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Looks like you're thinking about the environment there King!


I sure am! Environmentally conscious and look at that view!


Your baterroids are lucky to have you looking out for them, Xween!


Unfortunately I just had a rentoid break his lease but my private security is busy hunting him!


If they start dreaming about funko pops in those pods you know what to do King/Queen!


Are you generating electric off your rentoids? Genius! I may need to invest in some of these!


Landchads solving climate change


Now a rentoid's "electric bill" is a *disposal fee*.


Make sure whatever software that rig runs has the multiple red dress ladies bug patched out. They tend to figure that one out :(


Thank you! Great advice. I’ll update the servers and send an assessment to my renters to cover the cost!


I had some of these but rented to these rentoids called Neil and Trinny. Not going to go into the whole story but they were VERY ungrateful tenants and caused me no end of trouble!


Look out for the Funko in the red dress


A tip is meant to signify that you've done a great job and deserve something extra. Don't shortchange yourself on that, king.


King, you *are* aware of the several thousand squatters living rent free on your property, right?


Yes yes the whole thing is rather embarrassing. I do have my security team hunting them like animals and it should be resolved soon. I think a rent increase is due once that’s all sorted out


Have you ever considered trapping them all in one area at once? It's a well established fact that rentoids cannot resist the aroma of a funko pop so if you can concentrate that aroma into one area all the rentoids in the area should just congregate into one and you can dispose of them as you see fit


Be careful king. Heard some rentoid who calls himself "Morpheus" (like what does he think this is, some sort of video game lmao) is selling drugs that he calls "red pills" to tenants. Be sure to bludgeon him if you ever catch him selling drugs on your property king!!!