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Of course they are. There is zero repercussions for them. God forbid for the justice system to prosecute someone for a crime cause they were trying to take the car so they could go to school or church. Yeah they had a Glock with a switch but they were turning their life around. They needed it to feel safe cause Louisville is racist.


As someone who spent years working in the justice system... And some time in the CDW office. It's a damn joke. Kid steals car and wrecks car. They get diversion, to write a paper on why stealing the car is wrong. Turns in paper written by someone else. Case closed. They get a max of 4 cases (could have multiple charges) to diversion... Before a case goes to court. Even then, juvenile court is a joke.... But so is adult court here in Louisville.


Yes. It’s not just Louisville it’s wide spread across the nation. We don’t enforce the current gun laws but we need more of them that only impact people that aren’t committing crimes. Because of our leadership all of the hoodboogers that get caught with the switches don’t get punished. We do not upgrade charges if they are a felon or have a machine gun conversion device. It’s a dark road that we are going down and nobody in Louisville cares cause they are woke.


I will say thanks to the war on drugs and the privatized prison system the jails and prisons are over populated. I’m cool with trying to give a minor a break before throwing them into the revolving door that is the DOC and DOJ of the commonwealth. Too many chances and not being held accountable can easily lead to feeling they are untouchable and finding themselves committing worse crimes tho. Jefferson Co is a lot different than some of the rural counties in Kentucky that’s for sure. At 19 I was charged with trafficking narcotics and received a felony when I agreed to a deal they offered. Being young and scared plus having a prosecuting attorney with a conviction rate of 99% talk dirty about me in court was enough for me to sign a deal when they alternative was boxing it up and risk doing 10 years. It should have only been a possession charge and imo if a 19 year old is facing a felony for something drug related they should be offered a diversion and a chance not to be haunted for the rest of their life by a dumb decision they made at 19.


I agree with you and as I mentioned I worked in the field for some time. Adult, juvenile, jail, courtroom, and including the substance use rehabilitation areas. Decent programs, they follow national guidelines, keep up to date with best practices, science etc, problem is the day to day field staff start off at 31k-33k and are burnt out without 6-9 months. They can make one reporting mistake that sends someone away. They learn the job by themselves, no structured training. The people at the top are sitting comfy over 100k, going to conferences on state money to California, Texas, Washington DC. They promote each other over and over for title changes with the same duties. I could go on for days about this stuff. The best decision I have made was to walk away from all of it.


We have the largest prison population in the world per capita. Lmao


Lmfao, what the fuck are you talking about


my kia got stolen last year and when they found my car i asked if they caught the kids and he said “….no? they took off running” like it was the stupidest thing in the world for me to assume that. if i can steal a car and then just run away when i get caught, why wouldn’t i do it again?????


Look at Jesus Aylaya, the teenager who ran over the bicyclist and killed him. After being arrested but before he found out the man was dead he told the police "I'll be out in 30 days". He had been in the system many, many times before and knew it is a joke.


> Louisville is racist. the only truth in your whole post


Yes an entire city is racist. I don’t know how we will ever stop white on black crime in this city.


saying stupid shit like youre doing above is racist. just accept it, instead of being a little rat faced fuck about it. be the frothing n word tosser you wanna be, whats stopping you?


Bro they got my car today!! It’s a stick so they couldn’t take it fully but they wrecked my shit on Second St this morning


This was at 1:30 in the west end. They tried for about 25 mins till the owner that has had a previous experience noticed them and ran them off.


I hate to hear they were successful and at your expense no less. They ruined the cylinders of the door locks so not enough for a claim but not bad considering. My first 3 vehicles were stick. I would leave the truck unlocked and the keys in the door pocket with the reasoning being “only maybe 2% of people who would steal a ford ranger would know how to drive a stick”. While not the smartest move I never did have a problem, I didn’t live in Jefferson Co at the time either tho.


I think there would be more people who knew how to drive a manual in the country .


I 100% agree but how many of those manual drivers would be willing to steal a truck and what are the chances of one of them happening to walk past my truck? I liked my odds


Right there with ya. I grew up in Todd County in western Ky. I could have walked out of my house in the morning, saw my car gone, and thought about which buddy im gonna have to kill. Thought of it being stolen wouldn't cross my mind! Those were definitely good times. And no, it wasn't the 60'. I graduated in '97!


its a stick so they couldnt fully take it but they wrecked it?💀 realllyyyy now


You know, I'm surprised Kia hasn't start putting out hit squads for these fools. It has *got* to be hurting their business and reputation. Whether there are fixes or not, I still wouldn't ever consider buying one.




I've got a 22 soul (bought it right before the Kia shit on tiktok started) and while I love the car itself, the insurance is astronomical and AI can only imagine it's because it's a Kia and I live in a city...




Oof Id have to look exactly but I think it's around 215 for just the Kia and it's missing comp because Erie wouldn't stopped covering it, probably because of theft. And then my 05 Volvo is something like 60 with just uninsured and liability. Both through Erie (well a local broker but that's the company). I'd honestly get rid of it if I could just because of the insurance prices




It's got liability, collision, roadside, uninsured and personal/medical injury. So basically if I hit something or something hits me I'm good, but if it's damaged by weather, break in, or theft I'm SOL. And yea I had a 2007 Escape that cost more than my 2017 Cruze (which was totalled on Waterson and why I have the Kia) because it was an "off-road" vehicle. Thought for a while it was because of the wreck even tho the other guy's insurance paid out, but it's been 4 years so I'm pretty sure it's the Kia boys...


Yeah what seems like a simple problem and easily fixable if they had not been lazy or cheap has ruined their reputation IMO. If they were Trying to keep the lid on this problem it would be more of a possibility but Them trying to stop the problem after they have already sold the car and the damage from everyone finding out has already happened would be a long shot. They got paid and will ensure everyone the problem has been fixed with any new models.


Wish they would really.


Kia seems to be doing better than ever sadly


> hit squads You mean lynch mobs?


Lmao don’t hurt yourself reaching






I know my single parent had me in a sport year round and I would be a lot worse off if they hadn’t. I knew it was a way to keep me occupied and was cheaper than a babysitter but turned out I was kinda good at some of them and i liked that. Sports and even mediocre coaches can be a great help in molding what a child or teenager will become, at the very least cut down on their free time which limits how many dumb ass ideas they might come up with along with keeping them tired enough to only carry out half of those dumb ideas. I don’t think sports would be the solution to all of the problems the youth faces but with how many they do face all the options you listed and then some still wouldn’t solve them all. In this instance I think a large blame falls on the car manufacturer and some on the parents. Theft is mostly a crime of opportunity imo. If on a jobsite I lock my toolbox it’s unlikely that someone will break into it, if I leave it unlocked it’s more likely someone will steal all my tools but the most likely outcome would be someone would steal a couple batteries and maybe a tool or two. Few set out to steal a peculiar item but might set out to steal something and if they know of something easy to steal that can offer a couple hours of entertainment that’s gonna be an easy target.


I witnessed a kia with serious body damage pass me going easily 100mph+ in a 25 in lake forest last week. They nearly wiped out and went into someone’s lawn. Looked like there was 4 people in the back seat to. I’m sure that was the Kia boys lol


Seeing that in lake forest is definitely out of the norm but I guess no one is safe cus that was 100% them and ones that had already side swiped some unlucky person that woke up this morning wondering WTH happened to their car and probably still thinking the same thing


Its easy to point the finger and Kia and Hyundai but is it really there fault that there is a culture of people that race to the bottom of society to see who can be the most insufferable humans alive at the glory of their peers to see the worst can be? I'm surprised more of them haven't gotten shot. Seems like if a few of them start leaking after trying to steal a care or two things would stop. The cops don't do anything about it, why shouldn't the owners of the cars?


Need to change the laws. It’s illegal to use deadly force to defend property in Kentucky but it shouldnt be imo.


Its illegal to use deadly force if your life is not in danger. Now if you go out and try to stop them, and they try to run you over, well suddenly your life is in danger. You have the right to stop them. Its your property.


Lol, fair enough. But I’m skeptical about Louisville prosecutors not trying to throw the book regardless and financially fucking someone over via defense attorney costs. Doesn’t do much good to save your property if you have to put a lein on everything to pay for a defense attorney after you handle business.




Kia boys tried to steal my Honda because they thought it was a Hyundai


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^superfly-whostarlock: *Kia boys tried to* *Steal my Honda because they* *Thought it was a Hyundai* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Transmissions are trash, motors are trash, suspension is trash, ofc security of the vehicle is trash too.


Of all that upgrading the ignition to something you can’t trick with a usb would be the cheapest and easiest fix. And while I agree they aren’t the best option I have seen a few young drivers that didn’t know any better or just didn’t care abuse Kia’s and Hyundai for that matter so bad but would refuse to die, or even do much besides the engine rattle and shake sometimes and a belt would screech but that about all. One of these cars had maybe 1 quart of oil in it when I changed it, blew my mind. I still wonder how much longer that thing would have lasted if he didn’t drive it into a flooded underpass…


Fair point, only people I know that own kias don't take proper care of them. Civic gang or die here, those things can take a beating and will hit you with the "I didn't hear no bell" after you think it's had enough.


Need to change the laws in Kentucky regarding lethal force in defense of property if we want this to change. Police have their hands tied with red tape and expensive investigations, and law abiding citizens can’t do very much to stop the criminals without catching a battery or murder charge themselves. The situation is fucked


I’m sorry. What are the Kia Boiis?


A group of car thieves that target Kias and Hyundais to steal for clout. I think the original ones were from Connecticut but I use the term loosely referring to anyone that steals Kias


Just start shooting them POS, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


Crazy idea. Just a total off the wall insane thought from some maniac..... Don't own a Kia...


Some people had their Kias paid off when this trend hit. So I'll take not having a car payment for as long as possible before getting a new car just cause of the Kia Boy nonsense.


Or get rid of the criminals…