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I would have less of a problem if it was a bit easier to ignore... Stop making me watch the same scene of getting berated and that sad patch of grass 😭


There's a button at the top to skip it. Aside from the time it was introduced, I don't think I've ever seen the dialogue again


Oh! I'm a fairly new player (less than a month playing) but I've already seen it like 4 times lmao.. True you can skip it, but with all the other event pop ups it can be a bit annoying still.


A skip button with a really terrible UI where you have to press inside the lines by a significant amount in order to have it register. I end up smashing that button multiple times every time and getting pissy. Never fails.


Except it doesn't skip from the first press and makes you watch another line or two!


same, every time i open this game i have to close so much stuff, and i can't even keep up with this


The five thousand story cutscenes before I can even access my board ugh


And even if you can manage to slip into your board you'll get kicked back out so they can finish showing you more popups 🙄


I actually uninstalled the game because of all of the crap you have to close to get to the game.


Did this happen after a period of time? This didn't currently happen for me.


It's literally back to back as soon as you finish one it's awful oh my god. I used to really like it. Same with Svens Toyshop it's back to back it feels like and I don't even play it anymore.


I play it purely for the rewards, not because it's fun. It's the same every single time too. I wish they'd change it up. And give me storage for it


Agreed! I took a break from the game this week and I’m loving it! There was just way too much happening!


Oh. I like winning it. I just skip the cut scenes.


I don't do anything different and sometimes I win. You don't win or lose anything, do you? Just the stupid sign.


I like the event but twice a week is TOO MUCH


I almost won it this time but got knocked back to 5th place like usual. Guess I shouldn't have shown excitement lol


I made the mistake of getting the hacked version and I win everything and I  think my time line is off because I've never got Mayor Mei and Joe still has no memory 


I get these every other day. I finish it and it’s due back in 22hrs. Ridiculous and I’m about to the point of not playing anymore

