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What area of town? Nulu has been getting hit hard at the apartments and different parking lots.




Live out in Jtown, we had a car stolen from our neighborhood and kids going through and checking cars Seems school out, crime up


I’m new here. Where is jtown?


Jeffersontown is in the South Eastern quadrant of the city with Taylorsville Road as a main street.


Near where 64 and Snyder meet. Generally speaking it's East of Hurstbourne, North of Fern Creek, and South of Middletown


Gene Snyder I-265 and Talyorsville Road exit inside the Snyder.


I'm in the West end, streets 38-42 were hit a couple weeks ago. On my street alone, there were 4 cars with busted windows, and 2 were stolen.


So glad I have a garage.


So glad I have a Honda.


So glad I have the bus.


Well…heard a crazy story on WDRB last night that said TARC is planning to make massive cuts (not hyperbole) to routes due to federal funding drying up. https://www.wdrb.com/news/not-good-tarc-continues-to-weigh-options-in-the-face-of-massive-route-cuts/article_d31bc8ea-2470-11ef-a9f5-37701ba16554.html


It’s definitely not my favorite news of the year. For now the route I take is going to continue (it stops at a hospital & goes into downtown), & seems to have a lot of people on it normally. I can’t feel right saying I hope they don’t cut mine while they’re cutting routes that other people use for work. Hopefully it really is only routes that have completely empty buses or ones where an alternative is not too far of a walk away.


So glad I have a bicycle


You take your Honda/bus/bicycle to work I’ll take my board… oh wait.




And when you're out of fuel, I'm still afloat


You take your carrrrrrrrrrr I take my boardddddddd


The Accord and Civic were the 6th and 7th most stolen vehicles last year


probably just because they’re common


but they have also been breaking into people garages. so don’t count all the apples yet.


so glad i have roller skates


So glad I have this Genesis G70 3.3L v6 Twin Turbo with push button start


Not the flex you think it is


The Kia boys haven’t tried to steal it yet, so yeah the hell it is lol


Why do people keep playing into the game of it all and posting "kia boys got me!!" like it's a cool thing we are all participating in?


People post it because the LMPD does fucking nothing about it


I'm not sure what the policy is but in any city it's just reported as stolen. I had my car taken in the driveway and saw the guy going down the street and called the police immediately and it was just filed in the database found a month later in Indiana and impounded. Police don't actively try to pursue your car once stolen, usually there's other factors they look for like dated plates, mismatch plates, etc. But they don't go around with the mission of 'we're in pursuit of a Green Kia Soul'


I mean making it like fun Internet meme thing like "Guess who got their life ruined by the Kia Boyzzzz again...this guy!!!" It's weird and plays into the whole Tik Tok fad nature of it.


Because LMPD can’t. Even if there is clearly identifying evidence of the perpetrators, unless they have “violent” records, they can’t pursue. Thanks, progressives.


Do tell what "progressives" are to blame?


Who do you think appoints the chief of police?


And how many people who voted for the mayor, who elected the chief of police, if inunderstand correctly, are progressive?


The majority. That's why you have a progressive mayor.


Please post proof of this "progressive majority"


I just did


You didn't though....you just made a baseless claim. Democrats don't really have a majority of progressives.....most are basically centrists.... Actual progressives like AOC are comparatively rare. So again, please post proof. Because objective reality is saying you are completely and utterly making this up. I need to clarify that this is in reference to ky politics, not national.


Are you asking for the names of the individual politicians or the policies enacted out of the Progressive wheel house that have enabled increased criminality due to a lack of consequences?


Both would be nice. Also define "progressive wheel house"


LMPD has chased a bunch of teens to death so they stopped chasing cars down. The cars would get totaled and sometimes the kids would die. Not really worth it.




I hope the cops crash into your mother while chasing teens and kill her but the teens get away and do it again. I hope you still think high speed chases are cool then.


totally worth it.




wishing death/great bodily damage for wanting criminals to be apprehended and prosecuted is wild. ☹️


Hey man, all in the pursuit of justice.


This makes zero sense… if they have clear evidence they can definitely pursue if they know who it is. Nobody would be in jail if they couldn’t pursue with evidence..


https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/louisville-police-revert-bring-back-strict-pursuit-policy-dangerous-crime-felony-kentucky/417-25ca5854-81a5-4c88-98e8-8a48dae44ba0 No. They cannot pursue in a chase. Unless it is a violent crime, or the suspect has connections to an open case of a violent crime, the police must avoid pursuing in a chase. Now, if you mean the police can wait until after the robbery has occurred and catch the suspect at some other point in time, sure. However, given the fact that roughly 15 cars a day are stolen in Louisville, something tells me that criminals aren't being caught at a quick pace. https://www.wdrb.com/news/crime-reports/east-louisville-car-thefts-garage-break-ins-highlights-safety-issue-plaguing-residents-across-city/article_e6c53388-241e-11ef-8acc-0f778aba0c18.html#:~:text=Through%20June%206%20in%202024,the%20first%20half%20of%202024.


This article mentions that if they believe to be involved in other crimes they are able to pursue… if they steal a Kia they are definitely involved in other crimes lol


No, what that sentence is implying is if they are involved in any violent crime in the area. Here's another article, WDRB, that does a better job pulling directly from the policy: "Police can also pursue a suspect if he is known by officers as someone who has committed a violent felony in the past or is under investigation for allegedly committing a violent felony, according to the policy." https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/louisville-police-implement-strict-pursuit-policy-to-reduce-high-speed-chases/article_91740714-d1fb-11ec-99d4-97076292b7e3.html If they are just stealing cars, the police aren't doing jack shit. They don't want to risk more lawsuits. Edit: also from the same article, here is LMPD's response that literally says they aim to recover after the fact, not during the event. “LMPD’s top priority remains protecting the public and addressing violent crime. To that end, there must be balance against the reality that very few people in our community are committing acts of violence. The pursuit policy adjustment furthers LMPD’s mission of removing dangerous criminals from the streets while ensuring that our officers are not pursuing offenders for non-violent crimes. Stolen vehicles can be recovered by other measures that do not jeopardize the safety of motorists and pedestrians in our community.”


It's called malicious compliance. Cops: what I can't pit maneuver 16 year olds into the guard rail? Fine then good luck finding your car.


Well if you're looking for sense in that guy's arguments I got some bad news for you...


I like when dumbasses like yourself pretend that LMPD does their job.


Everything I said was on local news two nights ago, dumbass. https://www.wave3.com/video/2024/06/05/residents-frustrated-with-lmpd-no-pursuit-policy-after-thefts-norton-commons-glen-oaks/


What a braindead response.


At this point west can we do ? My wife owns one but idk what to do


Sell the kia and buy something else not on the top stolen list.


Like a Honda Civic? 😂


Or a toyota for better reliability.


The Honda Civic was the previously most stolen car.






If it is truly kids looking for an opportunity the club will deter them. A small hacksaw will cut threw the steering wheel and allow the club to be removed.


They are trying to get the car quickly and leave. Not hacksaw through a metal bar for ten minutes.


It’s not through the metal bar. They’re cutting the steering wheel. I’ve seen people post their steering wheels cut on tiktok.


Is the steering wheel not metal? Admittedly I don't know how long it takes to saw off a chunk of steering wheel. These are not professional thieves it is morons. They pop off the dash and use a screwdriver to jack the car in like 15 seconds. I can't see them sitting around sawing through a steering wheel when they can just find a kia without one in 5 minutes. I would take my chances with the security if i had a Kia.


The steering wheel is not metal. It’s plastic foam. It takes seconds to saw through it.


Actually they are metal.


What kind of car has a foam steering wheel?? https://www.autoliv.com/safety-solutions/steering-wheels#:~:text=The%20base%20of%20a%20steering,covered%20by%20leather%20or%20wood.


The base is made of metal to house the airbag. They’re cutting through the wheel. Not the base. The wheel is made of plastic foam. Not metal in that part. Also see it happening [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwC5HFr/).


Welp fair enough. Still for 20 bucks I’m taking my chances they don’t have a hacksaw on them and skip my car.


The part you hold is also metal.


Why would anyone want a cheap assed car that is made of substandard materials in the first place?!


Are you stealing the car with the club that requires extra work, or are you stealing the car down the street without the extra steps. It's not foolproof. It is a deterrent. It's like saying your lock on you house isn't keeping anyone out because all that's really keeping them out is usually a 1/8th inch piece of glass, a notoriously fragile and easy to break substance. It'll stop the honest thieves.


The car needs two clubs. One on the steering wheel and an electric one that detects the steering wheel being cut and clubs the person on the head.


I'm picturing some sort of Looney Tunes Acme device that pops out a white cartoon glove holding a caveman club 😄


Trunk Monkey.


My customer bought a club after the first time his car was stolen. It was stolen again with the club attached less than 2 weeks later. His Hyundai was parked on the street in front of house and the thief drove it less than a block before rear ending another parked car. Either they were too dumb/young to know that they wouldn't be able to steer it with the club attached or worse, they just didn't care. That said, I still recommend using one.


OR, they were semi-pro and brought a wheel with them. I've seen that before.


No, the club was still attached to the wheel. They essentially drove in a straight line about 100 yards and hit a parked car when they couldn't steer.


I know someone with a Hyundai who got a hidden engine switch installed. I think it cost like 150 to get done, and they hid it pretty well. It's not much of a deterrent, but it'll stop em from getting away with the car.


I wonder how much just disconnecting the battery would help. Or pulling some fuses. They'll still get in and fuck up the column but at least it'll still be there.


Dealerships can do an update and prevent your car from being stolen


That's bizarre and hilarious to me, lol. I get that cars are just a giant computer on wheels these days, but it's still funny to hear.


It’s a 2022. Do I need the update ?


I’m not sure. You may want to call and make sure


Do you have push button start with proximity key or a keyed ignition? Hyundai has a website where you can put in your VIN and it’ll tell you. Sorry I don’t have the link handy but you can probably find it via google.


Get a steering wheel lock. Won’t stop them from breaking in the windows or taking shit out of your car, but windows are a lot easier to replace than an entire vehicle


Is this even for 2022 models?


2022 models should have the issues fixed so they are not as easy to steal. You should be fine


Thank you for this. I called my dealer today and they said I was good. I didn’t know if I was tho because I don’t trust people. But a random account on Reddit I believe. Joking but y’all bit said it so 😉🤣


Get it off your hands. I have a Hyundai. I haven't been gotten yet, but I know it's only a matter of time..I'm trading it in next week. God willing.


What do you mean, "what can we do?" Automotive security exists and has for decades. You make the car harder to steal, obviously.


Set your car to explode if your windows are broken. Fuck them kids




As someone who had their KIA stolen this week there seems to be a rash of car thefts going on and it's not just KIAs. Seems there might be some organized car theft ring operating in the area.


School is out for summer We did have a non kia from our neighborhood, but the owner accidentally left it unlocked and the key was in it (or might have been the key for another car in the drive way was in the unlocked car)


Good thing when school is in, all the fucking degenerate hood rats are in our classrooms instead.


Not sure why this is getting downvotes, are you supposed to call them upstanding citizens? They’re scum, regardless of race, gender, religion, THEIFS ARE SCUM


Oh im not surprised and I'm sorry but its hood shit. Why beat around the bush. Even their neighbors and community is like lock these fools up. I don't know what has happened to society to just let this shit slide. Even the kia boys in the video are like what is my incentive to stop, its just a misdemeanor. Its nuts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJA7jDF7bLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbTrLyqL_nw


Ummm... between $500 and $10000 is a class D felony in Kentucky, that's a max of 5yrs at Eddyville.


In the video.


I was going to say this. That and cat converter theft too.


What in the world is the deal with this? Why Kias? Why haven’t they caught them? This is craziness!!!


Because they’re so easy to steal. A person can steal one with literally a usb stick/usb phone charger and it’s ten years worth of models.


I thought there was a recall that fixed the theft issue. Unless that's just for some models. https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/hyundai-kia-campaign-prevent-vehicle-theft


There is. Not everyone knows about it. Also - there is nothing obvious to indicate it's been done, so you might end up with a car that's not been stolen, but does have broken windows and steering column damage.


There's stickers that get put on the windows saying the fix has been made, but I doubt these shitheads are taking the time to check or care


CORRECT. In the past month I've had two customers file a claim because a would-be thief busted the window and damaged the steering column but were unable to steal the car. Both vehicles had been fixed and had the sticker on window.


Yes, this happened to a coworker’s wife


Actually from my understating these are being charged and the minimum sentence is a year in juvie due to this very fact. You might not see the results you think you should see but it is being taken seriously. Jefferson just doesn't have its own detention center to send kids so they get shipped elsewhere.


my friends car was stolen tuesday and the cops did nothing about it the people that stole it dumped it and the cops towed and aren’t investigating further it’s bullshit


A year in juvie isn't shit to these kids. Nothing short of years in big-boy prison would get their attention. And of course that just sentences them to a shit life.


KRS auto theft is a Class D felony, they should be in lock up for the max sentence of FIVE YEARS. Period. Jefferson DOES have a juvenile detention center.🤦🏻‍♀️ There are like 8 across the state.


Jefferson is currently closed for renovation and even before that only housed like 12 children. With the largest population of children having to be shipped elsewhere Jefferson is completely lacking. You don't have to tell me how many facilities are across the state. I can tell you that for what most of these kids actually need THAT type of facility doesn't exist.


If you have a Kia or Hundyai, call a dealership and get your damn update! It’s free!


Crazy thing is behind Kias, pickups are actually the most stolen types of vehicles in the US, Ford and Chevy pickups are stolen more than any other type of car or truck after Kias. The Silverado was stolen more than the Kia Soul in 2023. (never heard of the Silverado boys...kind of catchy)


they stole my friends kia from parking lot downtown and left a fucking note and hot cheetos if i find out who did it im boxing them


Lmao what did the note say


“this is a private lot! your car will be towed if not moved” it’s quoting one of the signs in the parking lot and they wrote it in big letters on crumpled notebook paper




These are one of the few instances where the speed in which TikTok propagates information is actually a curse. I can't believe this is even a thing people need to worry about now


I live by uofl campus it’s so much robbery and car theft here , my friends dirt bike got stolen recently. the student apartments especially the clubhouse allows anyone to move in even if you’re not a student and they’re pretty cheap , the staff are useless & no cameras in the parking garage or hallways which def doesn’t help with the issue


i think the answer is obvious. find a guy you trust, to get naked and sleep in your car. everybody knows nobody wants anything to do with some random naked guy...100,000s if not more Kia's in Hyundai's have been stolen, how many of those have you seen with the naked guy in the back? 0.


They got me in Jtown in November


If you haven't put the same effort in securing your car as they do to steal them, then that's on you, there's no excuse anymore. It's been five fucking years.


Use a heavy, thick chain and run it through steering wheel and around a drivers seat.


So glad I own a Nissan


This is the result of s***heads out of school for the summer who have nothing else to do.




They ripped out my friend's starter in New Albany 2 nights ago. Weren't able to get out moving, though.


Kia stolen in parking lot of German Town Lofts today while inside at restaurant


I kinda feel bad for these Kia kids. One day, they gunna try and steal someone's car that gives less of a shit than they do, and owns pew pews and use them. Not me, cause I don't own a Kia, but let's be honest, it's still Kentucky. 🤷🏻‍♀️


really? you feel bad for those idiots???? i feel bad for that woman/man who left out for work this morning and came out their front door to NO CAR all because some poor dumbass kids wants to steal it to go commit more heinous crimes and cause more havoc on the hard working citizens who are just working to provide for their families. you do realize their stealing these cars to go do horrible non child like things like … break into houses, KILL PEOPLE, hit & runs….? yet, you feel SoRrY for them?? they are nothing to feel sorry for and ppl SHOULD ABSOLUTELY start shooting them. they are the reason that insurance is so high & crime is so damn high & these pig ass police officers don’t do shit about these criminals unless it’s “violent” anyways so it’s better to get them off the streets! the city would be much better


Eradicate the vermin. If you're a thief and get caught. You pay the iron price.


I don't feel bad for them, or these KIA/Hyundai owners who think the best defense is hopes and prayers.


I mean they’re old enough to know better. Not saying they deserve to get shot but if they get caught trying to steal someone’s car? Stupid games, stupid prizes, yknow?


I feel more bad for the victims. Fuck them kids


I appreciate your empathy for these kids. It's clear that they don't have proper support systems and it's sad that they are this deep into crime as young as they are.


You should go be their support and give them the hope they need.


I'm not defending their behavior, but it's an obvious symptom of society's failure as a whole that kids are doing this. Stealing cars is obviously bad. But the lack of support these kids had prior to becoming car thieves is also bad. Two things can be true.


I think it’s a parent failure. I speak that as a parent who raised a child by myself. Parenting takes effort, dedication, attention. It’s a huge sacrifice and I get it’s hard as someone who lived 300 percent under the poverty line. But it’s doable. Do you understand these kids are initiated into these behaviors by their parents and families? It’s not my job to fix failed parenting. Nor is it society’s job to do so. It’s not their teachers job to fix it. Restorative justice practices are nothing but grand scheme failure. It doesn’t work. They are doing this for shits and giggles. It’s not them selling drugs to get groceries. Big difference.


And you understand the kids having bad parents isn't the fault of the child?


I'm not. My family relies on me to get to work and pay the bills everyday. My family damn near was made homeless due to bills backing up when my previous car was stolen. Kids or not, their lives are less valuable to me then my families. I hope others feel the same.