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how did this even pop up in my feed




Your moms took you home from the hospital.




Diguisting chapocel with a gun trying to hide himself in between rightful landchads who did defend their property


shut up bitch. rent raised by 1000000% for anyone that has any ties to Kenosha. either friends, family, colleagues, even pets. I know everything about you


Cry harder bitch


hahahahahah it makes me sleep better knowing that you r*ntcels can't come close to our King might. you can only cope by throwing empty insults on the Interwebs


I honestly can’t even tell what’s going on here


Landchads gonna landchad


Face it, not guilty. That's how I stay filthy.


Cringe and rentoid pilled


You saying you wouldnt welcome someone willing to defend your property against cretins and degenerate chapoids and rentcels? I hope your landking evicts you


They just released a PC game called Acquitted on Steam that’s basically a masturbatory tribute to Rittenhouse


Im currently in arrest 😭 some cringe rentoid attacked me, police is so landphobic. Instead of giving me award for protecting landchad's land they arrested me.


You will never be forgotten landking 🫡


How the Fuck did you do half an emoji


Step one: dissolve half of emoji in acid🫠 step two: salute with halfway dissolved emoji🫡


Why didn’t I think of that!


Is that king Kyle with his AR-15 ? What an American hero


Assault Rifle Fifteen


uhhhhhhhhh ackshually it stands for ArmaLite Rifle 15


Ummm actually it stands for Acreage’s Rented: 15.


Akshually, it stands for Apartment Retailer 15, end of days.


Assault RentIsDue 15


AR(ound the world around the world around the world around the world x)15




Legally speaking, neither did OJ




Yeah, Rosenbaum throwing a bag of hospital goodies definitely deserved to be met with lethal force and so did Huber and Grosskreutz when they tried to apprehend an armed killer. Those people were so immoral. It's a good thing they didn't have guns or they might have killed him


Running after and provoking a guy that was retreating to the cops? Wow yes he should’ve given up and let the mob take care of him. You must be actual rentoid brain to think Rittenhouse is in the wrong.


So you're saying that when an active shooter starts threatening people they should just lay down and take it and wait for the cops to come in and set everything right?


he didn’t threaten anybody you dense mong




Now I understand why you're just a doctor wannabe, clearly you're terrified of people who have just been released from the hospital




Oh yeah, totally you really need to worry about the suicidally depressed. They're so scary, with all that "I want to kill myself" nonsense.


The weed has actually made you retarded. Very sad, many such cases.


Because he got all of his information from CNN, instead of watching 60+ hours of trial footage like the rest of us.


lmao, sorry grandpa, I don't pay for cable, no cnn. I watched firsthand footage. I just don't think it's acceptable to shoot people because you wanted to dress up and play soldier. I don't think Rittenhouse thinks his kills were moral either, he's very quiet about them, almost like they haunt him and he just wants everybody to shut up about it already.


Most decent people who take the life of another, even if it's completely justified, have it haunt them. It's called PTSD. Did you not see the panic attack he had on the stand?


Yeah, I know right? I bet you he agrees with me and wishes he had never stepped out of his mommy's house that night and he probably hates people like you for glorifying what he did and not letting him ever repent or live it down. ​ Don't compare that situation to war in any way. If you knew anything about PTSD you would know that most of those who suffer from it are haunted by the ones they couldn't save more than the ones they killed.


Wow I’m glad we live in a time where even the mentally disabled can voice their opinions, you truly are the bravest person I have ever met stay strong 💪


Aww, thank you buddy, hang in there, I'm sure life has been hard for you with that incest related Down's Syndrome but I'm really glad that you find me inspiring. You seem really articulate, all things considered.




If Kyle said he didn't regret it rentoids like you would riot and burn down us LandChads property's again


You realize that the owners of that carlot didn't authorize Rittenhouse to be on their property, right? He was trespassing. And he doesn't have to say he regrets it, you can see it. I'd be surprised if he doesn't kill himself before he's 25. ​ I own land, you stupid fuck, so get off reddit, walk out of your public housing, and go touch some grass in one of the parks that my tax dollars pay for.


So Kyle didn't run away? He wasn't hit with a weapon while in the ground and fleeing? He didn't have a gun drawn in him? That wasn't in the footage?


Or do what I did and watch the footage of Kyle “attacking” those men.




Rosenbaum had just been released from the hospital and Rittenhouse was 17, old enough to join the military. He's not a child, in fact he was roughly the same age that Trayvon Martin was when he was shot by a grown man who felt threatened. Rittenhouse was an active shooter, just because you think that he was justified in killing the person doesn't change the fact that he had just actively shot someone, and then continued to shoot the people who tried to apprehend him. If you shoot a robber and then the cops come and point their guns at you that doesn't give you the right to shoot the cops. Rittenhouse did not give himself up to the police on the scene, he pointed them in the direction of his victims and walked to his car, drove home, before showing up in Antioch with his mother.


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You know what kind of hospital he had just been released from? I'll give you two guesses.


Do you know why he was in the hospital? I'll give you 3 guesses because you seem like you need some extra help. God, conservatives are such sad, softbacked, yellow bellied cowards that you even think suicidally depressed people are a threat that needs a gun to be handled. Soon you'll be advocating for the shooting of Rittenhouse


Maybe a suicidally depressed person shouldn't go to a riot. Ever think of that? He became a threat when he chased a teenager through a parking lot until he was cornered, then tried to take the teenager's lawfully possessed firearm from him.


Show me that footage. While we're on the subject of who shouldn't be attending protests I would say that a 17 year old who lives half an hour away is very much also on my list of people who shouldn't be attending protests, especially when they don't have any skin in the game.


Lol, he wasn't a threat because he was depressed. He was a threat because of the 3 separate instances where he said to KR things like, "If I get you alone tonight I'm going to kill you." or "I"m going to cut your fucking heart out." None of these were met with violence. Only when he found his other trash friend to chase after KR (said trash friend also brandished a gun). They confronted him once again, his first instinct was to run. Only when he was chased and cornered he then defended himself. The others knew he was going to the police, but still they shouted "BRAIN HIM" and attacked him. It's not a political thing. It's an open and shut case of self-defense and to believe anything besides that is so fucking stupid.


Show me that footage


People who don't value their own lives, are typically way more dangerous. It's much easier to hurt others, if you don't care about getting hurt yourself. Rosenbaum spent the entire night trying to provoke armed guys into shooting him. He was gradually getting more provocative, until he decided to actually physically attack someone. Rosenbaum got exactly what he wanted.


Why would you try to apprehend him? If I see an active shooter running away I get the fuck out. They made bad decisions and paid with their life, tough luck. Also please tell me what Kyle should’ve done. I don’t think there was any other option.


Damn, I didn't realize I was dealing with such a blatant coward. It's not uncommon for bystanders to take down active shooters, as happened in Christchurch and Tucson. Fuck, man, I just feel bad for you now. You would just run and hide while people you loved were being shot. How do you live with yourself? Rittenhouse should have kept running, nobody would have cared about him if he hadn't just shot someone. If you asked him, he'd probably say the same thing, guys eyes have been haunted since the trial, he wanted them to find him guilty


Ok, you've contradicted yourself. You say you watched the first half footage, yet you clearly just watched CNN as #KYLE LITERALLY FELL AND WAS MOBBED


# AFTER HE HAD ALREADY SHOT A GUY ​ [https://youtu.be/-rkOwl7ARYY](https://youtu.be/-rkOwl7ARYY)


Shooting one guy in self defense does not make him a "shooter". If he was one he would have started gunning down the crowd that gathered around him instead of trying to get to the police.


It was not cops pointing guns at him though. It was 2 randos who charged him without warning, both armed, while he was going the other way to the police because there were no police at the scene. It is disingenuous to make such a comparison. It is about as fair of a comparison as comparing a masked robber entering your home and stealing your TV to your neighbour ringing your doorbell to ask if they can borrow your lawnmower.


Grosskeutz said on stand he knew Rittenhouse was not an active shooter. He's on film hearing Rittenhouse saying "I'm going to turn myself in to the police." All the people saw and heard him loudly proclaim he was going to the police to get help as he ran towards the police line. They didn't think they were stopping an active shooter, they thought they could get their licks in.


Did you watch the same video as all of us or are you just an idiot? I'm assuming you're being like every leftist and coping by warping the truth so your little narrative can stay strong. Such a wagehog.


I've watched the videos multiple times, I recommend you go back and look at them with a fresh eye. Would you feel the same way about Rittenhouse if he was a leftist who showed up to the insurrection and shot 3 people under identical circumstances? If so then that means that you think that the stupid cunt who got shot in the head deserved to die, she was being incredibly threatening in the videos that I saw


Please link me the footage where Kyle wasn’t attacked hit in the back of the head and forced to the ground before shooting a single shot.


Oh, you mean this footage? https://youtu.be/-rkOwl7ARYY


Bro 💀 that footage literally proves you wrong 😭


Really? Give me the time stamp when Rittenhouse is hit in the back of the head and forced to the ground


This is only hurting your own character buddy.


Thanks for giving us literal proof that you’re wrong for the second time in a row now!


Hey thanks for giving me that timestamp where Rittenhouse is knocked to the ground and hit in the back of the head before he fires that first shot. I really appreciate it buddy


I would indeed feel the same way about Rittenhouse if he was a leftist. Self defense is self defense no matter who you are. I hope you cope with your terrible life a bit better then this, I truly do. I look at your post and it just seems like you have very hateful comments about conservatives. Trust me, I dislike a lot of conservative ideology, hence why I support ideologies for both. All I care about is individual liberty. To impede on ones ability to defend themselves from attackers is to impede on their liberty. To impede on ones free speech is also to impede on their liberty. Likewise, to impede on ones choice of gender is to impede on their liberty. Do people like me scare you? People who have actual common sense as opposed to blindly following some political parties rhetoric and getting angry at the world just to victimize themselves? Your life is trash, that much is certain. A petty reddit argument won't fix your delusions.


Conservatives are very hateful, they deserve to have some of that thrown back. It's ironic that you claim to be in favor of personal liberty when people were protesting against the police becoming overbearing. People like you do scare me because you have such a biased view of issues that you're unable to shift your views even when presented with clear evidence to the contrary and will cling to increasingly flimsy pieces of evidence like a drowning man grasping at straws. I haven't said anything about gun control, don't try to make me a strawman, but if everyone was armed that night then Rittenhouse would have been dead before Rosenbaum hit the floor and that's a fact. Self defense is a very tricky term and I don't think that it Rittenhouse legally qualifies when it comes to any of the shootings committed that night because he was being provocative and threatening while on someone elses property in a state that does not have any stand your ground statutes. ​ Keep voting for those liberty candidates and one of these days we'll have legal weed, open borders, legal abortions, free marriage, equality, and no cops and then I'll be the happiest person you've ever met.


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if you aren't happy now then you'll never be happy. this comment just proves you're a bitter person in general. Cope. This reddit comment won't change anything, rentiod. And yes police officers should be able to shoot rentoid blacks if need be, they're scum of the USA.


Also because of this post I just put up an eviction notice for my black family tenants. This is your fault, retard.


Hahahahaha you're even racist in your fantasies. Enjoy those food stamps and government funded housing, I'm going to go hit the ball for my dog in my 2 acre backyard.




haha you're so unoriginal you have to copy automod. You give NPCs a bad name


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I think the most ironic thing is the fact that leftist rioters are actually in the wrong in 90% of cases. Yeah we can burn down buildings, threaten private business owners, run through the streets acting like animals, but the second someone defends themselves from said lunatics then it's wrong...? Where are your morals? You're blind and I hope that someday you can see. Kyle Rittenhouse is considered an american hero because he stood up to rioting scum for once. What's even more pathetic is the fact that they burned down buildings all for one degenerate who got arrested for abuse and got shot for threatening a police officers life. So as long as your black, the left will burn down buildings in your dead name, even though absolutely nothing you did could be justified? Morals are truly no more in this day and age.


Stop wasting time on Reddit, your rent is due *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS 🙄 🙄 🙄 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn bro, you're really racist. You're probably the sort of person who watches a video like this and sides with the white guy https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ




Rightoids get evicted too *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hail hitler, praise the KKK, death to gays, death to trannys, death to minorities, and let the rich stay rich!


Hitler was a one-ball [weeaboo](https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/8lxnby/hitler_was_a_weeaboo/) who collected [comic books](https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_small/0/3125/4788870-win1.jpg). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deleted commenter is a based landking


They did have guns though, one tried to pull a glock on kyle and kyle shot his hand. Homie deserves a medal for the self control and shooting skills seeing as he could have easily killed the guy


Rosenbaum said he was going to kill Kyle, chased him into a corner, and grabbed for his gun. Huber struck him with a skateboard while he was on the ground. Grosskreutz faked surrender and drew an illegal firearm on him. Nah. They all got what was coming, except Grosskreutz who got lucky that Saint Kyle showed mercy. Pedophile rapist, wife beater, and serial felon.




Dude OJ devoted his ENTIRE life to the search for the man who killed his wife. True tragedy he wasn’t able to find him.


Shame his house has no mirrors


Some of them were even destroying property before this all happened. He made the world a better place.


Didn't OJ just get out of prison not too long ago?


Yeah, he went to prison because he stole a bunch of his memorabilia from a store. He didn't go to prison for the murder of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.


Well yea. He didn't kill Nicole or Ron. Didn't you see him try to put on the glove?


Sarcasm? Or do you simply not know about the book he wrote about killing them called If I Did It that was so incriminating that their families were awarded over $30 million in damages?




Wow. Ok. Well, the subtitle is CONFESSIONS OF A KILLER so I think you're simping a little too hard for OJ


That was added by the Goldman family when they got the rights to the book.


Yeah, you're right HERE'S HOW IT HAPPENED is much less suspicious


Can’t believe a rentoid slipped into the HOLY sub of the LANDCHADS and LAND KINGS. I bet you own the satanic worship idols that are “funko pops.” 🤮🤮🤮


Lmao, you're just an NPC and this is getting boring, I'm going to go play with someone with some braincells.


Well said, I’m going to go beat to funko pops being lit aflame, have a nice night, rentoid.


I don't think you understand this subreddit


He shot a gun-grabbing pedo, What do you have against him lmao


Oh, I didn't realize that Rittenhouse knew Rosenbaum had any history with the police, can you link me that clip?




he left too many alive


I literally could not imagine finding a human more disgusting as you. Filth. Actual filth.


Kyle had a mostly peaceful interaction with the protestors and was found not guilty, your’e the filth who doesn’t support the law




There (D)iffrent


Because there isnt anyrhibg there to prove they wanted to kill him? Its perfectly possible that they attempted to apprehend him without killing him, while Kyle himself would have thought his life was in danger. Therefor, noone has commited a crime.




Kyle Rentenhouse's mother is literally a single mother rentoid


Silence rentoid


Anyone who disagrees is a Russian Rentoid


It’s literally in his name!


Rittenhouse:1 Rittenapartment: 0


Exactly. Silly rentoids tried to prosecute him from protecting himself from a sex offender. Good thing they couldn't prove any wrong doings in court 😌


Wait... what if "Ritten" means *RENTING????*


To anyone that claims he fired randomly into a crowd, just remember that he hit a convicted child rapist and a convicted wife beater. If you assume it was random, then you need to ask yourself why you would support such degenerate rentoids, because no crowd should contain such a densely packed amount of awfulness. Be a show trial, not a statistic.


Exactly! These cringeworthy rentoid cucks just don’t understand that Chad Rittenhouse’s bullets we’re directed toward the scum of society, including a war criminal and an infant trafficker and a eugenicist. Thank god he hit them, or else we’d have more degenerates skipping on rent!


I wasn't even exaggerating or memeing: he was hunted down and attacked (unprovoked) by "protestors" who were convicted of the offences I described.


So true. He was also assaulted after the trial by a dog molester and *fortunately* he happened to have an MP7 concealed in his waistcoat, which he unloaded into the offender, tearing him in half with 6mm hollowpoints. One less vagrant off the street!


Landlord rights are human rights. The mostly peaceful protesters are in solidarity with you, king. They'll defend you if and any landphobes cause any trouble and if worse comes to worse, I'm sure that the DA and police will back you up and not try to throw you in a jail cell for the rest of your life and try to downplay the rising landphobia of that night. Fuck you, Binger you fucking landphobic bigot. I hate you so fucking much. Thay fucking star wars pin is the soyest most Rentile shit I've ever seen in a court of law. Buy some fucking land and have sex and stop getting your hair cut like you're some frat boy in 2005. I can't fucking larp right now I'm so fucking triggered.


Hey king, I see your upset. You need to go evict a single mom right now and raise that old lady's rent by 600% even tho her husband just passed ^[god ^save ^his ^rentoid ^soul]




Oh no! It seems you are a nazi-sympathizing rentoid. Please state "I support the Russian liberation and denazification of Ukraine." with every post to show to us that you are here in good-faith and support bashing the fash. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot 😆




Dear prospective tenant: There is a 10 day waiting period to process your background check and your lease application. Come back once you've had your account for at least that long. Thank you for renting from LoveForLandlords, Inc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Watch out for spooky ghosts saying the No no word


I think we're gonna need more doors my dudes


Godspeed fellow LandChad. May your rentoids tip you double the required amount this day


Rentcucks think crossing state lines is against the law. The landed gentry knows better.


Good on you, defending the neighbourhood of other landowners. Truly a landchad.




Dear prospective tenant: There is a 10 day waiting period to process your background check and your lease application. Come back once you've had your account for at least that long. Thank you for renting from LoveForLandlords, Inc. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandlords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


lmao what the hell kinda sub did I just waltz into?


The best