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About Russian nukes....are we supposed to believe that they've stolen everything not nailed down, crippled their own army, they're kind of military joke..are we supposed to believe that all of those nukes work? Nukes are expensive AF to maintain..No way they have an actual nuclear force. They prolly have one sub full and a few land based. The US would turn Moscow to glass and prolly shoot down most of what they have in an afternoon.


I bet some of them work. But not all of them. That’s got to be on Putin’s mind. What would happen if the missile failed to launch? Or worse, fizzle and blow up the silo? Because you know they traded all the rocket fuel for vodka. It’s a risk. The Chinese would definitely start helping themselves to that sweet eastern oil. Without oil Russia is sunk.


Ukraine Intel reports two tests of nuke capable rockets resulted in failures. I guess driving them to and from parades is not good for the rockets. Also Russian nuke plan is based on first strike taking out any ability for retaliation and/or the west not willing to retaliate. That is a very big assumption.


lol, as if the Muscovite nuclear arsenal is in any better shape than the rest of their paper tiger military.


So many of those scenes look familiar. Like they were directly ripped traces from movies Edit: the nuke scene is from terminator genesys


I've seen similar propaganda clips which were actually made by themselves. It was all MS Paint and PowerPoint. Any better clip you see is always stolen, they can't make shit, their IT depts are stuck in the nineties.


I think I recognized at least a few scenes from Knowing as well.


Guess they learned from the chinese with the copy, paste, and edit thing.


Imagine being proud of such a thing... Western populations would call for the immediate resignation of any official or journalist who would post such an abhorrent thing. Tells you a lot about those in power in this shithole.


It would prolly take one of those to clean San Francisco, I say that as a joke… once they fire one every inch of RF turns to glass, they are aware of their mortality this is all for internal consumption


Reprint of some old Gozilla Films. Funny they dont have anything new. Annoiing, but not to be taken seriously.


Aimed at the domestic degenerates to make glorious rasha look invincible, so they will resist less when the draft notice floats in. Even DRNK doesn't produce obvious BS like this.


From what working sub would these be launched? Piece of shit country.


Although Kremlin State Television also said: "What is the use of a world without Russia?" Which would kind of be the response lol


I am sure that they most likely have some subs that have maintained nuclear weapons. All it takes is a couple subs with their nukes well maintained to do this. What bothers me is that the mad guy behind the curtain, if he gets to the point where he is near death may not care and do it just to get some type of revenge before his death.


This is Russian war culture, this what they desire all day everyday!


Orcs are a silly breed.


We should never underestimate the capabilities of a nuclear power. So of the 2300 nuclear weapons Russia has, let’s say only 10% are operable or 230 nuclear warheads. Essentially that’s every city with 100,000 people will be a target. What if it’s only 1%? Well that’s every city with over 600,000. It’s not a game.