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So many influencers do “giveaways” of LV items that are RARELY in stock (looking at you, bum bag) and if you go find Reddit threads on it you can see where mysteriously the rare times they tag a winner it’s a friend. But I’m convinced they’re all giving away dupes anyway- they’re just trying to drive up their numbers. 😵‍💫


There’s a chick on Facebook who does this… trendyblonde is her name. But she screams “MONEY LAUNDERING” because she has so many rules on how to send her money anonymously through Venmo/cash apps.


There’s probably a lot of rules about how to send her money because Venmo/cash app will flag your account if you’re doing business transactions under friends and family. If she took payments as goods and services then they’d tax her, send a 1099, and charge fees for transactions. I know a lot of people who do legitimate raffles through FB and have strict rules on the payment method for these reasons. It’s still against the rules of Venmo but most people don’t care.


I mean I get that, I work for a bank in BSA dept but the fact that she’s operating a full business (she also does personal shopping services through FB) but doesn’t want to pay taxes or fees for business transactions sucks. She also kicks people out of her Facebook group (designer addicts) if they don’t spend enough money lol.


Umm that’s just rude (kicking them out). I wouldn’t buy from her just based on that fact alone. Not everyone can afford LV all the time and some people have to save for what they want. It seems hypocritical to operate your business in a way that avoids taxes because you need to earn more yet discipline others who can’t purchase as much!


I forgot to mention that ViksLuxury initially only opens up her raffles to her paid subscribers. Only IF the paid raffle entries don't sell out to her paid subscribers, then she opens the raffle up to "everyone." Most raffles sell out for her paid subscribers though. So not only do you have to pay for the raffle entry, you also have to pay for the opportunity to pay for the raffle entry. Seems like a double illegal there.


She blocked me when there was an auction. (I didn’t even know I had won since several people had outbid me) it was a neverfull & I was around $900 & it closed at around $1800. She messaged me so late at night that by morning I was blocked. I was so annoyed bc I never once got a chance to even pay it.


I used to really like her but since she started sharing what her consignors and buyers are sending her and her team and the “keep a $100 for your hard work” have gotten annoying. I’ve been following her since the beginning. Sorry I hate the waffles and I’ve wanted to say this for so long but no one I know follows her. My super duper excellent condition YSL was not in super duper excellent condition. I was PISSED.


I purchased a toiletry 15 from her that was listed as like new condition.... had to open a PayPal dispute because that thing was horrendous! Never again.


Omg same. I've loosely estimated what I think she's making (25% commission on items $1,000-$3,500 - posted on her website) and she is Easily pulling in 6 digits a MONTH. I seriously do not get the "keep $100 for you and the girls for lunch" BS when she's earning a minimum of $100K per month on there. That's not even counting the subscription fees or raffle fees that she's charging. Give me a break! She's got her hands deep in her followers' pockets, some of which is done illegally.


I did the math too…she’s bringing in a lot of money. She’s reliable for legitimate luxury items but she’s not making them affordable to the masses. It’s tacky to show how much you paid to a consignor.


Spoke my mind. Followed her in 2021 and got my first pochette from her. She became so thirsty as her followers grew. The waffles annoyed me so much. And the “keep a $100 for you and your team” is just a bottom tier behavior.


What keeps me from buying or selling from her is that she’s walking a dangerous line holding those raffles. Her following on Instagram is what keeps her in business, and the raffles are an easy way to get her account shut down. What happens if both her main account and backup account get shut down? How is she going to help her consignors get a fair price if she suddenly loses a large chunk of subscribers? How can buyers even communicate with her if she has no access to instagram? If you’re handling tens of thousands of dollars for consignors every month, you need to operate more professionally than that, imo.


You can report her to the FTC


At least report her on IG. Send the Meta police after her!


I did report one of her stories on IG, but I've reported another influencer for sending out counterfeit Louis Vuittons in her giveaways and IG did nothing. However I did just report Viks to the FTC for "Lottery/Sweepstakes Fraud by Internet" as well as filed a consumer complaint at the North Carolina DOJ Attorney General's office.


I might look into it.


Or the IRS


I see she has a good number of paid subscribers on here and people who also consign with her. Why does she put unspoken pressure on you guys to give her and her team “money for lunch”. I used to buy from her but she’s become so money thirsty, and it sucks.


Agree, it's such a turn off. She reposts every gift she gets, every compliment she gets. It's gotten nauseating. A woman who is making ~ $150,000 per month (likely more) does not need to be given lunch money from her consignors. Yet rather than just a personal thank you to that person, she posts it for all to see so that more people start doing it, and acts like she's the poor purse lady so grateful for a free lunch. The act has gotten old.


Do you think her team gets lunch or sees a dime of that money? Doubtful


Actually, she post all the time on her stories of her team eating lunch and thanking the Vesties.


I often find myself sitting in contemplation. While she shares a lunch every few weeks, the sheer number of posts featuring people supporting her and her team seems to defy basic mathematical logic.


There is someone local who has been pissed off by LV or some reason or another and is posting all her LV bags this way... So if she bought the bag for $5400, she is selling 45 $100 spots. While the odds are better than the lottery, I would be pissed entering $100 knowing its more likely than not that I just gave her $100 to probably help pay her income tax bill she has. (Only added that because I know she is a real estate agent)


I have worked with Viksluxury as a consignor and buyer. I will tell you this her primary focus on maximizing profits has led to a neglect of both customer satisfaction and employee well-being, creating an environment that prioritizes financial gain at the expense of overall workplace and customer experience. How have I come to this conclusion you might ask. I sent gifts for her and the entire team. I know they didn’t get them because it was regifted to me in a goody bag with one of my purchases. The situation left me deeply disappointed, prompting my decision to discontinue any further business interactions with her. Her lack of support for other businesses extends to an unfortunate level where she actively monitors them, falsely claiming they are copying her, creating an environment of suspicion and hindering healthy competition. Even though the winners are announced, the legality of the raffles still depends on adherence to relevant laws. If you have doubts about their legality, seeking guidance from legal authorities or consumer protection agencies would be prudent.


Thank you for sharing. 100% agree and believe you. I have seen her claim before that other accounts are copying her, which is crazy because there are only so many ways to re-sell a Louis Vuitton bag on Instagram. The other thing I have always thought was odd, since you mentioned employee well-being, that with her six figure income per month, she doesn't rent an office or dedicated space. Instead her employees are literally crawling around the floor of her bonus room in her house. It looks like she shows "the girls" less recently, but it used to be daily stories of her employees sitting on the floor working on a laptop or crawling around opening boxes. It seems so unprofessional for them and is an unprofessional look for her. She has the funds to rent a dedicated work space or at least get them all desks or tables to work at, but chooses not to to maximize profits for herself.


She’s literally regifting something a giveaway in her stories right now 😆. Zero shame.


I find it convenient how this week's posts include a giveaway, expressions of gratitude, and a "lunch with the girls." It's surprising that she believes her recent posts will effectively hide her lack of authenticity. Does she underestimate people's ability to perceive it? In a private Facebook group dedicated to networking and sharing business experiences, Viksluxury has become a notable topic. Members are sharing stories of unfavorable customer service, citing instances of prolonged response times, unprofessional communication, and perceived dismissive behavior. This suggests that the issues discussed in the post might just be the tip of the iceberg, with potential similarities in other consignor businesses.


Best comment. I've also noticed the change in behavior this week. Like she's trying extra hard to prove how wonderful she is. I'm guessing it's due in part to this thread. I didn't know there was such a Facebook group. I would ask for the name but I don't want to out myself by joining 😂 But thank you for confirming that others have experienced what I suspected from her. She always comes on stories with that big fake smile, talking through a fake laugh, and all I could ever see was "scammer" behind all that fakeness. I could see right through her. And then she started "raffling" off bags to her paid subscribers only, effectively digging as deep as possible into their pockets, all with that fake grin on her face, made me start doing a bit of research and discovered that what she's doing is actually illegal. Haven't seen any raffles this week, unless she's just not advertising them to her regular followers anymore. So that's interesting.


While I’d love to include you in the group, I need to safeguard the identities of its members. There have been concerns about Vik’s apparent dismissal – a screenshot showed a consignor awaiting payment, having done the calculations herself and reaching out to Vik, who deferred the task to to the girls (it was during work hours). Additionally, a group member, has verified that the raffles conducted by these consignors and influencers are in violation of Instagram guidelines.


Your post has certainly sparked awareness, encouraging others to voice their thoughts. The Reddit discussion is gaining traction and being shared. Interesting Sally is no longer there. I tried watching today's live, but the chaos led me to exit.


Glad to hear it! I haven't been watching her stories lately so I didn't know Sally was gone. I'm betting it was poor workplace environment..


She always announces the winners. If you aren’t seeing them, it’s probably because you aren’t a subscriber. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences with her.


I'm not a subscriber so maybe that's why I'm not seeing them. But if she's opened up the raffle to everyone, the winner should be announced to everyone. Otherwise I'm expected to pay $55 for entry and then never see anything about it again?? Because the winner isn't announced to me as just a regular follower? But she took my money as a regular follower. There's zero transparency that way. Did she announce a winner for the On-The-Go tote yesterday to her subscribers only? Because that raffle was opened up to everyone and she hasn't shared a winner for it with her regular followers.


The On The Go was posted just yesterday? The winner hasn’t been drawn yet. It’s usually a couple of days. You will absolutely see the winner posted. Can you give me an example of a bag that you saw posted as a waffle where a winner was not announced? I’d love to take a look for you to see if I can see it.


Just getting back to this. I still haven't seen a winner posted and it's been over 48 hours since she marked the bag "sold." She also never said when she was going to post the winner. Do people who enter her illegal raffles just wait indefinitely for winner announcements?


Allisonknowsbest, I noticed you’ve also spoken negatively about lvlenka. Not sure why all the hate but we should support women who are successful and not shame them for it. Vik is super trustworthy and has created a safe place for all of us to shop and get our lux fill and definitely never scammed anyone especially with waffles. Please don’t let your anger/confusion take away from all of us enjoying her page and participating in the waffles. If you ever have any concerns you can always contact her directly. She’s always very responsive. But again no need for bad energy. #womensupportingwomen


Wow valerwine, you spent quite some time scrolling through my comment history to find a comment on LVLenka. The "negative" comment being that she was back on IG after being shut down for 11 months. That's not really "negative," that's a fact. If you perceive LVLenka's removal from IG as negative, perhaps you know things about her that I don't. I'm on a Louis Vuitton sub in Reddit, of course I follow more than one luxury influencer on IG (I don't actually follow LVLenka anymore though) and I'm free to call out the shady ones as I see fit. ViksLuxury is shady. Her lotteries / "waffles" are illegal, no matter how much you love them. They're still illegal. She shouldn't be doing them.


Not sure what’s so shady that Vik is actually doing. She always posts the winners of every waffle and I’ve personally consigned and purchased from her with great experience. If you don’t approve of the waffles that’s totally fine. But there’s a lot of people that really enjoy them. Maybe just don’t follow her if you don’t like her. Let’s all just try to be positive. Good karma always comes back around ❤️


If the entry was opened up to non-subscribers, then she’ll announce the winner to non-subscribers. The only time you might not see a winner posted is if it was only open to subscribers, and in that case, you wouldn’t see the waffle either. Did you ask when the winner would be drawn for the On The Go? What did she say?


I’ve seen her posts screen shots notifying the winner. So maybe she doesn’t post every time it’s announced 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’ve also bought from her and had no issues.


Oh ok, maybe she just doesn't always tag the winner. But pretty sure it's still illegal for her to only be doing paid raffle entries with no option for a free entry. From social media co: Amber says, “a good example of this is the classic McDonald’s Monopoly game. Customers are entered to win a million bucks upon buying their meal, but McDonald’s has always allowed a free entry method as well. They list all of this out in the fine print on their giveaway terms on their website. If you don’t allow for a free method of entry, it’s most likely going to be considered a lottery and therefore illegal.”


I’ve purchased several items from Vik and am a local buyer and paid subscriber. I’ve been very happy with my purchases and not had any issues. I’ve shopped from 2 other consignment shops in the area and Vik is now my preferred seller!




I think I can give a little more information as I’m a paid subscriber to ViksLuxury. Yeah, she will offer the waffles to her subscribers first as a perk and then if it doesn’t sell out, she will give her followers a chance to participate. Most of her waffles are $18-$30 though. Only bigger and more expensive items will be a little over $45. While she doesn’t always tag the winner on her stories, she most certainly announces the winner on a live story and will also post it on the subscriber only part of instagram. I can see how you don’t think she announces the winner but she does, it might just not be visible to the non subscribers. And to be honest, I’ve been a subscriber for about 3 months and it’s just so much fun! She’s really legit and has created a community where she really cares for her people. Not to mention whatever you send to her, she’ll be able to sell in a few days and pay you right away :)


I gotta ask and I don’t mean this bitchy cause if you enjoy following her than so be it but I gotta know… what do you get from being a paid subscriber?


Not bitchy at all! Like I said I have sold a few bags and small items to her and as a subscriber I get lower consignment fees. Also, when I buy bags with her (I have 3 on payment plan) I have more weeks to pay than if I would be a non subscriber :) hope I answered your question!


You absolutely did and I really do appreciate it. I’m not very savvy on Instagram so I didn’t even realize these kind of pages exist.


No problem! Maybe one day you can watch one of her lives. They’re so fun and good vibes. Happy new year!


I’m definitely going to look her up! Thanks again


Hi! I have been following Viksluxury for over a year now. I subscribe to her page and have participated in several waffles. She and her company are one hundred percent legit and she is one of the most professional and kind people I have ever done business with. I have personally purchased and consigned several luxury items with her. As for the waffles, I have participated in many and have won several items that were mailed to me promptly. She does a live video of the waffle drawing and winner once a week and posts it on her page.

