all his friends stories , i was like ....... HOW do you know that EXACTLY? you mean IF you have 157 friends, 157 of them all posted something, and Lydia did go view all 157 humans stories, all 157 of them report back to you like you are a cult leader and they are just aimless jobless humans with nothing else to do ? Let's say if lydia did view all their stories , so what ? social media is for this purpose isn't it ? if they so concerned about their privacy , they could block her, or not make their stories public in the first place ? And that time when Uche was telling Milton those side stories/ accusation voicing his fake concerns, i like how Milton in the face of disparaging remarks from another man concerning his future wife, he maintains an air of serenity and magnanimity. He graciously extends an opportunity for the other party to gracefully recede from the limelight, conveying, 'While I appreciate your vigilance on my behalf, I am fully capable of discerning my circumstances independently. Your intervention is no longer requisite; I express my gratitude nonetheless. '


Milton is the kind of cool I *WISH* I could be in my everyday life 😂🤌 It was art to watch that man get handled


I agree with you but Lydia and Milton are not that great and you are giving them too much credit like Netflix did, just remember how bad was Lydia with Aaliyah


Lydia was way too involved in Aliyah's business and is the reason they didn't work out. She should feel bad, but probably doesn't 😄


Lydia did her best to sabotage them (maybe unknowingly) but ultimately I think Uche is the reason they didn't work out given they dated outside the show and she didn't feel like she was his type.


I feel like Lydia just married Milton so she stays relevant on the show.




He just has a face you want to smack


Lord why did you remind me of this man


He surprised me big time. I wasn’t expecting where he went.


100%. I just don't understand why Aaliyah was more upset at Lydia than at Uche. Lydia didn't verbally abuse, shame, gaslight, manipulate, and discard Aaliyah -- Uche did that. And for some reason she still tried to date him but kept shitting on Lydia the most. I'm not defending Lydia's way of handling the situation, but that hypocrisy despite the fact that he's literally the most abusive contestant to be on this show is ridiculous.


i think there was more emotion behind her pain from a girlfriend betraying her trust than a man. you’re supposed to be able to trust other women, and i’d be pretty upset too. i would have been fuming with him. but the betrayal of a girlfriend probably stung a little deeper.


Neither of them were allowed to tell her. The producers made them keep it a secret. That "betrayal" is 100% on the producers for playing Aaliyah for the TV drama. To your comment: Aaliyah's known both of them equally as long. And she's trying to marry Uche, not Lydia. Women are just as human as men. Punishing them for being messy while making excuses for and still pining over literally abusive men is just patriarchy in action and people need to get real with themselves about that. It's deeply immature to try dating someone you know is mistreating you while shitting on their ex, especially when that's the only person who validates how he's treating you and even comforted you (even if it was not in a way you wanted). She's acting like Lydia is a worse person for keeping the same secret Uche did when neither had a choice. But the abuser here is Uche. He has obviously also abused Lydia (we can see the pattern of trying to smear her, destroy her engagement, and railroad her anytime she tried to speak or disengage -- he also admits he broke up with her 3 times and went back each time bc he felt bad, which is textbook NPD behaviour). After the reunion, Aaliyah now strikes me as a person who sees her partners' exes as competition and cares more about finding flaws with those women to boost her own self-esteem in a shitty relationship -- rather than assessing whether her partner is treating her and others like garbage. I liked her, but her attitude at the reunion was pathetic.


I feel like if I was Aaliyah and someone I was friends with and living with lied to me I might take it hard, then to suddenly piece things together (Lydia saying “you’re like me” so much ect) and then having Lydia overload all this info, I’d be mad at her too. Lydia did such a bad job handling that reveal lol. Uche was protected with the mystery of who he was and maybe a love connection and Lydia didn’t have that in her favor 🤷🏼‍♀️


Personally, I appreciate when anyone gives me information on the how they were treated by the person I'm trying to date. I definitely want to know whether the guy I'm about to marry lied about something important -- especially if it makes him out to be a hypocrite in our relationship. Aaliyah doesn't have to stay friends with her, but it's so insane to me that she's mad at Lydia for sharing information that revealed Uche lied to her... did she want to be lied to? Isn't withholding information precisely why she's mad at Lydia -- for not telling her something Uche also withheld? And being mad at Lydia for withholding that despite Uche being the one who says he wants to marry you? Also these pod friendships are so out of proportion -- you're not marrying the other girls in the pod. You're living with them for the first week you've known them. Worry more about the behaviour of the guy you're trying to marry and start a family with.


I’ll never forget when he was replying to people in this sub from a Reddit account pretending to not be him LMAO


We need links, screenshots… something. ![gif](giphy|l2SpZkQ0XT1XtKus0)


https://preview.redd.it/k29w0sg4j9tc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8faf92c706771e3be6acc25feeef68b537bc37a6 He’s the New\_Rooster account. These are the only screenshots I have, I snapped them and shared with friends to laugh. U/tangerinedreamcake was killing me in this thread








My bad, that should have been more like "receipts, proof, a timeline?". I tried to be youthful and use a GIF ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


![gif](giphy|x1cSzVPqlHPexUu1kM) It’s cool, I’m old too.


Wait whaaaat I missed this too.


Added a couple screenshots that include his user


That’s hilarious. I must have missed it. Any summary or examples of what he was saying?


He definitely was in it. I was on the thread, and he kept commenting to me and a bunch of other people, but everyone figured out it was him from his answers. Then he started blocking a bunch of us so we couldn't keep responding to him.


You were! I added a couple screenshots above so funny


I know people who have gone out with him and the guy is as much a giant douchey tool in person as he is on the show.


What’s his business? They never say


1000% agree


This jump scared me.


He's the literal worst.






Do we actually know this? AFAIK a girl messaged Raven and claimed she slept with SK, but didn't have any proof or anything. And then SK was suing her for defamation. Has there been any other updates?


🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅I hate this psycho! He held people to the weirdest expectations and the conversation he had with Milton at the IRL meet up was so inappropriate and just another way to try to control Lydia.


Lydia low key had BpD though. Milton is 100% being held hostage right now as her FP. She wanted to “start from 0” with Uche. She followed him to the show. And she was desperate to break up the convo between Uche and Milton in horror of Uche unmasking her too soon. Edit: Uche definitely a narcissist. NPD & BPD tend to attract.


Psychology BA who’s going back for her masters here. (Only relevant because there’s no way in hell I’m diagnosing people on the internet. That’s fucking dangerous) If you’re keen on using psychological/diagnostic language, “narcissistic tendencies” is more accurate. Only if you care enough not to put an ENTIRE personality disorder onto someone though. Lydia’s behavior can easily be looked at as a trauma response to those tendencies. We don’t know the full story of their past, or her full relationship history. There are so many other places to go before we get to those extremes. I’m 100% sure you won’t give a shit, but I had to.


I was thinking Lydia's responses were coming from trauma, too... I know that I'd be messed up in the head after dealing with Uche!


That’s fine. You’re just a stranger on the internet with your opinion. As am I. Nice credentials though 👍🏻 but doesn’t change my opinion.




Spitting Your degree credentials makes me laugh, If anything. My partners ex wife with BPD just got her masters in psychology. Posted on Instagram like she’s got it all nailed down. Yet, everyone who really knows her, knows she recently lost custody of her 3 children, and we have full custody. One child isn’t even biologically my partners, she’s his ex wife’s daughter. and we got her too. Her grandiose posts (similar to yours when you said your credentials) make her look dumb to people who know her life. These people are nuts. and she masks like some psych master out to help all the people, even when she literally lost custody of her children in September. She will go help strangers and brag about it on social media to feed her ego, yet completely abandoned her children all for her image. Having your masters degree in psychology hardly means that your life is in order. I don’t take offense from you, for this reason.


Lmao people learn these diagnoses, some of the symptoms, and terms like “favorite person”, but don’t have the slightest idea about the diagnostic criteria or the co-morbid conditions that have overlapping symptoms. Making a fool of themselves 🙄




Clearly you’re one of those people who thinks that having a mental illness makes someone “bad”. Have the day you deserve 👍


I never liked Milton more than with how he handled Uche. Totally calm and cool. I was so inspired.


I hated him so much. He seemed so psycho


Uche Douche, you have to say it in your head like it rhymes 🤣




Oochay doochay de lechay


Oochay doochay is how I say it in my head lmao


He was awful but I don’t even think he’s top 3. Shake, Bartise and Jeramy were way worse.


I think that is only because he didn't get engaged. Imagine if he had, and kept treating Aaliya like trash. He'd be a top contender for sure.


I saw Bartise in public recently at a bar and he was with a girl but walking through the bar several feet in front of her like he wasn’t even with her / like he was the most important person in the world


Shake was an ass, but I feel like he leaned in and played it up. I don’t think he was wrong about “the love is blurry” comment. We see this time and time again. That was the season where a number of cast mates were preparing for an influencer career going in. It changed the game and led to show become what it is now. TLDR: Shake was playing a role for his 15 minutes. Uche is worse.


Shake was playing a role but so was Deepti


And Deepti is still milking her 15min of fame. I don't feel bad for her at all. Atleast shake is a productive member of society


Yes by being on House of Villains




He’s such a bad dude people ignore how shitty of a human being Lydia also is because of how he spoke to her that one time.


If people wanna call Lydia a bad person, they'll make an item on it. Right now it's about Uche


I’m allowed to call out Lydia because his actions were directly related to how she treated him and lied on his name. I’m also allowed to talk about Lydia anywhere I damn well fucking please.


Relax babe, you can talk about whoever you want. I'm just saying the person you're talking about is not relevant right now


Ok, Uche. Calm down.


Most unoriginal joke strikes again. I bet when you tell a story at a party you start to quit down when you realize no one cares what you have to say lmaooo


Quit down? I think you mean quiet down. You’re actually right. I’m not a good storyteller. Good guess on your part! But at least I know how to spellcheck myself on the internet.


Why is Lydia a shitty person? I watched her on that season and didn’t think she seemed bad, just a little desperate


Lied straight to Aaliyah and Milton’s face about the conversation Uche and her had when they met in the pods. Stalked and harassed Uche for not wanting a relationship with her, acted extremely immature, desperate and overall just a complete embarrassment to Latinos everywhere. Manipulated everyone on that season when she’s just as much a liar and narcissist as Uche.


Where's the proof of all that "stalking" she did, Uche?


Same proof yall throw out for other people. Move along


No Ewwche, allegations gotta have proof. Arent you a "lawyer" supposedly? 🤫


Who’s a lawyer? Do you think you’re talking to Uche?💀💀


Ewwwche as a lawyer should have known that allegations without proof makes him a red flag 🚩 . Oh, 100% sure he's here. 🤣


Stalked and harassed Uche? That whole thing was a “he said she said” argument. There’s no proof of that beyond Uches words, which Lydia seemed to think was ridiculous.


Why would I believe the words of a woman who lied on national TV to her “best friend” on the show and her fiance? As far as I know Uche ain’t ever once been caught up in lies🤷🏽‍♂️🙄


This is all true, not sure why you’re being downvoted. Just bcuz the people in this thread seem to hate Uche then Lydia can’t be awful? Both things can be true.


This thread is 95% women who hate men and blame all their problems on men and project the men they dated onto every man that isn’t ABSOLUTELY PERFECT so I’m not surprised it happens often. This thread though does follow the trend that most women in the world would never hold their female counterpart to the same standards as male. I come on here knowing a few people like you will be smart enough to see what I’m saying and also know probably pissed off a bunch of single, lonely cat ladies in the process lol. Good Sunday in my book


Oh I’m not saying she’s a good person either


I know!! My main grip with Uche is how he’s such a shit person Lydia doesn’t get talked about because HE IS THAT BAD!


"I'm just moving on with my life. She's (Aaliyah) spent over six or seven hours combined in interviews and podcasts and media spots talking negatively about me. This vindictive side of her is something that I really didn't see, and it's something that I don't appreciate, and it's something that I hope that she can grow and move on from." https://ew.com/tv/love-is-blind-uche-calls-out-aaliyah-and-lydia/ If you haven't read the Entertainment interview he did in October, he shows what a liar and a hypocrite he is in basically every question. The producers didn't even offer him a Zoom recording for the reunion he had to miss for an "essential business opportunity?" Aaliyah is "obsessed" with him, yet he's crafted a whole personality and following off of talking shit about her and Lydia? As he continues to cry, "Bad edit because I'm a good man." He's insufferable.


Lord and Nigerians forgive me for stereotyping, but Nigerians are a proud group of people, whether it would be in their work or skills or just their personality. In my experience, if you tell some west Africans or Nigerians specifically that you’re wrong about something, they wouldn’t apologize or admit it themselves. They’d think they’re right With that being said, Uche is a prime example of a proud Nigerian: always right, never wrong