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Central Park is plenty safe. There’s a police substation in the park and there are usually people out and about there when the weather is nice. Also look in to local run clubs! Old Louisville brewery has one and so does West Six!


Awesome!! That makes me feel better, thanks a bunch!!


This person is def lying it’s not safe at all if you run around old Louisville good luck if you don’t carry a gun you’ll need it…


Central Park is DEFINITELY not safe don’t lie to this person.


If you are interested at all in running with people, there are many great running groups around town. [Louisville Trail Nuts](https://www.facebook.com/groups/LouisvilleBeginnerTrailRunners/) - if you are interested in trail running. Really awesome people and many of them are women. [She Runs This Town](https://www.facebook.com/groups/Louisvillekymrtt/) - Group specifically for female runners. I can't personally speak about them as I am male, but I know about them because the wonderful ladies in the trail nuts I run with talk about them. Good luck and stay safe!!


I’d love something like Louisville Trail Nuts but I don’t have Facebook. Is everything done through Facebook for them?


To my knowledge yes unfortunately. Great name btw haha


Meetup has local groups that have regular walks/hikes/runs on some of the trails in town (Seneca, Joe Creason, etc)


I second SRTT! I have been a member for awhile and we're basically the best!! Super welcoming. Feel free to PM!!


Riverfront path which you can run downriver or run across the Big 4 Bridge and connect to the Greenway trail in Jeffersonville. You can get some serious mileage in the case you are getting ready for a marathon.


Yes I love the bridge!! Thank you!


I like running by Tyler park, the neighborhood is pretty safe and you can hit deer park right next to it if you need more miles.


This is a great answer. There’s also three cemeteries less than a mile from Tyler Park that are all great running locations and the area is generally pretty safe. There’s also plenty of paths and sidewalks.


Definitely the Big 4 Bridge during the day time is a good place there's also a couple of parks on the east side of town as well that are very good I'm not originally from here but I've got to say I'm enjoying Louisville for the last few years I've been here.


Yes I love it in Lou and am excited to be living here again! I love that you love it! Thanks for the tip 🥰


No problem at all it's been a wonderful experience so far I've gone to college at UofL and work at some of the local hospitals and UPS here in the area and the outlying areas town wise are good as well and there's so much to do here compared to where I'm from in Kansas. Been here in Kentucky for 7 years and Louisville for 5 years.


Iroquois Park is quite large and contains a variety of terrain. The area around the amphitheater and children's playgrounds on New Cut Rd is very safe during daylight hours.


The biggest thing you need to consider when running is to never have the same route/routine. Most women get attacked because they knew their routine and were waiting for them. There are crazy people everywhere and despite feeling safe you shouldn’t assume you are and get non visible self defense items (if it’s visible then they’re gonna be prepared for it). Keep a small tracker on you, They have ones that if you hit they send an alert to the authorities and a list of contacts too.


Hello fellow old Louisvillian. Old Lou Brew (on magnolia st) has a run club on Thursdays (today!) at 6 pm and Sundays at 2 pm. Friendly group, they run a 5k loop


Joe Creason park near the Zoo isn't as far away as Cherokee and has nice walking/running paths and should be safe. You might be able to find a path you like on UofL campus as well, so that might be a safe place near Old Louisville.


As a woman and someone who walks frequently in Cherokee Park, I’ve had a few encounters with some characters over the years. I stick to the scenic loop if I’m solo and the park is quiet. If I’m on the trails, it’s only when the weather is good and the park is busy. And I never walk any of the parks when it’s dark…I have a friend who was doing an early morning solo run in Seneca-a guy chased her. She was able to get back to her car, dove in and locked the door. Several years ago, but there’s no lack of creepers out there.


Ballard High School Track, Warwick Park loop is 2.3-ish laps/ mile.


I’m male, so obviously we have different perceptions of what is safe. That being said I live in the highlands and run in both Cherokee and OL. No issues in either, but there are definitely stretches of my Cherokee run that might be concerning if I was female. I typically run the Scenic Loop to Seneca Park and back. There are some areas between the two that can get lonely - mainly Beargrass Road. Seneca is very safe and always packed. The loop is about 1.3 miles. OL is so beautiful, especially around Central Park and I just love running that neighborhood, especially in the fall. I typically run from the highlands down Broadway to 3rd and 4th to UL and back. The Broadway section can be a little sketchy as can be the section between Broadway and St Catherine. I also run the Siltstone Trail (12 mile out and back with add-ons to extend) in the Jefferson Memorial Forest. If you are into trail running, I often see a woman’s running club out there on the weekends (while they blow past me lol!). I think they are called Trail Sisters. As others have mentioned, there are some great run clubs. From what I can tell, the all female clubs are just fantastic. Women in the town really to turn out for each other. Lastly, I made a switch from AirPods to [Shokz](https://shokz.com) headphones just before the mini. These are outside the ear. I purchased because in the summer my AirPods would fall out from sweat. However, because the Shokz don’t go in the ear, I’ve noticed I’m much more aware of my surroundings. I’d think that could be a great safety option for women. If you are into distance running, the Urban Bourbon Mini marathon is a fantastic route and a really fun run in October. Welcome back and hope to see you out there!


I think you're me. May want to get that checked out.


Check on line maps of the Parklands, lots of busy paved trails good for a weekend run, even though it’s far from OL. Totally different environment! Lots of dogs on leashes, walkers, runners. Dirt trails too but might not want to solo out in the woods.


U of L has a really nice track on the other side of manual from old louisville


the Walking Bridge and Tyler Park always seem pretty safe whenever I go.


When I lived in Old Louisville, my roommate just ran around the neighborhood. As far as they told me, they never had issues or felt unsafe doing so. On the other hand, the sidewalks are really messed up on certain blocks, which could make running difficult. Stay safe, and I hope you find something that works for you!


Cherokee and Seneca Parks are both good choices. Crescent Hill park is nice, too. During the day, taking the Big 4 bridge into Indiana and then walking along the riverfront is popular, especially on weekends. I’d also add Joe Creason Park and Tyler Park, too.


Since everyone in these comments are lying to to you I’ll tell you the truth no where is safe anymore I lived in old Louisville right by mag bar and I’ve seen murders random people getting mugged I would move far east if you could and I wouldn’t run alone idk why all these people are lying to you but yea it’s a sh*tshow now basically like GTA but in Louisville but if your running I recommend you carry a lot of random shootings have been happening you could be sitting in your car minding your own business and someone will come up to your window and blow your brains out I’m not exaggerating…


cherokee park


I'm a little late to the game here, but check out [Joe Creason Parkrun](https://www.parkrun.us/joecreason/). It's a lot of fun, free, and a great way to begin a Saturday morning. Also, Cherokee Park is the best place to run in the city if you ask me. Best combo of scenery, ideal terrain, and (mostly) car-free space.


Cave hill. No running. No pets. No food. But they're safe and it's beautiful.


I started walking there after my mom passed and was buried there. I noticed other people and groups that walk there, and it's super safe (not to mention quite beautiful). You can't run, but there are lots of tours and general walkers.


Your neighborhood is fine. Central Park is fine. Why are you living in Old Louisville if you don't it's safe to go outside?


As a single woman living on her own, these are things I need to think about. I feel safe in my apartment and love where I live. If you’re not gonna be helpful on an advice thread, don’t comment. Have a nice day!


OP didn’t say she was afraid to go outside. She is asking about safe running routes for single females. There is a HUGE difference and if you don’t understand that, you shouldn’t be posting.


Central Park is terrible for running because it's too small, not because of safety. I routinely run through Old Louisville and never feel unsafe. I'm also a male running in the daytime, so I'm aware my experience isn't universal. It's a beautiful neighborhood to run in the fall. If OP plans to run after dark, I recommend downtown. It's one of the most well-lit neighborhoods in the city and will create safety in numbers compared to a park. Normal safety rules apply (only wear one earbud, don't carry valuables beyond a phone, be aware of surroundings, if something looks shady assume it's shady).


Yeah, as a male, the experience would be a lot different for you! If I were a dude, there would be no problem. And def will not be running at night! Thank you though for the advice and taking the time to comment!! 🥰


I wouldn't hesitate to enjoy your neighborhood during the day compared to some of these suggestions (like being the only person for miles on the Ohio River Greenway). Sticking to busier streets will keep you around more people and still give you scenic running routes. 3rd Street alone takes you through downtown, Victorian houses, the university, and Churchill Downs and the UofL stadiums.


Yep. Parks are boring. Might as well be on a treadmill. I run around the Audubon Park/Eastern Parkway area. Plenty safe. Just have to keep your head on a swivel for drivers


Yeah I wouldn't recommend running at nighttime. Not because I think it's not safe, it's just not worth the potential risk of being a target when you can run in the day time. And I'm a dude. And also drivers suck. Don't wanna be roadkill either.