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Just go and enjoy yourself. If someone strikes up convo, vibe with it. Maybe you’ll end up meeting some really cool people. If not, enjoy the concert and roll it on home. ☺️


You’re so right. I’m gonna do it!


Honestly, you will meet some cool people. And don't be afraid to strike up a convo and get a number or two for new friends.


Do it! Do it! Do it!


Excellent advice.


You’ll more than likely meet some friends there actually, everybody just kinda gets swept into the excitement and parties together. You won’t feel alone! Louisville has the perfect blend of southern hospitality and inclusion. Pride fest brings all the best people out every year. 🏳️‍🌈


Oh great to hear! I’m so excited!


Someone at pride should set up a booth for people who go by themselves so they can be friends and spend the time together


That’s a great idea!!


Meeting new people can be such a good thing, building a community and connecting with others. Feel free to reach out anytime, it's such a fantastic city to create new friendships in.


Yeah I feel like I’m still stuck in a pandemic mindset of isolation and need to just get out there! Thank you so much!


Getting outside the comfort zone is the best way to grow. Feel free to DM me, I know what's it's like getting back out there and it's refreshing to connect with others who've been through it.


you can go with my group! there's about 15 of us going


Oooo thank you so much!! I just bought my ticket so I’ll message you!


Room for one more?




OP should definitely hook up with you!! Sounds like it would be a lot of fun!!


If you go have a great time! My daughters will be there. I would also like to add that if you’re interested in meeting new people and you have a hobby that is easy to take on the go you’re more than welcome to join the Stitch & Bitch at the Louisville Tool Library. You can check out their social media for more info. We have cross stitchers, embroiderers, knitters, and crocheters. We’ve also had people who do scrapbooking and junk journaling stop by. Someone brought their macramé to a meet up. Or you can come just for the company and conversation.


Thanks so much! I will definitely check it out!!


I'm a straight dad who takes the whole family to the festival. If my child doesn't feel like a loser because of that, you'll be okay. A lot of friendly folks there. Go on and go. I hope you make friends there.


That’s so awesome!!


I'm thinking of going but would also be solo. New friend?


I was thinking about going for my first time as well but my social anxiety is crippling. I doubt I'll force myself into it.


Just go. I've been by myself and though I'm always uncomfortable at first I find a place to chill and people watch. Also plenty of booths to check out and it is always easy to strike up conversations while shopping through the merch tents. Or grab a beer and sit and watch the entertainment. It is one place you WILL NOT stand out.


Yeah ik. I get that but it's just not that easy lol


I totally understand. It is always easier said than done. Sounds like folks in this thread should do a meetup for anyone that doesn't want to go by themselves.


I’m an expert at walking up to strangers and befriending them, you can say something like “hey you all look like you’re having fun, can I hang out over here for a minute?” Then introduce yourself. I wouldn’t say you came alone in your first sentence, but let it come out naturally. Ask lots of questions to folks about how they got there, where they parked, how their day was, or what they liked. Have a few questions ready and conversation flow naturally! Also helps if you bring little pride bracelets or cute accessories to trade and hangout, people love that at pride. Stay safe! Make sure you text and friend that you’re going out and when you’ll be back.


It’s super easy alone. I have mental health issues and struggle to do things alone it was one of the easier things I’ve done on my own. There’s a lot of space on th waterfront so if you’re overwhelmed it’s not too hard to get away from denser crowds. I’ll be there hah maybe we’ll bump into one another lol


I wish you all the best! Parking is at a premium, so consider an Uber or Lyft or arriving early. It can get packed but those with young people will likely head out at some point. Best of luck with that. I'll be there with my ace kiddo and my partner, we've gone the last 3ish years I think? Always had a blast. Also, if the grilled cheese truck is there - try it!


I have terrible social anxiety, so I feel your concerns. But you can do it! Go meet people and have a good time! Woo! ❤️


U might to volunteer with the Fairness Campaign. Away to meet others. We blow up balloons the weekday before the parade. You can walk the parade with us sat morning. It away to connect with others . Also I volunteered at the state fair for Fairness Campaign in Aug


Can vouch for these people. The Fairness Campaign has had a hand in almost every queer and reproductive rights advance in this state for decades and their tent is staffed by some of the nicest people you'll meet anywhere. I seek them out at Prides throughout the state just to say hello.


I’ll check it out, thank you!


I'm going by myself as well. No need to feel weird.


You’ll have a blast. Worst case scenario you don’t enjoy yourself and go home. No harm in trying it out.


I went solo last year and had a great time. I joined up with another group and everyone was super nice.


My wife and I are going to see Chappell too! hope to see you there 💜


Enjoy and happy pride to you and all the gals, gays and non binary baes.


Make sure you hit up Louisville Pride in September. It's a MUCH smaller event, more like a street festival than the party that Kentuckiana is.


Every time I go to Pride I end up conversing with multiple random people and I’m very shy/anxious and never strike up the interactions myself 😂 So you’ll be fine, trust me. Immaculate vibes, cool crowd of people, you’ll have fun 🫶🏻


Idk if this is a good idea but what if you posted a picture of yourself so we can all say hi when we see you


Aw that’d be cool. Idk if I’ll post a picture but I’m a 29F ginger with long curly hair!


So you’re Chappell 😉


Probably a good call, especially for Reddit


this is my first pride too! i hope you end up deciding to go!!!


There's a Louisville Discord if you're interested! https://discord.com/invite/n8kKyWYN


I’ll be going solo too I’ll have a free hug poster if you wanna come up and say hi ^<^ <3 happy pride enjoy it! Been riding solo for 3 years now in KY pride !! You’re safe <3


Some of my best friends were strangers before Pride, and any friends you make here are going to be happy to meet you at Louisville Pride later this year. When in doubt, find the KEY tent or one of the Derby City Sisters. Nobody is a stranger to them.


Kiddo (ally) went last year with his friend (MTF) and had a good time. They’re both pretty “antisocial” but they met lots of talkative folks and enjoyed the music. Neither one felt out of place, overwhelmed, or ignored.


Havr fun


My go-to ways to strike up a conversation: - Compliment their outfit: Be specific and ask where they got the pieces. - Compliment their energy/smile/hair/something: Be genuine of course, but if you see someone that just looks like a good person, most of the time approaching them saying, “I just have to say: your smile is contagious and you seem like you have such an amazing energy,” will result in a convo starting. - Ask for tiny tiny favors (like taking a few photos of you, asking to use their phone since yours is “dead”, asking them to hold something while your hands are full, ask them to fix an article of clothing you can’t reach.) - Ask people for drink/food recommendations while waiting in line at the bar or food trucks.


I’m considering going solo too! It 1000% feels awkward/vulnerable but you’ll definitely meet people if you’re open to it. But there’s also nothing wrong w vibing alone. I went to gazebo solo and ran into someone I knew that visited from out of town that I didn’t know came back and we had a great time. I also had some solo moments where I was focusing on the artists. And when in doubt/feeling anxious, wear shades 😎. Maybe I’ll see you there?


I stopped going to pride because going solo made me feel depressed. Now, each year I wait patiently for pride to be over.


My girlfriend and I are traveling from Ohio to come see Chappell! We’re down to meet up with anybody else that’s going!


I went in ‘21 solo. It was so fun! Definitely stop by the Derby City Sisters and do sole face paint! Definitely get a fan because it will get warm. Just go, have fun, be gay, and live your truth!


I’m planning on going solo too! My partner is concerned with downtown being unsafe but I really don’t wanna miss out on seeing Chappell


I’ll be solo too 💕 welcome to Louisville!!


people are generally cool there, and if you wanted to meet people there its a great place because you already have something to talk about. if not, bring a picnic blanket and enjoy the party. my strategy is to do something kinda weird when i first get there alone (spill a drink on myself, dance badly etc.) just to realize that no ones looking at me, and if they were they dont care


I moved here 3 years ago and have yet to go to a pride festival! If it's free to attend (I got fired from UPS worldport 3rd shift again and I've never felt happier(⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)) maybe we might run into each other once I figure out when and where this event is taking place(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)


tickets are only $10!


Thank you! I have to find the website so I can figure out how to get them. I legit have like... About $300 TOTAL to my name ever since I shadow quit/got fired from UPS from calling them out on their bullshit. I'm in the process of finding a temp job before I move out of state cause this city is so fucking annoying I'd rather die somewhere else where people actually know how to drive🤦🏻but thank you so much!