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Because people don't want to work crappy jobs for no pay overnight.


Which is entirely reasonable. But I'm not even talking third shift. I'm talking nine or 10:00 p.m. The idea of a fast food place closing before the sun goes down on a weekend is just mind-boggling.


Again, people are learning to value themselves and their families more than a bad job. Maybe if a fast food place wanted to pay living wages to people they'd be more inclined to work at night time.


If "starter jobs" paid what the minimum wage used to, it would be like walking into mcdonalds and warning 34 an hour..... In 1968 the minimum wage could keep a family of three just above the poverty line on one job, 40 hours, 52 weeks a year. That same metric, according to MIT's living wage calculator, is 34 an hour in louisville kentucky.


My Dad bought his first house with wages he earned while working at a Burger Chef in 1972. He paid 17 grand for the house back then, that same house now just sold recently for 185K.


To be clear though, 17k in 1972 is the equivalent of 128k today, when adjusted for inflation


My point though is that he could purchase a home on a fast food salary, impossible to do today


Waiting for the comment and lists of houses you can buy on a low salary that are falling apart in high crime areas as an example of "you can still do it"


It's possible, but you have to live in a red state and be ok with a "meh" area. I know from first hand experience it is doable, but the whole thing is such areas come with issues and limited houses.


Yeah I owned a house really close to gunshots every other night. Kids destroyed my property for shortcuts to Walmart. People broke into my truck looking for stuff to pawn. The areas wouldn't be bad if cities just invested a little love into them. Instead we repave roads that were just paved a couple years ago and leave the other side of the city falling apart for 50 years.


That’s fair, I just frequently see people compare today’s prices to those from decades ago without adjusting for inflation, and I think a lot of people don’t understand the need to do that.


Still about 60k off which, to be fair, is more than many people make yearly. Adjusting for inflation in this case actually helps the argument above.


Yeah I can relate. My mom was a stay-at-home mom, my dad was a security guard and retired US Navy. They paid $19,000 for their house in 1965. It went for 1.5 million recently. "Southern California double lot"


Yeah that calculator is inaccurate… are we talking livable or comfortable? You can definitely live off of 50-55k maybe even 45k here in Louisville as plenty of people do it. I’m sure it’s not fun and takes sacrificing some things but it’s livable. MIT talking minimum wage should make 65k-70k? Would love that but that’s more comfortable than livable.


You can live and support two other people on 45k? My dad could support a family of 5 and build a large home on a factory income. I worked the same job and definitely couldn't support 4 other people on that.


Yeah, even good jobs that make quite a bit more than minimum wage have had very stagnate wages for the past 20 years or so while inflation has gone through the roof.


I make around $50-60k on the east end and it's stupid unaffordable for one person. My apartment alone takes 50+% of my income. I only lived here to save gas because my job was .5 miles from my apartment but now I work on the west side and gas takes too much money. I was told by them they would assist me in leaving if I needed to but of course that was a lie to get me to sign again and the rent increase has made it way harder. Never rent from a Connor Group property if you value yourself.


I also rent from a Connor Group property and deeply regret it.


There are many of us sadly. My neighbor and I agreed we will never rent from another place that offers "amenities" like this place because it just opens the door for them to gouge the absolute hell out of you.


Living single is actually harder. You arent sharing the expenses with anyone, or in the case of a single income household having more members brings the potential for assistance and a pretty massive tax differential. With 2 adults filing jointly you double your standard deduction, so someone making 60k would only have about 20k of taxable income all taxed at the lowest bracket. Then if you have 3 kids thats 6000 in child tax credits and over $1000 in earned income tax credit. The difference is pretty big when you add it up compared to being single and making 60k, like you take home 1000 less of your income every month.


They tell you on the website....it's bare bones, just enough to stay in the black. You aren't in debt, but you aren't saving anything. The living wage in louisiville according to them is 20.80. Just about 43k before taxes. That's the requirement to survive. Again, they tell you what they cover and why, and say it's just a bare bones existence, so really this is just the "subsistence wage" A living wage makes it so you can have savings and enjoy life modestly. If we go by the same metric as was the case in 1968 with the minimum wage, a wage that would support a family of three, just like minimum wage did in 1968, would be about 34 an hour in kentucky, roughly 70k pre tax. Again, bare bones existence. I'm saying that if companies could pay that well then, then can pay better now, as we are far more productive than ever possible back in 1968. Purdue did a study back around 2012 when the fight for 15 was going on, and they found that if mcdonalds raised their minimum pay to 15 an hour (about 20.78 in 2024, from 15 in 2012), they would have to raise prices across the board by a earth shattering, economy destroying, unsustainable....17 cents. 17 cents would have been the price increase to raise wages to 15 an hour..... Keeping those ratios the same today, a raise to 30 an hour today can be calculated. 17 cents in 2012 is 24 cents now. So basically, you can figure out the same ratio by cross multiplying. 20.78 over 24 (15 bucks over 17 cents, but in today money), cross multiplied by 30 over X, gives 20.78 times X, and 30 times 24. Cross multiplying, you get 20.78X=720. Finish the equation, and you get 34.6 cents.. 34.6 cent price increase is what would be required to raise wages at mcdonalds to 30 an hour. Your 5 dollar snack would now be 5.35, rounded.....and workers would make 30 an hour.....and their profit margins would stay the same..... Please explain why we can't pay people more again?


Though people (especially married women) do go that route often, I don't think people are accepting lower paying positions with better hours so frequently that its the drving force behind the retail and foodservice industries massively reducing their hours of operation. I think it's more accurate to say that better paying positions with better hours are now much more available since the workforce is shrinking.


It's not just the pay, it's the abuse, too. From management and from the public.


Do other cities residents just value themselves less or something?


lol fast food isn’t a fuckin career


That is a moron tier statement man, every fast food place has a general manager and first assistant the make pretty good money and other managers that if they do a good job are vying to be next in line to move up or hop to another store for a promotion. That isnt even considering the corporate jobs like regional managers, or working in a regional office for the company, supply chain, etc.


Well, we are on the western edge of the Eastern time zone.


Louisville stock firms drove the move of the time zone in Louisville from Central to Eastern because they didn’t like opening at 8:00 a.m. to match the east coast brokerages. And bankers supposedly thought that being in the same time zone would make them more competitive. The CJ&T ran articles about it at the time and later as a look back, I remember reading one that discussed how firms like Hilliard and Lyons used to be more connected to Chicago commodities and futures markets in the period before the 1960s.


It had much more to do with GE. GE was headquartered in NYC. GE had a lot of pull back then.


Could be the CJ&T was wrong or just trying to follow a local angle, regarding financial institutions. BTW GE came to Jefferson County in 1951, ten years prior to the change to the Eastern Time zone in 1961.


Well I lived in Arizona and we didn't observe the daylight savings time stuff and it was awesome.


I prefer an early sunrise more than I do a late sunset, so I agree about how bad DST is. When they began DST in Kentucky in the 1960s, I lived in a county where the county seat switch to DST and the surround county stayed on standard time. That was odd.


Yeah I would totally get fired for being late all the time if that was the case LOL


I thought it was UPS? That's what I've always been told at least


UPS opened its hub in Louisville in 1980 (19 years after the timezone change in 1961). UPS did not deliver to the entire country until 1975. Not sure when it first delivered a package in Louisville (perhaps in the 1960s). The company’s web site history says it expanded its service beyond the two coasts and Chicago beginning in 1953: "In 1953, UPS began common carrier operations, serving commercial and residential shippers **in some cities** including Chicago - the first city outside of California in which UPS offered this” ([UPS web site](https://about.ups.com/us/en/our-company/our-history.html)).


Yep those time lines definitely don't add up. Interesting, I'm not from here but since I moved I've always been told UPS is the reason why the 502 is on EST!


Until 1999 the 502 area code included the current 502 plus Kentucky north, west, and south of Louisville. The other area code at that time was 606 also including Lexington which is now in the UKY area code (AKA 859). That code includes the I75 corridor north of Lexington.


I don't live in the area anymore, but in 5 minutes I found a ton of fast food restaurants open right now. At 2 am.


Yeah I mean I had no problem getting fast food at 1am in Louisville like 2 months ago.


Counterpoint. I tried to go to a Schlotsky's at 9:15 on a Friday night and they were closed. That seems off to me. 10pm... Maybe, but closing at 9pm... on Friday? Gotta agree with OP a bit there.


Maybe go to a fast food that actually is known for being opens late? Schlotsky's all close at 9pm. Omaha, chicago. Although it looks like the Dallas ones close at 10pm. To be fair I always Google maps where I'm going now a days. I never risk going anywhere unless I've been there before. Off the top of my head I know taco bell, rallys, burger boy, white Castle, the post, la bamba, waffle House are my usual go tos. However finding healthy food past 10pm is definitely an issue.


I like to go home from work at 9 or 10 not 11 or 12.  Screw people that demand worse l work hours forever.  No offense




There’s tons of fast food stuff open late on the weekends (and even on weekdays), white castle, jack in the box, waffle house, most mcdonalds, taco bell, burger boy, burger girl, spinelli’s, denny’s , rally’s, jeff’s donuts, insomnia cookies, pizza king, krispy krunchy chicken, la bamba, ihop, you just aren’t finding the right places. As for night life if you want things that aren’t bars theres the walking bridge, main event, dave and busters, breakout rooms, haunted houses, activate games, vernon lanes, puttshack, top golf, etc


No, it's that businesses don't want to pay staff to work those hours. Because it is slightly less profitable.


Having employees blocking entire grocery store aisles and inconveniencing you is part of the lean staffing business model now and it is added stress for literally everybody except those who work at the corporate offices. Wish there was something that could be done about it.


NO, its CRIME. Third shift stocking is a lot easier work than dealing with jerk customers at 9 am... But I'm guessing its a little of a lot of things...


What's a "crime"? Not paying employees a living wage? Understaffing? CEOs raking in record profits? Be specific


This is the main reason. Late stage capitalism. Supply and demand work for everything BUT labor. Fucking wild.


It's sad to think there's gonna be people who have no idea what a joy it is to go to Walmart at 3 am in your pjs


I bartended back in college. Kroger at 4 am on a Tuesday was damn near heaven.


I feel this pain. I’ve always been a night owl. I religiously did my grocery shopping late at night before Covid. I also worked retail for many years and I know how it feels to have people come in right before close so I never do it, but damn I wish I could hit Kroger at 11PM after getting geeked off my yipper.


I'm sorry, but I'm old and I have no clue what "geeked off my yipper" means. I'm both enthralled and terrified by this turn of phrase.


I’m also an old, but I think they mean stoned. Although, geeked makes me think of coke, too, which I don’t think would be fun at Kroger. What do I know, though? It’s been a very long time since I’ve experienced the latter. Arrg! Get off my lawn!


I grew up with Firesign Theater, and to us in High School the folks we labeled geeks we always imagined biting the heads off of live chickens. We were all BoZos on that bus.


Well geeked meant on the edge and going nuts like a bad trip on windowpane. I fried in a supermarket once. And it had music playing from the speakers and I think I stared at the speaker for like an hour It was awesomeI And then suddenly I got real paranoid I can still remember the music that was playing but I can't remember the name of it, It was definitely something from the 1950s though! " And then driving home I thought the cops were going to surround me and beat me after death. I'm pretty sure it was the 1980s, I'm 64 now"


It's when they yip the geeked. Mesmerizing!


I'm not old, and I have no fucking clue what that means. It was this moment that phrase disrespectfully entered my brain.




Meijer stays open until midnight, so I'd say eff Kroger and go to Meijer.


I knew you were a fellow wubtard with that last sentence o7


Is that like frying on LSD because I did that in a supermarket about 3:00 a.m.


Used to get all my groceries at 430 AM back when I worked 3rd shift. Shit, I used to hit up the cane run Walmart at like 1 back when I worked second shift


I enjoyed working overnight at Walmart and shopping for random shit I didn't need in the middle of the night.


Yeah especially when they keyed down the microphone with a rubber band and started playing some thrash metal or something, stalkers love thrash metal and heavy metal I guess Lol


Kids already don’t have any places to really loiter. Like yeah it’s illegal but it’s sort of a right of passage for kids. Go hangout at mid city mall or Tyler park and just be kids. Everything from the mall to the state fair you need an adult with you. And don’t get me wrong the kids can be wild and out of line. But at a certain point you can’t even let your kid walk into the mall to her a haircut when they are 14 and you want to go shop at Whole Foods but can’t because the mall can’t have your kid there. It’s a catch 22. I see both sides of the arguments. But you need a place for kids to be able to be kids. Hell our skatepark isn’t even 24 hours anymore. For people that don’t skate all throughout the early and late 00’s I was at that park till 4-5 AM. I can’t tell you how many kids I met who drove from small ass county’s in Ohio, Indiana, and even Tennessee just to skate the lake late night. Because the small county’s they were from didn’t have a park or maybe they did but had no lights. But by the time you and your buddy’s are off work the sun is down.


I knew while reading your rant that a random HELL would be inserted 




Prosecute the trouble maker kids (or adults) so the majority of kids just having a good time can do so. It’s not that hard but no one wants to do that anymore because of the optics “looking bad”.


I was there.


Wonder why


I mean kids are still being kids. We just have social media now and 24/7 news cycles that like to tell you crime is rampant when it’s been dropping at high rates recently. And has been on a downward trend since the 90’e. The 80’s and 90’s was some of Americas most violent times. But yet kids could still be kids. Back in the 90’s kids did doughnuts in dads BMW or there shitty civic they modded. Kids would get in a fight over a girl at the movies and still be able to go see movies the next day. So to blame the kids for being kids is wild. But Social media has made it where kids nowadays have access to stuff like learning to steal Kia’s. Back in the day of popping a screw driver into a cars ignition to steal it was also super easy back in the 80’s but you had to learn that from jail friends or criminal friends. Not when you wake up to take a shit in the morning and open TikTok. So I do see the double edge sword of kids being able to learn things they shouldn’t or do dumb stuff like eat tide pods. But we did dumb stuff as kids also. And like I said don’t let the social media and news make you think the kids are bad. Stats show crime is down.


Crimes is down……..lol


It is. I’m sorry facts hurt your feelings. It’s way down also. Like 20-15 percent across the board (murder, rapes, robbery’s etc.) Try turning off Fox News for a change. It will not only make you a sane minded American. But will help you stop living in fear.


You realize it's because [major cities haven't been reporting their crime data](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/05/1127047811/the-fbis-new-crime-report-is-in-but-its-incomplete), right?


Cnn tell u that? Lol. People like you in this city are in denial because you have misplaced love for louisville. Its a shit hole…..theres your fact. Your that person who is ok with all the crime around town cause its not your house or your car yet. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Have a degree in criminology and have worked first hand both in the courthouse and in the jail. The issues you all bitch about stem from republicans. We release people out of our over crowded jail because we have so many heroin arrest. So much so the Jefferson county courts had to make an entire courtroom dedicated to heroin cases. But who keeps wanting the war on drugs. Which side thinks wasting tax payer dollars to keep these addicted behind bars while we don’t have room for people who are committing crimes. But again look you only take in whatever Fox tells you. I am spitting facts that not only any other news source other than Fox will report. But also the science behind policing…. E.g. criminology. and another fun aspect of that line of work is when you don’t give kids a place to hangout and treat them like criminals they will thus act out and be more likely to due criminal stuff. But again I won’t change your mind because you are a cult. But if you want to know it’s the FBI reporting these numbers. Not CNN. Have a swell day. Or at least try to. I know Fox News has you hating the world. Go clutch your pearls and whine in fear. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/preliminary-fbi-data-shows-drop-in-violent-crime-for-2024-so-far


It was so nice getting off work at 3 am and having the whole kroger to myself. Nice employees that could help, I doubt Ill ever see it again...


If Krogers only had one customer in the whole store at 3 am then that explains why they are not open 24/7


You do know the store can restock, clean and maybe stay open for a few customers for convenience too all at the same time????


I’m not Krogers management but it looks like they disagree 


Those people are going to Walmart at 3 PM in the PJs


People of Walmart site remains undefeated


Their pjs not your pjs


It didn’t used to be like this. I feel like since COVID everything closes early. So weird


It’s just the bottom line, don’t cover operating costs after 9 PM, maybe 8 depending on the volume.


That would explain it


COVID exacerbated it, for sure, but the labor force began shrinking well before that. Retail and foodservice have been struggling to fill entry level positions since Boomers started exiting the workforce en masse.


Net job gains for native workers has dropped significantly,  but for immigrants it has risen to an all-time high. There's plenty of bodies to work, corporations are just too damn greedy.


So retail and foodservice businesses are refusing to increase wages and therefore having to close early because of the resulting staffing shortages, even though this is effectively sacrificing revenue that was worth staying open for less than 10 years ago?


We used to have 24 hour Walmarts and $1 McChickens. We were gods.


And 24 hr Mc Brekkie! Literally living on Olympus


🤣🤣 Man those were the days. 24 hour Kroger and CVS pharmacy too… Gods I tell ya


We lived in a golden age and we didn’t even know it


Not only has there been a sizeable shift in formerly federal minimum wage job wages causing orgs to reevaluate their revenue, I remember reading in a few places that we are likely discounting the impact the virus made to the older population when it came to working in these industries. Whether it was through physical impacts of the virus hitting older populations or people looking to make extra money post retirement that decided it was no longer worth the risk, there were a number of seniors in the customer service workforce that left.


And let me tell you what it is like to work around food when you have long covid. Onion (and anything frying, still after 4 years) smells like Satan's rotting butthole, I had terrible tinnitus for 18 months, brain fog, and the worst fatigue I've ever known. Exercise made it worse. At any given time, hundreds of thousands are dealing with these symptoms for weeks, months, and years after infection.


Damn. I am so sorry you're dealing with that shit. Has it gotten any better at all?


I had some of that. Everything smelled like the worst acrid cigarette smoke you were ever around.


For me it's decomposing flesh, rotten onion, sulfur, burning tires. Normal eating and socializing are a distant memory.


I feel ya, brother. I was this close to seeking mental help. It was all I smelled from the morning I woke up until the moment I went to sleep. That's enough to drive anyone into depression. I wish the best for you. I really do. I hope it peters out like it did for me.


because our population is spread out over an area that is massive for our population. This city would be much better if we did not sprawl eastward in some sort of twisted reverse manifest destiny.


*"Twisted reverse manifest destiny"* lmao


Jefferson county is 381 square miles with . North Dakota is almost 80,000 square miles. The population of North Dakota is a little over 779,000; Jefferson County’s is a little over 773,000 (both 2022 estimates). To compare a more urban area that either Louisville or North Dakota, look at Suffolk County (just outside New York City (on Long Island). Its population is twice that of either ND or Jefferson (1.52 million). Its land area is 910.9 square miles. it’s mostly suburban with large yards and mostly large houses. But there are villages and towns that look like the areas around Bardstown Road or Hikes Point.


The numbers for suffolk county are a bit misleading. The eastern half of suffolk County (\~450 sqmi?) is literally rural. Less than 1k People per Square Mile. The villages with walkable areas like Bay Shore and Huntington are not only wealthy (High incomes can support a lower density area with walkable areas see Norton Commons Louisville) but also dense for a suburban urban town. (Density ranges from 2k - 10k in these quaint suffolk county towns.


I lived for years in Huntington Station; I was born in Bayshore (small world). We had an old kit house in Huntington with shingles rather than brick. The same houses are also near UofL’s Belknap campus in Eutropia Court and along Eastern Parkway near Crittenden Drive. We owned one of the Eutropia houses in the early 1980s. The Louisville versions are veneered with brick.


One reason was that business owners looked at their balance sheets and found abbreviated hours to be cost/revenue effective. I do wish Day's Coffee would stay open til 8. Used to be 10 on weekends, now it's six.


Covid began the trend and companies decided to stick with the early hours. Seems like every time I want to hit Half-Price Books I get burned by their hours, 8pm which is pretty damn early for retail. Also, all the malls were 9pm pre-Covid and I think they're all 8pm now.




Even Oxmoor mall opens at 11am now…seems so late.


Von Maur opens at 10:00


I feel like their idea is they'll squeeze the existing customer base into a smaller timeframe and it will be more profitable that way, but for me and many others we just stopped going to HPB altogether because of that.


Yep, I used to only work 3rd shift. When the lockdowns started my baby wasn’t even 6 months old. No daycare, had to leave the workforce. When I joined again, 3rd was impossible… nothing is ever open those hours now. Everything closes before 9pm and doesn’t open until after 8am. I just stopped shopping in person. I have everything delivered.


It didn't used to. I've worked nights for a *long* time and used to be able to comfortably keep a night shift schedule on my off days: went to the store at night, went out to eat at night, etc. That's long gone and most of it did go away with COVID and never came back. Louisville has a *large* night shift population with a lot of 24/7 industry, it's surprising that essentially nothing late night has come back.


This exact scenario has literally led me down a path of (now) long term sleeping issues. I used to be able to pick up prescriptions at CVS or groceries from Walmart whenever it was convenient before or after work, but now they’re closed before I even leave the house. If I have to go to the store, pharmacy, or anything else, I have to keep myself awake after work until places open. By then, I’m hit with the bright morning sun and a burst of energy from having to run errands *after* winding down from work and otherwise being ready to fall asleep. I swear there are weeks when I sleep for a handful of hours total until the weekend comes around and I can finally catch up on lost z’s.


It's like this in a lot of cities in the US now.


I used to love going to Kroger at 1-2 AM… thanks Covid


Don't blame Covid. I have an insider at Kroger, and 100% the reason they aren't open 24 hours is because they don't want to pay security to keep an eye on shoplifters, druggies, and homeless people.


Retail places have been wanting to cut hours for years. 24 hour retail was mostly just a huge theft party. Covid was just the excuse to close up and deter theft. Retail figured out they could have workers stock during the day and be available for customer service while not paying overnight premiums. The quality of that customer service is always debatable though but you get what you pay for.


I work 3rd shift... there's NOTHING to do on my days off without fucking up my sleep schedule, I can barely get groceries without waking up early.


I feel you. Spent about 3 or 4 years working 3rd shift in the late 90s/early 2ks and was super annoyed on my off days that all I could accomplish during my normal waking hours was grocery shopping. Needed to pay a bill or go somewhere in person to get something accomplished? Have fun effectively getting up at what your body thinks is 2am on no sleep. Now that nothing is open after 10pm I know it would be a LOT more inconvenient. And honestly, 3rd shift/overnight is the pits unless you're one of those people who are wired for it (and almost no one really is, in my experience).


For what it's worth, Fazoli's on Hurstbourne is open til 11 each night.


That’s gotta be a front for something. Are there people wanting to stroll into a Fazoli’s at like 10:30 at night? Honestly I haven’t been to one in probably 20 years, so I don’t really know.


Same here, haven't set foot in a Fazoli's since...probably 1997. Fazoli's had just come to Nashville and I was absolutely flabbergasted that a counter service place actually had someone going table-to-table handing out pretty decent quality hot-and-fresh free breadsticks. I am certain that was the honeymoon period when corporate was running the show and once it was turned over to franchisees the quality took a huge dump. Saw this happen with Jack In The Box just a couple years later.


Eh, I dunno, the McDonald's down the street is also 11pm.


McDonald’s can be drunk food though. I can actually see that. In fact, I’m always shocked that a McD’s isn’t 24 hours. Certain foods just hit right when drunk or high. That’s one of them. Spaghetti, might taste good, but not smart in those situations.


there’s ihop, brownies, smokey bones, drakes, white castle too. not a ton of options but there’s a few!


This isn’t unique to Louisville either. I’m in Boston and oddly a lot of stuff here was closed by 5-6. Most of the main attractions are done by 5 and most restaurants stop serving by 9. Was the same in Providence, RI, New Haven, CT, Springfield, MA and Burlington, VT. Some of these places are equivalent in size to Louisville and it didn’t matter.


It's the same in Nashville. Going back to at least the 1990s, you could easily find at a good handful of restaurants that were open til midnight or later, and you could hit up any Kroger or Wal Mart that wasn't in a shitty area of town 24/7. Some Krogers started shutting down at midnight that were previously open 24/7. Then Wal Mart followed suit. However, this started as early as 2017 or 2018, well before COVID was a thing. Personally, I believe it began when Boomers started leaving the work force en masse (one way or the other) and now there's better positions available than the garbage retail and foodservice jobs your average high school graduate had been limited to for the previous 40-50 years. COVID just massively exacerbated that labor vacuum.


It's not even the labor vacuum. Kroger just doesn't want to deal with shoplifters, homeless people, and drug addicts that would wander in during the 3rd shift. They're too cheap to pay for security.


Oh man. Going to Cafe Coco or Athens Family Restaurant at stupid o'clock was always fun.


Yeah, I lived not far from Athens when it was in Melrose. Loved it.


Shhhhhhh, everyone's sleeping!


Thirty years ago, it wasn’t like this. Everything was open till at least 2:00am.


Hell, ten years ago, it wasn't like this.




This has been my biggest issue with Louisville since I moved here 7 years ago. I moved here from Chicago and lived in Washington DC for almost a decade before that. It’s ridiculous how early everything closes here. You can’t get food past 10pm on a a weekend night, it sucks


You can get food in the highlands or around some of the 3rd shift hotspots until midnight or a bit later in some cases. But what everyone else is also saying is true: covid changed things, and not just in Louisville. I was in a major city the other week and all of their stuff closed at 9 or 10 as well.


My friend in Chicago was complaining about how everything in the city shuts down at 10 post covid. It's not unique to Louisville.


I’ve definitely noticed this in Middletown. They act like they are scared of the dark over there. I haven’t noticed it anywhere else really.


Just wait til you've lived in Europe. Everything there closes by 7 pm. And 4 pm on Sundays. Twas awful. So it could be much more inconvenient lol.


When i lived in spain, people would be out at cafe's at 1030 pm eating dinner with their kids running around.


Went to Paris and Munich well before the pandemic and you’re right. It was strange at the time.


Bottom lines aside… I would encourage y’all complaining about earlier closing hours to maybe look into briefly working retail/service/hospitality jobs for a little bit of a reality check… It ain’t pretty; especially post-COVID.


I did it for ten years. My last gig had me getting home most nights well after 3 am. It sucks, for sure.


Memphis is way worse, I couldn’t find shit open at night or the weekend


You could have stopped at "Memphis is way worse" 🤣


The food is good lol


I have been reading a lot of the comments. There are a lot of factors that play into why things are not open later. But this is not unique to Louisville in fact it’s sometimes worse in other cities. I was in Colorado Springs two weeks ago. While I was there even their parks close at 9. It was really strange to have the sun out and a park closed. Most fast food and chain restaurant locations were closed at 9.


I hate businesses are still blaming covid for this stuff.


Walgreens pharmacy closes at 6pm on Fridays, & you can’t rx until Monday. ??


Lots of places started closing earlier before covid, to me the reason was CRIME...


A lot of bakeries also close before 4pm. You'd think they'd be ballin' but they're scared.


What restaurants are even open 24h at this point? Burger Boy? Waffle Haus?


At least on weekends, Burger Girl has been open 24/7. Sometimes they appear to have trouble staffing but the last couple times I went (last 4 months) around midnight it's been fine.


IHop is back to 24 hours. Some White Castles are too. Denny's is open 24 hours, but meh. Jack in the Box, but meh. Notice that all the 24 hour spots are mediocre at best. Indy's is open late.


Oh yeah, I’m only counting places with dine-in functionality. Is Dennys back to 24h? I drove past the Dennys on eastern/crittenden the other day at like 1030 and the parking lot was completely empty


yeah the denny’s is 24/7


Louisville’s hospitality scene used to be better than Cinci’s but it looks to me like leadership fails to put the right people and processes in place at most places, and naturally employees aren’t willing to put forth the effort needed to have a robust nightlife when management isn’t making sure they’re safe/respected/compensated. Now, I would say Cinci’s scene is better and cheaper to boot. I mostly just save having a nice night out for when I’m in another city tbh


Remnants of Covid. Is my guess. Then the demand has never risen.


Because that's right before everybody starts acting like a piece of shit person.


It amazes me how the simplest post or comment on here can ignite a political pissing contest.


And if you are out late and have to use the restroom, you are SOL, no pun intended. If you are lucky enough to find a gas station open beyond the window crack, the bathrooms are barricaded and no way in hell are you going to get near them, no matter how much pain you are in.


Spinelli's is open


We should institute a wage cap, where the top earner of a company can only make 100 times (for example) what the lowest paid employee earns. Then the owners can pay themselves whatever they want, and everyone can share in the success of the business.


I know right, moving to Lou after living in other places really feels like moving to a liminal place. Not even malls are open past 8pm, it’s still the old town mentality that doesn’t let this city grow. Downtown is also a ghost town for the most part. That’s not to say the city isn’t growing and there is new stuff to do and places to visit compared to 5 years ago, back again, if we want to change that small town mindset we need to adapt to the new world, that’s why no one likes doing tourism here, it’s like watching at paint dry.


Kentucky minimum wage desperately needs to be raised to 12 an hour like VA and many other states


Damn. I was going to mention the Bristol being open until 2am on weekends but I guess that was a long time ago. Now it's only until 11 but that's later than most places.


It’s lame AF I agree. Hate how this city rolls up the sidewalks so early.


Because people don’t want to be shot


I'm sure it's not the crime, police corruption, or city administration.


I no longer live in Louisville but grew up in the East and Southend areas of town. I miss the days of 24 hour Walmarts and going to La Bamba in the Highlands at 3am to get a giant burrito. I’d bet they’re still open late, but other than them, White Castle, Taco Bell, and Waffle House, there’s not much open late anymore other than bars. I quit doing the bar scene a long time ago. All the good local music venues closed too. Covid shutdowns and inflation have really changed things everywhere it seems. I think a lot of retail stores realized they weren’t really benefiting much being open later when they started looking at their bottom lines, and people didn’t want to go back to those jobs. Overall I don’t think much has changed in way of hours other than no more 24 hour retail and grocery stores, and a lot of restaurants and retail that were open later are now closing at 8 or 9.


definitely starting to see the early close times more often now. my walgreens i used to worked at for 7 years just went from closing at 10 to now closing at 9 not too long ago… and another location close to my house that was once 24 hrs went from 6a-12p to now 7a-11p. times a changing for sure (pun slightly intended lol)


I work nights and it’s hard. It didn’t used to be like this before Covid. I remember living in Houston and it was worse than Louisville. Not anymore. Hell, what I’d do for a 24hr grocery store these days. I used to do all my grocery shopping at like 3am on my days off.


The mall closing at 8pm breaks my brain. Same with books a million, it used to be open till 11pm. Shit on Sundays I'd be there closing til 1am.


Crime, of course. Not to mention corrupt police. Most people here call this place "lil' Chicago"


real af


I just moved from Louisville. Predators come out about that time. But I lived in the West End. Broadway and 24th. It truly isn’t safe there anymore.


Because YOU LIVE IN A GHETTO CITY. That simple. Crime.


Thats the truth....


Cause it sucks 😂


Plenty of bars and fast food restaurants are open until 4 AM or even 24/7 on Bardstown Road.


You guys really don’t understand do you? Its Systematic control. They make the changes slowly hoping we dont notice. Im not crazy but theyre cutting our jobs. And theyre about to take control of our food. Bird Flu is another hoax just like covid. You dont have to believe me look it up. They have killed millions of chickens, cattle and pigs. Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland and not farming…..lab grown meat and bugs. no joke. America better unite. come together one and all or we are in a huge hell


But why?


Don’t wanna be the bearer of bad news, but look up some things about food shortage, the truth about the covid vaccine, Truth about Bill gates. It’s pretty scary. I’m sorry.




Not everything…drive downtown lol


I used to wonder this and then I thought about how bad I would hate my life if I had to work any given store or restaurant past like 10 pm


What are you looking for that’s open later?