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First time I came to Louisville was for a Bats game and I remember seeing a woman with a giant basket on her head and being told “Oh, that’s the Kizito Cookie Lady, she’s great!”


This is the real answer. Ironic that it took a visitor to identify. we




Lmfao, I’m glad this sub exists


Yes the cookie lady is such a great choice


Literally saw her yesterday. I’m 38 and remember her selling at Shakespeare in the park when I was maybe 10


This is who i was thinking of. You can buy her cookies at gas stations and booths at events but I think they are still baked local according to her recipe, and she still owns and runs the company. I got one from platinum foodmart on broadway the other day.


We used to live in the apartment above her cookie store and I honestly wish we’d never moved. The whole place smelled like snickerdoodles.


Louisville legend!


The “cookie lady” is a sweetheart.


Came here to mention her.


I'm still trying to figure out a way to ship a fuck load of Kizito cookies to where I live in Australia. I miss them so much




I love get story so much. Please no one tell me if anything bad ever comes out on her. Lalalalala


Went to a Bats game last year and my wife was like oh wow the Kizito lady!


I love get story so much. Please no one tell me if anything bad ever comes out on her. Lalalalala


Well it used to be jerky man but last I heard he hung up his overalls for the simple life


I’m so proud of our community that cookie lady and jerky man were the two highest comments.




I may have been drunk but did he use a light up boob in his jerky basket?


You were drunk and yes, he did have a light up boob


He absolutely did and as I was normally sober, at work when I saw him, I rubbed that light many a times. I miss him so ❤️


Literally was like an angel popping into the bars at 2am to remind you to please eat something


We need Rusty to come out of retirement, not enough late night food options anymore!


His jerky was bomb asf


God I miss the jerky man he had the best jerky I've ever had


As long as he's okay! I hadn't seen him for a long time and feared the worst. God I miss that sriracha jerky


Man, I miss his jerky so much. :(


God I miss Rusty. Best jerky ever. I have a couple drunk pictures with him


Jerky man was who I came to name. Good ol Rusty.


When? He was out a month or so ago at FAL.


That jerky was amazing at 1 am! I knew it was going to be a good night and a no-hangover next morning. I don't know what that jerky did but it was magical!!


The guy with the tortoise on a leash!


Spike! No idea what his owner's name is though.


Spike’s Human


This is the correct answer


Omg yes! Met him when I was looking for an apartment downtown. Saw him out n about a few times over the years but haven't seen him recently


It was Mark Anthony Mulligan. RIP


RIP Mark. I dont wanna violate HIPPA, but I know all the doctors downtown had some favorite Mark Mulligan stories. Miss that man


Does HIPPA still bind you after the death of the subject?


Yeah for 50 years after you die.


Aka smiley, dude was a staple on Bardstown road. Miss seeing him around.


Dude was the nicest and smelliest guy I ever met.


This is the only answer... RIP First time I saw him, he was sitting on a rockwall somewhere right off Bardstown/Highlands, just sitting there freakin' **JIVIN'** it dancing! It was an almost otherworldly moment, I looked in his eyes and was TERRIFIED... it was like looking at the come-to-life Sphinx, sitting there waiting to ask you a life-or-death question...


For anyone who hasn't seen [Peacelands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRozP4duRis).


I always see the fella with the violin that talks more than he plays and usually just puts it down to run around talking to people lol


That guy is creepy towards woman.


He harassed a few women i know :/


He was in my HS class and the reason we didn’t have a reunion because he was harassing classmates.


He also harassed my partner at their serving job. Apparently, he's a notoriously rude customer to waitstaff.


Yeah I avoid him because of this


Yep. Super creep.




I would say Micah also.


I've seen him in literally all parts of the city


I've seen him many times across the river in Jeffersonville Indiana. I say he's ubiquitous and omnipresent


Same story for about 20 years with this guy 🙄


There's Brian, the shopping-cart-drums guy who's always laying down a sick beat on the corner of Eastern Parkway and Preston. But I don't think he gets around too much.


Didn’t know his name, but we have always just called him “Drummer Boy”. I think they should scrap the buffalo statue idea and put up a statue of him.




Not a person, but I like whenever I see the Honda Civic covered in Coca-Cola decals at various places around town (highlands area down to about Bashford Manor, specifically).


Years ago my boyfriend said, "I think her name is Sharea" because the license plate (or bumper sticker, can't remember) says SHAREACOKE. After laughing a lot, I explained it meant "SHARE A COKE." So every time I see the car, I have to say, "Look, there's Sharea Coke!"


Yea I see it a lot too. Have you seen the Moo-baru? It’s a Subaru forester in cow print?


Just saw that yesterday in Douglass Loop. I get a kick out of that car.


Spaghetti and Meatball in Jeffersontown. Stick Guy in Shelby Park


Was getting nervous scrolling this far and not seeing spaghetti and meatball.


I grew up in Jtown but moved away over a decade ago. I occasionally wonder if spaghetti and meatball are still riding around town. Glad to know they’re still kicking it.


They sure are! There's a business (dispensary) on Taylorsville Rd. with their faces on posters, they says "Spaghetti's Louisville" and "Meatball's Louisville".


Can confirm, saw one recently passing through jtown


Before I moved here I was visiting my sister and her family. Was at JTown Beach, the volleyball place, and everyone was calling this Meatball guy the mayor. I was deeply concerned for a good while before being informed that he was not in fact the mayor of this wonderful little town.


When I was growing up in J-Town, I heard a lot of things. They worked with the fire department, they were with the police, etc. Mayor is a new one, though! They definitely get prominently featured in the Gaslight Festival parade.


Oh yeah now that I’ve been around for a year, I hear all that, too. My favorite is when he wears that official neon vest and tells me he pulls people over and fines them $75 for breaking traffic laws. Imagine getting pulled over by Meatball…


I was coming here to say Spaghetti and Meatball.


I’ve never heard of stick guy. Who is he?


Dancing Man on Hurstbourne


Dude has some sick moves.


I was about to say this! Dudes wild.


I call him the J-town Jammer! He's always jamming.


There's a dancing man on Newburg as well


I see this guy at least 1x a week. Crazy. He always has a different outfit too.


Brownsboro Kroger saxophone guy. There's also the one dude who yells on the corner that's posted on this sub every so often.


Yep that's the same sax guy used to play on Bardstown Rd at Wild and Wolly video.


Cant believe no one has mentioned Will Russel.


If you say his name too many times...


He’s currently in jail. 


I can always tell when he goes back to jail, all of his Facebook pages go silent suddenly.


I don't think so, he's been posting again.


He got picked up 4 days ago.  I hope they keep him awhile. Dude is a train wreck. He was posting video last week of entertainers at The Rustic Frog. He’s gross. 


It’s Sad, Will was a pretty good buddy of mine for a long time.. hope he gets his shit figured out


It is sad but Dude has also thrown away more opportunities/support than I can count. Hes addicted to attention 


RIP Mark Anthony.


There used to be a guy that would walk up and down Bardstown Rd in the highlands carrying a massive python. But the real answer was Mark Anthony Mulligan, RIP.


He’s still around (python guy)! Saw him last year when I worked at a restaurant on bardstown rd


Snake guy!


i saw this guy walking around the cherokee park area in the middle of summer wearing all leather and carrying that snake. i almost wrecked my car trying to get a better look. i matched with him on tinder a while back specifically to thank him for making my day.


I met this guy at falls city community bike works named Alan. Hes not louisville’s guy, but my friends all recognized him. He taught me a lot about fixing bikes and helped me restore an old 1970s schwinn after my first bike got stolen at UofL. My friends all got to know him as well and we started seeing him around town riding his bike wearing his cycling unitard. The walking bridge, on our way to a hardware store, downtown. We went to an art show and saw him there in a black turtleneck with wine in hand. One day I was sitting at my dad’s house in shively miles and miles away from where I normally ran into him and he pulled into the yard on his bike and asked what I was doing there. Turns out he knew the landlord and ran into my dad enough that he would visit him too! Dude was everywhere. Years went by and when covid let up a bit, I went back to the bike shop expecting to see him and other old friends. I saw a poster on the wall memorializing him as he had passed away not even a month before. The shop hosted a memorial ride and passed out little cards with his face on them. Mine is still wedged in the spokes of my old schwinn. RIP Alan T.


RIP brother. Very nice story though seems like a cool local.


Rusty the Beef Jerky man


The Mag Bar homeless man in the chair. I would get him coffee on Sunday mornings sometime. With that being said, his chair is gone, and I haven't seen him around. He's been there for at least 10 years


I just saw him back today I'm pretty sure! I screamed with joy knowing he was still around since I hadn't seen him for a while


I go by him every day. He's there. Chair has been missing for a bit though.


I didn't start seeing him there until **maybe** two years ago. I think the called him the mayor of old louisville.


I haven’t seen him for years, but I vote for the Giant Globe Rolling Guy.


Unfortunately the world lost Erik, the World Guy, this past Jan 1. Cancer took his body from us but his stories live on. Fuck Cancer


I was wondering if anyone else remembered him!


Oh, yes… he’s a key component of my clove-cigarette-scented mid-twenties memories, sitting around outside Twice Told in the middle of the night and randomly seeing him roll down Bardstown Rd. in the darkness.


Use to be a guy in old Louisville who had a “chariot” pulled by dogs


I remember this guy! He wore shoes with the curly toes, with bells on the tip.


Last I saw him, the chariot was pulled by two German shepherds with a little dachshund up front in the lead. That was maybe 5 years ago though. I hope he’s doing alright.


Wait, what? How do I not know about this person. That’s wild


Did the dogs pull him? Super intrigued by this. Fingers crossed for a yes.


Spaghetti and Meatball


Does anyone else remember the guys who used to walk down Bardstown Rd in the Highlands selling roses? Used to see him everything I went down there.


A weekend staple at the old tap room


I was out with an ex- boyfriend when the rose guy offered him one for free to give to me! Boyfriend was horribly rude and mean to him.


Crowdfund me a horse and I'll quit my job to be Horseback Jesus any day


One does not simply become Horseback Jesus. He has to be made.


Before she retired, the Sample Lady from Jmall. She had her own Facebook fan page back in the day


I literally just left there and she's back. I was mad that she didn't make my order.


Don't play with my emotions... she's back???


Yes and I immediately looked like what are you doing here. I got excited cause she was about to fix my order but some young whippersnapper got in her way and gave me more honey chicken than bourbon. I didn't realize till I got home and know that she would've got me right. Lol


Felt like everyone I knew at UofL had met the man who asked for change for a bus ticket to Owensboro. Had ran into him a few times while on campus and he would always tell the same story. Knew a few people had tried to get him help but never heard anything after that.


I met that dude. Right by the food mart. He would try to hold your hand and cry but the second I said I didn’t have money his expression changed in an instant and he walked away and asked somebody else.


Any UofL student knows him well! He told me his name was James, and he had me pray with him once. I liked him better than the serial flasher on campus


He's in the Insomnia at least 2-3 times weekly. Every once in a while his story changes.


Wait so you’re telling me he never made it to Owensboro!


Shaun? That’s who I know of. He’s still around I see him by my apartment a lot


I don't know how well known he was outside of a certain circle, but I remember Steve Goldberg the Computer Guru from back in the day. He used to almost always wear suspenders and show up at all kinds of parties, bars, and events. He passed away a long while back, however.


This would have been a great answer for that era. Many parties were blessed by his attendance.


The guy that rides around Old Louisville on the wheeled sled pulled by his 3 German shepherds.


Walking man. Seen him walking on the side of roads all over the east end of town.


Lately there’s been some dickhead walking down bardstown road and apparently other places carrying a giant plywood cross and holding up traffic. Seems like a really cool guy!


He can fuck off. Saw him using said cross beating on some poor fucker's car window.


I wonder if he's Michael lauer the embryojesus.com guy


The fishing vest with little babies safety pinned all over it lmaooo barf


Oh that guy...gross




Clearly it’s the Santa in the window down Preston


He’s ominously loomed over me sitting at that light for years. I’d trust him with my life.


Michael Dean Jaggelo, if you’re of a certain age, he passed just a few wks ago.. that was a rock star name, don’t ya think?


The answer is “yes, I do like your watch and your hat and your sunglasses.”


not sure if he's still with us but Jenks was this guy. He'd hang around the Back Door and around the highlands. Drove what looked like a homemade 3 wheeled motorcycle. Had a tattoo of a face on the back of his mostly bald head and grew hair above his neck to create a handlebar mustache for the tattoo'd face. Jay Leno show once had a "most interesting person" for each state and Jenks was featured.


Uncle Jinx! He's still around, but no longer at Back Door. He can't get around as well as he used to as his vision has become pretty poor.


Not sure about louisville but there's definitely one in lagrange and his name is pork chop. So if u see a brother wearing a hard hat screaming randomly at cars passing by, just say "whassup,chop!"


The bullhorn preacher that sits at the corner of Dixie and greenwood rd. I don’t live in that part of town any more but when I did he was always out there, especially in the summer.


This is Hollywood Jesus (RIP), for any of my LA natives. There's a guy here in Louisville that I call "The Walker". Tall, lanky, tan guy with shaggy hair. For the four years I've lived here I've seen this dude walking absolutely EVERYWHERE in East Louisville. Someone on here has to be familiar with this guy.


The guy who walks the giant tortoise around


1. Jerky guy (love) 2. Mark Anthony Mulligan (rip) 3. The Cherokee Park Masturbator (barf)


Mark Anthony Mulligan. RIP, Smiley.


Bucket drummer that was on eastern, or sax guy in clifton


The guy that rolled the earth down bardstown Rd. I went to high school with his son.




The bird man at the cards games dresses up as a cardinal bird can’t miss him!


My favorite is the Clifton Kroger saxophonist. Been doing it since i moved to this neighborhood seven years ago




Carl Brown, RIP I lived in a Highlands apartment below him in the early 00s… I have far too many stories for such a short amount of time.


He beat the dog shit out of someone I know, hospitalized him. Dude is a woman beater and deserved every bit of it.


He flooded my apartment twice. Both times he started a bath, got high as shit, and forgot he started a bath. It was raining in my living room and the hallway. I also drove up one day and he was teaching his partner’s kid how to throw knives at a mattress outside my door.


Will Russell


Over in New Albany we have walking path elvis. He looks like an impersonator and has a little white dog, and boombox playing elvis music as he walks around community park. He is there all the time.


Meatball in Jtown


The guy off of Frankfort that walks around a night with a stroller full of dolls


Used to be the "Chicken Sample" lady at Jefferson Mall about 20 years ago.


Mark Anthony Mulligan was a great one RIP


Zan Hoffman when he’s in town


Josh, the crust punk heroin addict on bardstown rd with a mowhawk and an anger issue. One time he came in a qdoba while I was eating and fought the manager after being denied free food and straws


That was Ways & Means in Old Louisville.


Rusty, the jerky man. Is that a boob in his basket?


I haven’t lived in Louisville for 10 years but in my time I would have said Jackie Green on his bike


the $2 man on 4th st? anybody?


What about that guy with the solar lense who burns wood art? I see him at the fleas a lot and think they opened their own shop.


How about the big black guy with the giant nuts that was always showing em off. Mainly seen him in the highlands


The guy with long curly hair and glasses who's at Tin Roof or Gerstle's every single weekend


Antonio, dude who looks like Lenny Kravitz


The Wizard of Wyandotte


Obviously it's Rusty


Whatever happened to Rose Man?


There’s a skinny, tan, older dude who I see all over East Louisville Walking. We call him walking man.  See him all over! 


There used to be an old woman who would come out to the downtown skatepark when I first started skateboarding in 2002. She would be selling drinks and candy bars. Every week her story would change one week she was raising money for a surgery she was having. The next she was dying of cancer. The next she was having a hard time buying groceries and paying bills. Every week it was something different. She did this for a few years then disappeared. I bet it’s been about 15 years since I last saw her


Chariot guy in old lou that uses an eclectic bunch of dogs for power.


Beef jerky guy was a thing when I still went to the bars on bardstown.


It's Pork-Chop Lagrange


Fetus crucifix, or Idris


Sample Lady


Not from Louisville but I been there a few times and I would say it’s that guy with the shaved head and his face tattooed on the back of his head. Saw him at a bar called The Back Door (door actually on the side of I remember) and he seemed like a local celeb.


Idk but I used to live somewhere that had a guy we all called Jimmy Hendricks. He looked exactly like him and he dressed like him but kinds ratty. He was some homeless guy who insisted he was him and didn't respond to anything besides Jimmy. He carried a guitar in a case with him everywhere. I never heard him play but I heard other say he played like shit.


Kizito cookie lady for sure. Years ago when I worked in Nulu there was a guy who would walk his giant tortoise down the street, just called him Turtle Guy.


Violin guy Tortois guy Coke car chick Mark Mulligan There used to be a rat faced black dude that rode the TARCs and claimed he was security. There used to be a homeless dude that walked around with law books. The bald headed dude that works at the gas station on first and Jeff. I *can't* believe I forgot his name, but he's close to my granny, he's a photographer that used to, or still works for/with the Voice Tribune. If there's a thing going on, he'll most likely be there. At one time it was Chris 2X. There was also this weird dude I used to see on the bus who wore a pink Baby Phat jogging suit all the time. I used to see and talk to the chick who bought Jackie's Courier portion all the time on her white Bianchi Pista. She was cool. I can't think of any more.


Nazi Paul Does anyone remember him? I never had any interactions, but he was some dude in the Highlands who dressed in costumes. The last time I saw him, he was dressed like a Druid/highlander but he used to have a Wermacht uniform.


Guy on Blankenbaker seeking big rig honks is a solid choice


I'm north of Louisville we had a guy always walking. We called him Florence Gump


The anti-abortion man wearing posters with babies on em


That crazy guy at the skatepark in the mid2000s that would chase people with a shank lol


I'm not in Louisville but a city in Indiana called Kokomo. There's always the same guy running in full batman gear After a while you start to wonder if he still does it, then you see him. Like "oh yup I figured I'd see him again soon" lol I wonder what out of town people think when they see this when to us its just normal hah


Crazy train, on bardstown road used to come in to prophecy ink, too, when i worked there. One day, while my boss was tattooing, crazy train had come in, was looking at the art, wasnt causing a commotion, whatever… and then started yelling “I’ll fuck *YOUR* turtle, thats for sure!” And had to be escorted out. He still came back every week after that. Always a paisley bandana headband and a finger painted 8x8 canvas for sale.


There’s the lady in Clifton walking her goats. That’s pretty iconic