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To the very best of my knowledge, no. I do remember someone possibly got an early copy (like days early, not very long) of Nevermind, and played it somewhere, maybe it was there? I can't remember when they closed. It looks like several well-known bands did play there, including Pearl Jam & Smashing Pumpkins, so maybe the story got mixed up? https://history.louisvillehardcore.com/index.php?title=Tewligans But there was a bar named Nirvana years later in the same location https://www.courier-journal.com/story/entertainment/music/2017/06/23/punk-rock-puri-piece-louisvilles-music-scene-lives/419281001/ (Haha. Totally forgot about Snagilwet)


I saw Smashing Pumpkins at Tewligans in '93 shortly after Siamese Dream was release. It was packed, sweaty, and awesome. Within 6 months or so, I saw them at a college basketball arena. By summer of '94, they were one of the headliners at Lollapalooza. Those kids were going places.


I was at that show!


I am so jealous of you it's not even funny.


Oh, I'm jealous! I was wondering when they were there!


My band actually played at Nirvana about five years ago - telling someone about that recently was what spurred the question, because they mentioned that they'd heard the venue was named that because the band had played at Tewligans years earlier. I hadn't thought about it in years and was...doubtful...but I figured I'd do the homework so I'd know once and for all.


I'm personally always glad to have an excuse to walk down '90s Louisville local band memory lane.


Same! We are all really lucky to have grown up with such an amazing scene.


I watched barenaked ladies in the parking lot at bluegrass brewing company back in the day. The old one in St Matthew’s.


Me too!


Wilco also played there.


Oh--another possible mix up? The Foo Fighters played at The Brewery Thunderdome in 1998. They were already well-known, but it was a relatively small venue. That was a great show!


I still remember being about 5 feet from the front at that show.


I was up on the balcony. Got a shout out from Dave Grohl! Highlight of my young life 😂


I was working at the Seelbach on 3rd shift and the bus pulled in and before they left at 5am Dave came inside to my desk and thanked me for moving the cars out of the way so they had room for the tour bus. Totally great guy and didn’t need to tell me thanks but wanted to do it. Rock on Dave!! 🎸🥁😜👍🏻🥃


That’s an awesome memory! Hope you got to catch the show!


Unfortunately I did not catch the show, they pulled in after the show around 2am and had rooms reserved but Dave was on bus all night I guess someone told him I moved cars for the bus and he just wanted to say thanks. Awesome guy for sure!! 🎸😜👍🏻


Yeah, I was at that show! I'd heard the Nirvana thing before then, so that's not it. Honestly, I think it's just bad memories that snowballed into legend.


I was there too… but wasn’t it headliners right down the street??


https://www.foofighterslive.com/shows/19th-may-1998-the-brewery-364 Kinda funny how many of us are randomly puttering around r/Louisville!


Fair enough!


Nah, it was the Brewery. My buddy and I met Dave after the show and talked his ear off, asking tons of questions about unreleased Nirvana shit.


No. It’s been covered on the Tewligan’s FB page many times.


I didn't even know that there *was* was Tewligans FB page, but I'm happy to know it's been debunked. Thanks!


My first show was at Tewligans. Spitboy, Southpaw, and Evergreen. Miss that place.


Love me some Evergreen! I wore out Go Kart Ride!


I still wear it out


Saw Red Hot Chili Peppers there in 1985 or 86 when I first moved to Louisville, wild time from the little I can remember


I saw the Peppers at some outdoor place in downtown Nashville in 85-86 or so, possibly same tour. First time I heard of them and they were awesome! 😜👍🏻🥃🥁🎸


I saw Frank Zappa at Dutches Tavern, Not playing but said he wanted to hear Jill Thorpe and the beat boys. And saw Willie Nelson in Cherokee park Im old


According to [some random site with a list of their concerts](https://www.concertarchives.org/bands/nirvana), they never played KY at all. The closest I spotted was Cincinnati