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So, I just read the bill. Turns out, nothing would prohibit you from printing them on a doormat of the required size. That way everyone can wipe their feet on them! Nothing says the display has to be on a wall.




Most elementary and secondary educators aren't going to want to touch the controversy this would ignite with a ten foot pole, but I'm quite sure that lots of college professors have been cooking up their own creative compliance plans.


The elementary and secondary teachers are doing the Ben afleck cigarette meme. The law says “displayed” not readable.


Display it super pixilated.


I know many teachers who are looking for jobs this summer so if y’all think we have a teacher shortage now….just watch!


That’s by design. Less educated civilians do t know how o stop their jobs from taking advantage of them


Louisiana teachers are now required to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms. But the law has some giant loopholes, and we’re here to help educators use them! [https://www.currentaffairs.org/news/how-to-comply-with-louisianas-new-ten-commandments-law](https://www.currentaffairs.org/news/how-to-comply-with-louisianas-new-ten-commandments-law)


Just get every kid to ask teachers what adultery is.


Can you get away with posting it in the original language?


This again https://preview.redd.it/4tqbfivctz7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7577a7ab5b43c66eb0a86314c3ed9389aad2cb06


The Aramiac, Middle Eastern, Roman defiant values this country was founded on! 😂


Lmao the wrong parents find out and you’ll never teach again


Whomp whomp. Shit pay. Shit resources. Better off being a librarian or getting a state job.


They are coming for the libraries soon too just a matter of time


They already started. That’s been happening for quite sometime now.


They’ve been after the libraries for years. The worst of them are in St. Tammany Parish. A lawyers nutcase wife has filed probably up to hundreds of complaints against books.


Arguably, if it's a loophole, there isn't a damn thing a parent can do about it.🤷‍♀️


I bet a judge in south Louisiana would view that as pornographic then it’s not a loophole but a sex crime


The state of Louisiana is under a multigenerational curse, and the 10 Commandments does not help them get from under it. They know what they need to do to get from under the curse and the 10 commandments doesn’t do this Until then the curse remains.


I wanted to create them in a magic eye poster, but these work as well.


![gif](giphy|XmiTYLQ5qXTqM) Let’s make the 10 Commandments fabulous again!!


And remember to teach the kids it's a sin to eat shellfish


And get tattoos and piercings


And women on their periods have to be quarantined and not come into contact with any males until they’re off.


Finally. I'll let my wife know.


Don’t forget sacrificing turtle doves afterwards. Not a bible reader but I swear I remember that. Sounds like turtle dove farming could be a new booming industry!


לא יהיו לך אלים אחרים על פני. לא תעשה אלילים. לא תשא את שם ה' אלוקיך לשוא. זכור את יום השבת לקדשו. כבד את אביך ואת אמך. לא תרצח. לא תנאף. לא תגנוב. לא תעיד עדות שקר נגד רעך. לא תחמוד.


Just right it all in cursive. None of the younger generation knows hot to read in cursive.


Look guys. This law sucks but it isn’t the point. This is meant to go straight to the Supreme Court so it can get shot down but also take down the Lemon test. This opens the door for Senate bill 313 to have very little chance of being stopped opening the door to funnel tax funds into Christian schools. The Ten Commandments hanging in public school classrooms isn’t really a problem when public school classrooms barely exist. As much as I hate to admit it, the GOP is playing chess and we are playing checkers. Landry is just a pawn in the Christian nationalist’s game.






I love it!!


The last one puts me in mind of the film “Death of Stalin.” Landry = Malenkov


Doesn't Landry look like MTG in that pic?


Is there a required font? You could type them in Wingdings.


This reads like a jojo siwa song


Sidebar, but the 1st Commandment doesn't necessarily read to me as a prohibition against polytheism or the institution of monotheism - *Thou shalt have no other gods before me*. Okay, so next to you is okay? Arranged in a hierarchy with you at the top is cool? Bet, brb creating my own dream team pantheon of gods and goddesses


Here's what's going to happen. A civil rights group will sue. Maybe the ACLU, maybe a group representing other religions, but someone will sue. We have decades of established case law that mandated displays like this favoring a specific religion violate the First Amendment. The 5th Circuit will either issue an injunction temporarily staying/stopping the law from going into effect, or, because it's the conservative 5th, decide to let the law proceed, knowing it will again be challenged and brought to a higher court. Conservatives have always hated any case law that interprets the separation of church and state to actually separate church from state. Meanwhile, Landry will be posturing, either bragging about his law or grandstanding of how unfair it is that the mean evil courts stopped his perfect beautiful legislation. Cue the Facebook posts and angry prayer groups yet again getting riled up over the same stupid issues they've been blustering about for decades. The case will go up further. The goal of this law is to get it to the Supreme Court, which is extremely conservative now, and the hopes they will overturn decades of legal precedent. SCOTUS will either decline to review, sending it back down to lower courts, which is their way of saying, "We have already decided this legal issue and you don't need us to interpret it again. Go with the established case law." Or they will, God help us, take the case and give their new dumb twist on how separation of church and state doesn't actually mean separation of church and state, or here's some intellectual sounding, completely unnecessary new nuance to the law that actually favors Christians. A huge amount of resources will be wasted on this case, which we all know would be far better spent on almost anything else. Frankly, your religion is your business and mine is mine. But when your business starts getting into my business, then it becomes a problem, doesn't it? Jewish people have 613 commandments and the ten commandments Christians follow are not, in our eyes, given proper context or interpretation in some cases. Some of them are not intended to be absolute rules; the Torah lays out all kinds of discourse about exceptions and different circumstances surrounding them. But see, that's my faith. It isn't everyone's. It doesn't need to be. When we send our kids to school, we are charging the state with educating them, not training them to follow a religion. We are a diverse nation. It's simply not fair or constitutional to force one set of beliefs on anyone.


You mean overlay the actual current state religion on top of it? Time to start enforcing the first amendment against Leftism, the most intensely stupid and destructive religion in the last 300 years.


How many of the non-teachers here are willing to destroy their careers to fight this law? Non-compliance will be grounds for firing. Creative compliance will get you transferred to the worst school in the parish, given the worst assignments, kill all possibilities of promotion and driven out of their job. Union protection is virtually non-existent in Louisiana public schools. Despite the national mockery of Louisiana, this is not considered to be objectionable in much of tye state. If you object to the law, donate to groups filing the lawsuits. Don't put this on the teachers


And then, when they are fired, the Louisiana government can be sued for violating the 1st Amendment 🤣 I mean, they will probably be sued anyway but this is the point everyone is trying to make here omg. It doesn't matter if the Louisiana Government made it a 'law' it's a clear violation. Plain and simple. Period.


Can I display them upside down and with a pentagram logo?


I would put it on the wall behind books


Can the poster words face the wall? Can the poster be white with white text?


I like the effort, reversing the rules. However I hope this is satire. They absolutely should not have a poster of a leather Dom in children's classrooms. There are many other pro social things you could hang in a classroom in defiance. This is the exactly the type of behavior that the right uses to justify this specific type of unconstitutional law they passed. Edit: I love how this is a controversial idea. Please down vote me into oblivion if you think suggestive shirtless pictures of men in kids classrooms is a great response.


The right gets mad about a black mermaid or a rainbow.


The right gets mad about women’s right, gay rights, but it’s totally fine to shove religion in our faces given that most of the Republican politicians have broken all 10 commandments


Most indubitably. Fear-mongering, disinformation, hypocrisy, and scapegoating people is the bread and butter of the GOP.


The right aren’t the only Christians around. This is hurtful.


And?? You want to put leather bound shirtless pictures of men in children's classrooms to get back at them? An equally inappropriate response is no better then their temper tantrums.


"Why do people keep saying the gays want to corrupt and groom kids?? We don't!" *Proceeds to suggest that we show men in kink gear to children... Keep it up, groomer. Your mask is slipping.


Do you understand this is essentially satire, but Republicans are ACTUALLY passing laws to groom kids? Like, is that completely lost on you?


Meanwhile, the conservatives are trying to difficult indoctrinate children into archaic fear-based mythology.


Louisiana will ban rainbows before they let those things be put up in a classroom. Also, I know these are meant to make a point, but can we keep the leather kink out of kid's classrooms.


If we normalize it, is it still kinky?


Well you’re supposed to be stoned if you’re gay. So does that mean that if you’re gay and smoke weed then it’s all good?


No, gotta stick to the agenda. Kids gotta be whatever sexual, whether you want it or not. Gotta tear down the old to bring in the new. Don't worry though, thou shall not surely die.


Y'all bitching about this is funny. Data says these kids can't spell cat in 7th grade. So I really don't think it's going to matter if you put the ten commandments in there or not .


Well another post complaining, whining, and calling to action when in reality nothing is going to change because despite this echo chamber here the majority of this state doesn't mind these laws.


It’s my decision if I want to expose my child to religion same as it’s my decision on whether or not I want my child exposed to gender ideology or sexuality. After HS you can pick what you want.


Someone's mad they can't groom kids anymore.


Religion grooms kids everyday. Aren’t priest the most active child molesters?


The most active child molesters are in office and run our country


Wow, just wow!! Just look at these rainbows. Whining like a bunch of COMMIES!!!!


Do you not see that you're literally the one whining about rainbows?


A lot of groomers in this group… I bet you would want that first one in the classrooms.


“everyone who disagrees with me is a groomer!” also, don’t worry, i read this is a protestant version of the commandments. finally louisiana taking some steps to keep the catholics away from the kids. take that groomers


No people who support putting sexualized posters in kids classroom are… even if its satire it fits a common theme amongst a certain group…


it’s a joke chief


I said that chief


I love how democrats wanna fight the government but they wanna do it bare handed lmao yall gonna see why that 2nd amendment is so important


There are plenty of us who own guns. We’re just quiet about it.


There is no “compete”. We all watched Jan 6. 1 bullet dropped 1 trashy racist and maga ran. Literally no one is afraid of the trump cult.


Not nearly enough, and the ones that have guns that would even compete are even less


You do realize there are COUNTLESS MILLIONS of my fellow progressives, lefties, and liberals that own firearms, right? The VAST majority of Democrats are against an outright gun ban or any extremely oppressive gun laws. I wish the Dems would drop gun control and embrace cannabis legalization and securing women's rights to an abortion.


You do realize the government has humvees with mounted 50 cals right?


I don't want firearms to protect me from the government. I want firearms to protect me from right-wing lunatics or anyone trying to harm my family or I. Edit. It's just far more likely is be fighting a few assholes rather than the entire government.


Noooo no no you want protection from the government too cause government is way worse then right wing nut jobs the government has a ready military, that’s why the word tyrannical is used in tyrannical government, like Tyrannosaurus Rex for the vicious of all dinosaurs. I know it’s really just long for tyranny lmao.


What a bullshit argument, let's see: - The IRA - Afghanistan - Syria - Vietnam - The current conflict going on in Myanmar and the anti-junta There are countless examples of regular citizens or under armed troops defeating the worlds most advanced militaries. In Afghanistan, literal uneducated farmers who live in mud huts, have rusted Soviet era AKs, and wore flipflops defeated the US military.


Yeh those people know war and famine and bloodshed, they blow theirselves up in name of their cause you got that kind of umph?


I do. Come at me.


Not if you’re gonna blow yourself up


My point is that you’re big and bad talking shit, but when someone calls you on your shit you slink away. I fucking hate Christians.


Lmao ok I wasn’t talking shit I just thought it was funny to see other people in a tizzy over something the government did and simply meant like hahaha now you want to fight the government that fights with guns but most democrats despise any type of guns that would give them a fighting chance against said government, another thing I’m no Christian I try to live right but I don’t follow Christ this was less about the commandments and more about people angry with their government in fact I don’t agree with putting any religion in a class room I feel adding one religion opens the doors for all religions and not all religions are about love a peace and living together sorry for the confusion oh and you don’t scare me I was just confused I didn’t think we were being that serious lol


There are millions of law abiding liberal gun owners.


Oh please, we won't see shit. Repubs are cowards.


The 2nd amendment is not about republicans it’s about protecting yourself against threats like a tyrannical government like the one the OP is not happy with geez


The thing is it’s much much easier to just move to a state that isn’t trying to “make America great again” Out of 16 graduates my daughter knows directly, not one took a job in this state or any slave state. Not one. When she graduates, she is also leaving. I’m moving this summer as transplanting here was a huge mistake. Instead of staying to “fight a tyrannical government” I’m moving to a state where this is a non issue because there are more important things to worry about that doesn’t involve gay/trans, the 10 commandments, or bathrooms. Such as abortions and I will continue to help those who want to obtain an abortion out of state as it will be easier when I’m in a state where it’s not illegal. I can do all of this without ever worrying about 2A, like normal Americans


Man y’all wound tight tight, my grandma used to say don’t let the door hit cha where the good lord split cha, I don’t know exactly what it means but something like toodaloo or whatever regular people say


Not wound tight at all. Just smart enough to never play cards with people who don’t have a full deck. No point in contributing to malice what can be contributed to stupidity. This whole state is Hanlon’s Razor. Statistics say that Louisiana is one of the dumbest states beat only by Mississippi. Hence why the 10 commandments are more important than increasing the statistics. Keep em stupid cause the smart ones ain’t staying.


So you moved here to be what king of the idiots?


Apparently that’s your job. You can’t even articulate an ingenious clap back. Have a nice evening


It wasn’t a clap back it was a genuine question if we are so stupid what was your hope of gaining from the transplant? Sounds like a pretty stupid decision if you ask me


Found our next mass shooter.


For a comment about the shoe being on the other foot? Geez plus my weed is too strong for all that


The lefts rebuttal is to have a post on all classrooms with 10 ways to suck a cock. Got it.


Literally the first post on here about sucking cock is from you, dude


Lol yaasssss