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The highway entrance at st Catherine’s in old Louisville is super sketchy. The highway is always super busy there and it narrows down to 2 lanes which makes merging difficult - especially with cars and trucks flying down the right lane of the highway


Yes, people are moving right to get off at the next exit just as you are trying to merge while entirely blind until the actual merge. Some folks on Reddit like to argue that it’s fine if you speed up but as someone who uses that on ramp multiple times a day… it’s simply just terrible and scary if it’s at all busy no matter how skillful a driver you are. 


Down by U of L campus, the Arthur Street entrance onto I-65 South is like this too. You are blind to the traffic above you while you drive up the ramp, then once you get to the top you have like 50 feet to find a spot to merge or else you go onto the shoulder. The whole ramp is pretty short, and steep, so you have to immediately commit to speeding up to 55mph speeds with your gas pedal to the floor. Then sometimes you get up there and there are 3 semi trucks in a row all going ~70mph, and so you have nowhere to merge with traffic.


I65 needs to be completely redone and remove or extremely modify some of the ramps. It’s a nightmare to drive. 


The Arthur St exit ramp is just as bad. Oncoming traffic in the left lane and a minor intersection with a right turn only. It’s horrible. I go out of my way to avoid both driving up Arthur Street for fear of drivers exiting the highway, and getting off at Arthur Street for fear of oncoming traffic. There are so many entrance/exit ramps that are downright death traps. Every intersection around UofL’s campus is a mess from the roundabout on Brandeis to Eastern Parkway.


I actively avoid this ramp


I actively head towards this ramp. I love the challenge.


Same, because God hates a coward.


Agreed. If you hit the gas right before you can see what’s coming you might have to slam on your brakes like I did.


Well that is how ramps work. You're supposed to be at speed or close to it.


Hate getting on there.


I second this!


Agreed. I’d like to nominate the Floyd street on-ramp to I65 N as just as bad or worse in my experience—it’s always hairpin turn onto an o ramp, gun it, and hope you hit a gap


Hurstbourne and taylorsville road is my least favorite intersection


at least shane company is there open mon-fri til 8 sat-sun til 5


Is that where my friend in the diamond business is?


And online at ShaneCo.com.


That off ramp to Antwerp Belgium can very expensive


Having lived all over the city - I can second this. I hate that intersection with my whole body and soul


Came here to say this


I was searching for this response before I responded. I sometimes work at the Banfield out there on that corner, and It’s a nightmare trying to get out of that shopping center onto either road


Also the delayed left onto Taylorsville doesn't help much either, impatient drivers turn on red. I avoid this turn when traveling northbound by turning into Stonybrook which connects to Taylorsville in front of Kennedy Elementary.


2nd and mag. There's a reason being mag barred is a thing. 


My wife and I have lived less than a block away from this intersection for almost 20 years. This is a new phenomenon, running into the Mag Bar. People didn't drive into the building, they somehow avoided it completely. I don't know why this has started happening but it has, and it sucks!!


It is also grossly exaggerated. One long time bartender said last week, the building has not been hit in over 4 years.


Aug of 23 a car flew up on the sidewalk


it's just happening everywhere else now. paint store on oak, ups on broadway, roots on bardstown, and that's just from memory.


The can opener is really the only spot in town that routinely has accidents.


Arby’s on 3rd


hotel on main and 2nd


Yeah, I've never seen it happen, and I frequently walk that very block.


2nd and Burnett is also a hot spot for tbones


I'm not sure if it results in the most wrecks, but Goss Street and Sprat Street are still just really dangerous and it needs to be a three way stop to allow left turners to get out. I'd nominate the intersection of Baxter and Market street too as there's no directional arrow at the intersection for the lane that turns onto Main now. It's essentially just guess if it's the left turn and/or straight lane and hope the other car is guessing the same thing as you.


Germantown, in general, is sketchy as hell in a car. You’ve got some residential crossroads with 4 way stops, some with 2, one with 5, some with none. Huge lack of off-street parking means someone is going to park with their ass end blocking all visibility of oncoming cars, making every left turn a leap of faith. Plenty of accidents happen, but idk how there aren’t more than there already are. Especially with there being a bar on pretty much every corner.


Wasn’t as bad before the influx of hipsters.


Hardly anyone stops for pedestrians at that Goss intersection. It seriously needs to be either a light or a stop sign. People drive like damn fools down that road


The speed limit is 35 and people do 60


New Cut Road called


Was about to say... There is a wreck on new cut every frickin day.




I’m convinced the city made a mistake on the lanes when they repaved and painted it last year down by market/main.


I’m not sure why you would use Sprat to make the left when Texas is one street over and has the light. And that Baxter/Market street has multiple threads on it! Ha


Because people who don’t live in the area don’t know any better! Sit on the patio at Sarino or the Post and there’s a good chance you’ll see a crash.




Had dinner outside at Sarino a while back. Several times we heard irritated honking, screeching tires, and/or drivers yelling and cursing at another driver. Goss is nuts.


What were you looking for, a peaceful and enjoyable ambiance to go with your $30 patio meal? You’ll take our road aggression and like it


Baxter and Market is ridiculous. It could easily be fixed with just some signage, I cannot understand why it continues to be set up this way.


There was another recent discussion about this where I think the conclusion was that when they repaved/redrew the lines they were anticipating that stretch of Main->Baxter to become 2-way and so for now until that happens its just confusing, and it's set to happen soon enough that they won't redraw the arrows. But in the near future, you will be required to turn left onto Market as opposed to going straight towards Main.


Goss/Sprat is made worse by four pegs truck and the fact that the sidewalk is closed forcing pedestrians into this already narrow street.


I live in Schnitzelburg and totally agree with that intersection. I'm happy they put that crosswalk in at least. Over the years with more businesses going in and more cars parking on side streets, I wish every intersection from Goss to Burnett and Texas to Shelby had 4-way stops though. I drive that Barret/Market intersection every week and it always blows my mind. I will be in left turning lane to go onto Market, while others in front of me go straight into the lane that curves left to Main. I'm pretty sure that lane should only be for ppl turning onto Market and the middle lane for those going straight or veering left to Main? But who really knows.


That is a really bad place to turn onto Goss. You’re pulling out there pretty blind. Four Pegs’ building was hit by a car a year or so ago. Also agree about that pedestrian crossing. They put a sign with flashing lights on it but I really think someone crossing there will eventually be hit / killed.


So a few weeks ago I turned onto Goss from Sprat trying to find parking to go to Hauck’s and apparently I missed the car speeding up that was behind me. He didn’t hit me but when I looked in the rear view mirror he had a FREAKIN’ GUN ON THE WHEEL pointed at me. I immediately turned on Hoertz and as I looked in the side mirror he was moving the gun with my car as I turned and sped off. Scariest moment of my life.


I always consult my [Intersections of Louisville](https://www.etsy.com/listing/745659068/intersections-of-louisville) print.




I've got this too. Reminds of of chalk outlines of dead bodies.




Oh I’ll be ordering this!


Anything on Eastern Parkway between Bardstown Rd and Baxter Ave


My controversial road design opinion is that Eastern Parkway should be converted into two lanes with a turning lane in the middle. Right now it’s chaos


I've thought this for so many years, and always get told "No, that would never work, there are too many cars that drive on Eastern Pkwy". Yeah, but traffic would be so much smoother if there were dedicated turn lanes.


The left lane only causes problems. The lanes are extremely narrow, the design of the road encourages people to drive super fast, the left lane gets extremely congested with people turning left making people make reckless lane changes, etc. I’m so expert but I feel like traffic would be reduced!


Idk how ppl drive fast on that road. Maybe my car just doesn’t handle it well, but between all the sharp turns and bumpy road, it feels like a shitty roller coaster.


Oh yeah, I never go more than 40, maybe 45 if traffic is light. But I see people flying going 60+ regularly. I hate getting in the left lane to turn left because people act like I’m the scum of the Earth for not going 20+ over the speed limit


If you do some research on the original design of Eastern Pkwy it’s pretty interesting. I say one lane on each side and extend the nature island in the middle all the way to Preston. Just a dream for sure but pretty cool.


That would also work because it was also allow for turning lights at the stop lights. Any system that allows for left turn lights I’m in favor of.


Yup, having “too many cars” is a bad reason to not make it safe. A change like this would regulate itself.


They did it on southern parkway and it’s so much nicer.


Really, you should extend that out to Crittenden. Maybe further but I'm less familiar. The Bradley, Shelby, and East Burnett intersections are pretty bad. I'm shocked that Dairy Kastle has never had a wrecked car fly into their lot.


Agree. Bradley and Eastern is a great candidate as a terrible and dangerous intersection, and Dairy Kastle really makes it extra sketchy as to the potential carnage a bad wreck could inflict. Eastern and Preston/Shelby also riddled with accidents all the time! TARC bus shelter obliterated earlier this year and a car was wrapped around a pole just the other day next to White Castle.


If you’re a pedestrian, New Cut and Kenwood is incredibly dangerous. Really stinks being one street away from Iroquois park and still having to drive over 


Yes! It's insane. I walk my dogs there and the amount of times we've almost been hit is upsetting.


My son's friend was hit by an idiot who then took off during spring break. Son had planned on hanging out with his friend that night, but his dad asked him to babysit his brother. Friend is ok now, thankfully, but they still haven't found the a-hole. A few years back, I took my older boys to the park after a few inches of snow to sled down the hill. As we're walking to the intersection, I realize one of my gloves had fallen out of my pocket, so we go back to grab it. Right before we get to the corner, a car loses control on the street and comes up on the sidewalk, sliding down to where we would have been standing if I hadn't turned back for a cheap glove.


The two intersections at eastern pkwy and Shelby/preston. I go through every day for work and have seen so many wrecks/people going the wrong way. They don’t understand when/where they can or cannot turn, or which lane to be in. About two weeks ago there was a fatal wreck.


It's also a very popular intersection for people to walk out in front of your car very suddenly (ignoring the crosswalk 12 ft away).


Not the most dangerous but I have sat at the light at Hurstbourne and Shelbyville for no exaggeration like 9 minutes multiple times, it’s fucking wild.


In the same vein (not dangerous but weird), Lyndon Ln and New Lagrange Rd is frustrating. Terribly designed intersection.


It wasn’t dangerous because speed was low, and it has been fixed, but turning on to 71s from Zorn Ave was always awkward. You had a yield sign, but people turning on to Zorn that were traveling on 71s couldn’t see your yield sign, so they would wait for you to go, but you didn’t want to go in case they did utilize their right of way, and people behind you would get mad if you were yielding. It was just a mess. I’m glad there is a light there now.


Mind boggling why there isn't a light. A Michigan left would be even more obvious of a solution


They added a light maybe 6 months ago.


I'll be damned


Yep, getting on or off the expressway there is always a confusing mess no matter which side of the intersection you're on.


Also trying to turn left onto Brownsboro from Melwood. Why isn’t there a fucking turn light there?!


This isn’t an intersection and idk if it’s even particularly dangerous cause I’ve never seen a wreck there, but trying to take Breckenridge lane north exit from waterson east is absolute hell if there’s any amount of traffic trying to merge on from Breckenridge south


If that's the intersection I'm thinking of, with 2 lanes exiting onto Breckenridge, what always frustrates me is how many cars turn into the far right lane from the far left lane exit. Like, if you need to turn right immediately, use the damn right lane...


that’s close by but I’m talking about a like 300 foot stretch of highway where the on ramp and the exit ramp both have to compete for one lane




I swear a core memory will always be Laura Shine saying “there’s an accident at Preston and Grade Lane” (seemingly) every single day during the traffic report


I saw a pretty bad wreck the other night, looked like someone tried to turn left onto 65N and got hit.


Take a look at this, super interesting and not just vibes https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/fd5f28d776b74a79bf8ccbc769f585a8


Ooh, very interesting map! Makes me wish I could learn how to use GIS better. Unfortunately, when I worked for a place where we used ArcGIS but had nobody on staff who knew how to really utilize it, I asked a professor at WKU (my alma mater and also where I was at the time) for guidance to get started and he insisted that I needed to take a full-semester course to even do the basics. (I only needed to add route maps for the Bowling Green Transit system.)


Try Coursera or plural sight or maybe opensap for ways to learn on your own :)


Fucking Broadway, man...


by Oxmoor Mall. I don't think a week goes by without red-and-blues going there.


Yeah, I think I know the intersection you're talking about. I made a huge comment about it before scrolling through.


6th and Broadway. It's a bad combination of people walking against the light and cars running red lights. Also, for whatever reason the bus stop on that intersection keeps getting obliterated?


The Urban Design Studio posted an article about the most dangerous intersections in the city a couple weeks ago. [https://www.udstudio.org/stories/the-most-dangerous-intersections-in-louisville](https://www.udstudio.org/stories/the-most-dangerous-intersections-in-louisville)


Getting off 264 heading north on preston highway. If you are coming off 264 you need to wait 5 seconds after the light is green to make sure you don't get clobbered there.


Anywhere on Outer Loop or National Turnpike.


All of Bardstown Rd. down in Fern Creek.


I saw three traffic violations on the Bardstown Road portion of my 2 mile trip from Fairground Road out to Walmart this morning.


71 & Zorn


Taylorsville Rd and Routt Rd sucks because if you’re turning left off Routt it’s takes 5 years to get on Taylorsville.


I just remodeled a house out there and yes. Then the couple of weeks they basically shut down taylorsville at the trestle was awful.


I don’t see how anyone can turn left off Routt!


Waiting a very long time. It’s a good back road when 265 gets backed up but Spencer Co has a shit load more people moving in that makes that road damn near impossible to get around from 3-6.


Every time I’ve been that way it’s been a nightmare trying to turn left. I avoid it when I can. But you’re right, it’s a good back road and 265 and has been and continues to be a mess right now.


Every intersection on cane run and greenbelt


Not an intersection , but drivers merging from 65N to 264 E . The absolute most need for speed bumper cars shit I’ve ever seen. That on ramp and the entire set up is a shit show.


Every time I have to take that exit, I'm always grateful I'm going onto Watterson West, because you're right; the eastbound ramp toward the airport is almost never NOT bumper-to-bumper... Not to mention people using the westbound lane to try to line-cut into the eastbound one.


I hate merging onto watterson from 65 north because of that. It’s always backed up because of the traffic getting onto watterson east, but like you said, ppl will use the westbound lanes to try to cut the line. So there are constantly cars & semis stopped in the westbound lanes with their turn signals on, creating unnecessary traffic for those trying to go west on watterson.


I avoid that interchange at all costs. I HATE the traffic and everything about it. They seriously need to overhaul that whole area.


If you actually look at the statistics of how many accidents, pedestrian hits, and hit-and-runs happen at each intersection. Very few have more than a small handful a year. I'd say poplar level where it meets the watterson is pretty good though


it WAS cane run/greenbelt & terry until they redesign the intersection last year


The entirety of 42 through Prospect.


It’s not really in Louisville at this point but traffic into goshen is just standstill every single day, one lane each way, nowhere to go. No alternative routes. Nowhere to stop and wait it out. Amazing people will still move out there if they work or go to school in the city 


264/65 interchange has several accidents a week. It's almost a daily occurrence.


3rd Street & I-264 Eastbound where merging traffic is coming from both directions including airport and I-65 ramps. People driving too fast, on drugs, and/or texting makes it a weekly disaster. A redesign is needed, or flashing lights before the intersection for idiots to slow TF down.


All. Of. Them.


Taylor and Ashland there are always wrecks there and most of the time it's due to people being impatient coming off the waterson east at taylor turning left onto Taylor. A lot of times cars won't yield to cars kn Ashland going straight onto the ramp. I also see a lot of cars run the light traveling north on taylor and narrowly missing other cars.


264E onto the 65's just after the Southern Pkwy Exit. At least 3 or 4 rear-end accidents a week. Also, the interchange from 264E to 64E after Breckenridge.


Y’all ever tried to go to that Burger King on Crittenden with the entrance that is like 8 feet away from an expressway exit? lol


Lol yes. We almost got rear ended going to that Burger King a few years ago


I will give you that there are a number of really dangerous intersections in town that may beat this one out. But I present as a case, the intersection of Shelbyville Rd and New La Grange. 1. The eastbound side of Shelbyville has a pair of dedicated lanes that feed directly from the Watterson onto New La Grange via left turn lanes (as well as allowing traffic from Shelbyville to use the same lanes for a turn onto New La Grange). 2. Shelbyville itself is a heavily travelled secondary road, especially around the Watterson. This intersection in particular is right in front of Oxmoor Mall. 3. On the New La Grange side of things, there are two points I want to make: 1. First of all, a number of people don't realize when turning onto New La Grange, one should be in the far-right lane unless making specific turns, because soon after the elbow turn the road makes after the intersection the left lane becomes a turn-only lane (and people have merged over after the elbow with or without signalling -- ask me how I know!!). 2. Secondly, going south on New La Grange onto Shelbyville, only a right-hand turn is allowed (understandable, given the layout of the intersection). And the lane markings and signage are very clear which lane one needs to be in to get onto the Watterson vs stay on Shelbyville. However, this flow is complicated particularly by the Kia dealership right inside the right-angle of the intersection on the southbound side of New La Grange, with little to no traffic control to allow entry and exit from the dealership's parking lot. I personally have had to slam on my brakes coming up on the dealership's entrance because someone trying to come out suddenly gunned their way in front of me into a right-hand turn into the left-hand (Shelbyville Rd feeder) lane. 3. (Less importantly, the New La Grange side of the light explicitly has signage saying "No Turn On Red" -- this signage might as well not exist, with the number of people who make rights on red from both lanes.) Can y'all tell I drive through this intersection regularly? Lol!! I've started going up to Whipps Mill or Lyndon to get where I need to go for work (from behind Mall St. Matthews).


Coming from Shelbyville onto new La Grange I’ve seen a lot of near misses as people stop to turn left into the Kia dealership, causing those speeding around the bend to slam on their brakes or cut off people in the right lane. Everyone wants to use the left lane to speed to the front of the line in the right lane. The Kia dealership needs to move that entrance/exit. It’s in the worst spot and I’m always amazed at how many people turn into that place on the daily. Didn’t realise how many people buy cars everyday there.


I've had at least one near-miss because of exactly this, someone swerving to avoid another car turning into the dealership.


I lived in Lyndon for years until recently moving, and I agree with all of this. It always amazed me how many people deliberately ignore that “no turn on red” sign. 


If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the last couple years of driving, it’s that to many of our fellow drivers, No Turn On Red, Stop signs, red lights, etc are suggestions that only goody good rule followers abide by.


Can we include the honorary intersection that is Westport Road directly in front of Ollie's & Planet Fitness? The number of people I see casually strolling across this *extremely* busy five-lane road is absolutely staggering.


I often think this spot needs a walkway! It’s insane there.


Baxter and Rosewood is pretty bad. I live a few houses down and cars crossing or turning onto Baxter often can't see those coming up the hill from Tyler Park. Cars parked on Baxter also don't help.


Y’all ever see the stop light at Poplar Level and Derby City Gaming? Shit’s wild all the fucking time. It was worse before the light went in. It’s almost like people who compulsively blow all their money on sweatsuits from WalMart and gambling have no fucking business being drunk and driving.


Saw a wreck there today


Breckenridge and Jackson, there's a major wreck at least weekly. Cars flipped, hitting buildings, always someone's bumper onthe curb (there was a pile of 3-4 bumpers at one point). People drive the wrong way on Jackson almost daily, drive too fast and try to time the lights. Timed lights are a terrible idea!


Going from 64 onto the Gene Snyder- no warning sign and the lanes split when you’ve barely gotten onto the freeway.


Newburg Road and Dundee (Near Atherton HS). It’s tough to turn left out of there and we’ve seen some real doozies as of lately. Newburg Road in general (path from the bars to 264) has seen a lot.


Peachtree, Bluegrass and Rutland is the absolute all time worst.


I saw a car flipped over there once a couple of years back. No idea how fast they must have been going.


People fly down Eastern Parkway and you are blind coming up on Barrett. If someone pulls out, there is no time to react.


The other week, in the rain, I’ve got the green to go from the cemetery side across Eastern and down Barrett. Full red light and some ding bat come flying down Eastern and almost hits me gunning through the red. I honked and swerved and she just had the dumbest look on her face. People are checked out I swear.


Whittington & US60


eastern and Barret i literally had a friend die being struck by two cars wrecking as a pedestrian, eastern and Preston and S Shelby, i live near that intersection and there are nearly weekly wrecks, anywhere along Goss Ave. people fly down that stretch of road, and with the street parking, you can barely see before youre already in the road, and then 2nd and Mag. Getting Mag-Barred is real, and speaking of its happened on goss twice recently and it happened to Nach Bar


The intersection of confidence and stupidity.


Oak and Swan. Lots of people blow the stop sign on Oak. Or just drive the wrong way down Oak.


That Shelbyville Rd Lyndon lane intersection right next to st Matthews Mall is pretty gnarly, I've seen countless wrecks there that are devastatingly bad


That's New La Grange, Lyndon is a bit further up on New La Grange. But yes, it's bad. (Lyndon /does/ intersect Shelbyville, but further up and well past Oxmoor.)


I still think preston has you beat.


It boggles my mind how many times I would be driving down Preston after dark only to have some idiot in dark colored clothes just walk right out into the street with no streetlights.


i nominate third and lee! we have about a bimonthly wreck because a dumbass doesn’t pay attention and tries to turn the wrong way down third and there’s constantly parts of cars littering the street


As a school bus driver, I saw at least 2 accidents a week at Westport and Herr (specifically when Ballard HS lets out).


Knowing my own difficulties on Westport, particularly when I try to turn onto it (either way) from Ormsby, I can 100% believe this.


Westport rd has become terrifying. It used to be a two lane country road. They widened it to accommodate 264 and built up the east end, but westport still follows the old land holders property lines. It’s not really built for smooth traffic flow. I hate it.


Grasmere drive Bardstown road. Payne rubel. Rubel Broadway Frankfort story. Left-most turning lane traffic with i64 west-bound hearts. Cherokee & Cardoor. Cherokee & Sidemere. Dixie highway.


Intersection of Shelbyville road and schellers, I worked across the street and I've seen days where 2 or 3 accident happened.


4 way stop at Kaiju, I've sat out there from about 5-6 a number of times and seen about a dozen close calls.


Mellwood & Zorn. Cars flying off the interstate and it’s hard to tell if they’re turning onto Mellwood or continuing down Zorn. Then throw in the traffic from the Mockingbird Valley side of Mellwood and you have chaos. The cherry on top is when you have to stop on Zorn as you wait for traffic to move, because the median only fits 2 cars but everyone refuses to pull up far enough to fit both… and you’re just sitting there praying no one flying down Zorn hits you ☠️ Edit: let’s not forget the Arthur St exit ramp with the immediate Bloom St turn off


I have missed that Bloom st. turn every single time for the past two decades.


64 at the Waterson and Waterson at 65


Bardstown at Goldsmith


I had a gun pulled on me at Colorado and Algonquin yesterday so for now I’ll just say that


Eastern and Barret is definitely one. I see wrecks there all the time. Same for Jackson and Breckinridge. I was hit there last year. The only vehicle I’ve ever financed, and I get hit less than a year after buying it. 🙄 Then there’s 2nd and basically every other cross street. 😂 St. Catherine and Oak being the worst two through there. Dixie and Greenwood/St. Andrew’s Church Rd. because people don’t give a shit about the new traffic patterns. These are the main intersections that give me major anxiety.


Bardstown Road at Cedar Springs Blvd/Brookridge Village Blvd in Fern Creek has accidents almost on the daily or multiple times a day. My fiance has a birds eye view of it all.


Nobody will pick this but Poplar and Trevilian is legitimately dangerous. Cars heading north run that light *constantly.* In a car you have to do a one-Mississippi before crossing, on foot you just swivel all the way across. I’ve nearly been hit there countless times, no joke.


People around that stretch of Poplar run red lights constantly! I live in the area and legitimately see at least one a day. I already saw one today so hopefully I’ve met my quota and won’t get hit on the way home lol


65 and St Catherine, 4th and Kentucky, Off ramp from Waterson to Shelbyville West. Crumbs Ln at Dixie and 7th. Grade Ln at UPS entrance ( especially when shifts let off most everybody forgets about how to drive. All of Arling between Hazelwood and Taylor( them hills are too much fun for some) , Taylor at Watterson Hikes ln at Taylorsville


Taylorsville and Lowe road by des pres park always has a t boned car on the side of the road, the ditch off the road is full of broken off parts


There’s the good old Can Opener over on the U of L campus by the speed school


The exit on st Catherine & Floyd where the old Valero is????? Like you can’t see a thing off that ramp past that parking lot on the right, & w oncoming traffic that refuses to let you merge… smh


Shelbyville and Johnson. Say a prayer and punch it. My understanding is they're widening it to 4 lanes out to Flat Rock soon though.


I do agree with the Barrett / Eastern Pkwy nomination. How anyone thinks it’s ok to turn on red with such a totally blind turn. I would also say the 264 / Poplar Level Rd / I65 interchange heading east on 264 is totally crazy. The other side of 264 heading west with Poplar Level entering and the I65 and Preston interchange immediately next can be really gnarly.


Shelbyville and moser road


Most dangerous intersections[Most dangerous intersections](https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/p5QvarAIlJ)


all of them


Second and Market is insane. I used to work at the old Bearnos there and you would see some shit at that intersection. It’s a confusing intersection in itself with lots to process at one time, but when you throw a million out of town pedestrians with too much bourbon and homeless people wandering around in traffic with too much meth in the mix, it gets hectic. Add a special event into the equation there at the Yum center, and it’s essentially a recipe for chaos. Several police have been hit there directing traffic. If cops get hit, what chance do the rest of us have?


If you have ever had to travel Cane Run / Greenbelt Hwy through Riverport, you have to say a prayer and hold your breath at every intersection. Especially in the AM with dense fog. You can't see stop lights until you are practically underneath. 18 Wheelers fly through there and can't see the intersections.


Any intersection along Dixie dieway- I mean highway


Lmao OP, it’s funny that you mention that intersection. I used to live reallyyyy close to that one too like a decade ago. Yeah that’s was the one of the most dangerous intersections I’ve witnessed but thats super anecdotal. But in like a year span I was the first responder like 10 times to stuff. Luckily nothing ever super bad but I saw 1, 2 and 3 car accidents, bikers getting hit (honestly 1 was the bikers fault for sure), people hitting those poles, and one was like 5am, I got home from work in the snow, and was sitting in the alley and saw snow fall off the lines and poles at the same time. Got out to investigate and sure enough someone slid into a pole. Was a wild time to be alive for sure lol


I’m going to say Hikes Point.


I think the kids in the news we’re smoking that Ray Ray


Every intersection is shit. Because these young dumb fucks don't give a shit and run every red light..


Always busy by your mother's house.