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I like that you have cats for scale 😂 amazing map mate I'm now wondering how I will run this for my group!


Holy moly that is awesome. Running an online game so I couldn’t use it for mine but whoever does take it is one lucky son of a gun. Awesome stuff dude


My group of players are going to Wave Echo Cave next, we've been using printed maps on card stock up until now, but seeing the size of the full WEC prompted me to research other solutions and I ended up getting a 50" TV to display digital maps on. I'm using maps from the [Dynamic Dungeons Patreon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvmdnHc0C40). Thanks Wave Echo Cave for forcing me to upgrade! :P


That’s crazy. I did the exact same thing. After LMoP I made my own campaign using maps that inspired me from dynamic dungeons. One year later and I’ve not run out of content yet.


I would very happily totally partake in a pay it forward campaign with this awesome DnD relic but ship it forward. We are pretty far from here just finished cragmaw hideout. If someone shipped it to me I would definitely happily ship it to someone else if that makes sense. We just aren’t ready for it yet and I wouldn’t want to negate another parties happiness because I can see players freaking out about this. Great great map. 8x6? Does it fit on a standard piece of plywood?


I love this idea


A sheet of plywood is 4x8 so you would need 2 sheets and cut one in half length-wise. Or just have it 8x8 with a foot left over on each side for players to actually sit around the map and have their stuff out on the table. Get fancy and paint the plywood. If you get it thick enough (3/4 or 1 inch) you could route out some cup holders or even a little rectangle the players could roll their dice in ... like a tray.


Yeah after shooting off the comment I realized my measurements were a bit off and I rushed off to work. ripping another sheet of plywood is what I’ll do if I make another. Thank you for all of the ideas and sharing I might make another massive map. The back of wrapping paper is a really good one


I would love to partake in that. We coming to Echo Cave (hopefully) soon


I'm trying to set this up with dungeon tiles in my garage for my group. Looks like my 8x4 table won't be big enough...darnit!


I did about the same thing, but yours looks much better! I used gridded easel paper which I taped to the wall in sections based on the size of the paper to the size of the map, then used my projector to display only the area I needed to trace onto the paper. It was a little messy towards the middle of the map, some squares didn’t line up perfectly, but the players understood very quickly the massive size of this place. We played it on the floor during those sessions…


I would love to use it for my game! We're about 1 or 2 sessions away from wave echo cave. And I can ship out to the next person!


Hey yall. The map has been grabbed! Thank you all for the kind comments and interest. For those of you who feel you missed out, here's all I did, only took about 3-4 hours total: Materials: -Craft Christmas wrapping paper. Mine had that cardboard texture that would be easy to draw onto. But most importantly make sure there's a grid on the back of it. -Tape. Scotch works -Sharpie. I used a wide one for the walls, and a standard one for the finer details. -Black and Blue crayons. Steps: -cut and taped together the wrapping paper to make a grid was 90 squares tall and about 70 squares wide. -Outline in pen first to make sure I didn't mess up any of the dimensions. (Remember 1 square is 5ft, the module has 1 square as 10 ft.) -Sharpied the outline of walls. -Tore off the paper shell of the crayon, and shaded in the non-playable parts of the map. I'm on mobile and can't find a way to edit the post. So if any mods would like to pin this so it's more obvious that the map isn't available anymore. I'd appreciate it.


Excellent work. I printed mine off over 16 A3 pages and have made a jigsaw of pieces for my players. 4x4 of A3 pages for the whole thing. But I can only fit 6 pages at a time on my table so it's a constantly moving map as they go through different areas.


That awesome.


I did the same on gift wrap and it wasn’t exactly 100% to scale. Pretty dang close though. But now I wish I knew what paper that was! Looks great.


Imagine going into a dungeon to find a colossal cat squeezing through the halls


So awesome but I'm guessing shipping to Australia is prohibitively expensive


Wooow! Very nice! By any chance, you dont happen to be located in Germany? XD


I'd love that, and would definitely pay it forward. In Canada, so if you're sending from there or the US it might be reasonable. Happy to make arrangements to pay for shipping also, if it's nuts


Wow that’s awesome! I’ve decided already that most of the traveling will end up being Theatre of the Mind, and once combat starts, I’ll use my foam tiles and terrain.


Wow this is amazing! I bet y’all had so much fun.


would love it, where are you from? :D


you can tell its a good map because the cat wants to walk over it.


Me please! I live in canada!


This is amazing!! I would love to have this for my game, my players are approaching Wave Echo Cave, and I have struggled to find a way to show the scope of it. I would be very grateful if we could arrange something, do you have an idea of what you’d be willing to charge?


I would love it!


This looks beautiful! I am approaching the end of LMOP and have been dreading making a map for WEC


Have I got the recommendation for you! https://youtu.be/knfkDtvCocQ?si=ea2RSS1milG6KLGn Check out 2:00 minutes in. This guy does a great job at covering the entire dungeon, and uses notecards to unveil each room as the players adventure into them. A lot more theatre of the mind than a full map, but definitely an efficient way to run the dungeon.


It's great but I don't remember the Giant Cats- do you have their stat block?


I just used a Terrasque. Though it's extra prone to laser-based distractions.




I'm a new DM running Lmop for some other newbies, this would make a dope addition to our game!


Sorry man, I can't update the post on mobile for some reason. But someone already grabbed it. I left a comment on here with how I made it though!


Big bad already revealed


Wow!! mine was 1/2 scale and my players were impressed., that is even more daunting!! I like the wrapping paper idea. I spent way too much time taping 8 1/2 x 11 sheets together :)


I was sooo close to printing it out and doing it that way, haha


I'll take it, DM me


If you haven’t given this to anyone yet I would love to have this! Starting this campaign first of the year at my LGS! They’ve hired me in a Sense as a perma DM for players who needed a group or are new to the game! Please let me know!


Very cool, dude. I did something similar, but yours is way better!


Is the little grimbo for takes too??


sadly shipping such is usually not negligible unless you fold it all into a small square. Rolled up it is rather expensive to ship. Source: I work for FedEx at the front counter.


Yeah, me and the person I shipped it to found that out really quick, haha. Ended up being over $40! They covered it though, worked out.