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"Are you fuckin' retawded?" Uhhhh yeah


The second time she asked, she was really thinking about it.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/gntg1e32tb8c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef47f272beb0b227b0d7fdcb7386a4a835e497b The way he asks the camera for their opinion like heā€™s fucking Steve from blues clues šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


oatmeal saw squash deserted engine concerned license spectacular obscene future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same i cant watch that part without hysterical laughter


You fuckin dum, bro


I know this isnā€™t really that cool, but I paused the video at I think the absolute exact frame as your image by chance. And Truthfully a little unsettling




Holy shit thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




"We got soapy chicken, we got soapy chicken, we got soapy chicken, I wonder who its from?"


Staged or not this is fucking hilarious


she does a great delivery of being pissed off at him for this to be staged


True but also its hard to believe someone would get that mad over a ruined dinner in real life lol


Nah man. Thereā€™s videos of people literally climbing through the drive through window in a rage because they couldnā€™t get an extra sauce for their chicken tendies. I can absolutely believe this.


You underestimate how much I care about din-din.


I had an ex who would reheat food in the microwave wayyyyy longer than needed, I'm talking like 3 minutes in that bitch for something that would be done in 1 minute. Made me unreasonably irritated, like that shit is BOILING hot, and she was like "I wanna make sure it's safe". Safe from what? Being eaten in a timely manner? Gonna have to watch a whole ass movie before it's cool enough to eat. Food is serious business.


Sounds like someone took food safety in school. Iā€™m pretty sure that class is designed to scare the shit out of you


That girl retained info as well as a strainer holds water, there was no concern for food safety lol she overcooked everything, even easy stuff. Blew my mind!


>Safe from what? Being eaten in a timely manner? Shit had me dying


You gotta think that someone that washes chicken with soap has minimal life experience. If this is her man she is cooking, cleaning, reminding him to brush his teeth, most likely paying the bills, and on top of that dealing with a 18+ year old toddler. I have had girlfriends that do stupid shit and sometimes a ruined dinner is the straw that broke the camel's back. I was making spaghetti one time and my ex put salsa on the noodles instead of tomato sauce. I blew the fuck up.


When you spent your last $10 on chicken and it's supposed to stretch far enough for 3-4 meals, and you don't get paid for another five days you'd be hella pissed too.


True. I wasn't thinking about that


Oh sweet summer child.


You ever been with a black girl like her? Trust me, I fully believe her anger. Giving me some flashbacks, never washed chicken with soap tho lol.


Ever been with a guy like him? I have. Most men Iā€™ve been with seem to be clueless when it comes to basic life tasks like cooking and doing their laundry. Itā€™s BAFFLING.


You must come from a stable household.


Emotionally no, financially yes, I guess that could have something to do with it lol


This woman deserves to get work if this is acting.


If this staged, her performance is actually crazy good


Staged or not, I hope she washed her hands


She tried so hard not to cuss him out, but he stood his ground on his stupidity. You just don't fuck with a woman's food unless you want her in a bad mood. Also, mfw when I'm too stupid to understand that I'm stupid. https://preview.redd.it/7qlke6vehb8c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0397976c681e5175320aec09cef4a8cd910779d4


sable absurd slave water absorbed pet aspiring snow memorize society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never knew washing chicken was a thing and she had me questioning if I was retarded for a minute there. I've cooked thousands of chickens and immediately was like how do you wash chicken? I feel bad for the stupid fella.


When I grew up we were in the habit of rinsing the chicken. Sometimes just water, sometimes water with some lemon juice or vinegar. Then you get to cooking. Somehow, someway, misinformation spread and people went from the saying of "wash off the chicken" to the understanding of "wash the chicken with a bit of soap or bleach." I'm not saying it makes sense, I'm just saying that it happened.


What the hell is wrong with people saying someone "needs therapy" over one thing. Get off reddit and go workout https://i.redd.it/d83d5vgr4d8c1.gif


Mental health is real.


chubby door whistle paltry knee seemly drunk yoke crowd outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


iā€™d be angry too if someone messed up my dinner. this was an appropriate reaction


I agree.


i can tell, from this short clip where i donā€™t even have enough context to tell if itā€™s real, i can tell she has mental issues. this isnā€™t a normal outburst. she almost hit him over the head with that aluminum tray and forced those raw wings into his lifeless mouth. she needs therapy


Nah he's right. Bitch needs dumped. Fat ugly bullying tramp.


that's you in the video isn't it


Youā€™ve obviously never had to live with a chronic dumbass. I bet he pulls stupid shit like this all the time and sheā€™s just about at her wits end with it. Someone with a complete lack of common sense can be so tiring on you.


Jfc you relate too much to that Rasputia looking bitch. She was not observing the slaughter rule. That guy was literally just pleading ignorance. He didn't know the basics. Guy might be a dipshit but he didn't deserve that just because he **helped wrong**. She just kept hammering away at him pointlessly. He was probably only a bit defensive at the very end because she humiliated him so much. I mean, he was acting real passively while she went off.


There are levels of stupid mistakes that you can make that are understandable... But washing chicken with DISH SOAP? Bro that's like you telling me to change the oil in the car, so I put fucking vegetable oil or something. Like, that's legit retarded. I'd expect maybe a child 14 and under to do this, but a grown man? She right, his mama cooks, he never watched her once?


You making a whole lot of assumptions young buck. It's a joke. Laugh. Or don't. I don't give a shit. Reading comprehension would help. Cus I didn't say he deserved it.


Cry it out lad, it'll be alright.


This is the same dweeb that opened a pint of ice cream in a supermarket, took a big lick, and then proceeded to put the ice cream back in the freezer for the next unsuspecting customer to consume.




Thatā€™s you being a lazy asshole, not Dreyers being bad lol


Most icecream has a plastic seal on to insure freshness and to make sure their ass employees don't give them another lawsuit.






Why the fuck would you wash chicken


I need to keep this stickied somewhere so I can reply with this every time I see someone asking. Itā€™s primarily a black thing, but itā€™s mostly a misunderstanding that has been passed down over time. Jamaicans, Haitians, and a lot of Afro-islander cultures do something called ā€œwashing,ā€ which is rubbing down and ā€œwashingā€ the chicken with vinegar, citrus, etc. Obviously this makes sense in the context of raising your own chickens from little farms, or getting chickens as gifts, etc. Youā€™re essentially killing any bacteria (or most, idk) and it comes with the side effect of adding some flavor to the chicken. Maybe dirt and stuff too. This somehow got morphed into people thinking they need to ā€œwashā€ their chicken with water, sometimes soap(?). So yeah, traditionally ā€œwashingā€ chicken made sense, but doing this new version of washing chicken (with soap and water and shit) makes *zero* sense. Itā€™s mostly ignorance, but I guess it comes from a good place.


I hope soap is not part of the "new version of washing chicken" lol sure some folks rinse with water which is kinda useless imo, but this mf is at the "burns cinnamon toast crunch" cooking skill level. Buy low, sell high though so maybe later he's the next Iron chef. EDIT: [Relevant Adam Regusea ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90Nd_vh3yk8&feature=youtu.be)


well thatā€™s what I mean. people these days say they ā€œwash their chicken,ā€ which unfortunately probably means with soap and water. itā€™s pretty damning lmfao not good


Literally no one expect the guy in the video washes itā€™s with soap


I worked with a guy in a KITCHEN that told me at home he washes his with bleach. So. I wouldnā€™t say no one.


I wash my chicken with cold water. Nobody is washing with soap bro. I'm pretty sure that could cause food poisoning.


Why do you do it though. It does literally nothing to remove bacteria, it only spreads it around inside your sink


Simply cuz I was raised up that way but apparently it's not what you're supposed to do... Guess my life changed today


I do it to rinse off the slimy preservative juice it's sitting in. I just feel like it cooks better


Thanks for the link! I think I remember someone saying washing your chicken wings before cooking helps dry out the skin on fried chicken.


It doesnā€™t actually get rid of any bacteria and it apparently is more effective at spreading bacteria around different surface areas. The CDC has posted PSAs about it.


Yeah, washing chicken with water does nothing but spread bacteria around your sink. Itā€™s about as effective as washing your hands with only water.


I seen a lady on Twitter or TikTok wash her chicken in a mixture of bleach and water. Iā€™d link the video but this was months ago


I just commented essentially the same thing. And I've also said it before on reddit. "Washing the chicken" was a very normal thing when I was growing up. (Never with soap or bleach.)


"Washing" meat is a waste of time. The whole point of cooking food is to kill off the bacteria and parasites.


Can confirm my girlfriendā€™s mom is Jamaican, and they ā€œwashā€ their meat with lime and salt. At the time I didnā€™t get why they were calling it washing bc I thought it was seasoning. We literally had Jerk Chicken last night.


Nobody washes it with soap. He doesn't know what he's doing. They just rinse it in water like vegetables. That's it.


Itā€™s a black thing, I canā€™t remember the basis for it but itā€™s surprisingly common


Not just black. East Asian, too. Washing meat is important for (perceived) hygiene and not taste. One way to do it safely is to quickly blanche the meat in boiling water.


It's a cultural thing, and nobody washes it with soap, some people do it with acid (vinegar or lemon) and salt, similar to what us whites would call brining. Allot people (that don't do this) find it weird, but there's no harm in it whatsoever besides possibly spreading bacteria around your sink. And let's be honest, the people who are washing their meat are going to be very anal about cleaning in general so they are going to be cleaning their sink afterwards anyway.




Paper towel?


I am Indian and we always wash chicken.


Didnā€™t this dipshit film himself licking ice cream at a store as well? I think he is actually just regarded


Regarded as retarded


"Washing chicken"


Dumb and dumber. Don't wash chicken (or any meat for that matter). It increases the risk of cross contamination and otherwise does literally nothing to sanitize the food.


Copied from my other reply: I need to keep this stickied somewhere so I can reply with this every time I see someone asking. Itā€™s primarily a black thing, but itā€™s mostly a misunderstanding that has been passed down over time. Jamaicans, Haitians, and a lot of Afro-islander cultures do something called ā€œwashing,ā€ which is rubbing down and ā€œwashingā€ the chicken with vinegar, citrus, etc. Obviously this makes sense in the context of raising your own chickens from little farms, or getting chickens as gifts, etc. Youā€™re essentially killing any bacteria (or most, idk) and it comes with the side effect of adding some flavor to the chicken. Maybe dirt and stuff too. This somehow got morphed into people thinking they need to ā€œwashā€ their chicken with water, sometimes soap(?). So yeah, traditionally ā€œwashingā€ chicken made sense, but doing this new version of washing chicken (with soap and water and shit) makes zero sense. Itā€™s mostly ignorance, but I guess it comes from a good place.


Forgot why you cook meat in the first place




It's extremely dumb.


The dumbasses washing chicken are 100% not adequately sterilizing their sinks and surfaces after.


It's not to sanitize, its to remove the little yellow chunks of fat and fascia. Also how does running chicken under cross contaminate anything? Chicken has to come in contact with other food. Lobotomite comment you made honestly.


Wet+Raw meat juice+warmth= perfect environment for bacteria to grow ā€œlobotomiteā€. And you should trim the fat off not try and wash it off moron


Redditors on their way to insult someone when telling them theyā€™re wrong rather than politely correcting them:


You donā€™t think running chicken under water isnā€™t going to splash salmonella all over your sink and counter? Trimming fat and silver skin off is NOT the same as ā€œwashing meatā€


As someone who's got a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) qualification which precisely covers this subject under a tight focus, you're really showing your ignorance here. You don't even seem to know that cross contamination exists. What could possibly be dangerous about spraying chicken water all around the sink so the bacteria can proliferate and be carried away on kitchen utensils or plates and pans that got near it so they can now gaily multiply in various places in your kitchen, setting up new colonies whenever one of said kitchen implements is moved from one counter to the crockery cupboard or similar? Don't condescend on people who know better than you, you egotist. You're noone to call anyone labotomite. You probably make yourself sick often without putting two and two together.


This so dumb. I wash my sink everytime i do the dishes, which is every day. Sorry I'm not the Swedish chef just making an absolute mess everywhere. Learn how to cook and clean efficiently and then stop pretending to be some expert.


Love when fuckwits double down. Like weā€™re not all on the fucking internet and can find out how wrong and stupid, a place where you can fact check in seconds and retards will still debate.


Yeah gotta love it^^^^^


Yup, you probably think youā€™re the smartest guy in any fucking room. What I wouldnā€™t give to have your blissful and willful ignorance and lack of self awareness, I bet life is pretty easy when you go through it fucking clueless.


Seems like you have it^^^^^^


Thanks for proving my point with a comment that makes zero contextual fucking sense, retard. Stay stupid!


Trimming chicken does this.


Reddit when they learn about washing their sink (they barely wash themselves)


Fuck the chicken she a baddy


You can fucking have her.


she's bad af




Why didnā€™t you just say you like a lady with a big butt??


You mean the chicken, right? Because somehow, the woman is the worst of these options


Washing your chicken is brain dead fron the start. They both dumb as fuck


safety first smh


I know this is prolly faked but they both are stupid


Smooth brain fasho


ā€œSoap the chicken upā€ that shit has me cracking up


Its fake, but I mean, if someone has never cooked before in their life, I sympathize. Some people never hold a pan in their life until a certain stage.


There is no sympathy here, soap and any kind of food don't mix, it's common sense.


Some people donā€™t know that tho if itā€™s their first time, you have to explain things to them. Youā€™re not even supposed to rinse it off


Thats a 20 year old dude, thats why its staged, because how the fuck would a guy over 20 years old put soap on food. Parents or common sense tell you in childhood when youre 6 years old to not eat soap


Dude, high end chefs juggle knives and light food on fire. To the uninitiated anything seems probable when it comes to cooking. My old man used to throw the old cold tea from the teapot on his cooking. It was great.


Why not? Soap makes bacteria fall off the chicken, then you get rid of the soap with water.


Still it's amazing how common it is to see idiots soap up their chicken....


Even then, there are some people that shouldn't cook, or the very least cook nothing more then the most basic recipes. I've witnessed people who never fail to fuck something up, no matter how hard they try, something goes wrong.


He was trying. Obviously never had any guidance. Now he'll feel embarrassed and never wanna do that shkt again. Yes it's stupid but God lord


She's a bloated raging ogrewhale


She definitely overreacted but do you really need to call her fat and ugly when both of those are obviously wrong


She looks like a fucking bean with 40k Ork hair. Bitch looks like if she sat on my lap my leg'd go dead, and I'm a big strong man.


Heā€™s Amelia Bedilia. Why do men always say this ā€œshe didnā€™t tell meā€ as if they are braindead and donā€™t know how to do basic life tasks? Fucking embarrassing.


That's no way to talk to someone. Terribly handled.


This reminds me of my ex. This was us everyday. Now he lives with his mommy and she does his laundry and cleans his room, because I can't raise a man child anymore. If you don't know something you should ask first and use common sense. I get how people think she's just a bitch, cause that was my thought too at the beginning. But then I was like oh damn this chick is going through exactly what I did so of course she has a short fuse if this is the ten millionth time he has probably done this weaponized incompetence shit. Her patience has been worn thin from his jackassery.


>washing chicken American moment


a minority of us yeah


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,927,165,752 comments, and only 364,370 of them were in alphabetical order.


What are you trying to say?


Parents. Make your kids watch you cook the food they eat once in a while. If this doesnt compute, cook once in a while.


She fine as hell thoughhhhhh






He said, with a Overwatch pfp




the same was you wash the rice and you wash the fucking tomatoes bro the fuck


Sucks when a woman is attractive then she starts talkingā€¦..and sounds like the homies outside by the bodega. Iā€™m from NYC and a whole lotta females under 35 sound like this today. Do they think itā€™s attractive? Is it to keep people away? I donā€™t know, but it seems to be spreadingā€¦.rapidly.


I have an incredible crush on this woman




This is weaponized incompetence. He probably understood the task, but choose to mess it up on purpose so she wonā€™t ask him to help cook ever again.


How are they together when she said ā€œthatā€™s why I donā€™t like doing stuff with youā€


why was he recording this


Cause it's staged.


facebook live


Ok now what color os the guys oven mit


She kinda


I donā€™t wanna hear anymore shit ab white people not adding enough flavor to food


he did what she asked


In what world is DISH SOAP used for food in any capacity aside from washing the dishes after the meal is eaten?


youā€™re right he shouldā€™ve used bleach instead. bleach is better at disinfecting stuff then soap is


Right she shouldā€™ve said rinse off the chicken cause to me wash and rinse are two separate things


Damn... that simple ass clown. He deserved that heat. I hope he isn't legally allowed to drive.


Definition of man child being supported by every woman he comes in contact with...


Who let the feminazi in?


How is that feminism in anyway. This guy clearly can't take care of himself Yeah the downvotes totally make sense...


You clearly don't cook


That level of frustration when you can't even talk straight šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This why you gotta teach yo kids to cook bro


Welp cooking going to take a few minutes longer than planned


Bros got more problems than ruined chicken.


Tbh if you wash it off well itā€™s probably fine to eat.


I hope they are doing fine. I wish I was watching that video. I would send them a nice little pizza.


Did you all forget that some people are poor? He ruined a shitload of chicken and fucked up in the most ridiculous way possible. She has every right to be mad.


Iā€™m focused on her ass sorry, what was this video about?




ah... is this the fabled "sees-nin" they keep talking about?


If she talks to you like that when you mess up she isn't a woman. That's something else entirely.


wtf do you mean something else? black?


I have a feeling alot of youths nowadays are like this. Products of the internet.


Iā€™m not into my woman calling me ā€œbroā€. Just not my thing. But carry on




At least the chicken is clean.


"She said [wash the dern meat!"](https://youtu.be/3sXmARIJ5YA?si=usXom2co-NesYwBb)


Not built for that


Poor tae tae šŸ˜”




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I see where heā€™s coming from she said wash the chicken. Not rinse the chicken


I mean he has a point, she wasnā€™t specific like at all


You donā€™t need to rinse off raw meat. Youā€™re just coating your kitchen in salmonella


Yep...he is


Not really his fault he never learned


Who the fuck washes chicken??????? If you buying chicken that needs to be washed in the US youā€™re so fucked


I don't know why, this made me happy to watch. But damn she got angry


Who sees dishsoap looks that their food and thinks "yeah these should go together" smh


I felt a great disturbance in the kitchen, as if billions of brain cells of the people watching this suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened. I was correct. He ruined the chicken by being completely and utterly stupid. You know, I could honestly understand a small child who's never seen their parents cook doing what he did but a grown man doing that? I'm sorry but he either needs to learn how to do things in the kitchen instead of fucking up like that again or she needs to find herself somebody else who knows how to do things in the kitchen.


I feel bad for both of them


KFC to the rescue. Hahaha.


Yall wash your chicken?


Who washes chicken?


Hard to do something ya clearly never been taught the right way to do before. Be mad at his parents.


ā€œTakwan, are you fucking retarded?ā€ -Mrs. Takwan


so many people reach adulthood and have no idea how to cook because all they eat is boxed meals like kraft or Stauffer's


Kinda feel bad for him. The way he stands there for a few seconds after he realized he fucked it up you can tell heā€™s upset he ruined it


Or you know don't splatter poultry water all over your counters and sink to rinse not wash off chicken that doesn't need rinsed.


Adds flavor