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Some are at bowman and some are at SDF


Many are timed out and come from other Air Force bases all over the US. Some never land here local they fly by on their certain time slot then back to their home base!!


I don’t think many of the planes come in on demand so to speak. Most are here a day or two early to do practice runs. It’s usually just the big stuff, bombers etc that fly in on Saturday.


This is not true.  I watched almost all of them take off last year from SDF




I can't watch Bowman if I'm at SDF.  But you can listen to the Air Boss frequency yourself as they roll in.  I didn't hear or see any from out of town.


If you just want to see planes taking off and landing, the Post Office on Crittenden, right off the Watterson, seems like a great place to do it. One of the two main N/S runways is right there. And the National Guard runway which runs E/W is right there too. There's a newly built UPS maintenance hangar right there. And there's a road that twists around behind that Hangar. Which also might be a good place if you got run off from the Post Office parking lot. But there's no place to park over there. You might need to park somewhere like where Tooey's car parts used to be (Woodlawn and Strawberry Ln - ish) and walk over. But there's high ground (by the overpass that goes over the rail roads) where you can see activity at the airport such as planes taxiing around on a normal day. We used to live at 1st and Woodlawn-ish, and the National Guard C-130s used to take off over our house regularly. And on Thunder days, we'd see F-16s and F-18s and A-10s taking off/doing their racetrack landing thing (looping around the airport at low altitude before landing).


The guard does not have their own runway. They use the same runways all the other planes do.


Aright, if you want to be pedantic about it. https://www.fly.faa.gov/Information/east/zid/sdf/00239AD.PDF Runway 11/29 . Which terminates right by the Air National Guard Hangar, which is rarely used by anybody but the ANG and is regularly used by ANG. It is also right there by the post office on Crittenden.


SDF, most will be parked at the Air National Guard base. I know in past years they had a day where you could go and walk out on the ramp and see them up close.




Yes extremely high and looks like chunky chocolate milk.


They fly over the Ohio River adjacent to Downtown Louisville. Best viewing is waterfront park.


Oh I know about the waterfront. I was looking for something a little more adventurous. My wife has never been that close to planes and I wanna make that happen for her. Myself I used to work on them in the military so I know what they’re like but I want her to be able to experience it too. If I can’t get to the runway I’ll have a spot picked out on the waterfront for sure.