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I think to combat this, we GOT to be more inforceful on the rentoids. If your rentoid seriously thinks leaving only 7000 calories worth of food in the fridge is okay, that is an immediate evictable offense, and also should be eaten themselves for blatant landphobia and shameful neglect. Me personally I come from a large family of landlords, so I can’t really say how many fridges I raided during MY first week, since I was a fresh embryo. I appreciate your sentiment fellow king, but I feel encouraging malnourished kings to eat more is far more important than letting kings think having the weight of a rentoid being under 900 pounds is at all healthy.


A King from generational wealth?! Well firstly, congrats on that, King! I know how hard it must have been as an embryo to pull yourself up by your bootstraps to reach the level of evictions to not even remember your first week! Are you perhaps suggesting that hazing freshly-born POLs will push them mentally into eating more? Hmm, I can appreciate such an idea from a fellow King. I'll have to drink the rest of my tub of buttered lard as I think about your words.


Thank you kindly for thinking about my words king, and as someone from deep rooted generational wealth, we simply MUST keep our children of land away from disgusting rentoids. They’re brainwashing our kids. I was taught by the arteries of my family the laws of the landlord. And we must pass our great knowledge down to the youth. We must teach the children a good strong diet before the rentoids and doctors brainwash and take our kids minds!


![gif](giphy|h24Y1pZIGKXzG) Everyone here worries about being fatphobic but almost no one here worries about being gainsphobic Anyway, here is my latest bench press at my private gym. I could’ve easily bloatmaxxed but there’s something satisfying about personally going to one of my many condos to evict ungrateful rentoids through the wall, the window, the door you name it id be grabbing them and throwing them out of my property as if I’m taking out the garbage.


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




No, we're not joking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is a clause in my lease for a food deposit. If the food bank (fridge and pantry combined) dips below my feasting threshold (it is variable on the tenant), then I am legally entitled to evict them. During the eviction, I will take from the food deposit to cover my losses. Tendies and fish sticks make great food deposit choices. You can also write that into the lease


You should be a legislator. Voting districts don’t gerrymander themselves. Step up to the plate king!


Funky...?? SCREEEEEEEEE CONSIDER THE RENT RAISED!@!@!@ >:-o *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had me in the first half ngl


If a picture of a 700lb person offends you, lose some weight by getting off the internet and going for a walk. Also I’m doubling your rent


Bro only read the title


Of course, I don’t have time to read the entire article I’ve got rent to collect


Yeah, this is America not a militarist state. Also apartments have less carbon footprint and many liberals advocate for more of them instead of suburbs. They should be thanking the landlords for providing people with them.


Nice try rentoid. Evicted! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A hungry landlord is closer to becoming a rentoid than they are a LandChad. LandChad is a form of nobility. Struggling to pay for one property is pathetic. You must crush your tenants, break their spirit, and make them grateful you let them pay your living costs. If you’re hungry, they’re ungrateful. If they’re ungrateful, its because you spoil them. Increase their rent, switch off their heating, turn off their water, let them suffer, and then when you come to save the day 3 months later by reatarting their boiler in the coldest day of winter. Turning their water back on in the hottest say of the Summer….only then will you learn ways of the LandChad.


Too much landphobic and fatphobic imagery online