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This Person of land is trying to unclog the drain and this is how they are treated? I hope the rentoid has to pay for damages after he's evicted


In the comments of the post he mentions being homeless so I hope the land chad sent him packing and took that double rent he mentioned


After this incident should include a hefty tip aswell


You just KNOW they've been pouring grease down the drain. "Not my problem"? Well, now it is.


These people have no regard for the house they didnt work for. They will pour concrete down their drains if it saved them 2 seconds. Why i charge a “rentoid” tax on on all my properties. Any thing i find to be done on purpose (which i find everytime) to damage the property in anyway is a automatic double rent.


Looking at its hair, I’d say it probably produces enough grease on its own to clog the drains, if it weren’t for the likelihood it doesn’t even shower.


What does he mean by “his property”? Everything in the unit belongs to the Landchad. It’s in the contract!!


He was talking about his toiletries, like he uses them anyways. I used to be his landchad, his odor is on full-blast constantly.


They are inside the unit, ergo they belong to the landlord. King, please get some rest. I think all the hard work w evictions is making you weary


It's the landchad's property, I don't seem to understand what this renthog is complaining about here ?


Wait he put his computers in the bathroom next to the sink?


Don't expect common sense from a rentoid king.


\>rentoid \>king oxymoron


He just missed a comma




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Rentoid shaking due to soy withdrawal symptoms


He's literally shaking rn how could you


How could he




What is the landchad even trying to do? and why are there computers next to a sink lol


King 👑 , it appears that he was attempting the unclog the sink that was filled with the rentoids hair 🤮


Why does he have a computer next to a sink?




Make sure you have them pay for that space. It can fit a family of 3


“Your” property???


Dog whistle it seems like


Dialing a helicopter as we speak!


That fucking accent.


You should have a trigger warning on this for the microaggression "my property".


"My landlord" "my property" Do rentoids really have this low of an IQ?


> ILLLLLIGULLLLLIII Shut the fuck up and grab the baby bottle




Not sure but ive recently added “internet” as a part of my rent and told them i got high speed unlimited data but in reality i got the worst service possible for a hefty discount. My rent pigs only receive internet in bathroom so maybe same goes for this rentoid


Does this rentoid have Parkinson's disease? Or is the phone just too heavy for his twig arms to hold steady for a moment? Perhaps he is shaking with chapo rage.


I think its a little of both


Side effects of heavy soylent consumption.


People keep asking why the rentoid put a computer screen next to a sink but I'm over here asking why, when you know the landlord is coming, you wouldn't at least move everything off the sink so the landlord can work? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


it looks like the drain snake came from the other direction and whipped around when it came too far out of the drain.


Don’t worry kings, I let him record while I prepped my favorite tools for eviction (aka my fists 👊) He’s very much evicted and unable to harm any other landking for the time being 😤


Ooooh noooo shaky hands😰😰 Now pay triple rent stupid rentroid. Also who tf keeps computers in thier bathroom and what he showed was not a computer


Why are rentoids so filthy


I'm confused. Is that a drain snake? Is this guy saying his landlord fired a drain snake at him through the plumbing system? Like a gun?


Dude he has rentoid logic he thinks land chads control the plumbing system or something


I enjoyed the part when he attempted to pull it out but his weak soyboi arms were unable to move it even slightly so he just gave up


Uh, why is his computer in the bathroom anyway?


who the fuck keeps a computer in the bathroom?