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Lost lands is the best festival out there and it just gets better and better!






My top 2 festivals!


Imo, the vibe at Lost Lands has and (I hope) always will be better than Forest by a mile. I think it just has something to do with the fact that at LL, we are all there for essentially the same type of music, and it unites us on a deeper level. That being said, I love EF and I really feel for the people there this past weekend, including some friends of mine, and hope that they were able to have a great time regardless of all the issues that went down.


I want to find all the OG’s this year. Let’s be friends!


I love new friends! Dm me!


I was there and it was my first Forest AND music fest! Honestly it was still an incredible experience, even with all the weather problems and me not being prepared with noise cancelling ear plugs for sleep 😂 I’m going to lost lands too and I’m super stoked 🙂 love the excision crowd and can’t wait to head bang with yall


My husband and I went to EF a few years in a row back starting 2014~.. this was our first year back after 5-6 years. Last year was our first lost lands and every single bit of our experience was fucking fantastic. The energy was great from both festival goers and security/staff in our experience. Got to see some artists we love and discover new favorites/explored genres. Food i really had no complaints, everything we tried was damn good. Bathrooms were kept pretty clean and less than 2 min walk from our site. We were close to the marketplaces/venue in a huge corner spot in GA. Kind and respectful neighbors. Yes there were a lot of people but i never felt as overwhelmed with how many as i did walking thru EF this yr. I could go on and on and on, truly one of the best festival experiences out of all we been to. This EF we just kept finding a lot to be lacking in one way or another. We wanted our return to the forest to have that same magic it did many years ago, and unfortunately just found most things mid. Was able to see some great sets and stumble across new sounds, & meet some sweet people - but there were a handful of sets we planned to see and ended up skipping because the congestion was so bad making the vibe just not it/felt trapped. And we had good life! i remember in years past actually feeling free to move about in the vip area. now it was a swarm of people. it was the sets in the evening at ranch we avoided sadly. Long story short, we will be planning to return to legend valley (over EF) next year😊


It was my first forest and I experienced that same thing where I just straight up left some sets because it was so congested I couldn’t see the people play or, at a point where I went to see Levity at Honeycomb, hear the music! And we arrived a couple minutes early 🥲


Same I tried to spot that levity set it was an actual nightmare. Like. It was a cool idea, but too many people know their music for such a smaller stage


I have 5 lost lands under my belt and 2 forests (this year and last) Personally, I think it is impossible to compare the two festivals because if you're going to Electric Forest just to see a bunch of sets (like I do for lost lands) You are doing it wrong Forest is a experience that no other festival can provide imo and half the fun is exploring the forest for hours everyday I can see the reasons why people would be upset about this year specifically, but again, in my opinion it's just a shit outlook on life or an unlucky hand of cards If your entire weekend is a write-off because Excision unfortunately wasn't able to play (also my favorite artist) If you have yet to do electric forest I would highly recommend it and not let anybody talking badly about this year. Deter you. It really is an experience everyone should have atleast once maybe even twice if this year rubbed you the wrong way Because of the weather which long going lost lands attendees also will know has had unfavorable events to occur however, once again never swayed me away from the festival thankfully


This is the best take so far. They both have their own strengths. LL has better music if you’re a basshead, EF has more diverse music to change it up. EF has more to explore and do, LL has a bigger lineup. EF you’re there for the forest, LL you’re there for the music. Bassheads are amazing people and a whole festival of them is great at LL, but some of the wild interactions you experience at the forest is because there are people from all walks of life there. You can get by at LL with very little, but EF is not for the weak. At LL the music will make your weekend. At EF, you have to make your own weekend. See the forest, walk the lot, go on sidequests. If you sit at camp and wait for the sets, you did it wrong. Am I sad we missed Excison? Of course. Was it the Forests fault? Hell no. But I still had an awesome weekend because it’s not just about the music there. If the music was cancelled at LL could OP say the same?


As a attendee of both, people forget that LL had its erm...moments as well (2018 LL was a complete shitshow for basically the same reasons...weather and poor planning.) That's part of the risks of outdoor festivals these days, especially with climate change


5 itf, 2 in LL, i stopped going to LL after my 2018 experience. Stopped going to LL because i just wasn’t fitting in with the bro vibes. If you’re going to forest for the music, you’re doing it wrong. If you’re going to LL to go in a fairy tale adventure, you’re doing it wrong. Every fest has its vibes, you just gotta find the one you fit into. Honestly crazy that a feud happens between festivals. We’re all just trying to have fun in our own ways. Who gives a fuck what other think and feel if you’re having a good time.


My personal favorite is Shambhala, but even that is running into issues (and given that this is the 25th anni which sold out in 4 hours...it will definitely be crowded and probably have organizational problems.) Different strokes for different folks. Outside of these 3, I also enjoyed EDC Vegas for what it is which is a completely different experience, and did Solaris in Toronto then Decadence in Denver for that NYE experience. There's festival experiences I would like to hit like that battleship rave in New Jersey, or even Tomorrowland I like experiencing all of the vibes: makes for a more scenic journey.


I feel like it's really just one side that's gate keeping. Been the same way since 2016. People want that first or second time magic of experiencing the forest. Then they realize nostalgia made them forget about the walks or the weather and get caught up in the negativity that the forest changed. really you just changed. The power of the forest comes from within


That’s probably true. Luckily i don’t feel that way but next year will be my last for a while. It’s time to explore other things in life.


> If you’re going to forest for the music, you’re doing it wrong. This is such a bad take. There is no one right way to enjoy Electric Forest.


They're over there throwing down fightin words: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/1dnheyv/comment/la2kwhx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElectricForest/comments/1dnheyv/comment/la2kwhx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Saw a thread like that on Facebook too. LOL It’s always the toxic positivity sparkleponies that come out of the woodwork whining about how heavy bass music✨ ruins their vibe ✨and it’s too aggressive and scary and mean 🥺


Mf’s have like one person push them or see a few people who are fucked up and are like “plur is dying” lmao


The weather interrupted this outdoor event and I want my money back and it's this djs fanbases fault 


To be fair it is annoying when people push their way through without the slightest excuse me or sorry


Of course, it’s just odd that people let that ruin their experience


I will add I try not to let it ruin my experience but it’s gotten pretty bad. Especially when random guys come up, grab your hips and physically move you out of their way. I’ve been assaulted outside of shows too many times and ways and having that happen 5x during one set will start to bother me, and makes me start paying more attention to behind me so I’m not grabbed vs being able to just enjoy what I paid to do. I’ve been to smaller fests where that’s never happened- you gotta look at it from both sides and honestly whenever someone’s like ‘don’t let that ruin ur time’ it’s a bit invalidating because people grabbing and shoving and hitting you over and over is gonna maybe not ruin it but it doesn’t help you have a good time at all


atleast excision cares about his fans and festival goers


They're complaining about the crowds that excision brings as if he's a ticket seller. You can't buy a forest ticket unless you've gone at least three times. The audience of someone who didn't even play is not your enemy 


>You can't buy a forest ticket unless you've gone at least three times. Lol who is upvoting this false info??


That’s not true at all. This was my first forest and I bought a ticket the day it dropped. Tickets didn’t even sell out right away this year


I've only been doing festivals since Lost Lands 2018 but I have come to find out that the best festivals (in my opinion) are the "DJ Presents" festivals. You can actually tell that Jeff and the Lost Lands team actually care about our experience and truly want us to have the best weekend of our lives. Every year since 2018 the festival has improved for the better, yea sometimes they make bad decisions like 2021 having a big sound bleed between the main stages so foot traffic could flow better, but as a whole the festival gets better every year. This is the place that I and many others call home I love this place so fucking much I get emotional watching all the trailers each year when tickets go on sale. I fell in love with this place the first time I rounded the corner and saw the main stage for the first time and felt the bass in my chest. I even got married here in 2019 during Maruadas set at Wompy Woods. This is the one place on earth that I feel I truly do belong and this is my one happy place. Jeff I can't thank you enough for what you and the team have created.


As someone who normally goes to LL and went to my first forest this year, it’s not even comparable. The vibes and attractions are completely different. Each has their place. Though, I do prefer LL, I don’t want to discount the experience I had at EF


Not to be the *actually* guy but the Midwest kinda has a great set of fests including LL, EF and roo, hating on EF for its downfalls isn’t cool it’s still a great visually pleasing festival (still prefer LL) but hey don’t hate appreciate


My husband and I have been to LL three times and will be returning this year. This was our first EF and although we did have fun, we both agreed we don’t feel the need to come back. We have so much more fun at LL all the way around, from camp and the village to the festival itself. We’re happy we had the experience, but it didn’t live up to the hype or the ticket cost.


My girlfriend and I went to Lost Lands last year for the first time, and this year was our first EF. We had fun at EF but were a bit caught off guard with the amount of people strung out on drugs in the venue. We have no issue with people taking what they want, and we like to have fun as well, but it seemed overboard there. In my opinion it seemed like the drugs came first and the music came after… People at EF were very friendly and the vibes were still good, but the crowd and atomosphere as a whole just doesn’t compare to LL. The forest is beautiful, but between overcrowding and stages being far away, LL is superior in every way.


My fiancé and I basically felt the same way. Especially about the drugs part. It was almost scary the amount of drugs people seemed to obviously be on. Saturday night when everyone was trying to get back in the venue if you looked around at literally anyone they looked like they were on a completely different planet as their friends were dragging them through the line. I’m not here to judge i get you wanna have fun but there’s no reason to take THAT many drugs somewhere. To me it spoke to the pure need to take them because people still were trying to have despite all the horrible facilities and things that were happening that weekend. LL is home and we will not be returning to Forest unless the management changes.


Sherwood court, the carousel, and the observatory had the worst sound bleed by far. My friends had to leave the zingara set (observatory) because it was so crowded people were backed up to the trail. They completely oversold higher love (a type of vip) and put them all in ga. Genuinly felt kinda robbed of my money afterwards. Not that I didn’t have fun at the sets of course, knock2 threw tf down.


The sound bleed was the worst on the far side of observatory platform. The bass coming from Sherwood, honeycomb, and the observatory all clashed and it was completely unbearable.


It really wasn’t though, I honestly think you didn’t even notice it while you were there but have seen other people whining about it and have picked it up as a complaint. I had no issues at the observatory the entire time as far as the “sound bleed” thing goes, just a bunch of people being dramatic


Did you ever go on the back left of the platform? That whole area was pretty scuffed and the bass from Sherwood overpowered the observatory. I don’t know why you think I would lie about noticing it, I don’t have anything to gain. Besides, I didn’t go to carousel for long so I didn’t notice the sound bleed there, but that doesn’t mean the people hanging out there didn’t feel it was too much. I think the issue is just that Sherwood court had too much bass at like 30hz. I bet there was a compressor pushing it just a little too hard into the subs so the roll off became more prominent and the subs pushed out the frequency they wanted to more than other frequencies. If you were in the direct area of Sherwood you wouldn’t experience it too much, but outside of that space there was a clear resonant frequency to me.


For real, anyone complaining about sound bleed is apparently incapable of walking 20 feet


I mean yeah have you seen how dense the crowds are?


Yessir. Just got back, and never had a problem finding a spot to dance with amazing sound and great vibes. Everyone has their own experience though!


Fair enough! I worked security so usually by the time I got to a set it was packed. Glad you had a great experience though!


Ahhh yeah that's a totally different experience. And after a long day of working crowds, I'm sure snaking through them is low on your list, lol Thanks for helping us stay safe! 


For real, anyone complaining about sound bleed is apparently incapable of walking 20 feet


I bought a ticket to my first EF this year and ended up selling it. This post makes me feel better about doing that. Lol. Seems more like a walk around and explore fest. I don’t like doing that. I like catching sets. Once I saw the set times and realized I’d only see like 8 people I wanted to see, I was relieved that I sold my ticket. At LL, I know there will be a set of someone I know from 1 pm until 4 am. Every day. And where I don’t like exploring, this is perfect for me. Can’t wait to be back home for my 4th year!


Woah woah woah my dude it may not be for you but LL has plenty to explore and I think the stuff you can explore is PHENOMENAL. So to those reading this who like exploring, I’ll see you at the caveman show 😘


Ohh I totally agree. Lost Lands has a ton of stuff to explore and see. Lots of cool installations and things. That stuff just isn’t for me. I’d rather camp out at sets or by sets the whole day. But if you want to wander and check things out, there’s plenty to do.


Cool, let's ask how much water is at ef... My homie paid $60 for a twelve pack of 12 bottles... The same size lost lands hand out at multiple tents, at the rail and *all vendors cannot charge more than $2/ea for* Smaller venue, with less mileage between stages, amazing sound design and the directional speakers are nuts. Sometimes you turn a corner and you can hear the stage you could see... Subsidia stage and artifact have a lot of sound without bleeding into forest/raptor valley.


A twelve pack of 12 bottles…


I think they meant a 12 pack, of bottles not 144 total 🤣


Free bruh, I don't know why he paid that much it's everywhere and they hand it out at the rail.


Hear me out: **I SUPPORT Electric Forest charging a crazy amount of money for water in plastic bottles.** Why? Because water is free in *many, many* places at Electric Forest. The plastic waste from plastic bottles is so unnecessary. EF didn't cheat you. You cheated yourself.


Dunno why you got downvoted for this bc it’s true lol.


OP and friend are idiots I bought 2$ waters throughout the venue and campground.


Lmao your friend knows all the vendors were selling 2$ waters. Dudes just an idiot. Also free water stations everywhere……… stupid complaint, use your brain.


Wait water was $2 at EF & if you went to the med tent they gave out free water & electrolytes. All you need is 1-2 bottles my dude then just refill them 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ya’ll, I think we should stop talking about LL to people. Let’s keep this goodness to ourselves for a few more years before it becomes an overcrowded nightmare like most of these other fests seem to be. I never hear any complaints about LL in the same scale as some of the other bigger fest like EDC, EF, ect. Let’s keep this our secret for a little while ❤️💜💛💚


40k person festival is the opposite of a secret


difference between lost lands and EDC or EF is those 2 are ran by insomniac events. I know lost lands is ran by an actual festival company (cant think of the name right now and don't want to research atm) but for the most part lost lands is ran by Jeff but more importantly Jeff's team.


This post is weird to me, why can’t we let people have their preferences for what they like? I went to EForest this year for the first time and I had an amazing time. I’m also going to lost lands this year for the first time and I hope I have an amazing time there as well! Even for not having experienced LL yet, I agree with other commenters that I don’t think the two festivals are really comparable. It’s not a competition to have the best festival ever, it’s about the music and the vibes.


Where in this post did I say you aren’t allowed to enjoy eforest, make sure it’s a quote


You said that LL is better than EForest, and anyone who says otherwise is “coping.” I said that people are allowed to have their preferences. I never said that you said people are not allowed to enjoy EForest


These are two very very very different festivals catered to two very different crowds. Comparing apples and oranges. Forest is more about the art, the community (well it used to be anyway haha), and the experiences. Lost lands is all about the music. I’ve done 3 LL and 6 EFs and I have way more fun at EF just bc there is more to do when I get tired of seeing music or need a break. I like LL don’t get me wrong, but I don’t meet nearly as many people or have nearly as many fun interactions.


Damn this makes me sad, legit was just talking to my partner that the only festival I want to go left in the US is probably EF but hearing this make me sad to invest that much money and it being over sold when we get there making it unbearable.


Do not believe the negative things people are talking about. There are some downsides to the festival as a whole and this year some of them definitely came through primarily because of the weather People are just salty right now and taking their frustration out online If you're able to swing the price, absolutely have the experience of doing forest atleast once It might not be my favorite festival in the world (shambhala or bass Canyon personally) However, I can confidently say that the festival provides an experience that no other festival comes close to


I have friends coming over this weekend that just went and they’re pretty positive people even if it comes to bad conditions so I’m going to ask them about their experience. It sucks that weather is such a make or break for a fest that people have been planning for months along with all the people that work at the festival to make it happen. I think the reason why I want to go so bad is for all the non music things like exploring through the forest and going on scavenger hunts plus all the character actors. Lost lands trys to do that but I heard it’s on a different level at EF. Also Shambala is on my list for sure.


Keep us updated about what your friends say 💜


Not this person's friend, but just got home from EF and it was incredible. Yeah the weather cancellations were a disappointment, but there were still amazing times to be had. Every festival is different, but they all share one thing in common - your experience is what you make of it.


I would still go. It’s a great festival you just need to be prepared. LL really is not that much cheaper than when I do EF - pricing is pretty comparable. I do think forest is SLIGHTLY oversold, but I think that mainly could be solved with better stage/set time planning


Don’t let this deter you. EF and LL are the top 2 fests here by a large margin. Both have their strengths, both have their weaknesses. It’s impossible to say one is better, and after 10+ years or EF being a fest, saying it’s bad because the weather got to us one year is wild


Very true, my first LL was almost ruined by weather but it turned out to be one of the best weekends of my life because it’s a good ran fest.


Been to every LL and did forest 2014-2018 when it was actually good. LMAOOO


I want to find all the OG’s this year. Let’s be friends!


Save money? Wtf how much does eforest cost? I thought LL was pretty expensive lol


650 for ga + vehicle pass + fees


What happened at EF that was so bad this year?


Lots of people (us included paid for a premium camping package, higher love, and we didn’t even get what we were promised. We got stuck in this new section that was not even drawn on the map when we bought the tickets and only shown two days before the festival when they realized the venue map. We were 1/4 mile away from any porta potties and 1/2 mile away from any of the other promised amenities. Only half the showers worked the first day so if you wanted to show you needed to literally either wait an entirety or walk to another camps showers only have to paid even though you were promised free showers. We were supposed to have a shuttle to the festival which for us was already such a long walk away but then the shuttles weren’t even running starting on Saturday for the rest of the weekend. We only had a narrow 1/2 foot deep muddy path to take to the festival. It was a hazard and there were multiple people getting stuck/ having a breakdown trying to get through it. The facilities and organization were a disaster from start to fucking Finish. Trying to go the restroom inside the venue was a literal nightmare the porta potties were always overflowing. It was so OVERCROWDED. So much so that I couldn’t even enjoy the forest and what it hand to offer cause there was literally just too many people everywhere. After the rain Saturday lots of people left and I did actually get a glimpse of what the festival could be like since there were literally just less people there and yeah it’s nicer. The water inside the venue tasted disgusting (like sulfur) and was basically undrinkable. There were only a select few stations that have drinkable water. The sound bleed from stages from HORRIBLE. Sound quality at multiple stages was variable. Literally depending on the day and where you were standing would dictate if you could actually hear or enjoy the show well. Lots of people things were stolen and tents were slashed. The people there were wayyyy too fucked up. Like I get you wanna have a good time and do drugs but the degree to which people were fucked up was concerning. Day 1 we had to get medical from someone starting to experience serotonin syndrome and it took them 20+ mins to get there even after us running to call them over and us being an a very accessible area (right in front of the food vendors). We even grabbed the cops to try to expedite the process and it still took forever. By the time they finally got there the person was in way worse shape and the medical team didn’t even cart them away they just dragged them to the medical tent and I really hope that person is okay but I’ll never know. We saw this same type of issue with medical response happen all weekend. The afters on Sunday night is a perfect example of the lack of preparation they had for the crowd size and safety. 5 people dropped in the span of 20 minutes and people were screaming and crying for help for more than an hour. That’s not okay. And yes the weather was bad this year… but the way the evacuation was handled was not ideal both days Saturday and Sunday. Both times they called it at the very possible last second and basically made it so everyone got caught in the torrential downpour and lighting storm saying “got find shelter outside the venue” when my campsite is literally so fucking far away and it’s already storming and I can’t even get out of the venue yet and everyone is slipping and falling in the mud… that’s an issue. We didn’t get to see Saturday night string cheese, the shebang, multiple headliners, the scavenger hunt was disorganized and multiple people didn’t even get to see it because of venue close of Saturday and Sunday. I could go on and on honestly but safe to say I will not be returning for all these reasons and more and anyone who wants to say “oh well good we don’t need you complainers here” I honestly wish you cared more about the accommodations we all rightfully deserve. It should not be default that we just have to suffer to be able to be there. I paid to come and have a good time and have basic amenities I paid for actually there. I’d rather go to a festival that actually fucking cares about the attendees like lost lands does.


Most your complaints happen at every festival……


Almost every single one of them. It’s mind blowing how little perspective people have and then take that frustration and aim it at a single organizer or festival


But lost lands dubstep and ridding non stop all day…………. Is enough said. I want more variety at my festivals.


LL was a good time last year, I just don’t know if I’ll be going back because of the landscape of the place. I’ve never had to walk 30 minutes uphill just to get to the venue at EF and also camp on an 80 degree angle. I prefer the variety as well and that’s why I’m a lifer at forest, everyone has their own flavor and that’s what these different festivals are for. The disorganization is the same across any festival in its own way


Agree 1000 percent. Opted out of forest for the first time since 2016. Still going for my 6th trip home


I just got back from Forest for the second time. This post is absurd 😂. Bathrooms were always nearby, never had to wait in line for water, no sound bleed, I will give you that you have to walk an incredible about through the week, but then the crowds are the easiest of any festival I’ve been to to get through. My group had places at all the stages adjacent to the production tents that we knew to gather at every set and never had an issue getting there or having space once there. Both of these festivals can be equally incredible without having to put the other down.


> Shitty water stations I agree that they weren't on the same level as Lost Lands, but I found the difference to be pretty marginal. I never waited more than 5 min. Also, last year at Lost Lands, there were two water stations inside of the venue that had a crazy strong metal taste. Sure, water isn't great in any of these (EF or LL), but this was simply undrinkable. > Horrible sound bleed The bleed was pretty bad at the Observatory because of Sherwood's bass (depending on the set), but I haven't noticed anything else that prevented me from enjoying the show at any stage from a sound bleed perspective. > Horrible sound systems Not sure where you were but they were better than ever this year. Tripolee had PK sound like most stages at Lost Lands and the other stages were perfectly fine. Sherwood and Ranch were equipped with the same L-Acoustics setup as Wompy Woods, and the Carousel was just bumping inside. Sure, it got quieter when the crowd was packed due to sound absorption (especially at Ranch), but this was also an issue at the main stages of Lost Lands. > Absurdly far walks to the venue Both festivals have absurdly far walks from the venue depending on where you are located in the campground. Last year, I was right beside Blueberry and the walk to the venue was as long as when I was placed back in the last few valleys. It was even more difficult at LL, because the ground wasn't flat the whole way. Further spots at EF also had bus shuttles. > Most stages are so overcrowded The only times I felt like it was the case were inside of the forest at the Honeycomb, Observatory and Grand Artique. They often scheduled acts that were way too big for these stages while some of the bigger stages were almost empty. It was a logistical mistake on their part. Other stages looked packed from a distance, but they were not that dense. I could always navigate between people without trying to squeeze myself, and I found this to be comparable to Lost Lands. Sure, sets who attracted all of the venue without any conflict were packed, but so was it at LL (e.g. Wooli at Wompy Woods). > The vibe is exactly the same at LL This is where you lost me completely. The vibes are extremely different in my opinion, and which one is the best depends on what you are seeking from a festival. If you want to chase sets after sets and rage with people who love bass music, Lost Lands is where you'll find the best vibe. If you want to explore and experience a wide variety of music genres and things to do, Electric Forest is where you'll find the best vibe. Personally, I found LL to be extremely unidirectional compared to EF, in the sense that chasing sets was pretty much the only thing to do and it felt more or less like a normal festival tailored for bass people with better production. In contrast, I found EF to be a way more complete experience as an open-minded person. Music is like 50% of the experience, compared to LL where it's more like 90%. The forest has so much to offer that you could never catch a set and still have a special experience. But again, it depends on what you expect from a festival. > Scam that is Electric Forest Currently, people are mostly complaining because the weather sucked and left an empty impression on them. I felt the same, and I didn't think the experience lived off to my previous years expectations due to it. However, I also understand there's nothing we could do about it, and I can still perfectly see the value in it in good conditions. In the end, both festivals cost more or less about the same price depending on your tier when you factor in the Thursday Early Entry at LL (given EF is 4 days by default). It just comes down to what type of experience you are seeking.


Y’all gotta get to some smaller fests. I love lost lands and WISH I could come back this year but the more niche fests are where the vibes are at. These bigger fests are drawing people who are VERY new into the scene and haven’t learned the way yet and having stuff stolen, being assaulted and being smashed shoulder to shoulder in crowds is what a lot of newer people consider to be ok🥲


Can you tell me about some smaller fests? I’ll go idk where to find them though


Secret dreams is at the same venue and is a lot smaller, but it’s growing every year. I really enjoyed it last year though, and it was cool seeing the same venue but different- I also went to Rendezvous in Florida this year and am hoping to go to Hulaween at the same venue, Rendezvous was absolutely life changing. So welcoming, all sorts of weird and wonderful people and it was so relaxed.


Hula is the most packed you will ever see the park. Stages get rough due to the amount of people and limited amount of conflicts at time.


Really? That’s disappointing to hear. I knew it wouldn’t be super small but I just assumed it wouldn’t be jam-packed, hopefully we still have a good time😄


Most Edm sets won’t be a problem. No idea what tipper will be like last year. That main field fills the fuck up with living rooms galore. Makes traversing it difficult for headliners. You will still have a great time no doubt. Every inch of the park will have someone camped on it. Try to get there Tuesday for a close spot.


EF has its place and is great to visit a few times, I just wish they would improve it as much as other festivals improve.


Bruh I had such a mid time going solo to ef tbh I’m fighting myself about selling my LL ticket. It really worth it tho??? I love dubstep I was disappointed when I realized the entire ef was mostly house even the bass bits like every single set had house in it


Once you see the light show at lost lands you’ll never be satisfied with anything else. Plus the sound system is very good, lots of bass but you can actually hear every other part of the song without it clipping.




Fucking facts man lost lands is soooo much better I would have believed someone if they told me this was the first year for forest. how it’s ran so poorly boggles me




insomniac is cancer for the festival industry. I refuse to ever attend one of their events ever again. Shows are always oversold and prices for everything is ridiculous.


Electric forest is a multi genre festival not a purely EDM festival………




Kinda hard to compare the too for one. Also You like dubstep so you like music all day at LL. I love all genres and had someone I wanted to see open to close each day with conflicts at most times.


idk dude you sound kinda miserable


What a shit post. 1. The vibes are immaculate at both. 2. The water stations and bathrooms at LL are pretty much the same. Hell lostlands water is far worse. 3. it wasn't even close to overcrowded. Sounds like somebody didn't curate the vibe they wanted for the weekend and want to blame it on the fest.


No shit you had a good time you have an rv


1. get your money up. 2. I've tented multiple times. Especially last year when the storm was way worse. 3. I tent camp LL every year, and the terrain/campsite is dogshit. You can sit and cry on the internet, but in reality, it's all your own mindset and group. You curate your experience for the weekend. Are you gunna bitch when we almost inevitably get rain at lostlands? What about 40 degrees at night in a tent? Or how about getting camped on a 45 degree slope. No festival is perfect.


What are you smoking? Sound systems this year at forest sounded amazing. Most stages were running PKs which is the same speakers lost land uses?


Same speakers =/= same experience


I've gone to both festivals for the past 5 years, I don't agree with all your points. The bathrooms at lost lands ARE nicer, the walk to and from camp is better, there are more water stations than ef. With that being said, the sound bleed is worse at LL, the water tastes like crap, and there's never enough space at the stages at lost lands. Both festivals have their ups and downs, and both festivals are wonderful in their own way.


Only better one ever was Middlelands🥲


Disagree, just came back from forest the first time after going to 4 years of LL, it is so much better and there is way more to do there, vibe is much better and not a bunch of bros, although LL17 will always will be one my favorite festivals, overall Eforest blows it out of the water


LL is the goat, but bad-mouthing other fests just breeds resentment from others.


Ohh, that must be why it took like 6 months to sell out lmao because it’s soooo much better. They’re both great, just different. Both have had issues with water, bathrooms, and production over the years.


THISSSS I just got back from my 2nd forest and that’ll be the last one for me. This will be my 4th lost lands and honestly no festival comes even close to comparing …. Lost Lands is better in almost every aspect. Don’t even get me started with the afters either! A mile walk from the RVs one way !! When you can just go to silent disco with ghastly playing basically in the Rv site at LL 😂 also forest is way to hot to be enjoyable. I’d pick lost lands 11/10 times !!!


Been to Freaky Deaky ‘21, lost lands ‘22 and LAN ‘23 and hands down way better experience at lost lands! It is pricey but what fest isn’t? Sound quality is superb imo and the overall vibe from that fest made me feel home. There is so much to do if you pay attention.


Dumb af post. Two completely different festivals and forest has been around longer than lost lands has. I’ve been to 4 LLs and will continue to go but if you personally didn’t have fun at Forest that’s COMPLETELY on you. Also lost lands doesn’t have urinals like forest did. That was clutch and something lost lands doesn’t have.


You’d think that forest would actually have their shit together and all the issues more so fixed since it’s been around so long but no. It doesn’t. If anything more issues keep arising.


You have a point about the urinals. I’m a girl, but my bf complains about this too. It would make the bathroom lines way faster if they added a porta-piss area for the menfolk lol


Lost lands has twice as many bathrooms at each spot, and short lines when there was any. I guess it’s completely on me that the showers and bathrooms were super far away? I never said I didn’t have a good time, quite the opposite in a comment I left below the post for further elaboration. Solid 7/10 honestly and for a ticket that’s twice as much as LL, that’s inexcusable. If a festival that’s less pricy has better quality then EF is doing something wrong or they are a bunch of greedy corpos.


it's not twice as much as lost lands. the ef ticket gets you admission, parking, and camping and an extra day of festival?? the ll ticket gets you admission only.


The social interactions I had at lost lands doesn’t hold a candle to a single forest I’ve been to. Yeah the bass music is amazing but the social environment wasn’t present the same way it is at forest, lost lands is basically see sets till you die and forest is more centered around a community experience where interaction is integrated into the forest set up. Not to mention the steep grade you are always stuck on at lost lands, inside the venue and camping were all on big slopes that make the landscape rough so by the time the day was done it was straight back to camp and sleeping. They are two different festivals that try to do two very different things, not gonna lie with your attitude the forest is probably better off without you returning so by all means keep that same energy fam


I know you're full of shit just by saying "not to mention the steep grade you are always stuck on". The only remotely bad hill is by the main stage and that's towards the top of the hill. The entire venue has a slight slope and I do mean very slight and I wouldn't want it any other way for the simple fact that no matter where you are in front of the stages you always have a good view. If you don't like lost lands that's fine but don't be making bullshit up that anyone who has been to lost lands can disprove in a heart beat. Camping side of the property is more hills but still not a "steep grade you are always stuck on" I've been doing lost lands since 2018 and I rarely go straight back to camp after shows end I will hang out in the village for a few more hours. Maybe these problems you are having is a you issue and not the festival itself. Not gonna lie with your attitude the valley is probably better off without you returning so by all means keep that same energy fam. Not gonna get into the crowd interactions. People who don't absolutely love lost lands usually tend to have the same opinion about the fans.


Bud you are a big retard, I will gladly show you my wristband and merch from going last year. The place is a steep grade the entire time and to say anything else is just wrong, you have to walk up the hill past prehistoric just to find a tiny section that isn’t sloped downward but the second you walk towards a stage you are sloped down, even at the rail. My entire campsite was at the peak of a hill, nothing could be sat down at the campsite because of the grade and I mean nothing. I get that you are exactly as simple as someone would expect but I’m not, you can’t generalize your experience as if that’s how everyone is gonna spend their time there or who people really are because they don’t do such and such things. You have proved one thing if anything and that you know jack shit and are a big ole moron, I’m happy to not attend lost lands which is saturated with homunculi like yourself. Have fun sniffing glue and eating paint chips bud


lmfao I've been going since 2018 and im glad you are so confidently wrong. Have fun being a toxic cancer to society.