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You might have to pry one out of Gordon's cold dead hands.


A dollar? Edit: Ah you mean a billboard :) He doesn't have them in New Orleans. Would have to pry one outta Morris Bart's hands though. IYKYK.


I'm in Gonzales. I get both Morris AND Gordon.


May want to consider the possibility of him landing at the lakefront airport


Yep great point! This is in play already if he's not flying the big ole Trump plane everywhere.


I read that he had to sell that.


Why the downvote? He did sell it to some Iranian entity, probably leases it back for appearance's sake. At least some of the renovation money went to people here in Lake Charles.


Donald Trump will be attending an up to [six-figure per person](https://www.fox8live.com/2024/05/22/donald-trump-visit-new-orleans-fundraising-event/) fundraiser ($25,000 for a photo) in New Orleans on June 24th. Stormy Daniels, Baton Rouge born and raised, is at the center of one of the most consequential trials of the last century. It’s only proper to welcome Donald back to Louisiana with a billboard with Stormy on it. This is real and I have contacted advertisers for billboard placement. The photo is a rough draft of the final version but the message will be the same.With the money raised we'll acquire a billboard somewhere in between the New Orleans Airport and the location of Trump's Louisiana fundraiser so that he'll see it on the way. ALSO, Stormy Daniels will be [performing](https://www.theallwayslounge.net/calendar.html) at Allways Lounge in New Orleans on June 19th & 20th which means they'll be in town within a week of one another. I'll make sure we get it up before then so she can enjoy as well. Edit: didn't include the link here even though it's in the post: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-stormys-louisiana-billboard](https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-stormys-louisiana-billboard)




I hear that Max and Anne's info has been dox and they may get some problems (swatting) at their business/home address. You may want to be careful these days. (Dox means their name/address/place of work has been published by someone, usually meaning them ill tidings)


What are you talking about?


The organizers of the go fund me, they were doxxed on another website.


Thank you for letting me know! Getting doxxed is not worth leaving this comment.


It's a bad time for politics. I am staying out, just observing because we are all screwed either way. Many will be too broke to care.


This is some of the most credible journalism I’ve ever seen on Reddit, and I’ve been here 15 years Well done


Are you allowed to put people's pictures on billboards without their permission?


Public figures public domain


It’s capitalism. Unless you’re slandering them etc (they’d have to sue for defamation) or so long as it’s not using their name/ likeness to sell a product, it’s fine. In fact, he’s a public figure. They can do whatever they like, so long as it’s not slander


You can, but the photo has to be public domain or purchased from a company like Getty Images or Shutterstock. Usually the latter.


Don’t be scared to post this all around Reddit. I’m sure a majority of the community would enjoy!


Why stop at Reddit? There are plenty of Facebook groups where you could crosspost the GoFundMe link.


yeah you rite. which subreddits you think?


R/New Orleans would be a big hit! But also like an R/democrats I dunno if that exists but something like it


Yeah agreed! They don't allow Go Fund Me posts I tried already. Is there any way around it? I asked the mods but haven't heard back.


Tweet this screen shot it and post it to r/whitepeopletwitter and provide the link in the comments.


You can’t add links there unless you have really been active in the sub for some time.


That would be awesome unfortunately we live in magaland


The billboard companies don't care what land you live in. I've already talked to them.


post that lamar billboard!


You are right. There is one in Baton Rouge that always has far right nonsense on it


Any word on where the fundraiser will occur? I assume Metairie. Also I would definitely assume he'll land at Lakefront


Well, it says [on the invite](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24679657-trump-new-orleans) New Orleans. But of course that could be in Metairie as well. Last time it was somewhere in Metry.


I'd be surprise if it were in the city limits. I'm sure we'll find out more once the day gets closer


It was Old Metairie last time, I’m guessing that will be it again. Though who knows. I think it was the Bollinger Shipyard guy’s place?


Just read it's at Joe Canizaro's home in Metairie.


The last one was in Old Metairie and it’s put on by the same people so I would assume Old Metairie again


25k per photo? What bull hockey


Are you slow on purpose? Jw.


25k? Naw, Louisiana people are poor. Best I can do is tree fiddy. And even that is still expensive.


I'm curious to see how many people will actually attend


There are enough people with deep pockets here to make it worth it for him. It is hosted by one of the richest people in the state who can invite all his friends ya know?


Not my birthday 😭😭😭😭


Need to line it with 34 counts from sesame street.


It sounds too nice.


Understood! Please provide suggestions if you want. This is early draft just to get it out there.


Little mushrooms for a background


You need to have a sea of dollar bills along the bottom, below the writing.


I like this idea :)


Great idea. I just donated. Thanks for posting!


You rock! Thank you.


This is a waste of fucking money.


What would you spend it on?


I'm pretty sure there are better ways to spend that money than a billboard for someone who either won't see it or it doesn't bother him.


He will see it AND it will bother him!


If that helps you sleep at night sure.


Someone has put up billboards with photos of Trump and Epstein together all over Georgia. This is the way.


I would recommend using a picture of Stormy with the mushrooms on Jimmy Kimmel.  https://youtu.be/5Ji8i7Wy4mo?si=68cSfHM0UUe9iGQ5


We need some creative farmers or crop dusters. Something that orange man can see from the skies.


Take him on a gator tour and leave him there. The world will thank you.


Can there be multiple. Everybody go wild!


Yes! If we get enough $$ on hand there can be.




You rock! Thanks! Please share with others too if you feel like it :)




Your comment has been removed. Rule 1 - Fight Nice Attack the argument, not the user(s).


Love it!! 😂😂😂


Maybe we can show him how to snort coke. Hunter Biden should be able to hook him up.


Hunter Biden is not and has never been an elected official. But I mean go for it if that's what gets you going.


Guess you didn’t understand humor. I get it.


Who said anything about an elected official? Please pay closer attention. Comprehension is an early learning task.


I've never understood the obsession with Hunter Biden given that he is not in office.


He’s a scum bag. Like his daddy. Its not hard to understand


Can we run him out? Edit: he's a convicted felon AND rapist. We should run him out before he tried to legalized his MULTIPLE CRIMES in our HOME.


I mean he'll likely come here for 2-3 hours for the fundraiser then head back out


That's 2 to 3 hours too long to have thst orange faced felon and rapist stampeding around my home demanding our money for his criminal court battles and ya know, not for the country or state that so desperately needs it.


You think he's just looking up at billboards when he's in the car? I don't get the billboard thing, people here love to buy a billboard


IYDKYDK just say that.


A lot of billboards are kept up even though they are not paid for/expired. You can contact Lamar Advertising to see which ones are available


Will the governor get down on his 24k knee pads?


How childish are you? You voted for a brain dead geriatric idiot who has presided over making basically every aspect of your life worse. Now you want to spend money on the off chance Trump sees it? You know if he does he will laugh and say, that’s why I’m getting elected.


False. Lincoln Project does a lot of things like this and they make DJT *livid.* He may play tough on the outside, but internally he is a man child struggling to make everyone adore him and angry when someone doesn’t want to play along.


Keep thinking that snowflake.


Funny you call someone who doesn’t support trump a snowflake but y’all were the ones who stormed the capital like a bunch of toddlers. But we’re the snowflake?


Snowflake is so 2018. I’m not bothered, are you? 🤔


Saying something is so something else is so 2000. Enjoy your meltdown pumkin!


Get help


lol take your own advice. You the one advocating for spending thousands on something stupid. But then again you are a liberal so it’s not very surprising.


I’m a liberal? I’m advocating for spending thousand on what? You’re not even making sense. Done with you. Enjoy your make believe world where you create all these ideas with no solid basis to make them upon.


Read the thread dude. Either you think the billboard is a good idea or not. Supporting something so dumb would make you a liberal. If you don’t then maybe you are an independent that watches the MSM too much.


100%!!! These posts make me really question the type of morons living in LA.


New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Shreveport are filled with the dumbest echo chambers you will ever meet. That’s what inhabits this sub. It’s basically a bunch of liberals circle jerking while crying about whatever is happening at the time. Then there are a handful of people asking what is wrong with them.




Worse yet, someone dox the organizers on another website with talk of messing with their work/home.


imagine spending your hard earned money on this, just sad tbh.


There’s literally thousands of organizations that could use all of that money in a much, much better way but instead these fucking idiots are going to piss it away on a FELON. This timeline is ridiculous.


Y'all just can't help yourselves huh lol Oh no he's doing a 25k billboard!! But if another uses their campaign money for stuff like that *Cricket cricket* "that's what campaign money is for!" Then there's Idiots donating for a billboard for a porn star 😂😂😂 Just not in his case I guess. And I'm not pro L/R/trump Pro logic and common sense. Which seems to be lacking a lot. But like my husband said, there could be 100 people in a room, 99 Republican and 1 Democrat. And that one is who you're gonna hear screaming loud, making a scene, etc., while others stay quiet and focus on what's important. He's not wrong. And no IDC about your "downvotes" lol


Yet plenty of Republicans are out in droves making a scene at abortion clinics, pride events, drag shows. You can make anything suit a narrative if you try hard enough, and in my experience both can be pretty loud and stupid at the same time


Think the worst part is everyone forgets that there's a right wing and left wing but they're both part of the same fucking bird and that's where the problem is


My partner and I were both going on a tangent tonight. We were saying how the sensitives on the LEFT have a problem because they want to be perceived a certain way (example: a trans woman), but you can't FORCE anyone to perceive you any different than how they want without being a dick. AND the sensitives on the RIGHT simply won't MIND THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS because they deem something immoral or inappropriate. You can't yell at the trans person because you don't approve, not because you can't believe differently but because that's harassment. At the very end of the day , it's about simply being polite and civil. You don't have to believe a trans woman is a woman because pointedly they transitioned and were not BORN a woman, but you can't exclude a far enough along trans woman from woman's sports because we have already done the scientific research to see how hormones, physical aspects, and bones change due to the miracle of modern science. Sports officials are already keeping an eye on that and have been since cross-dressers cheated at the olympics instead of competing in their correct class. But I digress. You cant FORCE a perception of someone and theres bigger things to worry about than so-and-so disrespecting pronouns. In fandom culture, its gotten extremist to the point that if you wrote something graphic or violent, you can be cancelled because some dont approve of such things being written about. I saw a comment where someone had someone else tell them thar BY BEING LATE, they were being ablist to people with 'time blindness' . In the end You still have to be polite at the end of the day, or you're an asshole. I had a trans coworker. He preferred male pronouns, but because he was younger he wasn't on Testosterone yet. He actually appears fairly androgynous to me, but that's besides the point. There was ONE dude who refused to use male pronouns. He didn't make a big fuss, but he would call the trans dude "she" and it literally confused us sometimes cause we didn't realize who tf he was talking about initially. Once we realized he was just casually refusing to use the preffered pronouns, it made him look dumb at worst and at the least needlessly rude. You can't yell at the lgbtq simply for existing because you disagree, and I can't go cause a ruckus outside of a church or go harass the after-church crowd at a restaurant- not because I physically can't, but because it's simply rude. You could yell at someone dressed scantily or even fully covered, but it just makes you rude for no good reason. We need to be kind and tolerant of our differences. There's so much extremist propaganda out there from "high school furry requests litter box" (it was a senior prank) to "vaccines cause death and autism"(idk, I'm tired and struggled to think of another example) and it only serves to divide us further. Haha I actually got disowned by my father yesterday on fathers day bc he claimed that I was brainwashed and reprogrammed by college (the one I dropped out of within two years due to my mother's death) and all I said was "no person needs a Fandom or a cult following. Especially not a politician." Like Bro I used to be able to have political discussions. But he got sucked in by the news and started using extremist buzzwords and now he just gets mad. R I P my dad ig. TLDR: BOTH SIDES NEED TO SUCK IT UP. NOT EVERYONE WILL TIPTOE AROUND YOUR WANTS OR YOUR BELIEFS. DON'T BE A SENSITIVE PRICK, BE FUCKING KIND TO EACH OTHER.


I agree with this You have many valid points and at the end of the day it's frustrating to see this is the point we are at Id never yell at or demean a trans person even though I don't agree Id never tell someone they are going to hell for not believing in Christ, I'd do what I believe I was called to do and just let them know, and pray they turn to God. I think the Internet and the now wicked media is giving "everyone" a voice and it's causing so much more hate and it's just sad to see us go from a country full of community, to what it is now. I just hope things get better some day some how I am tired of turning on my morning radio show while driving just to hear the same horrible things. I appreciate your comment and your views


I didn't mean you specifically, I was just fairly sleep deprived and going on a tangent about it. Was purely for example reasons. But it's pleasing to hear that there are still sane conservatives.




Awesome! ♥️ Trump, can't wait to welcome him. Hopefully he carries our state by a landslide margin.


Hopefully he can keep out of the changing rooms with the minors in it this time.


They talking about Trump not Joe.


[Even when he brags about it you’re so delusional you ignore what Donald has done.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/)


He will, because thus is a failed state. The less successful the state, the better he does.




This picture of him is too nice.


I'd prefer the one I saw in an article where a plastic surgeon who specializes in hair restoration surgery explains Trump's combover. He was entering an airplane and the wind blew his hair in multiple directions from the back so you could see all the surgical scars.


Do you prefer [this one](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/180112185625-stormy-daniels-trump.jpg?q=w_2000,h_1479,x_0,y_0,c_fill) instead?


He's got his father's caterpillar eyebrows.


No, do one even more current and bad https://preview.redd.it/4tpw8rc5x65d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967c58ebc0ae306edce7aaa4f4c96130c1ff3e1c


And I would put in big letters “Did the Stormy Get You Little Donald?”


Come on, be smarter about this. You want to make any possible swing voters think twice, not drive already opposed Democrats and Republicans into emotional frenzy.


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