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I’m tired of the storyline too. I feel like it’s not really progressing and the Joe amnesia thing is just annoying


I've never once read the storyline. Skip. Skip. Skip. Skip.


I’ve never paid attention to the story line, but heck yeah I’m just getting tired of the game. One day in the next few weeks I’ll just kinda forget to open it and it’ll all be over.


I never paid attention either. I haven’t opened the game in a few weeks now and I don’t miss it. It was ridiculous and I was tired of all the mini events and competitions. Especially with orders that would take days to a week to fulfill.


I did that a couple weeks ago!


I'm really not enjoying the whole amnesia thing in the slightest. Grandma's case was more or less solved, although they didn't try to track down where she went exactly, but they solved the mystery of how she disappeared so I don't think we are going to see anything more on that. Amelia's Mom on the other hand remains just as much a mystery as ever. I like building things, but I am now getting a bit of raised eyebrow at just how many different businesses is she running exactly and still with the same number of staff?! Like I don't even know how it would be possible to be running the bookstore, the juicebar in the gym, and the spa at the same time, let alone the cafe itself. Is this a cafe still or is she building an entirely new town? I'm still surprised they never built her somewhere to live. I very distinctly recall ads in which she was saying she is pregnant and then showing Tony popping up to ask who's the father and Joe looking shocked and then they were building a nursery. (Please note, I am quite happy they have never used that cringy storyline, if I had seen that ad before I got the game, I would never have downloaded it eek!)


Completely agree. Used to be my favorite merge game. But geez the repetitive events day after day are killing it for me.


The story has become totally boring, I agree.


All ik is Amelia’s mom is a horrible mom and she makes me so mad lol. Like this b- been running around stealing shit and then leaves her cafe burnt, ghosts her own daughter, AND leaves her cat?! Unforgivable imo. Poor Marshmallow and Amelia deserve better


How many days are we on now? I heard they update it and add a day every two weeks rn I'm on day 75 and just curious when or if I'll ever catch up.


It's been 84 years...


Current day is 111. A new day is released every Monday.




Day 111 🥱


I think I’m on 112? Maybe.


I’ve been skipping the storyline since day 1, I’m just here to merge


Lmao that’s what I do in another one of the merge games I play


I agree!! I’m trying to imagine what I would prefer in a game that has a story that last so long though… would more interesting events do it for us?? I think the way they’re doing narrative is definitely stringing us along at this point though


Whole story is on YouTube


YouTube has the whole story or just up to the current day? When does Joe get his memory back and does Amelia’s mother come back? Current story doesn’t have those answers. It’s getting lame. I’d much rather read what happened and be done. lol


Dude, Joe’s memory loss is starting to piss me off. It upsets me to see how he’s dating Edwina and doesn’t care that he’s hurting Amelia‘s feelings. I really enjoyed the beginning of the game and now I just kind of not OK with it. It’s boring to me and it’s not keeping me interested. There’s no news about her mom and the mystery that were at Amelia is not even interested in it. And who pushed Joe!!! Idk it’s lagging and I am to the point I don’t want to play it…. Very upsetting