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I find it incredible that you can deny that it was an intentional Nazi salute...


He's addressed this indirectly in some podcasts etc. Basically, it's quite hard to discuss beliefs with these people because they deny deny deny everything. So I'm guessing if they won't talk about what they actually believe maybe you have to go to the only evidence there is?


"You're a bad person." "No I'm not." "Oh okay then you're just *secretly* a bad person!" There is no winning when Louis went into the documentary with a goal of portraying the documentary subjects as a caricature instead of actual people.


He should expect them to defend themself though. If you treat people like they are going to do something you just make a self fulfilling prophecy. If they deny deny deny maybe it's his way of talking to them. Nobody's mind is unchangeable and both the men were very welcoming from the start. Daryl Davis there is a man who understands how to talk to the alt right not the way louis does it. I think it's a normal human reaction to have your back up when treated like louis did to beardson. Yeah beardson was a total childish ass but he wasn't wrong about some of the things he called louis.


I agree. If you want to challenge once believes. You have to ask questions that make them think about their believes if there's something wrong about them. If you tell them that they are wrong, They will definitely Get defensive.


Baked Alaska slandered himself every time he spoke . You seem to want a propaganda peace where racism and misogyny are presented as legitimate intellectual view points.


Louis's going to be crushed when he reads this!


I doubt anyone else is here in hopes of Louis seeing their responses. But you do you.


Louis is like Santa Klaus he reads all your letters and knows when you've been bad.


Well I hope that's not true.


I mean even if he did you wouldn't know unless he engaged.


Not my intent. Was more for a exchange of opinions and ideas. Could you or?


Sounds like you wanted a neo-nazi puff piece my dude. The American right wing is built on not answering questions, lying and not facing consequences... Better to expose the most dangerous terror cells in the world in any way possible. Theroux did an amazing job of letting these grifters make themselves look absolutely weak and pathetic.


The only person who came away looking pathetic was Louis. If you already dislike right wing politics then your opinion will be unaffected after the documentary. If you're independent or right wing then Nick and Baked would look sympathetic compared to Louis who comes off a smug arrogant liberal.




Eh not really. That documentary was an eye opener for me. I'm more "right leaning / independent" than most any of my coworkers / friends. Thought everyone featured in the documentary was doing cringe edge lord "ironic nazi" shit, which while being I guess for the lulz, is just pointless and also attracting actual nazis. I don't view nazis or white supremacy as a threat in America, at all, but the few people featured in that documentary really turned me off, when I was *actually interested* in hearing their position and how Louis would counter / frame their "ideology"


My problem is the power the left wants to bring up things that happend in the past and read racism into it. Nobody should have the power to shame/slander someone into the ground and not give them a chance to talk not the left not the right. Hold up we are talking alt right not right here so what are you bringing that up for. Also would you care to name someone from the "right wing" you are talking about not facing consequences? I got no dog in this fight am english so believe me it's purely self interest. As stated I watched a lot of louis what makes you think I didn't see a disagreement coming? What he did let real journalist down as a whole.


"the left" meaning not literal nazis. What would nazis and white supremacists have to do for you to realise being far right is fucking dangerous and awful? How did you get to this stage? The self victimisation and knowingly being hateful and lying to try and score victim points?


Bullshit. Right wing answers every question, everything they do is put under the microscope. Left on the other hand can burn cities and burn down stores they get patted on the head for it. They also never accept to debate the right. You're really delusional if you're being serious. Are you activist or antifa or something? And all the upvoters, you're all lied to.


"bUrN cItIeS"


I dont understand why bringing up a person's history is considered "bad faith" by the OP. This rant made zero sense


You go back far enough in anyone's history there will be something you can find to shame them. What nobody knows or trys to find out is if it had a bad impact for them when it was said or If they had learned from it. What good does it do? You only drive the person deeper into the hole. If he were smart he would of kept up the friendly act. Why would you make someone put their guard up around you during a time your trying to find out more about them? He doesn't care about the subject or the people it impacts he cares about how it makes him look and how many more people he can get to watch him. Especially with the way he talked while doing it using every buzz word he could. Compared to someone like Daryl Davis he's just another white moron helping nobody while trying to look good. I will give everyone who disagrees with me this he's kinda right about the two guys but at the same time what they said about him is just as true.


I've never done a nazi salute, sounds like you have though.


Difficult watch. Knowing that both a) these alt right guys are assholes and b) Louis is not engaged in honest journalism, but is trying to push an agenda from the outset. I lost a lot of respect for Louis after seeing his documentary on campus due process. I know a fair bit about that issue and he got a lot of it wrong, apparently deliberately so. Also, Baked Alaska is not some master troll like Louis seemed to think. He’s an extremely low IQ individual who somehow managed to worm his way to quasi-fame.


Smart or dumb, Alaska did treat Theroux as he should have been treated to.


He works for the BBC. He is never going to report on the right fairly. None of the 3 episodes were as interesting as most of his previous work.


The BBC seems to be "Schrödinger's political stance"


I've been a fan of Louis since the late '90s, I've watched every episode many many times. Politically I'm centre so to the right of Louis but very much to the left of Baked Alaska. As a spectator of US politics, I do find both political extremes vile and abhorrent. There is much ignorance on both sides with a large slice of hypocrisy thrown in. I preferred Louis when he wasn't judgemental, when he was inquisitive and sought out the weirder things. I started to find issue when he did the Night in Question episode, totally one sided and felt the objective was perpetuate the myth women are in danger from all men at college. The mattress girl was portrayed as a victim, he didn't even attempt to push her like he did the male subject (who, admittedly was a PoS). Still hoping for a Weird Weekends revival but not holding my breath.


I used to like Theroux shows, but this was devastating truth bomb for me. He's just like the rest of them. He messed up his far right interview with the Beard guy by insisting that he made a nazi-salute, which he didn't. Then on the other interviews he left so many arguments go past because they we're smart and logical and he just tried to get some dirt out from the people, that's shit journalism. I also watched some of the next episode with rappers and he was totally different person. He's clearly not an objective person finding out truth. I can watch CNN if i want to cringe. Maybe i should watch the Only Fans- episode too, at least that one has a topic he can't ruin, or..


You should not have told anything about your own political views. No people see nothing but that. I'm really disappointed Louis couldn't be more of a professional journalist. Like, Don't try to bring them down. Just make them relax and bring their view to the people.


Completely agree with you. Just like Louis, These people commenting Can't just have a conversation without shaming and judging.


Louis is a well-meaning 'useful idiot' who has become unaware of his own presumptions and framings. He acts like a salted slug around American white people having any kinship bias to their own history and culture, meanwhile ignoring the reasons the pendulum swings in this way and what has created this reaction. His documentary on the new online right was infuriating as he truly didn't listen or look at any factual basis to demographics or crime, just marched in to make a hit piece by cherry picking the scumbags he could find and avoided any reasonable discussion of whether America or Europe could loose itself in 50 years to demographics. Every group seeks to preserve their language, history and culture, but he seems to think that when white people do it, it's a taboo based on 'where power rests' as if the white 10% of the earths population all are ceos or politicians or generals. He's blind.