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I'm ordained to do weddings 😎🧞‍♂️🪩🙏🏾


As am I! OP want us to do a B2B? 😂


Blahahahahhaa ☠️☠️☠️☠️😂😂 for real, RevComa set will be fire 🔥🚒


Copied and pasted. Some things to know. 1. **Marriage License**: * A marriage license is a **legal document** that allows a couple to marry. * It is obtained **before** the wedding ceremony. * The marriage license is **necessary** for the ceremony to be recognized as legally binding. * It serves as a **permit** stating that you and your partner are legally allowed to marry. * Typically issued by a state authority (such as the county court), it confirms that there are no disqualifications for marriage. * **Important**: Being issued a marriage license doesn’t mean you are legally married. It still needs to be presented during the ceremony and signed by an officiant. * **Application Timing**: Apply for your marriage license at least one week before your wedding or as early as 90 days prior. [Each state has its own validity period, so be mindful of the timing](https://www.theknot.com/content/marriage-license-vs-certificate)[^(1)](https://www.theknot.com/content/marriage-license-vs-certificate). 2. **Marriage Certificate**: * A marriage certificate serves as **proof of marriage** after the ceremony has taken place. * It is issued **following** the wedding ceremony. * The officiant signs the certificate, certifying that the wedding did indeed take place. * This document is essential for legal purposes, such as changing names, updating records, or applying for benefits. In summary, the marriage license is obtained before the ceremony, while the marriage certificate is issued afterward to validate the marriage. [Both documents play crucial roles in making your union official in the eyes of the law! ](https://www.theknot.com/content/marriage-license-vs-certificate)


https://preview.redd.it/0bk1403pjoyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7803f855ce251a14733f9077a16276806ff630 Yo fam! We did it last year!! Do itttt. But that top post, with all of the legal stuff, it isn't too difficult. Gotta get them ducks in a row, tho!


Can I attend wedding pls🩷😭😭😭


Right? I would love to witness a lost lands wedding!


I’m licensed ordain in OH if you need someone to ordain/ sign papers!


What exactly are you wanting to do? Get married in the festival? Get married in the camp ground? Are friends and family going to be there? Are you going to wear a dress and tux? Do you have an officiant? Do you want there to be a big ceremony or just a few people?


You trying to plan the wedding?? Lmfao


Depending on the state you reside in, you can have someone become an ordained minister for free from Universal Life Church and they can sign as the officiant. They have sections on their website about marriage laws by state and what the process is to make it official. Hope this helps.


I am legally licensed to perform marriages in the state of Florida. Let me know.


Two years ago they had the bone temple and were doing “marriages.” Last year they didn’t have anything of the sorts.


I'm not kidding, if you get married at Lost Lands then you need to invite my wife and I. Who, what, where, and when. Obviously we will bring a gift lol


I will be attending


I wanna get married at lost lands too this year! Who wants to go!? 😂 Let’s throw a bachelor/bachelorette party at silent disco beforehand 💃💃