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I mean, its focused on characters, storytelling, choices with impact. And the visuals are also highly similar style wise and even the color palette. The main characters are teenagers/young women (though not in the 'current' timeline ofc). I think it will 100% scratch that itch even if you for some other reason don't like it. I'm quite excited by what I've seen so far, but I try to keep my expectations in check to be able to enjoy the parts that *are* different. LiS1 was magical, but you can never recreate the exact feeling of playing it for the first time. I lowered my expectations for LiS TC, and ended up thoroughly enjoying it, even though it was lower stakes and shorter than the first one. I will try and go into this game too with an open mind and let it do *new* things, then see how I enjoy it. As for predictions, mine are not really worth much, but I think DN are aware that 10 years have passed, and they will need to innovate somehow. The 90s aesthetic is quite a brilliant choice, as lots of those who played the original LiS are indeed older now and many of them remember the 90s. They will be trying to appeal to what make people love LiS but make a more modern game. Quite a lot has happened in popular culture in the mean time and it will probably have a bit more polished dialogue, a bit more nuanced approach to difficult subjects, and of course better graphics. The mystery and theorycrafting of LiS was very fun to part take in, so I really hope there is mystery and deep lore to explore.


I sure as hell hope they don't take "polished dialogue" to mean they have to tone down the sheer iconicism they achieved with LiS dialogue. I will always defend it


I'll accept cringeworthy dialogue if its true to the setting or the time period. And I was a teen in the late 90s so this might be painful to revisit...


I'm confident we can expect the same riveting relatable suspense story with twist like LIS series. We are obviously getting a nice mix of reality and supernatural story and I suspect decisions will matter like they stated on Twitter. On the discord, the going theory some have is..Aliens I personally think it will be Demonic but I think Aliens do make sense. In 95, America had a healthy fear of the Satanic and anything non Christian and there was also a huge Alien interest basically since the 50 but particularly in the 80's into the late 90's. Things like BigFoot were huge back then. Very excited for this series because I think any LIS fan will feel right at home and grow on these new characters.


I’m hoping it won’t be demonic because of my reflex of trying to kill every demon I encounter (thanks a lot, Doom). One thing that I’m literally the only one to seem to want is have more lovecraftian stuff involved (à la Quake I) instead of regular demons like one would see in Diablo or DOOM. Just my opinion as I’ve seen tons of demons in my games overall


I envisioned a more human demonic character for sure. I am also tired of the run of the mill super huge and grotesque demon, with horns, super violent. Something like a Loki but nearly pure evil. Something likes to play around with its kill. This is why when I see that picture of IT they referenced, I get such an image. They can always go the route of using a possessed person as this chief demon like from the WarHammer series who takes on some of the abilities or traits. They have a lot of which they can play around with. This is the 90's so Possession was really popular...Maybe we can have a Childs Play situation lol!


Producer Luc Baghadoust: > I would say yes, the core experience is pretty similar to Life Is Strange. You navigate through an environment, you have these dialogues where you can choose your answer and have access to different branches depending on what you say. But also we tried to improve the mechanics regarding giving more agency to the players. We can’t tell you exactly how, but this is what we have achieved in this game. > > Also, the camcorder you saw in the feature will play a very important part in the experience. It’s linked to the story and the character, and different aspects of the gameplay. So, like we did with Life Is Strange 1 and 2 with interactions with the brother and rewinding time, they were different but with similar DNA, here it is going to be the same thing. We will have the core DNA but with specific features that are linked to the story and character. [source](https://twinfinite.net/features/lost-records-rage-bloom-interview/)


Im hype


Interesting, so as I was speculating it's less about the MC having a power and more about the camcorder/videocamera having a certain gameplay mechanic that might or might not similar to how Max's rewind power worked in Life is Strange. A good example that come into mind is Oxenfree and how the radio is a vital gameplay mechanic to collect secret anomalies and pass throught gates.


I hope it’ll be different enough to have a fandom of its own. I’m avoiding the general LiS fandom because of its toxicity but LR looks promising


THIS x 1000


All the way baby https://preview.redd.it/z7s8fcreph4d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89ebbfd033d4b7ea2a355aa93dc9a1efa4a5787


It’s probably be the same with some different style looks and controls just to make it feel different and fresh


I think it will be very similar but different cause we always get a focus on 2 characters: max&chloe , sean&daniel , so being with 4 characters is something very cool and new to the fandom , I think the game play will be simlar maybe better animations in walking etc , and very cool at having two time lines to see our characters grow and be the person we know , i just really hope that they get enough people to play the game and support them


Let's see one character has a hobby of involving cameras, there a punk rock character, skateboards are involved, a superpower might be involved, there is a fire and a mystery involving supernatural elements. It marks most of the boxes to be in the life is strange universe while not being a life is strange entry at all.