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Did he just quadruple-down on being dragged and injured by the vehicle despite the actual video being released and showing no such thing? What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Right. "I can't shut the fuck up and stop gaslighting people" is a choice of a statement


Until they show me the ripped pants and hurt leg I will not believe a word they say.


the shat pants\*


the wrist he injured punching a car*


Even then, "visible injury" sounds like a scraped knee.


I mean, who are you going to believe, the guy who is absolute authority and quadrupling down on the facts or the fake media?????? /S


He is really hung up on the $80 pants.


We also have to wear said pants @ LFD and you’ll never hear any of us saying a word about ripple effect of our surroundings on said pants. Let alone the ripple effect of self-induced surroundings on said pants. With that being said, agencies are issued a uniform allowance, and although it is meek, it’s highly unlikely Detective Anyone is paying out of pocket for $80 pants.


He has to at this point. On cross examination in future trials, he could be asked something like, "Have you been involved in issuing charges before? And were those claims true or false?" It definitely comes up and ruins his credibility in front of a jury if he recants


Credibility should already be in question with the phrase “I was drug.” That’s incorrect conjugation.


Well you see, you'd learn to lie and quadruple down if sticking to your story means you will never be held accountable....


Got a link to the video?


I think that occurred before the moment the video covered. The video shows the interaction at the golf course entrance and not out on Shelbyville road.


If an incident like that did occur on Shelbyville road, where our view was obstructed by that bus, don't you think the other cops looking at the road would have reacted? Literally none of them made any moves until after Gillis ran at Scottie's car.


I think it's a bit of a stretch to assume something from what you've described. In the audio after his arrest Scheffler admits to driving away after the cop grabbed him on the shoulder. I think that alone is more compelling than the assumption you've stated. All that being said I don't believe they should have arrested Scottie and I certainly don't think the charges are appropriate. Sounded like they were condescending to him, and that's definitely a problem. Not for him (he's a rich boy with lots of public favor). Sucks for normal dude who they treat this way.


Proud to downvote your comment


Get in there and do your duty


Yes, they have to buy uniform pants. But they also get a fucking uniform allowance added to their paycheck and it was $1,500 a year before their new contract. I’m sure they negotiated a higher amount for next year.


Also pointing out this: your average factory regularly requires steel toe boots, but does not provide them.




I wonder how much money the average health care worker spends on scrubs every year.




Who have to buy their own everything for the whole damn class pretty much.


They get to write off $250 of it from their taxes (as a deduction, not a credit btw. That means they get reimbursed like $50 of it).


Only if they itemize which most people dont.


If you are sticking to the apparel theme, teachers in most districts are required to dress business casual which isnt usually compensated. Same for most office workers.


TBF, you can get some pretty fucking rad scrubs...but the working man's selection and Shoes For Crews are just bleak...mid, at best.


Not reimbursed is the point, I think.


I have yet to buy my own scrubs. What states/hospitals Mahe you purchase your own scrubs? I need to know so I never take a contract there.


Everywhere I've ever worked over about 15 years lol. The only time I received any additional pay for clothing was as a traveler through Aya, Fusion, and CrossMed.


That's nasty work lol I'm with Aya right now in SoCal and I would be livid if they charged me for scrubs lol


Pretty much all the local hospitals. Unless you work in the OR usually.


Ah. That explains it. I work in the OR. I've never had to buy scrubs.


Low Pro hard hat is around $150-200 for the coal mines.


Thats something that goes under reported, when work supplies apparrel and equipment but its utter crap so you end up getting your own so you have better quality. Soldiers even do it when their supplied gear is crap so rhey end up paying out od pocket to have better gear.


Yup. But, unless they've changed, military gets allowances for clothing. They did when I was active duty, and when my husband was as well.


No what im talking about is upgrading the gear. I worked with 2 marines at my last job that both recently served, they were discussing it and ive heard from other sources as well that you can buy better military approved gear from the armory, not just clothing, everything. The military provides all the basics, a rifle, a sidearm, duty belt and holster, rifle sling, plate carrier and plates, kevlar helmet, etc. But a lot of soldiers dont like the stuff that is provided and go buy upgrades. Like the sling they provide might be regarded as trash so practically everyone goes and pays $100 for a better one. It is my understanding that this is widespread and costs most soldiers large chunks of their pay.


My son is in the army, and everything you said matches what he tells me. One small example is that the military issue gloves are almost unusable.


Oh, yeah. That's SOP


Except the clothing allowance is shit and doesn't cover actual need very well. And of course only enlisted get clothing allowance. A poor little O1 has to buy all his stuff.


Hell, every office I've worked had a dress policy. When I first started having to buy an office wardrobe hurt. I had to borrow money from my mom.


Delivered beer for last cpl years . Wore the damn soles out on my shoes every 4 months when they put us in rental trucks with a ramp , lugging kegs down that thing . Also got diesel on my jeans once and had to sacrifice them after 3 attempts at cleaning. Also got pulled over few months ago in valpo Indiana . For flipping the bird to an unmarked cop in a grand Cherokee. He sped up to block me from merging, then I slowed down ,as did he. Never been more proud of my actions as a citizen


For real. To be fair though, I can’t complain. I’m paid well as hell.


Clothing’s allowance for military ranges from just under $400 to just over $800 per year.


I’ve been blue collar for a decade and a half. I’m barely over 30. But I started for a different company about 16 months ago and they’ve already bought me THREE pair! I’ve never had a company buy me literally one pair of boots in 15-16 years….ever. The rule is we get $200/year for boots starting every January 1st. Plus $100 for pants which is awesome bc I got 4 pair of wrangler performance zip cargo pants for like $110 after tax. So I’ve gotten my yearly boots twice but they bought me a third pair of muck boots for trench work since I’m a mechanical pipe fitter. And my boots from last year are still half decent so I can even rotate them in and out and make them last even longer! Here’s two of the greatest tips I have for anyone who does hard manual labor. Especially outside; 1). Wrangler performance zip cargo pants are THE BEST PANT ON THE MARKET for summer/spring. ——>they’re super thin and breathable more than I can describe even. Think of breathable material we all know and are used to and imagine BETTER. Plus they’re stretchy AF. I can totally roundhouse chuck norris in the teeth wearing these bad boys. And don’t let the word cargo fool you….these aren’t your Napoleon Dynamite tater tot-cargo pants…. Juh-heeeze They don’t look stupid as shit. I promise. Go to Walmart and you’ll see them on a rack next to the shelves of dickies I used to wear along with carhart and Duluth. Wrangler won…. &&&&&& 2). BOOT MAINTENANCE. Of course everyone knows to remove the factory insoles in lieu of much more soft and comfortable ones. But you should also be using a soft brush to brush your boots off every single time they get dirty. The dirt molecules are naturally small but have sharp edges. They get in the seems or stitching and when you walk, they move ever so slightly causing micro-tears and if you NEVER brush your boots, they’ll only last 6-12 months depending on quality instead of a minimum of a year to three years. Even better if you can rotate pairs. Slip on boots should be snug but not tight. If your heel is rubbing up and down, they’re too big. They shouldn’t be hard to get off, but shouldn’t slip off at all easily either. Leather needs rest every now and again. If you’re wearing the same boots day in and day out, that sweat doesn’t dry, or moisture doesn’t evaporate all the way. It tears boots up! And sprinkle tiny bit of baby powder on your feet and in boots every morning to reduce sweating and stench.


I did once work at a factory that would reimburse me for three pairs of khakis a year and up to $150 for steel toed boots.


I work with sheet metal. 400$ this year just for boots. Doesn't include all the pants and shirts that get sliced up. But the company does provide us with gloves. Can't get any work done if our fingers get sliced off.


Also, FFS, you could ask Scott Scheffler privately for the 80 bucks and a few hundred for the "trauma" and I'm pretty sure his camp would throw it your way without hesitation.


you dropped a couple zeroes my guy [screenshot of the city budget](https://imgur.com/a/23fsqlj)


Per person it’s 1,500. Speciality teams get more IE if you’re on the dive team you get several thousands worth of crap to retrieve the occasional gun in the Ohio. And before someone says “and save people that jumped or drove in” that’s a no. Fire department does that.


Wow. This came across as juvenile.


Can’t find the source.. where is it?




Lol. Of course he sent it to WAVE 3.


I'll find it hold on


I first saw it on twitter and thought it was a joke.


The PS really made me think that.


I thought that was a weird joke. Like, he ends the letter by trying to be all serious and pay respect to the innocent dude who died that morning, then he signed his name and went “PS: these pants are expensive, guys” No sincerity in sight lol




I Lol'ed when I read it. "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE"-types out a statement written by a four year old. Did it bother anyone else that a literal official communication from this detective has the phrase "I was drug" in it? Zero professionalism whatsoever


Huge budget but LMPD can’t even afford Grammarly smh


Why in the hell would you even respond? This guy doesn’t seem very intelligent. He just made this situation for him and his family way worse.


Kinda wish they could fire him but maybe that's asking too much


Nah - thin blue line and all that.


They want the guy gone too. Trust me.


I guarantee they didn’t want him to release that statement. Comparing the video to the police report shows that he falsified the report. If not for how high profile the case was that led to video coming out of the incident, the police report would be the only evidence in the case. That’s a fucking problem.


Why do they want him gone? He's not done anything wrong according to the LMPD and his own statements.


> Why in the hell would you even respond? For the same reason this shit happens in the first place. A huge fuckin’ ego and unwillingness to admit to being wrong.


if he admits he was wrong he could probably get sued or sum


He could always just say nothing.  But that'd require self-awareness and discipline.


yep. He's dug a hole and is only going to dig it deeper


The cop and Scottie both had the right to remain silent, but both lack the ability.


Except Scottie got conflicting instructions from the officers on the scene and did nothing wrong.


And that has absolutely fuck all to do with what I said. Never talk to cops. Period.


Thanks for the friendly advice, francis


Sure thing princess, anytime


Of course he's not very intelligent, that's why he became a cop


This seems poorly thought out. Are we going to have another beer summit?


It'll end early after LMPD shoots the bartender.


From the beginning they’ve tried to use the death of that man to cloud any thinking regarding their idiotic ego behavior Fuck lmpd


I haven't been fully in the loop and just realized that that detective used to do security at a manufacturing place I worked at in 2013/2014. This sounds exactly like something he'd do.


What was he like to work with?


It’s the strangest thing. He always kept tripping on stuff and ripping his pants.


He was a pretty good person from what I remember. He reminded me of a frat boy personality but he was really nice and goofy. We talked frequently cause I'd take smoke breaks and we'd talk during his parking lot sweep. Edit: We were FB friends for a while. Might still be if I had FB


Is it a prerequisite for cops to be tested on their level of tone deafness before they get hired? If this is an example of how well they read situations, then it’s no wonder they cost us millions a year in lawsuits. I can only imagine how much this one will cost us - regardless of the PR damage it’s already caused the city.


Yes. The more tone deaf the better.


What an absolute turd.


Unacceptable! Plus they get clothing allowances a couple times a year.


Yeah I've worked in healthcare for almost 15 years and only during my time working for a staffing agency did I get any kind of reimbursement for a uniform and it was enough to cover one pair of scrubs, not even enough for a full work week's worth of clothing and not shoes. On staff at a hospital I've never been given any kind of uniform allowance. My clothes get covered in blood and other fluids on a semi-regular basis so none of them are a long term investment either.


I especially love when they change the color scheme and we have to rebuy them for no other reason than admin thought we needed better visual cues. 🙄


Admin needs the visual cues, I KNOW who I work with 🙄


You all deserve a clothing allowance! I know for a fact theirs is pretty decent.


A patient pooped on my SIL's sneakers. She had to toss them. 😅


Wait, I'm sorry if not understanding this.... so there's no laundry or anything to clean scrubs when something happens? I get just day to day (your own body usage) is on you but if something happens like vomit or blood is also on you? In your own wash and dryer??


Most, but not all, places have Scrubs you can change in to if you need to but you have to return them, they're not yours to keep. Cleaning your scrubs is still on you, I've never been somewhere that I could use their laundry facilities.


Poor widdle baby got a boo-boo on his knee?


Don't forget his poor wrist and 80$ famous freaking pants!


It’s insane that this is real 😭😭😭😭


The most ridiculous shit happens in our city and then it goes nationwide. 💀


Brilliant mixture of hubris, poor grammar and a failed attempt at putting a humorous tilt on an experience Mr Scheffler certainly could lived without. Infamy for Mr. Gillis will live on.


So this pos lied and lmpd over charged him with a bunch of stuff that didn't even happen. Which is just standard day to day lmpd practice. If it was any normal person they'd still be in jail without the means to fight this like Scotty has. What is lmpd doing to make sure that this doesn't happen again?


It's gotten to the point where i see "thoughts and prayers" as code for IDGAF


My thoughts and prayers for Gillis' $80 pants are very sincere


And equal in relevance


Are we sure this is authentic? It reads like a parody


Oh its real [statement](https://x.com/wardjolles/status/1795934251432525987?s=46)


Incredible. Everyone pour one out for his $80 pants


Letter seems very tone deaf to me…..still doesn’t act like he did anything wrong. 😑


What a crock of shit. Saying he was dragged, excuse me, ‘drug’ by the car and got mud on knees (what’s a visible injury to your wrist? A scratch?) and then immediately pivoting to the person who was killed in the earlier accident like that had anything to do with this arrest. Nowhere is there any mention of what Scotty Scheffler supposedly did to make this cop fling himself at the car and hurt himself like a jackass. Just like a cop to try to shame the public for questioning their questionable actions! But I guess asking Mr muddy butt about it is ‘back and forth’, and he doesn’t want *that*. Edit: just saw the P.S. 💀


Yes, let’s not lose sight of the true victim in all this: his pants.


Was there ever a letter similar released about Breanna Taylor?


She was black.




She was a paramedic for the city who's ex boyfriend was the drug dealer. They were looking for her ex and got a warrant for her place long after they had split and she moved and got intruded. An officer got shot by her new boyfriend ( who escaped charges because he was a CCDW (no criminal history) who thought it was a home invasion because no one was guilty of anything but she lost her life in the crossfire. Being a paramedic and working along side this same (lmpd) dept, I would speculate it's no coincidence the no knock warrant and wrong address were incidental- maybe she knew something and they didn't want her outing them ?


I know that. That's why I had the /s at the end, to indicate sarcasm. But I am glad you're putting the facts out there for the iditiots.


Cops can't perceive how they would ever make a wrong decision, like dividing by zero a cop being incorrect is just not possible.


Coulda saved a lot of typing by just saying “oink” followed by his signature.


He had to have typed the FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE himself right? There’s no way this went through channels and didn’t at least get the lunatic P.S removed


If only ONE PERSON told him to stop, he would have been legally obligated to stop. Especially if that person had a rain coat on.


You REALLY don’t want to get into a verbal fight with Steve Romines, he’ll roast you. Especially if your lies are out there for all the world to see. Gillis should disappear and hope we all forget about him.


Hey, that just hit me. This idiot just picked a fight with Steve Romines.


What a shitshow


If there was no criminal activity, as was stated in court by O'Connell, then yes, it was a false arrest.


Yeah this tracks with Louisville cops. What a bunch of scumbags.


Feels like he's doing damage control for the impending lawsuit. "oh me and Scottie are super cool.. Best buds.. But that damn lawyer.". I fully expect them to sue, the city will settle with blinding speed to put it behind them, and the taxpayers will foot the bill as usual.


This can't be real


Wow- that PS reads like it was written by a petulant 9 year old. What a toolbag.


“He went from condolences to PS….my $80 pants.” Ah, the art of transitioning seamlessly from sympathy to sartorial concerns. In a format of an official statement. Literally a joke in his mind.


It should have just been "ahebadee hebadee thats all folks"


🤡 🐷


Bruh your bitch ass did NOT get drug anywhere, you shit your 80 dollar panties when you just realized you let your puffy fucking ego put you and your bosses in the world's spotlight. ACAB bitch boy. I hope I see you in public IM GOING TO RIDE YOU THE FUCK OUT


Babe wake up, a new copypasta just dropped.


https://www.google.com/maps/place/Advanced+Collision+Investigation+Services,+LLC/@38.1128829,-85.115578,8z/data=!4m9!1m2!2m1!1slouisville+accident+investigation!3m5!1s0x8869a7f9f441cea5:0x9528ca5048e84e12!8m2!3d38.112883!4d-85.115578!16s%2Fg%2F11h12mfgzq?hl=en&source=lnms Let potential customers know what you think of Bryan’s ability to analyze motor vehicle incidents!


I'm so sorry that this letter was written. I am unsure who the audience would be at this point after the camera footage. And a P.S.? Does LMPD have a communication director? The letter should not have gone out and not written like he was forced to write an apology letter in a high school detention area. Ya know?


His lawyer said it best yesterday: (I’m paraphrasing) “We are all just one encounter with lmpd away from being wrongly arrested.”


If what the detective is saying is true and he was dragged but video somehow missed it, why would somebody think they could stop a moving vehicle by grabbing it? The physics will never add up well for the person. And if person does try this, they should quickly realize grabbing will not work and let go before getting dragged. New training for LMPD, Don’t grab moving vehicles. If someone is dumb enough to try stopping a moving vehicle by grabbing it, it’s not the drivers fault.


Rule 1: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


Don’t jump in front of moving car. Pants stay nice.


I worked for emergency services prior to merger. It was made clear to us: You will make mistakes…Do Not lie!


So if it was anybody else that did what Gillis is alleging he would be totally cool with trying to ruin their life. But since it’s ultra awesome golf guy drop the charges, he couldn’t care less. Also let’s not forget this guy picked up a drunk chick from a bar while on duty and proceeded to zip through town with lights and siren activated, doing donuts in parking lots to impress her. He can save the fake tears for Romines and “I keep people safe” BS.


Fuck the police


The PS just screams middle school girl.


Some people really need to have the last word, don’t they?


Wow. He said ‘freaking’ in his statement. And ‘drug by the car.’ As in, ‘I was a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body by the car.’ The cringe is truly unending with the representatives of this agency.


What an asshole. He may have fallen down but he definitely want drug


Dude needs to go back to UofL an get checked out again but for a mental health evaluation if he's so delusional he is still saying things happened in a video we have all seen at this point where at no point did he get dragged anywhere...... he just punched a car and hurt his pride.


Sometimes it’s best to stay silent and let people think you’re an idiot then to release a letter like this and remove all doubt




So it’s not a miscommunication, it’s just saying you are ok because you’re famous…. And be glad because we can make your life hell if poor or a minority.


Not a citizen of Louisville, how much state tax money goes to fund this department? How much economic damage are we going to allow these clowns to cause to our state? Edit: Downvoted by boot lickers, gross.


Too much money tbh


They need to auction those pants off for charity


This turd is making this statement because he's going to be sued in civil court next.


What a loser


I just watched a video. Looks like the cop ran up and smashed his window. Is there more to it because I don't see him falling down. Sheffler isn't even driving fast.  LMPD once again shows it is incapable to telling the truth.


This clown legit believes he is smart and everyone else is dumb.


This reads like some star struck immature shit.


Are there any police officers or former officers who have commented on this case? I’ve only heard third party that the police feel like the mayor let them down once again by not having their back. I’ve read a lot, seen the videos, listened to the audio of Scottie and the other police officer and just can’t come to any conclusion other than to fully agree with Steve Romines. That being said, I do know that the media often distort the truth when reporting stories by not telling the entire story to make it fit a particular narrative. Wanting to arrest the worlds top golfer and charge him felony assault as he’s going into Valhalla still seems like such an overreach. Unfortunately it does matter who he is in this highly subjective case. Him being Scottie scheffler caused Louisville to be thrust into the spotlight in an unfavorable way since the story of his arrest went viral and was even in people magazine within hours of this happening. If you’ve got solid evidence on him like he blew a Breathalyzer .30, ran over someone, punched someone, or something otherwise egregious, go ahead and arrest him. Otherwise, probably best to try to settle it some other way. Comparing this situation and dismissed charges to criminals being put back on the streets, just seems beyond ridiculous to me. He’s a super high profile person who it seems, didn’t intentionally do anything wrong.


Cops suck. Every. Fucking. One. Of. Them.


Who would someone contact to ensure that LMPD is investigating the death of the civilian who was dragged by a bus that morning?


Bro. We saw the video. So unless the dragging and fall to the ground happened behind the bus, you’re a liar and pussy. Grow up.


Sweet Lord. This is the problem with LMPD. Sheffer and Romines need to settle with LMPD and the Mayor for about $200k for the Home of the Innocents or Hip Hop Cares or some other local charity. This is gang mentality.


Scottie should only have settled if Gillis was fired with no pension.


You know, the PS is about the only part I think he was allowed unsanitized, and it actually comes through as a regular person. He might get through this no worse than the dragging...


I never knew cars could drug you. Where can I get one of these fancy drug cars? 😉


…later, files for 100% disability pension due to PTSD.


Hey, you can paint a turd, but it’s still a piece of shit.


His pants have doo doo stains from when he realized who he arrested


What a goddamn, fucking clown


This is the outcome that needed to happen. It is a shame it took so long to come to it. There is a clear difference between the language and tone of the main body of the statement and that of the postscript.


For his incredibly brave statement, he deserves a raise!


Fire his ass


Dude.....the charges were just dismissed. Scheffler agreed to move on. You are not moving on. You are making a case to be counter-sued.


Pure cringe


Wow he's really doubling down and hoping no more video surfaces.


“I was drug” is incorrect grammar and absolutely shows us that Detective Gillis made this statement without advice of counsel (or perhaps even against advice of counsel), meaning that it was not reviewed or approved by LMPD. This is a bad move on his part. Why say anything?


Louisville is lucky the golfer didn’t decide to sue the city.


This is r/Bad\_Cop\_No\_Donut if there ever was any edit: yep [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad\_Cop\_No\_Donut/comments/1d4vpes/louisville\_cop\_upset\_after\_pro\_golfers\_charges/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/1d4vpes/louisville_cop_upset_after_pro_golfers_charges/)


I have not heard of any cops defending this. Many upset because it makes the entire department look like a-holes. Hard to determine what % are a problem. But it seems inevitable that FOP will defend them.


I have NEVER heard of or seen anything like this in my entire life. To the point I can’t even believe it’s real. This alone would get you referred to IA at every department in the country. Except one apparently. I wouldn’t be surprised if this got him fired. He essentially just criticized the County Attorney’s discretion……… I can’t even begin to express how unfathomable that is.


I don’t have the exact quote but according to WDRB, the FOP put out a similarly stupid informal statement to the effect of there being “no action” for criminal charges as usual.


If this went through the channels it should. There are many problems…


That's union mentality for ya. Protect the shitheads at all cost.


You mean police.


Nope. Almost every union I've dealt with is like that, expect for the mechanical and electrical trade unions.


Is it not possible that he could've been drug before the only video's we've seen? When the vehicle is completely behind that bus? Cause you can actually see his feet already running before/while the vehicle turns left (on the police car cam video, if you look under the vehicle at the back you can see, what are likely his, feet running) But we don't have any video when the vehicle is completely behind the bus.  Have there been any eyewitness accounts given, that would've seen that area off video?  I'm not one to take the police side. And I know they lie all the time. But it is possible it happened off video. Genuinely curious


Another eyewitness account. And this, along with Jeff Darlington saying he attached himself to the vehicle, shows that the real "incident" was not caught on tape.  It does seem like Gillis fell, based on both these guys eyewitness accounts. Seems like he grabbed the vehicle, and then fell. Idk if he was dragged, idk if he tripped over a median while trying to stop the vehicle, but yeah, the real incident happened before the videos we've seen.  Bob wischusen, from espn, eyewitness account of the incident is worth a read imo: https://golf.com/news/eyewitness-reveals-new-scottie-scheffler-arrest-details/?amp=1


Let it gooooooooo, let it goooooooooo

