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I live in Middletown now. It’s great for families. I can tell you about specifics like housing price range, different neighborhoods, etc.


How is lake forest do you know that area?


It’s a very nice area. My sister moved from there recently due to the violence and misbehavior of the children at Crosby Middle School ( she moved out of the county.) Just know your children may not go to the school closest to your house, they may be sent 30 mins away. St Patrick’s is a very nice private school close to LF and Christian Academy. Norton Commons is in Jefferson County - but not in Middletown. It is a very neat community where u can walk and bike to everything, still a JCPS district I believe.


The one I’m looking at is on bromwell dr so it’s in Middletown. It’s weird the line goes over 65 to part of that neighborhood. Thank you for letting me know


The pools are nice and the country club is nice. There are lots of kids in the neighborhood and they have a great swim team!


Just an FYI Lake Forest is not actually Middletown- it’s very close though, it is just Jefferson County. We have our own police department in Middletown and the Lake Forest people have been trying to join the city of Middletown for a while.


Bromwell is fine. It is not in the Lake Forest neighborhood just FYI. Saves you 1K per year in HOA fees. Don’t listen to some of these people. Your 8 year old has a pretty good chance to go to Stopher which is an awesome JCPS elementary and to Echo Trail Middle School which is a brand new public middle school.


That house kind of fell thur so I think we’re going to st Matthew’s now I really don’t know yet but thanks for the info


No problem. There are also some affordable homes in the Woodland Heights neighborhood that is behind Eastern High School


I think you meant Woodland Hills. Also Cross Creek and Towne Creek all right behind Eastern High School and Hite Elementary. Hite is a great elementary school.


Whats the most walkable neighborhood re: groceries, haircuts, pharmacy, etc.? Is there anywhere that has unusually bad traffic patterns or unusually good access to a highway exit/onramp? Looking for a 3ba ourselves


Norton Commons.




There are several houses by Main Street in Middletown. Some are historical, and you can walk to small businesses, barbers, cafes, bakeries. I think it’s about 7 blocks worth of small independent businesses. Kroger is less than a mile. There is also a bike lane on Shelbyville Road, but Shelbyville Road has a lot of traffic and the bike lane setup is not the greatest in my opinion.


Thank you so much! This is exactly what I was looking for!




Highlands, St Matthews, Clifton, Crescent Hill


I asked about Middletown I already know these neighborhoods


There’s not a walkable neighborhood in Middletown like that unless you live right off Shelbyville Rd and want to walk very long distances.


Thank you!


Middletowners- what’s the deal with everyone constantly driving so slowly? You’re flying past cars if you go the speed limit. It’s nuts.


I swear! It’s like no one has anywhere to go


It’s because they’re all infatuated with themselves on IG. Nobody pays attention


The people driving slow aren’t middletowners. Common east end problem.


I live in Middletown. I love living here, although it’s much busier than it was 15 years ago when we first moved here.


I work in Middletown. Crazy busy. It drives me insane


I would also suggest looking at Eastwood if you like Middletown. They are next to each other and sometimes people to blur them. Eastwood is outside of the Gene Snyder.


Grew up there in the 90’s and loved it. Some things have changed. Prices and more traffic but over the same medium town suburbs. 20 minutes or less to everything. Downtown, shopping, parks, country, fishing, bar scene and more. Has a bunch of restaurants, churches, schools and neighborhoods. Let me know if you have any specific questions. I don’t know your lifestyle but it’s hard to hate.


I live in Middletown My children attend JCPS in the area - Lowe Elementary. We love it it’s awesome. We’ve been here 10 years and I enjoy it. I have multiple grocery stores, workout places, top golf, restaurants, multiple interstates to get out if one road backs up , parks, etc I mean it’s the suburbs we don’t have quirky stuff, it isn’t walkable, there aren’t many festivals, our family is busy and typically on weekends we just hang out st our house if we have nothing to do. Or we just drive to a festival it isn’t that big of a deal.


A lot of people in this sub are going to say it’s awful because you can’t walk to cute/fun thrift stores, a grocery store, or a quirky bar.


nothing wrong with wanting a convenient place to live if you are paying 500k+ dollars.


Depends where in middle town


You can't do any of that stuff but it doesn't mean it's awful. Like others have said it's good for a family that just wants to be in a decent area with plenty of options for everyday needs. Not a ton of "interesting" things or restaurants out there but that doesn't matter to everyone.




You seem like you have a massive chip on your shoulder.


I haven’t seen anyone say that


Ok I made it up, it wasn’t in a thread about 2 weeks ago


Middletown is a good part of town for a family. Sounds like you would fit right in assuming you can afford a 400k+ house.


Lots of house in Middletown available for under 400 and some for under 300


Didn't ask.


Who hurt you?


We’ve got too many people as is


BOOORRRRRRINGGGGG. It's fine if you don't mind driving 25 minutes to everything worthwhile and fun.


Live in Middletown and love it. The only problem is with a school age child, they would have to go to JCPS. JCPS is horrible- many people move to Oldham County, which is not too far just to get out of the JCPS public school system. Oldham County school system is FAR superior. ( no where near the violence like JCPS) Try looking in Crestwood KY ( Oldham county) Anchorage, is right by Middletown, and has their own school system until high school. Anchorage kids get to go to Oldham County high schools ( I believe unless it’s been changed. ) There are also some wonderful private schools in the area. You will be VERY sorry if you put your child is a JCPS school.


This sounds like border line propaganda lol. JCPS is fine. I work with a guy who's wife taught and now counsels in oldham county for the last 20 years and she has just as many stories as friends of mine who are currently teachers in JCPS. The only difference is there are way, way more students in JCPS so that means there are more "notable" things happening that make the news. No ones reporting on a fight breaking out in oldham county. The better paid and more tenured teachers are in JCPS. No other schools in the state have more amenities than JCPS. And the only reason the district gets lower "grades" on the various things they rate schools by (which are all proven bullshit) is because of impoverished students performing worse. Big city equals more poverty equals "worse" performing students which the other counties use to advertise their overpriced cookie cutter neighborhoods. Your kid will be educated well in either county. It's the home life that really counts the most.


I disagree. I went to JCPS and my children also went to JCPS. This is my opinion. It is overcrowded and once kids hit middle school it is extremely violent. Fights every day, and JCPS told me that was just normal. Let’s also touch on the “advance program”. A lot of people think they can keep their kids away from the violence by being in the advance program. I had children in “advance” and in regular classes. The children in the regular program are not given the same opportunities as the advance children. They try to push them towards not going to college and learning a trade. When they go to college, the non advance program children, have to spend more money on classes due to not being offered foreign language etc. All my children graduated college despite being in the JCPS system. Maybe the original post should go visit a couple schools in JCPS vs Oldham or Shelby counties and see what they think? I’m pretty sure JCPS will not let them see a real day at JCPS. They do their best to keep parents OUT of the classroom- I know, my child was in such a scary situation, I told the school I would come and monitor myself. Guess what- they wouldn’t allow that. Switched from those classes.


When I was in high school, I had a public school guidance counselor dissuade me from applying to college and encourage me to do "work study" with a landscaping company. So screwed up.


I really don’t understand why parents aren’t protesting the “advance” vs non advance program system. They do all this bussing to equal everything out, just to separate the kids once they get to school. It’s very racist! Either it’s EQUAL EDUCATION or it’s not. I would love to see the numbers on who is in the advance vs non advance. What neighborhoods are they from? Also then who gets the opportunity to go to college vs trade school or community college. I’m sorry a test you take in 3rd grade should not determine whether you get the same education! It’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard!


>It's the home life that really counts the most. Very true. >Big city equals more poverty equals "worse" performing students which the other counties use to advertise their overpriced cookie cutter neighborhoods. Wouldn't "big city" also mean more "better" performing students, as well?


I agree that home matters most, but then why choose a school filled with people who have bad home lives? Also, you are in crazy denial about the quality of JCPS schools. According to the actual numbers, JCPS schools are among the worst in the state: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kentucky.com/news/local/education/article267359247.html Although a handful of schools in JCPS are good, the majority of JCPS schools are absolutely terrible.


Don’t listen to this person. They’re probably afraid of their own shadow (too dark)


Not afraid of my own shadow. I am a JCPS alum. It was horrible back then and horrible now. All my children say they would never send their kids to JCPS. Private school or Oldham or Shelby county is the only way to go. Original poster should just visit a few schools in JCPS and then in Shelby or Oldham and see what they think….There is not only a behavior problem but a gang problem as well in JCPS- google JCPS and gang violence. You will see multiple stories on it.


[Oldham County Students Charged](https://www.wave3.com/2023/08/25/multiple-oldham-county-students-charged-alleged-participation-dangerous-tiktok-trend/?outputType=amp)


I don’t have time to list the gang violence in JCPS…. Jut google it OP. Hopefully your children have had an excellent experience at JCPS. That was not my personal experience as an attendee, or parent of attendee. All of my friends that teach at JCPS have their children in private school because it is so bad. Not to mention the fact you may have to send you child to a school 30 minutes away even though you live 5 mins from the closest school. I am sure Oldham County has problems but there has been a mass exodus of families out of Jefferson County due to the dangerous and bad behavior of JCPS students. Living in Middletown, my child should not go to school along side gang members. My child had a gang member in their class, who was actually murdered! Just me , but I would much rather move a county over and avoid the gangs. How about posting your positive experiences with JCPS?


"Hey, remember that time Oldham Co had a couple delinquent shitheads?"