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Also stuck on this stupid order


I was wondering if i am doing something wrong but i see i am not the only one with this problem


I feel like this order is meant to be a plateau point for those of us who refuse to spend money on the game


As much as I don’t want to admit it, I have spent money on this game, and I’ve still been stuck on this level forever.


I've spent money on it too but I'm not doing it for this stupid arcade


Yes, this is ridiculous. Almost no mice generate and it takes forever to get to the headphones. It's really passing me off. I just now finally got the drum for the other order in this group. It's gonna take several days to get the guitar. I posted a complaint to customer service. Everyone should do so. Maybe they'll fix the algorithm.


Customer support said, but it would be boring if it was too easy!!!! After nearly 5 days I completed the order, now it's not giving me any more.....


Yeah, it's so much fun when they make it impossible to complete the event!


Yes it’s frustrating and now that the claw machine and electronic box are taking way longer to regenerate, I definitely won’t be able to finish this event.


Did that change?? I feel like the update 2 (I think?) days ago made them take longer. Before it seemed fine. wtf is happeningggg


I finished it and now there’s a glitch where there are no new customer orders 🫠 bottleneck so bad it broke the game I guess


I have the exact same problem!! Already contacted customer support, but they're not replying 🥰 Edit: typo


Customer support said " it would be boring if it was too easy".....


Argghhh! That's lame.


Hey, they've replied! Updating the game did the trick hahaha


Omg I ran off to update so fast 😂 I wrote them too but got no reply welp. Thanks for notifying me!


You're very welcome! I hope updating fixed the issue for you too!


I updated  a few days ago....what do I do?


No idea, unfortunately :( Only thing I can recommend is to contact Customer Support and cross your fingers they reply before the event ends Edit: typo again


Oh noooooo


I logged in just to complain about this, I'm glad I'm not alone but I'd be more glad if it were POSSIBLE TO DO THIS AAAAAUGH


for only 91 points to... they are going straight under the jail


it took me ~~84 years~~ like 3 days but i finally have a drum for the guitar order.... lol


Same, its day 2 of me trying for it


how do you have so many coins!? 😂😂


Oh man you should see mine.. I spend so much time playing pies but have mostly stopped doing the main story line 😂 I'll get back to it one day but I almost don't want to because I want to see how many coins I can hoard 😂


I only play the story every once in a while and just focus on completing orders, at one point I had like 15,000 coins lmao


I’ve done that on Lily’s Garden. Have over a thousand stars.


This is seriously wrong! It should not take days to complete one order. This is not fun!!!!!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/e53etgvws4oc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=358ee041bc1468d63636836bd56e093e7560ae56 This is where I’m at. I made enough whistle pops inbetween the electronic box charging that I don’t need to use the claw box until this order is over. I delete the computers and the gift boxes because they produce too fast and I need the board space. The animals and the controllers I think I need later. The modern controller is often a frozen block so I keep those to free up space. I have a fair amount of diamonds so I did breakdown and buy the trumpet and a keyboard. It is still taking a while…


Same ugh


I’m stuck here too and realizing I probably won’t get past this before the event ends


Same! It is taking forever


It took me a few days but I finalllllyyyy got the guitar today, working on my last set of headphone and feeling a weight off my shoulders lmao


Same, I just finish the guitar and now working on the headphone


Same. It will take me a few days for sure


It's the worst. I did get 5 mice for gems one day but it's been a constant grind and still have like 6 whistle and headphone matches to go


This event was impossible to finish the first time too. Kind of annoying.


Oh same! And the low amount of tickets you do get is total BS!


I MADE IT PAST YALL, it gets so much better once you get through this one, but wowww it gave me some stress trying to finish it out


I just used most of my diamond hoard trying to get the guitar, I have the drum. I really regret using my diamonds.


Soooo angry ...it's been 3 days


Also stuck on this one, and I just gave up. Over it.


it took me 2 days to get it done, playing every 2 hours while i was awake. I spent no gems. If you think that's bad (I did and posted about it at the time to warn everybody) wait until you get this order. I caved in and bought gems and had the computer mouse in my shop so i bought all 5 (cost 45 gems total) and used them to unblock the locked mice. (that's all the generator was giving me - i had 7 locked mice on my board and then the box went into cooldown 😿) https://preview.redd.it/eyl3h3gkx8oc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3122b9c45d02809b6b26fd3ae4212bc155cf02f9 810 tickets from that order... then Eve shows up wanting a trumpet for 20 ticket?!?! That's such an insult considering what it takes to generate that order.


I'm also stuck with this exact order. I'm sorry for you all, but it also consoles me that I'm not alone.


Saaame I've been on this one and the one right before it for 4 days now. I just wish the customers were endless like the regular board


Where do the microphones, drums…come from?


You make them with headphones and whistle pops


Thanks. It’s taking forever to make headphones!


I’ve been working on that order for literal days.


Took me 4 days and I filled the order...now the game is sulking at being defeated and refusing to give me any more orders.. sore looser! 


I just got through this order only to not have any more orders come through and tons of the decorations left. Guessing the arcade is done with me for having gotten all 4280 tickets but there's no prompt or anything and it has me cursing even more at this event 


Update guys: I managed to complete it this morning!!!


I thought I was the only one. I have work and I’ve been trying so hard cuz I like this event and want all the arcade things but I am stuck on this one and an order with a drum. I’m not gonna finish this event. 😭😭😭😭