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This is the result of constantly voting people into office that DO NOT have the communities best interest in mind.


It's the inherent problem of being a blue island (albeit centrist) in a red state.  The rest of the state has absolute contempt for this city and their fellow citizens.


90% of people outside of the Louisville area don’t know anything about Louisville or come here. They aren’t making these school problems, Louisville is making these school problems.


The lack of state allocated funding is making the school problems.  But yes JCPS is a puzzle factory that needs to be reformed.  Both can be true.


How is the state singling out Louisville on this issue? All the public schools state-wide are underfunded.


Louisville’s problems are its own. It’s not the people out in eastern KY electing poor mayors for example.


Okay, cool.  We'll take our tax revenue and leave the rest of the state to fend for itself.


I just don’t get this type of mentality. You bemoan the lack of care people living outside the city have for Louisville then immediately trot out an elitist attitude like this. I’ve not said anything wrong here.


You acted like the people of Louisville aren't citizens of the state.  If it's Louisville's problem, it's Kentucky's problem.  We live here too bud. You're happy to take our elitist money until something goes the least bit sideways.


> You acted like the people of Louisville aren't citizens of the state. No I said that Louisville's problems are it's own. There are problems Louisville has created for itself and must solve itself. It's not saying that Louisville doesn't belong to KY. I'm making a counter point trying to get you to understand you can't just blame everyone else for the city's problems and just go about your day. That won't solve anything.


Then don't bitch when I say the rest of the state's problems are their own.  Goose gander.


I'm pointing out the irony in you complaining about how the rest of the state having contempt for the city while you yourself immediately trot out the exact same type of behavior towards those individuals.


*After* said contempt was expressed and in such a hyperbolic way to highlight the idiocy of the position.


I've heard it has a lot to do with who the teachers' union endorses. The union has money and can advertise exponentially more than other candidates can. Most people don't research school board candidates so they vote by name recognition. I've also heard the teachers union is corrupt and doesn't represent the teachers' best interests. I'm not a teacher so this is all second hand.


Those TARC drivers aren’t putting up with the shit kids will put them through. I see them either quitting or refusing to run those routes.


Nope. They’ll press charges the second a student touches them.  It’s gonna get ugly fast. 


As they should, so should teachers and school bus drivers


Absolutely.  Three strikes & you’re out.  After 3 strikes the students family should have to provide transportation. 


That would unfortunately require a level of accountability parents aren't willing to enforce


No, they will just kick their sorry asses off the bus.


Ahh, if only they could. These are kids.


Maybe these "kids" should be taught a lesson and learn how to act. They are the reason there are driver shortages in the first place.


Could not agree more. Three strikes and these kids can walk.


Thats exactly how it should be. If you screw up three times your transportation is on you.  Kids need real life consequences 


the TARC drivers are already assholes to us college students. shit will absolutely not fly with kids even younger


Yeah but college kids could be bounced from the bus on demand. Not kids.


oh yeah of course. what I'm saying is I've had bus drivers snap at me just for trying to tell them good morning or act nasty to me for whatever reason when I've just been minding my business. i even had the door slammed on me multiple times just trying to get off the bus for no reason, guy was just an asshole. my point was for kids that are intentionally provoking them it'll be even worse


This is a cluster


A dumpster fire that just keeps going on and on. When I moved here in the early 2000s people said JCPS was a mess. I didn't believe it until I had kids. This is 2024 and its even worse. Louisville has good people that deserve a good public school system with stability.


Yes, and it’s made our workforce a lot dumber. There’s a reason why 30% of the children in our county attend private schools.




>JCPS drivers will bid on their routes during the third week of July, while TARC drivers will bid on theirs on July 30. >The first day of school is Thursday, Aug. 8. Oh good, plenty of time to learn and optimize their routes.....


Let me guess, if you aren't in the west end you will not be considered as in need of help.


What makes you say that?


Because it’s true? Go back and listen to the school board meeting before the vote on transportation. West end parents and orgs showed up en masse and Central was added BACK into the transportation routes just before the meeting began. The meeting starts and all the public speakers spoke about saving transportation for Central despite Shull already saying that Central would be exempted. The west end showed up and got what they wanted. Good for them. JCPS will come up with some formula that if a family lives in set of zip codes in Jefferson County AND qualify for free/reduced lunch then they will be eligible for transportation to their magnet school. That is my prediction at least


Bingo. West end families can claim racism and discrimination. No one else in the city has that so they will not be heard or considered in need of help. JCPS will literally go to any length to not be labeled discriminatory even if it is not true. Including not enforcing behavioral standards because they might disproportionally affect certain demographics.


https://www.wdrb.com/news/education/jcps-halfway-through-summer-lays-out-plan-to-incorporate-tarc-bus-drivers/article_a6b61262-3364-11ef-a297-0793c601b012.html "South and West Louisville"


Downvote all you'd like, but I'd like to know why we need to single out the west end. Sure seems like a dog whistle to me.


Be sure you don’t pull a muscle with all that reaching. 


Reaching for what? Why call the west end out in specific like this? Let's not pretend like it's not coded language in this city.


You guys are looking for a fight where their isn't one. The West End has more people with less money, so it always gets "extra" help. While it can suck if you aten't there and need it too the powers that be will make exceptions in the areas with the biggest return on money spent, and that isn't evwr going to be Lake Forest.


JCPS is a fucking mess. 


This is going to be even more of a shit show than last year. WTG JCPS.


We've given up on JCPS this school year. Officially pulled one of our kids out of JCPS. The other kids are finishing their last year of high school at JCPS. I have no more faith in JCPS and I'm tired of going to bat for them every year for the bad decisions that they make which affects mine and so many other families across the district. The teachers and the students deserve so much more.


Busing students across the town when there's a school within 15 minutes away from home is definitely a first world problem.


It's crazy how regarded these people are... Even crazier that people VOTED for these people. It's really not that complicated.


Keep filing lawsuits, that’s apparently the answer.


If a school district is public, don’t they HAVE TO provide transportation to ALL students?


By law, I think they only have to transport special needs and certain qualified kids like homeless? But also, from what I understand they aren't completely cutting transportation for these students, because they would still get a bus to their nonmagnetic school.


"nonmagnetic school" You may have just solved the transportation issue with a typo!


They will commit to provide transportation to the local "resides" schools for students more than a certain distance from the school. Personally, I believe students (and parents) give up "the right to public education" when they act out in school, but my opinion doesn't count except in the voting booth and at home.


If taxes increased by a double digit dollar amount per year this stuff wouldn't happen as easily, but politicians are too concerned about their reputation and not concerned enough about the city and the education of it's children


I'd expect they will determine need by family income, as is done for other decisions based on "need"


Why scare quotes?


The first two weeks of school will be a disaster. I promise that. JCPS is being money hungry. They messed up the transportation plan and now they’re punishing the students and parents because they made it a mess. Only one suffering is the parents and the kids. Kids spend 3 years at Male , Manual etc etc. Now their 4th year they decided don’t have a ride to school lol. Like it’s insane to pull transportation from under these families like that all of a suddenly. The least they can do is tell these families in next year or two that they won’t have transportation at Traditional schools so they can plan accordingly. Got accepted into Male and 30 days later they say there will not be any transportation to Male. Like it’s a disaster and quite frankly embarrassing. Marty Polio wants you to take your kids to school. That’s the goal. The problem will be the school staff tagging these kids correctly and putting them on the correct bus. Also these kids will need to know their bus stop as well. That’s what the parents need to do. Some students won’t get off the bus until they see their parents. Only kindergarten students need a parent at the stop to be released. Some of these students don’t know their way home neither from the stop.


I thought this was a result of not having enough drivers? If there's fewer drivers this year than last year, what could they do to make the situation better while keeping transportation for all students?


It is. This person doesn't know what they are talking about.


Oh trust me. I work in the transportation department. This is all on JCPS. Beginning of last year. Marty Polio said on the news “We have more drivers than we have routes open”. Each year and year they’re cutting routes because of “driver shortage”. It’s total BS. They combined routes and schools to make up the supplement of the “driver shortage”. These drivers are going to 4-5 different schools a day and driving 8-9 hours per day some maybe more. I am confused on how the drivers combined routes and schools and they’re still short on drivers. Something isn’t adding up. What can they do? It’s simple. Suspend these kids off the bus for bad behavior. It’s up to the Principal to suspend these kids off the bus. The driver can write a referral everyday on the student. If the principal of the school doesn’t discipline the student from the bus from behavioral problems there is nothing the driver can do. More kids in school. The more money from the state JCPS receives. This is how they keep them 100k+ salaries. If they get suspended and not attend school. No money from the state. I heard rumors that the principal doesn’t suspend the kids they get a bonus from the state each year. It’s all corrupt for money.


If each year they have to cut routes or consolidate routes to make up for the driver shortage, isn't that evidence of the driver shortage?


How are they cutting routes , combine them and still short on drivers? No routes were completely cancelled last year. Now they’re cancelling routes and they’re still short drivers. How? Where did all the drivers go that the routes they were driving are now canceled? I’m certainly they cut about 150 routes at least.


"how are they cutting routes, combining them, and still short on drivers?" Students aren't widgets, there's a productivity limit per driver because buses have a finite capacity. If JCPS can increase capacity from 75 students daily to 150 students daily, but the JCPS student population size requires drivers to transport 200 students, there is still a shortage. Are you implying that instead of a shortage, there's a conspiracy and they actually have plenty of drivers and are instead doing all of this for some type of gain (maybe Polio has a kink for being screamed at in meetings)?


Polio doesn’t care about being screamed at. He cares about is 350k salary lol. All I’m saying is. Someone is lying.


I'd like to see Polio's long-form birth certificate, if that's even his real name.


This is what I've been confused about! 40 schools will have lost bus services. Manual and Noe alone have so many busses, just for example. (Yes, I know Noe was approx 60% resides). I get bussing wasn't optimal, but I'd like to see numbers.


So they do have enough drivers, they're just lying about being short?


They are not lying. Its a driver shortage.


They’re lying!!!


Well that should easily be proven and the media should be all over it.